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j_86 12-30-2004 04:07 PM

It was a lie :D

John 12-30-2004 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
It was a lie :D

No, a few reasons.

1. It's a completely different system which would have required a conversion script to move all the articles over. Back then I said all I had to do was write up the instructions for it, but that didn't include having to work on something to port the articles over.
2. A select group of ingrates were hassling me at the time for not giving them my undivided attention in getting v3 Articles working on their sites. (Yes, for free)
3. I decided that I would rather spend my time working instead of coding conversion scripts and creating more hassle for myself.

John 12-30-2004 04:38 PM

This was the unreleased system.

Deyth 12-30-2004 04:48 PM

Not releasing that would be a tragedy. It's badly needed.

KTBleeding 12-30-2004 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Deyth
Not releasing that would be a tragedy. It's badly needed.

I agree, it looks nice.

lanc3lot 12-30-2004 05:44 PM

Hmm...i see it would be to lame to ask again for a release date...:)

Happy new year all:)

Paul M 12-30-2004 11:40 PM

Preview bug;

If you edit an article, then preview your edit, then choose submit, the original (unedited) text is saved, losing your changes.

This small change should fix this bug.

In article.php

Find ;

PHP Code:


Add this code above it ;

PHP Code:

    if ($_REQUEST['edpreview'])
        if (isset(
$editarticle['message'] = convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($_POST['WYSIWYG_HTML'], 0);
$editarticle['message'] = &$_POST['message'];

j_86 12-31-2004 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by John
No, a few reasons.

1. It's a completely different system which would have required a conversion script to move all the articles over. Back then I said all I had to do was write up the instructions for it, but that didn't include having to work on something to port the articles over.
2. A select group of ingrates were hassling me at the time for not giving them my undivided attention in getting v3 Articles working on their sites. (Yes, for free)
3. I decided that I would rather spend my time working instead of coding conversion scripts and creating more hassle for myself.

Nice of you to post; and your system looks great. It's a shame you're not releasing it.

But then, I still wouldn't install it because i'm guessing it would be as unsupported and buggy as the last (for reasons you are completeley right to give - you'd rather be working).

Thank you PaulM for helping everyone out with this hack so far :)

John 12-31-2004 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
Nice of you to post; and your system looks great. It's a shame you're not releasing it.

But then, I still wouldn't install it because i'm guessing it would be as unsupported and buggy as the last (for reasons you are completeley right to give - you'd rather be working).

Thank you PaulM for helping everyone out with this hack so far :)

If I were to release it, I'd support it. Right now I'm not in the position to, so I won't. v3 Articles was never really tested enough, I never caught the bugs in there because of it.

Regs 12-31-2004 01:16 PM


You have some nerve. You disappeared right after you suckered many people into giving you money for your "server & technical support" bills. Remember that? You left many, many people in the lurch... people that helped you.

You have an attitude and a huge ego. One may also say you are pretty short sighted in not following up with your hacks properly. Very easily you could have been in the same position as vbadvanced.com if you had a better attitutde and more realistic view of your skills.

Unlucky for you.


John 12-31-2004 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Regs
You have some nerve. You disappeared right after you suckered many people into giving you money for your "server & technical support" bills. Remember that? You left many, many people in the lurch... people that helped you.

I rent one server, that server hosts the v3arcade.com site. I didn't sucker anyone into anything, I just said that if I couldn't afford to pay for the hosting bill, the site would go down.

Some generous people came forward and contributed, enough to cover two months of hosting costs - which was great, it helped out a lot and the site stayed up. But I never suggested for a moment that donations would be for anything other than keeping the site alive.


Originally Posted by Regs
You have an attitude and a huge ego. One may also say you are pretty short sighted in not following up with your hacks properly. Very easily you could have been in the same position as vbadvanced.com if you had a better attitutde and more realistic view of your skills.

Unlucky for you.


Sorry Regs, but you've got me wrong. What you're seeing as ego is actually someone in a lot of financial difficulties who can't afford to spend any time working on these free addons for people.

If money wasn't a problem, I'd spend all my free time on these hacks and their support. Unfortunately for me, it is a problem. Ego doesn't come into it when it comes down to a choice between surviving and making sure you're completely happy with a piece of code I released.

And when I do come back to try to offer some support, I usually find messages from people like you, launching personal attacks for my lack of support. If you were in my position, wouldn't you think twice about why you were contributing here?

arpy 12-31-2004 04:44 PM

Hi John,

what I'm disappointed about is that there is no further development on this product - there was at least one person who offered to release his modified and extended article system which was based on your code - but you stopped him by stating that you a new release is already finshed and needs only to be packaged.

And now you show us pictures of a system you will probably never release.

Please: Give a clear statement about the further development - YES or NO. Stop blocking other projects.

Thank you.


John 12-31-2004 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by arpy
Hi John,

what I'm disappointed about is that there is no further development on this product - there was at least one person who offered to release his modified and extended article system which was based on your code - but you stopped him by stating that you a new release is already finshed and needs only to be packaged.

And now you show us pictures of a system you will probably never release.

Please: Give a clear statement about the further development - YES or NO. Stop blocking other projects.

Thank you.


I never blocked the release of any other development. Check the earlier posts in this thread for yourself.

I said that I intended to release an update shortly, which ultimately, I was unable to do.

arpy 12-31-2004 06:26 PM


here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=367

xug said:

I have extended that hack to the fullest!!!

Have a sneak peak, will be released after my vB3 (XUG V4) goes Live! (Hopefully within a week or two and only when there is a demand for)
and after not sending any news for a long time, a few hours after xug's post you wrote:

Bad timing, there's going to be an update to this next week.
And this was in August!

Again, my problem is not that there is no update, my problem is that you announced it and that your are still not able to say YES or NO.

After your announcement I've been waiting for 2 month - now I'm using a completly different solution which I had developed much earlier without your announcement. I fully understand your problem about working for money or for free, but:
I will never use v3Articles again, because of your behavior - thats not fair play with the community!

I wish you a happy new year - and less problems next year.


Regs 12-31-2004 06:45 PM

Arpy hit the nail on the head.

History shows that you are only interested in your site when either someone wants to release addons and enhancements to your free hacks or you need money. And then you disappear again all the while people help run/moderate your site.

You had no problem accepting donations for your free hacks.

And if I recall correctly, the pitch for helping you sort out your money problems included a bit about releasing the Pro version of the arcade. You even posted a poll asking people how much they would be willing to pay.

And then not a word from you when your plans changed - that's where I am coming from.

It's not about a lack of support, never said that. It's about how you come off when you finally do decide to post something.

I also fail to see where you came back here to offer support? All I see is you showing something to people and saying "see this? you can't have it" - that's not support. That's being an arse.

Good luck in 2005.


Deyth 12-31-2004 07:50 PM

Why complain at the guy? These are free hacks. If he's unwilling or unable, go pressure the vbAdvanced guy because I saw him mention a possible article engine expansion. Perhaps with enough interest he'll bump it to the top of his list.

winky6 12-31-2004 08:54 PM

:disappointed: This is getting bad. I know one thing.

I am going to code my own version of this, and stop holding my breath for you to update it.


Paul M 01-01-2005 12:17 AM

Well you lot will certainly encourage him to produce more with your attitude.

Yes, there were many problems with this in it's original form, but most are fixable (as I have done with our sites version) - and at the end of the day, it was all free.

ResaleBroker 01-01-2005 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
But then, I still wouldn't install it because i'm guessing it would be as unsupported and buggy as the last...

How "Buggy" is this? What kind of problems could I expect?

cinq 01-01-2005 08:20 AM

Erm ... for someone giving you FREE use of a hack that adds functionality to your site/boards ..... you guys sure have an odd way of saying thank you.

JamesFrost 01-01-2005 12:53 PM

I've been running this for months on one of my sites with no issues at all, and I didn't need to make any changes to the code. Thanks John for the FREE hack, and I look forward to future updates.

Oh, and Happy New Year as well. :D

John 01-01-2005 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Well you lot will certainly encourage him to produce more with your attitude.

Yes, there were many problems with this in it's original form, but most are fixable (as I have done with our sites version) - and at the end of the day, it was all free.

Thanks Paul & others. Sometimes I can't believe I'm having conversations with these people, having to defend myself for these free addons I've released. There may have been a few bugs (which have all been fixed by some great contributors to the community), if these were paid products it would have been unacceptable. But they're not.

Regs -


History shows that you are only interested in your site when either someone wants to release addons and enhancements to your free hacks or you need money. And then you disappear again all the while people help run/moderate your site.
Perhaps you should take a look at the selection of addons for the arcade. That one addon someone developed for v3 Articles did come at a bad time, because I intended to release an update shortly. Due to personal problems, I was unable to (and being away from any source of internet access at that time, I couldn't explain my situation).

Secondly, I've only ever received 2 or 3 donations for the articles system. Most have been for the Arcade, and the only time they were ever solicited was when there was a danger of losing the server and the v3arcade.com site. Not because I needed help, if the site went down it wouldn't bother me - the members of the site wanted to keep it running, so they helped out with the costs. I've been very clear on this matter.


You had no problem accepting donations for your free hacks.
Why shouldn't I?


And if I recall correctly, the pitch for helping you sort out your money problems included a bit about releasing the Pro version of the arcade. You even posted a poll asking people how much they would be willing to pay.
That wasn't a "pitch", it was research. And where did I ever say anything about the donations being directly linked with Pro?


I also fail to see where you came back here to offer support? All I see is you showing something to people and saying "see this? you can't have it" - that's not support. That's being an arse.
When I did come back to offer support, all I saw were people like you complaining. So I left.

Why did I post the screenshots of the new system? Well, mainly it was to prove that I haven't been talking out of my arse, and that the update was done. Heck, I wouldn't have a problem with releasing it, but I don't have the time to support it - and as with this version, releasing a free addon without support brings nothing but trouble.

SVTOA 01-01-2005 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
I've been running this for months on one of my sites with no issues at all, and I didn't need to make any changes to the code.

Well, you really should install Paul's security updates or else you might find all your artilces changed in embarrassing fashion by someone who wanders to your site and knows the leaks that are apparent. It's all gone now, but FYI somebody defaced the articles over on John's site.

Dean C 01-01-2005 01:32 PM

John has kindly released this modification for all at vBulletin.org for free. It's clearly marked out as unsupported so you install at your own risk, with bugs or not. People do have lives outside of the computer so please understand that not everyone can spend all their time offering support. Note there are 55! pages in this thread, where most are asking for support. For one person to go through all of this is a pretty mammoth task. I hope you can understand that this is free work which John provided for all to use. Please try and keep polite and keep any personal indifferences, criticisms to PM.

Thanks :)

SVTOA 01-01-2005 01:32 PM

John, thank you also for your hard work and best wishes in 2005.

John 01-01-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by SVTOA
Well, you really should install Paul's security updates or else you might find all your artilces changed in embarrassing fashion by someone who wanders to your site and knows the leaks that are apparent. It's all gone now, but FYI somebody defaced the articles over on John's site.

lol, indeed. James, you should update you installation. (Instructions in the first post)

Many thanks to Paul M for coding the changes in my absense. :)

ResaleBroker 01-01-2005 04:00 PM

I installed this last night and it was a breeze. Thanks John!

I do have a question... I have the Article Moderation "On." However, articles awaiting moderation are showing up in the "Latest Article" section on the Main "Article Categories" page.

Is there a setting for that? [NO FIX FOUND]

Thanks Again! I appreciate your efforts!

Regs 01-01-2005 04:08 PM

Sorry but I don't use this hack here. I am just pointing out that the author of this hack is not the saint that some think he is.

Encouragement? I gave that over a 6 month period and then just gave up when it was apparent the author in question didn't care.

When you are in a bad personal situation and ask users at your site for help and they come through in spades, you do not then just abandon the site and don't post for weeks/months. At that point, you owe your members a bit more in gratitude - full stop. It doesn't take much to show you care.

Free stuff is great obviously and I agree that there are those who push the boundaries in demanding stuff. However, it is wrong to paint everyone with the same brush. Nothing wrong with not supporting a hack but don't expect it to sit well with people when you goad them with posts and screenshots like you did.

As for some of the vB.org staff poking their heads into this thread: please be a little more careful on how you appear to choose sides when this stuff comes up. Over the years I have pointed out and warned members here about Corey W, Inside The Pixel, and the vBtrader author. In every instance, staff here were quick to defend the hackers as if I had not done my homework and were just posting for the sake of posting. Research my posts here, I'm not a demanding ingrate.

I call them as I see them after a period of time and will continue to do so as long as I still work with vB software.



John 01-01-2005 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Regs
Sorry but I don't use this hack here. I am just pointing out that the author of this hack is not the saint that some think he is.

I'm sorry, but if you think I regard myself as a "saint", I'm not going to waste my time responding to these attacks. You obviously have some sort of personal issue with me that has nothing to do with these hacks, in which case this isn't the place for it.

Send over a list of the contributions you've made to this community, then we'll talk.

Paul M 01-01-2005 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Regs
Sorry but I don't use this hack here

Why are you in this thread then ?

John 01-01-2005 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by ResaleBroker
I installed this last night and it was a breeze. Thanks John!

I do have a question... I have the Article Moderation "On." However, articles awaiting moderation are showing up in the "Latest Article" section on the Main "Article Categories" page.

Is there a setting for that?

Thanks Again! I appreciate your efforts!

Do you see the unmoderated articles when logged in as a standard user? (Or not logged in at all?)

ResaleBroker 01-01-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by John
Do you see the unmoderated articles when logged in as a standard user? (Or not logged in at all?)


Something weird just happened. A "latest comment" popped-up on my test article. The link however is to: "member.php?username=". I have no idea where that "comment" came from. I have moderate comments "ON" also. When I go to "moderate comments" in the CP it says, "There are no comments to moderate." [FIXED]

I just deleted the article associated with that message in the control panel however the article was still showing up in the main "Article Categories" page.[FIXED]

Also, to remove the article I used the "edit" then "delete" box. This deleted the article but the article "count" is still being displayed. [FIXED]

lanc3lot 01-01-2005 06:29 PM

John if u can release the updated articles system u showed would be good...and with the note of no support from the start. I dont see if that is a problem. If u need money for that, tell an amount, to see if we can cover it(i would like to)

Also, a bug that i havent managed to find a solution till now, is the bug with the attachments.

As i see it, u use a different upload attachments(images) system from the articles hack, than the Vb system, and this has the result to upload only one per time...can we fix that so we can upload more than one per time?(10 for example)

Hope all have a good new year :)

John 01-01-2005 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot
John if u can release the updated articles system u showed would be good...and with the note of no support from the start. I dont see if that is a problem. If u need money for that, tell an amount, to see if we can cover it(i would like to)

Also, a bug that i havent managed to find a solution till now, is the bug with the attachments.

As i see it, u use a different upload attachments(images) system from the articles hack, than the Vb system, and this has the result to upload only one per time...can we fix that so we can upload more than one per time?(10 for example)

Hope all have a good new year :)

If I can find the time to code a conversion script, I'll release it.

ResaleBroker 01-01-2005 07:53 PM

I've been playing around with articles (adding, editing, deleting) and it seems like the main "Article Categories" page is what is giving me problems. In addition to those above, the latest challenge I found was when you change the "Title" to an article the changes are reflected in the "category" but not on the "Article Categories" page. [FIXED]

Robert Carver 01-02-2005 05:32 AM

I have had this script installed for a while, and I was informed by one of my moderators tonight that he could not view comments for the various articles. They show in the article list, but if you go to the article itself and scroll down, the comments are not there. For me as an administrator, I can see them, but apparently no one else can. I went to the Admin Control panel under the Usergroup Manager and found that neither of the radio buttons for "Can View Comments" the moderators and all other usergroups was not checked. So I checked Yes (for Unregistered / Not Logged In usergroup), and clicked save. Tried to view the comments on an article while not logged in, the comments were not showing. So I went back to that usergroup in the Usergroup Manager, and the button was no longer checked.

Does anyone have any ideas how I an get this permission to "stick". It is nice that I can view the comments, but it sticks that no one else can. Oh, I have also upgrades to the most recent version of the Articles script and applied the security fix.

You help is most appreciated.


Paul M 01-02-2005 11:02 AM

It works fine here.

lanc3lot 01-03-2005 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot

Also, a bug that i havent managed to find a solution till now, is the bug with the attachments.

As i see it, u use a different upload attachments(images) system from the articles hack, than the Vb system, and this has the result to upload only one per time...can we fix that so we can upload more than one per time?(10 for example)

Hope all have a good new year :)

Has anyone knows a solution about that?:D

GoTTi 01-04-2005 04:22 AM

i dont get it...

am i suppse to overwrite the files with the new upgrade?

or apply the Security Fix patch first, then do the upgrade...im confused...

and there is no articles.php, its article.php

mawby 01-04-2005 10:24 AM

It says that if you do the security fix then you have the latest patch, so one assumes that the only change in the lastest patch is the secutiry fix. If that's true then I was going to ask why we can't just copy the file from the patch instead of hacking it?

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