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Zath 10-30-2004 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
or you can send me $20 via paypal and I will give you access to my ftp.

You are just plain LAME! Along with anyone else who charges for other peoples material should be taken to court. It would be different if YOU made the game or had permission from everyone who created them. I could see it if you were paying the owner of the game a percent of your income for charging people for access to a game that the orginal author put out for FREE.

You say "I'm simply charging access to my FTP" yea whatever!! I'm sure none of these authors of these games that put them out for free is going to like you making money from thier creation. I hope one of them takes you to court. I sure would.

Oh, and another thing... charging $20 for access to a server that you probly pay $7 a month to have is highway robbery. I know my webhost cost me about $7 a month and I have 800mb storage with a 40gb transfer a month. So if your gonna play like your charging people for accessing your server... Don't rip them off. It boils down to this... You are charging for the material thats on your server. Enough said!


DjTaz 10-30-2004 06:06 PM

The host i use charges 45 dollars for the year to register the .com AND gives u 1 gig of storage and unlimited bandwidth - great deal , but i dont want to advertise the host name in case im not allowed - Pm me if u need it.

Wential 10-30-2004 07:02 PM

Go get 'em.....

Deep South Entertainment (ICESWIDQED)
2798 N Roosevelt Blvd
Key West, FL 33040


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Deep South Entertainment (38485048O) http://img.nameintel.com/email.pgif?...b01f8097d78d1a
2798 N Roosevelt Blvd
Key West, FL 33040

Record expires on 03-Oct-2005.
Record created on 03-Oct-2004.

Domain servers in listed order:


Holidazed 10-30-2004 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Zath
You are just plain LAME! Along with anyone else who charges for other peoples material should be taken to court. It would be different if YOU made the game or had permission from everyone who created them. I could see it if you were paying the owner of the game a percent of your income for charging people for access to a game that the orginal author put out for FREE.

You know what? FU. I am tired of this old argument. I have laid out my explanation and it is valid. You are just too stupid to see it. If you truly believed what you are saying then you would not be running ANY game at all on your site that does not have the author's permission. I highly doubt that is the case. You are a f*cking hypocrite!


Originally Posted by Zath
You say "I'm simply charging access to my FTP" yea whatever!! I'm sure none of these authors of these games that put them out for free is going to like you making money from thier creation. I hope one of them takes you to court. I sure would.

I see how you did not quote or comment on the fact that on 11-23, I am opening it up for free. I get no credit whatsoever for being nice to anybody. I bet you will be 1st in line on my site to get it when it is free. Why don't you give me your ip address and I will be sure to block it so you don't have to be a hypocrite publically.


Originally Posted by Zath
Oh, and another thing... charging $20 for access to a server that you probly pay $7 a month to have is highway robbery. I know my webhost cost me about $7 a month and I have 800mb storage with a 40gb transfer a month. So if your gonna play like your charging people for accessing your server... Don't rip them off. It boils down to this... You are charging for the material thats on your server. Enough said!

I charge what I charge. That is none of your business. You act like I am selling something to people and then not giving what I promised. I have not heard one complaint from ANYBODY who bought access. They got EXACTLY what they asked for and more. So you can rant and rave all you want. I just have to say F*CK YOU and all others who are as closed minded and stupid as you are.

You know, because of stupid people like you, I will not open it up to the public for easy access. I will not put it on a simple download from my website. I will leave it on an ftp so you have ask for access. It will still be for free. But I will have to make you an ftp account to get access to it. This way, I can stop f*cking morons like you from getting something they publically announce they are against.

Zath 10-30-2004 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
You know what? FU. I am tired of this old argument. I have laid out my explanation and it is valid. You are just too stupid to see it.

Stupid isnt the word for looking at rip off artist like yourself. I'm laying it out in the open before you try and rip off evey kid hoping to have a fun game site for thier friends.


Originally Posted by bitg
I see how you did not quote or comment on the fact that on 11-23, I am opening it up for free. I get no credit whatsoever for being nice to anybody. I bet you will be 1st in line on my site to get it when it is free.

Hey dont pat yourself on the back too hard. I'm sure you already have taken advantage of lots of people. For your information I will not be pacing waiting for your site to open.


Originally Posted by bitg
Why don't you give me your ip address and I will be sure to block it so you don't have to be a hypocrite publically.

Well you sure wont have to worry about me wanting anything you got.


Originally Posted by bitg
I charge what I charge. That is none of your business. You act like I am selling something to people and then not giving what I promised. I have not heard one complaint from ANYBODY who bought access. They got EXACTLY what they asked for and more. So you can rant and rave all you want.

Thats fair but I bet most of the people that paid are probley under 18.


Originally Posted by bitg
I just have to say F*CK YOU and all others who are as closed minded and stupid as you are.

This comment just shows how intellengent you are. FU too. Feel better now?


Originally Posted by bitg
You know, because of stupid people like you, I will not open it up to the public for easy access. I will not put it on a simple download from my website. I will leave it on an ftp so you have ask for access. It will still be for free. But I will have to make you an ftp account to get access to it. This way, I can stop f*cking morons like you from getting something they publically announce they are against.

That way you can get another pat on the back from people you DO decied to let have access. Boy.. I've seen people who like ass kissers but you top the cake. Keep your files, FTP and you potty mouth to yourself.

__________________________________________________ ______________

NOTE TO MODS: I will not post any another remark about this guy. Nor will I reply when he tries to make a "come back" from this post and tries himself look better. I just wanted to make sure that people know what he is doing and I believe its all out on the table now. People can also see how immature this guy is when he is confronted. Save your money... everything he has is on the net for free.

Apoligies to the mods of this forum

Mark.B 10-30-2004 08:08 PM

Sheesh, is there any need for all the personal abuse in this thread?

This thread is supposed to be for discussion of the v3arcade hack. All this is doing is helping to kill it off, and that's not a good thing.

Zath 10-30-2004 08:10 PM

Like I said I have nothing more to say about it

TwinsX2Dad 10-30-2004 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Zath
charging $20 for access to a server that you probly pay $7 a month to have is highway robbery. I know my webhost cost me about $7 a month and I have 800mb storage with a 40gb transfer a month. So if your gonna play like your charging people for accessing your server... Don't rip them off. It boils down to this... You are charging for the material thats on your server.

Um, wrong on all counts. They are not charging for the files - I've not seen anywhere that I was not allowed to give away the zip files myself, even though I am not about to do that. It is for pure access to the download area and I can see the point of charging for it.

And, until you've been in business, please don't start hammering people for what they charge for something. It is what is known as supply & demand, capitalism, whatever. If enough people find it isn't worth the money, they won't patronize the site. It matters not if they pay $1 for something, then sell it for $50. You really don't want to know what your local retailer is making in profit. It costs less than $1 to make a case of Coca-Cola, yet you're probably paying (on average) 12-15 times that much.

It is people like you who find car dealerships a rip off for their 8-20% profit on the manufacturer's sticker of that new car, yet have happily spent thousands on your music CDs which cost about 40 cents to produce. Or you buy those $5 packs of smokes which cost RJR & Co. less than 30 cents. How about that beer? Did you know the cost of the can or bottle is more than the swill inside?

I believe everyone needs to chill out and get back to reality. If you don't want to add this hack, then don't add it. If you'd rather go out and search for the 500+ games available for this hack, then by all means, have at it.

These are all OPTIONS, folks - no one is twisting your arm to do any of it.

Holidazed 10-30-2004 09:37 PM

TwinsX2Dad, I totally agree with you. Thanks for the support.


Originally Posted by Zath
Stupid isnt the word for looking at rip off artist like yourself. I'm laying it out in the open before you try and rip off evey kid hoping to have a fun game site for thier friends.

I am not stopping anybody from running a game site. Go out and hunt down the games individually for yourself. Leave me the f*ck alone.


Originally Posted by Zath
Hey dont pat yourself on the back too hard. I'm sure you already have taken advantage of lots of people. For your information I will not be pacing waiting for your site to open.

I am not patting myself on the back. You are a f*cking d*ck. People like you are why I am not giving out free access. You are the kind of person who finds free stuff on the net and just complains when you cannot get it fast enough and never say "Thanks" to the person giving it away.


Originally Posted by Zath
Well you sure wont have to worry about me wanting anything you got.

Good! Because of you I am not making it easy for ppl to get the games for free from me. Everybody can thank you for showing me that there many f*cking morons out there. I would not spit in your mouth if you were dying of thirst you f*cking idiot.


Originally Posted by Zath
Thats fair but I bet most of the people that paid are probley under 18.

Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. It shows in everything you say.


Originally Posted by Zath
This comment just shows how intellengent you are. FU too. Feel better now?

Not really. I would feel better if you would shut your hole.


Originally Posted by Zath
That way you can get another pat on the back from people you DO decied to let have access. Boy.. I've seen people who like ass kissers but you top the cake. Keep your files, FTP and you potty mouth to yourself.

You have no right to speak. You are an ignorant self serving hypocritical ingrate and are probably about 12 years old. I can tell by the opinions you have. Up yours f*ckhead!


Originally Posted by Zath
I will not post any another remark about this guy. Nor will I reply when he tries to make a "come back" from this post and tries himself look better. I just wanted to make sure that people know what he is doing and I believe its all out on the table now. People can also see how immature this guy is when he is confronted. Save your money... everything he has is on the net for free.

Good! It's about time you learned to shut up when you realize you don't have any idea what you are talking about. 12 years olds lime you should not be here anyway.

b6gm6n 10-30-2004 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Zath
You are just plain LAME!

I'm gonna have to agree with you there, you see, i've just noticed this post and the penny finally dropped, i'm being flamed in the ibproarcade thread for sharing games to save the folks at ibproarcade.com some bandwidth.... (bigt was maybe hosting alot ibproarcade zips) anyways check my sig, so you see...it all finally falls into place, all chasing the $ - Zath, thanks :)


Holidazed 10-31-2004 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by b6gm6n
I'm gonna have to agree with you there, you see, i've just noticed this post and the penny finally dropped, i'm being flamed in the ibproarcade thread for sharing games to save the folks at ibproarcade.com some bandwidth.... (bitg was maybe hosting alot ibproarcade zips) anyways check my sig, so you see...it all finally falls into place, all chasing the $ - Zath, thanks :)


I was not hosting ANY ibproarcade zips. Every game on my list is made for v3arcade. Maybe you should do a bit of research before you spout your opinion.

Ibproarcade very clearly stated that if you host game files on your site you will be banned. You knew about it. You broke the rule. Now you pay. If I was hosting ibproarcade games on my site, I WOULD BE BANNED.

Duh!! No Clue at all!

Zath 10-31-2004 02:07 AM

Anyhow... how about going back to the orginal subject of this thread.

Enough Flames

restless 11-13-2004 07:38 PM

Does Anyone Have Yeti Sports 6?????????

Holidazed 11-15-2004 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by restless
Does Anyone Have Yeti Sports 6?????????

I do.

As most of you know, I have said I was going to provide access to my ftp with over 500 games for the arcade for free on 11-23-04. Well, I have decided to do it early. You can see the list of games and the requirements for FTP access at


Holidazed 11-16-2004 03:03 PM

I have been flooded with emails. I did not expect this big of a response. Because of this, I have changed the rules a bit.

If you wish access, you only need to send me a pm on www.v3arcade.com
I must have the following information:
Your website address
Your email address (this is when I will send the information to)
The password you wish to use.

engquist 11-26-2004 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by bitg
I have been flooded with emails. I did not expect this big of a response. Because of this, I have changed the rules a bit.

If you wish access, you only need to send me a pm on www.v3arcade.com
I must have the following information:
Your website address
Your email address (this is when I will send the information to)
The password you wish to use.

I don't understand why a complete list cannot be made available here on Vbulletin.org

surely they have the bandwidth to support all the file attachments?

but thanks for all the work you've done bitg, I suppose I'll have to register on www.v3arcade.com then so I can gain access to em' all and then PM you.

Fuzzy Logic 11-26-2004 12:30 PM

<font color="Blue">V3ARCADE v IBPROARCADE?</font>

Have any users tried both these systems? If so, do you have a preference?

I've installed the latter, and I'm having a few teething problems - I'm wondering if I should remove it, and try this one instead, which incidentally, looks a lot prettier IMHO.



internetjunkie 01-07-2005 07:58 AM

I have uploaded around 400+ games and continue to add more. You can download them at


or go to http://www.internetjunkie.org/ and click on Download Games.

internetjunkie 01-29-2005 02:19 PM

over 800 games are now on my site for download http://www.internetjunkie.org/

Wential 01-29-2005 02:36 PM

You forgot to add the following notice from your site.


Due to the cost of bandwidth for hosting these games, I am having to start charging a small fee to download these games. In the next few days there will be 800+ games to download.

Click below and Order the "Arcade Download" Subscription

You may also download these games with either of the two "Premium Members" subsciptions



If you are willing to provide all the games for me to upload, I'll host them at no charge to EVERYONE regardless of bandwidth cost to me.

tehste 01-29-2005 03:01 PM

I've used both v3 and IBPROARCADE and I have to say I have returned to v3 because it uses the VB templates system and just runs nicer. IBPROARCADE may have more games and a (better) challenge and tournament system. But the challenge system on V3 arcade is pretty cool. Its the small things really but V3 arcade is probably better suited to VB the only negative thing is the game/(sharing) but there are some pretty cool people with free public ftps for the games at www.v3arcade.com

rinkrat 01-29-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by internetjunkie
over 800 games are now on my site for download http://www.internetjunkie.org/

Isn't this considered spam since these are not free downloads since you have to subscribe to your site? Maybe VB.org should get a cut of the profits since you are getting the games here and advertising here?

thenewstlucian 02-06-2005 03:17 PM

soneone needs to update this thread... lots of game links don't work. and some new games can also be added

Pseudomizer 02-06-2005 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by thenewstlucian
soneone needs to update this thread... lots of game links don't work. and some new games can also be added

Then don't complain and start doing it. Tzzzzzzzzzzzz.


TwinsX2Dad 02-08-2005 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Then don't complain and start doing it.

Someone did exactly that, over on v3arcade.com, and got it shut down!

maytrix 02-08-2005 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
Someone did exactly that, over on v3arcade.com, and got it shut down!

It was shutdown because of the copyright issues with the games. That plus John is probably ready to release the Pro version so he is cleaning house.

TwinsX2Dad 02-08-2005 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by maytrix
It was shutdown because of the copyright issues with the games.

There will always be those issues - the number of approved games stands at about zero.

Originally Posted by maytrix
That plus John is probably ready to release the Pro version so he is cleaning house.

This would be an interesting development, but it may be too late for us - we've made the decision, based on legal advice, to uninstall all v3 & ibPro arcades since there are no paid and licensed games available.

They are a huge resource hit, plus the financial liability is far too great, especially considering the arcade game companies are rumored to be planning an attack on their ideas being used on these types of systems.

I might be willing to fight some little guy over the use of a freely available game, but I am not prepared to defend myself against Nintendo, Sega or Sony.

John 02-08-2005 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
There will always be those issues - the number of approved games stands at about zero.
This would be an interesting development, but it may be too late for us - we've made the decision, based on legal advice, to uninstall all v3 & ibPro arcades since there are no paid and licensed games available.

They are a huge resource hit, plus the financial liability is far too great, especially considering the arcade game companies are rumored to be planning an attack on their ideas being used on these types of systems.

I might be willing to fight some little guy over the use of a freely available game, but I am not prepared to defend myself against Nintendo, Sega or Sony.

There are plenty of approved games - the problem is that they're all mixed in with the ones which haven't been approved, and there's no way to clearly tell which is which.

With the next release, only authorised games will be available on the site.

TwinsX2Dad 02-08-2005 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by John
There are plenty of approved games - the problem is that they're all mixed in with the ones which haven't been approved, and there's no way to clearly tell which is which.

John, I am honestly not trying to start any trouble here, but I believe that guy who was uploading all of those games might have had a point. I mean, think about it. We had permission from Paul Neave for PacMan, but Paul didn't have permission from Namco. And, how well would an email reply hold up in court?

It worries me more than just a bit.

John 02-08-2005 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
John, I am honestly not trying to start any trouble here, but I believe that guy who was uploading all of those games might have had a point. I mean, think about it. We had permission from Paul Neave for PacMan, but Paul didn't have permission from Namco. And, how well would an email reply hold up in court?

It worries me more than just a bit.

In this case, Paul's version of Pacman would not be allowed on the site.

Cyricx 02-08-2005 09:33 PM

Any chance we can at least access the mods for the time being? :(

I've added several of the mods from your site and am getting ready to redo my board, but all I have are links to threads on your board that I got the mods from...

With the board down, I can't access any of those mods :(

I totally understand the game thing bro.

John 02-08-2005 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx
Any chance we can at least access the mods for the time being? :(

I've added several of the mods from your site and am getting ready to redo my board, but all I have are links to threads on your board that I got the mods from...

With the board down, I can't access any of those mods :(

I totally understand the game thing bro.

Kind of tricky, if the mods you're talking about are attachments too...

Cyricx 02-09-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by John
Kind of tricky, if the mods you're talking about are attachments too...

But you do have them prefixed with [mod] maybe remove all the threads but those and leave the locked forum up?

Could even say "it'll be taken down in a month so please get whatever mods your wishing to keep saved to your harddrive."

Just to kinda give us time to get those things together so we aren't hanging dry or trying to decode a mod we put in if we have to do a fresh install. :)

Ninju 02-17-2005 10:09 AM

All this and I do believe the main needs to be updated, half the links to games don't work -_-

majgik 02-25-2005 07:56 PM

is sothink's swf decompiler anygood?

Wential 02-25-2005 08:33 PM

It's not bad, but not great either. It messed up one of my swf's text but it does the job so-so if you are just learning Flash.

majgik 02-26-2005 12:07 AM

im new with flashmx, and was wondering how do i insert the code into the keyframes, or if anybody has a newbie guide to this it would be appreciated

phreak420 03-06-2005 10:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok guys. Ive read through a lot of these pages. I have decided to download most of the games and place them in 2 zip file for you to download. It saves the hassle of looking through this thread.


Wential 03-07-2005 12:04 AM

Here's another place I got mine for free but the files are much bigger.

Register here first.
Then go to this thread for download instructions.

phreak420 03-07-2005 05:40 PM

Wow, 500 mb?

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