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AndrewD 01-16-2005 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Slave
Just upgraded 1.50Beta to 1.51Beta .. No problems to report.

The things you've added are superb .. :) .. and the "Show Anything" is much better than a single random link feature ..

If I were to be picky ..

In the "Show Anything" page you get links showing more than once ..

When you turn on Sub-categories to show in the catbit .. shouldn't it be "Sub-categories:" and not just "Sub-categories" .. (I did say picky :))

Can you split up the normal settings and the "portal" setting .. I take it the portal settings are only if you have some extra portal hack? If not can you tell me what "categories_seen_on_portal" does as I've just spent 10 mins trying to see what it does without success .. heh :p


I'll have a look at the links showing up more than once - I think that is down to SQL's ORDER BY RAND() which dowsn't guarantee uniqueness - so needs an extra filter.

I hijacked the portal settings for other purposes - categories_seen_on_portal has no effect in the main hack. (The portal code was written by Natch, and an updated version of it, get_hotlinks.php - is in the natch subdirectory).

Natch 01-19-2005 07:24 PM

You can use the "SELECT DISTINCT" instead of just "SELECT"... should do the trick :D

AndrewD 01-20-2005 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Natch
You can use the "SELECT DISTINCT" instead of just "SELECT"... should do the trick :D

Indeed, thanks. Had just to check that this worked ok on a complex join and that there weren't other cases where we wanted duplication. It does and there weren't ;).

AndrewD 01-22-2005 05:33 AM

Version 1.51 is now the supported release. See first post in thread.

Slave 01-22-2005 06:06 AM

Upgrade went without a hitch .. :)

.. and I can't find anything to say!

[high]* Slave goes off to have a think ..[/high]

Slave 01-22-2005 06:53 AM

Ok .. had a think .. feature requests .. :)

Allow users to comment on links
Show -> New Comments
Allow users to subscribe to categories (if new link added they get an email)
Show -> Subscribed Categories
Allow users to subscribe to links (if link gets updated they get an email)
Show -> Subscribed Links
Show -> What's updated
Instead of "rated 5 star" .. have a pic of 5 stars (use the same gfx that vb does?)
Pick link rating from a dropdown menu instead of links 1/2/3/4/5
In Category column if a category has a new link or sub-cat this is highlighted next to the category name

I think that should keep you going .. but only if you want to :)

AndrewD 01-22-2005 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Slave
Ok .. had a think .. feature requests .. :)

Ha, Ha.... I do try to live a life, you know. Actually some of these have already been suggested, thought about, done...

>Allow users to comment on links
>Show -> New Comments
>Allow users to subscribe to categories (if new link added they get an email)
>Show -> Subscribed Categories
>Allow users to subscribe to links (if link gets updated they get an email)
>Show -> Subscribed Links

These have been long-standing suggestions. I've given them some thought but would require quite a lot of effort to implement properly.

>Show -> What's updated

OK, will think about this

>Instead of "rated 5 star" .. have a pic of 5 stars (use the same gfx that vb does?)

Someone's already shown how to do this. It's a simple edit of the linkrate template.

>Pick link rating from a dropdown menu instead of links 1/2/3/4/5

You could probably achieve this also with the linkrate template

>In Category column if a category has a new link or sub-cat this is highlighted next to the category name

This already happens - categories with new entries appear in bold.

Slave 01-22-2005 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Ha, Ha.... I do try to live a life, you know. Actually some of these have already been suggested, thought about, done...

heh .. well I did say I could't find anything to say :) .. I did read through the thread when I first saw the hack and subconsciously must of know some of these had been mentioned before ..


Originally Posted by AndrewD
These have been long-standing suggestions. I've given them some thought but would require quite a lot of effort to implement properly.

Ok .. nps .. always good to know someone else wants them though :p


Originally Posted by AndrewD
OK, will think about this

Cool .. thanks :)


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Someone's already shown how to do this. It's a simple edit of the linkrate template.

Really? I don't remember that .. I'll have another look through the thread ..


Originally Posted by AndrewD
This already happens - categories with new entries appear in bold.

[high]* Slave slaps his head ..
Of course it does .. completely forgot :)

Imperial Fritz 01-23-2005 06:04 AM

Installed fine, but when I tried to add a cathegory, filled the "add cathegory" form, pressed "confirm" and... nothing? Tried several times, no result. What could it be?

vb 3.0.3 with the security patch.

AndrewD 01-23-2005 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
Installed fine, but when I tried to add a cathegory, filled the "add cathegory" form, pressed "confirm" and... nothing? Tried several times, no result. What could it be?

vb 3.0.3 with the security patch.

I need more information - this doesn't happen to me with a completely new installation. Maybe you can PM me with you board details and an account with admin privs?

Imperial Fritz 01-23-2005 06:42 AM

PM sent.

Imperial Fritz 01-24-2005 10:38 AM

All works fine now, thanks to Andrew's prompt help :)

Imperial Fritz 01-24-2005 12:14 PM

And now something more general:

If users want to download a file using some download manager, they can copy the link but then the Save File name the manager gives is local_links.php, yet the file is actually the chosen file. Is there a way to go around this and give the real file name?

Also: currently people with dl managers can't resume the downloads, is there anything that can be done about this?

And another issue:

It would be nice if there was a way to mass-change permissions of links in a single category... I did a test run and now have to manually change some 20 links :)))

Amavisca 01-29-2005 08:54 PM

@AndrewD : This is a great hack. I just have a quick question, for example I have some media file (.wma, .wmv) and I mask the link with this hack. When my user want to dload the media file, they have to do right click --> save target as... otherwise if they click on the link, it will auto pop up the window media.
So my question is how can I change to direct dload when I just left click mouse to the link?

Thanks inadvance.

AndrewD 01-30-2005 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Amavisca
@AndrewD : This is a great hack. I just have a quick question, for example I have some media file (.wma, .wmv) and I mask the link with this hack. When my user want to dload the media file, they have to do right click --> save target as... otherwise if they click on the link, it will auto pop up the window media.
So my question is how can I change to direct dload when I just left click mouse to the link?

Thanks inadvance.

Thanks for your remarks. I struggled with a similar problem with Adobe Acrobat. If you edit the file local_links_include.php, you'll find the following lines:

PHP Code:

// Download handling matches VBulletin.  With Internet Explorer, left click 
// with some mimetypes may open file in a browser window. Right click 
// offers "Save As" option.
// Or... left-click always offers Open/Save As dialogue. Can cause "Open"
// problems for pdf files with Internet Explorer and Adobe Acrobat.
// define('HEADER_BEHAVIOUR',''); 

Try commenting out the first 'define' and uncomment the second so that it looks like this:

PHP Code:

// Download handling matches VBulletin.  With Internet Explorer, left click 
// with some mimetypes may open file in a browser window. Right click 
// offers "Save As" option.
// define('HEADER_BEHAVIOUR','inline');
// Or... left-click always offers Open/Save As dialogue. Can cause "Open"
// problems for pdf files with Internet Explorer and Adobe Acrobat.

This should do what you want - I've tried it with mp3 files using IE and Firefox - but some combinations of browsers and plug ins may cause other problems.

AndrewD 01-30-2005 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
And now something more general:

If users want to download a file using some download manager, they can copy the link but then the Save File name the manager gives is local_links.php, yet the file is actually the chosen file. Is there a way to go around this and give the real file name?

Also: currently people with dl managers can't resume the downloads, is there anything that can be done about this?

I tried this using the LeechGet download manager www.leechget.net. It correctly catches and creates the filename. I imagine some download managers insist on using the linkname as filename (which of course points to the script) rather than the information which the script correctly provides.

If you really want to make this work with all download managers, then I think you will have to set force_redirect to 2 on the links admin page. However, this will create two new problems which may or may not be important to you - the location of all your links will become completely visible and the hit counter will not work.


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
And another issue:

It would be nice if there was a way to mass-change permissions of links in a single category... I did a test run and now have to manually change some 20 links :)))

In the next version, I'll make it possible for certain usergroups to mass change the permissions of entries within a category.

Amavisca 01-30-2005 07:34 AM

Hi AnDrewD!

Thanks for the reply, I did try your suggestion but it didn't work. Usually when you click on link mp3 the Windown Media will not start automatically but with files are .wmv, .wma it does.

Maybe you can take a look and help me out to solve this problem ?? I am sure many other users who use and love this hack also want the samething as I do.

Thank u.

Ps: mayb this will help you some: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/34430.html

An easy to use force file download script, especially useful for sites that have large media files and would like people to download the files locally instead of playing them remotely off the web server. Usage: http://www.yoursite.com/force-downlo...?file=filepath

AndrewD 01-30-2005 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Amavisca
Hi AnDrewD!

Thanks for the reply, I did try your suggestion but it didn't work. Usually when you click on link mp3 the Windown Media will not start automatically but with files are .wmv, .wma it does.

Maybe you can take a look and help me out to solve this problem ?? I am sure many other users who use and love this hack also want the samething as I do.

Thank u.

Ps: mayb this will help you some: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/34430.html

I think you can solve the problem by going to your normal VB admin page, Attachments, Extensions and Sizes, and adding a new attachment type. Specify the extension as wma and the Mime Type as "Content-type: application/force-download" (no quotes)

Amavisca 01-30-2005 10:24 AM

Awsome, it works. All bow down to u. A big thank from my community.

AndrewD 01-30-2005 03:41 PM

** Post deleted - beta 1.55 now available

Lizard King 01-31-2005 01:53 AM

I have it installed and translated to Turkish perfectly.Working very good.
The only problem is the local file root. In no condition I got this working but having no problem in anything else. Perfect Job Andrew.

Catch-22|BL 02-07-2005 07:16 AM

AndrewD, I have a stupid question. I tried to read the instructions and I tried to review the code but am still not sure.

Let's pretend I have a message board with five forums and each forum has a different moderator. Can I give each forum its own "category" and set it so that forum's moderator must manage all incoming links/files in that category? In other words, each moderator would care about his/her area and not be bothered with the rest.

AndrewD 02-07-2005 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Catch-22|BL
AndrewD, I have a stupid question. I tried to read the instructions and I tried to review the code but am still not sure.

Let's pretend I have a message board with five forums and each forum has a different moderator. Can I give each forum its own "category" and set it so that forum's moderator must manage all incoming links/files in that category? In other words, each moderator would care about his/her area and not be bothered with the rest.

Not a stupid question. Currently, there is no distinction between moderators of different categories - either you can moderate (i.e. everything) or you can't (i.e. nothing). It would not be very difficult to change this in the way you suggest (i.e so that moderation was also linked to the category forum) - how big a deal is this to anyone?

Imperial Fritz 02-07-2005 06:48 PM

Excellent. Although I'll probably wait for the official release. :) I won't lose anything after upgrading, right?

AndrewD 02-08-2005 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
Excellent. Although I'll probably wait for the official release. :) I won't lose anything after upgrading, right?

If you email me a) your full VB phrase translations and b) the translations you made for this hack, I'll make sure that you don't lose anything.

MustangLisa 02-09-2005 02:14 AM

Works perfectly, thanks.

Craigr 02-10-2005 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Here is an early beta of v1.52. The main change is that all the text messages in the main templates and script have been "phrased", i.e. use VBulletin's language system. So it should be straightforward to offer translated versions of this hack.

I have not (yet) done this for the text messages used on the admin page.

There are a couple of other changes
- users with can_set_permissions can change the forum permissions en-masse for all the links in a category
- if the hack spots that the size or url or a link has changed, either during an edit or a regular vlinks validation, then the link is flagged as 'new', i.e. appears in bold in the category listings

I'd appreciate it if someone can test this beta, perhaps by installing it and trying to provide a translation using the normal vb facilities.

Installation now requires uploading also the file local_links_phrases.xml to the main forum directory

Installed it last night and it works great. :) Thanks for the nice hack and easy to follow instructions.

Viks 02-10-2005 04:16 PM

I know it does not explicitly say but I want to confirm if this Mod works with MySql v3.23??

if anyone has it running on MySql3.2x..do let me know.


Imperial Fritz 02-10-2005 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
If you email me a) your full VB phrase translations and b) the translations you made for this hack, I'll make sure that you don't lose anything.

I meant the uploaded links. :) Don't worry about the translations, I'll redo them manually, not much work as I did only a few pages. :)

AndrewD 02-11-2005 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Viks
I know it does not explicitly say but I want to confirm if this Mod works with MySql v3.23??

if anyone has it running on MySql3.2x..do let me know.


The hack installer checks that you have MySQL version 3.23.23 or higher. It will not work with anything earlier. It will work fine with 3.23.23, etc, although it handles searches differently with version 3 than with version 4 (Boolean mode, if that means anything to you).

Good luck

AndrewD 02-11-2005 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
I meant the uploaded links. :) Don't worry about the translations, I'll redo them manually, not much work as I did only a few pages. :)

Then you will be able to upgrade without problems. There is a minor bug on the admin pages of the available 1.52 , which will be fixed with the next upload this weekend.

darcyb 02-11-2005 07:02 PM

Oh wow! I love this hack! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

darcyb 02-11-2005 09:37 PM

I had a table full of categorized link items already and wanted to migrate it into Links 1.51 so that it could become the foundation of my collection. It was a duplicated system up to this point where people would use a forum for URL discussion and I was manually updating a table with phpmyadmin. Anyway, this solution fixes all that.

So I wrote my own php script to import the stuff and I figured I'd share it here in case anyone else has to do something similar.
  1. First, use the Links interface to create enough categories to match the ones you were using before;
  2. Then, run a script sort of like the one I've included before to get the toc and linkslinks tables populated with stuff. I used a counter for the key indices and ignored whatever indices I had. I made my items query from newest to oldest (using whatever key IDs I had), as I didn't want to populate Links with older links at the top of pages. I used my own user account for the userid, and a datestamp from a manual link entry to generate the integer for the time.
  3. Although I did notice Links recount how many items were in each category and update the Category records while testing and clicking around, I did it manually anyway by querying (through phpmyadmin) with WHERE catid='n' (cat number) or whatever to get a count for how many items had imported into each category.
  4. Edit category records and insert the actual count of items imported for each.
All of this is a sloppy way of doing it and it shows that I'm a little new to all this. I couldn't get phpmyadmin to generate a CSV file while escaping the commas in my news article quotes, and it was tricking imports into thinking a grammatical comma was defining a new field, and it just wouldn't work.

I then had trouble with apostrophes from words like can't, so I had to use the addslashes() function on the titles and descriptions I was importing.

But it worked, and very well. I was able to populate Links with about 400 links, all into the right categories. Here's the ugly amateurish php script with some extra echo commands I used for testing. You can omit those:

$link_id = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
mysql_select_db("dbase_name", $link_id);
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_news where newsType in ('Media', 'Research', 'Opinion', 'Inspiration') order by newsID desc", $link_id);
if($result) {
                echo "IDX = $idx_count<br>";
                if ($query_data[2]=="Media")
                if ($query_data[2]=="Research")
                if ($query_data[2]=="Opinion")
                if ($query_data[2]=="Inspiration")
                echo "$query_data[2] catid=$catid<br>";
                $result2=mysql_query("INSERT local_linksltoc SET
                        displayorder='$idx_count'", $link_id);
                        echo "$idx_count, $catid, $idx_count<br>";
                        $result3=mysql_query("INSERT local_linkslink SET
                                linkname='$query_data[3]', // newsTitle field
                                linkdesc='$query_data[4]',  // newsBody field
                                linkurl='$query_data[5]',    // newsURL field
                                linkcheck='1108148258',  // whatever is "now"
                                linkdate='1108148258',    // whatever is "now"
                                linkuserid='1',                  // my userid
                                linkreviewfreq='0'", $link_id);
                        if ($result3==1)
                                echo "$idx_count, $query_data[3], $query_data[4], $query_data[5]<br><hr><br>";
                                echo "<h1>$idx_count - $query_data[3] - ERROR</h1>";

Hope this is useful to somebody.

Attached are FROM (the original news/links database) and TO (Links 1.51) screen caps.

Imperial Fritz 02-12-2005 06:44 PM

I noted earlier that mass move of links to a different category or mass change of permissions would be very welcome, is there any hope of seeing this in the future? :)

AndrewD 02-13-2005 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
I noted earlier that mass move of links to a different category or mass change of permissions would be very welcome, is there any hope of seeing this in the future? :)

Mass change of permissions is already coded for release in v1.55; I missed the request for mass move, but will give that some thought.

Zain Jaffer 02-13-2005 01:25 PM

I have a simple question

How can I remove the image on the section place.

For example on a HD links database I run: http://www.juicyduff.com/forum/local...=links&catid=2

The avatar at the top messes things up and I don't want it to be there, how would I make it NOT display there?

"Avatars [img(removethis)]http://www.juicyduff.com/dloadz/avatars/wellysm/2.gif[/img(removethis)]" - Also, that displays on the title at the top near forum navigation ... I want that removed too.


AndrewD 02-13-2005 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zain Jaffer
I have a simple question

How can I remove the image on the section place.

For example on a HD links database I run: http://www.juicyduff.com/forum/local...=links&catid=2

The avatar at the top messes things up and I don't want it to be there, how would I make it NOT display there?

"Avatars [img(removethis)]http://www.juicyduff.com/dloadz/avatars/wellysm/2.gif[/img(removethis)]" - Also, that displays on the title at the top near forum navigation ... I want that removed too.



Put your image tag into the category description (if you want it to appear in the category listings) or into the extended description (if you want it to show up only in the category itself). Don't put it into the category name.

Zain Jaffer 02-13-2005 09:45 PM

Hi Andrew,

Perhaps I was too vague and should make myself more clear:

Sorry, but the 2 solutions failed to solve the problem:

Bascically, I want the avatar to remain where it is on the front page but its image NOT be displayed how it is in the link above but to remain where it is.

Here is the main page: http://www.juicyduff.com/forum/local_links.php

You can see that the "wallpapers" images is moved, basically I only want the thumbnails to be on the left handside (category) and no where else.

Thanks, your help is appreciated...

AndrewD 02-14-2005 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Zain Jaffer
Hi Andrew,

Perhaps I was too vague and should make myself more clear:

Sorry, but the 2 solutions failed to solve the problem:

Bascically, I want the avatar to remain where it is on the front page but its image NOT be displayed how it is in the link above but to remain where it is.

Here is the main page: http://www.juicyduff.com/forum/local_links.php

You can see that the "wallpapers" images is moved, basically I only want the thumbnails to be on the left handside (category) and no where else.

Thanks, your help is appreciated...

Then you will have to edit a couple of the templates, links_main and links_catbit. links_main is the one that gives you the category title near the top of the page and links_catbit gives you the listing of categories within a page. There are three bits of information that you play with: the category name, its description and its extended description.

As you observe, if you put an image tag (or any other tag) into the category name, then the tag also shows up in the navigation bar as text. (I'll see if I can check for that condition and remove it, but I need to be careful that I don't kill anything else in the process.)

What you could do (easier if you are the only person creating categories on your board) is use the description or its extended description purely to hold the bbcode image tage, and modify the template accordingly.

For example. you could use the description to hold only the image tag and put the accompanying text into the extended description. So, you might edit these lines in the links_main template:


<tr align="center">
        <td class="tcat" align="center"><strong>$viewcatname</strong>
        <if condition="$catclosed != 0"><span class="smallfont">[closed]</span></if>
        <td class="alt1"><span class="smallfont">$viewcattext</span></td>

replacing $viewcatname by $viewcatdesc $viewcatname

You would also have to make a similar change in the links_catbit template, where the three variables are $catname, $catdesc amd $cattext.


<tr valign="top">
<td class="alt$catstyle">
<span class="smallfont">
<if condition="$catnew">
<a href="local_links.php?action=links&amp;catid=$catid">$catname</a>
<if condition="$catnew">
<td class="alt$catstyle">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr><td width="75%">
<span class="smallfont">
<if condition="$catnew">
<if condition="$catnew">
</b> (new entry $catdate)
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_edit_category]">
<a href="local_links.php?action=editcat&amp;catid=$catid">[edit]</a>
<if condition="$subcatnames"><br /><strong>Sub-categories:</strong> $subcatnames</if>
<td class="alt$catstyle" width="25%" align="right">
<span class="smallfont">
<if condition="$links_defaults[count_depth]==0">
[$catsub categ/$catentry entries]
<else />
[$catchildentry entries]

Good luck

Zain Jaffer 02-14-2005 10:32 AM

Unfortunately that didn't work :(

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