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joecool 04-19-2003 01:08 PM

Thanks guys :)

This is actully a pretty good game, you can even play it with a friend (on the same comp) but only player1's score will be saved tho, and please note: you have more then 1 life, so you're score wont be submitted until all of you're life are gone ;)

btw you will get more and more score for every level/life so the final score is much higher then the score you have when you died the last time (becaus the score start from 0 when you finnich a level/die) and it's the final (total) score that get saved ;)

In the zip you will get:

modifyed game
thumb pic
king icon
readme file

In the readme file you will see both a manual install and a Query for those of you who have problems to install the games manual.

wedjcom 04-19-2003 01:49 PM

None of the icons are showing anywhere and it seems there is an issue with proimage.php and my php.ini configuration, but I have yet to figure it out.

Here is a result when I run the script from the address bar (with required variable)

GIF89a?u?n?n?m?g?f?g?f?a?`?`?7m3g3f0`6=93  ?? ?????? ?????????[ xT ?????????????Y  ?????????????????ý??zzzvvvuuuQQQFFF333###  !??,???pH,?Ȥ??)9?N?i? i ?Oq$?z??Ň?|ϣ???n?;?1???{?&?~????!|?&E???)>* ??E>????????? ?????? ?????> ??? ??????D?? ????? ??? ʚ???????ݘ?????>?<敺81.3??=0+?5??;-?+2???h?X?"ǿ!?n?? :o?[B??ŋ?;

I noticed there is a SPACE at the begninnning of the file. This appears even if I simply echo some text and exit at the beginning of the script.

Any thoughts??

joecool 04-19-2003 01:57 PM

i'm not sure what game you was trying to add, but if this happend to all you're games, then add the pics in you're adminCP ;)

Jakor Sevel 04-19-2003 02:20 PM

joe, good job converting games for the arcade.

*sigh* man i wish i knew where to find the fla for this one basketball game, it's 3D and gots great graphics and stuff, it'd be the best game for arcade yet IMO. Too bad i only have the swf.

NuclioN 04-19-2003 09:44 PM

I've spend some time to let this game work. It's a small poker game but it's great for the arcade. I shall add the fla and as you can see i've tried to catch the score but somehow it does'nt work so far. I hope someone can do this. :)


ULTIMATESSJ 04-19-2003 09:53 PM

i have a small question about this hack, does this take a load of your bandwidth, and do you have to upload all the games to your host

Jakor Sevel 04-20-2003 12:43 AM

Ultimate: I wouldn't say it takes a load, depends how often your members use it and such, and how many games you have, how many members, etc. I suggest not installing it if you don't have very much bandwidth a month to give up. And yes, you do have to upload all the games to your host, at least I think so.

DigitalDesktops 04-20-2003 03:51 AM

Plasmanaut 2

Game Identifer: plasma_2
Game Hash Offset: 5
Score Return Variable: $treffer


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="400" height="500">
<param name="movie" value="$vpa_gameurl?location=$vpa_bburl&gamename=$game&gamehash=$gamehash&s=$session[sessionhash]">
<param name=loop value=false>
<param name=menu value=false>
<param name=quality value=high>
<param name=bgcolor value=#000000>
<embed src="$vpa_gameurl" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="500">

Enjoy. :)

Dean C 04-20-2003 10:50 AM

Wow all these groovy games - can't wait for the first post to be updates :p

- miSt

NuclioN 04-20-2003 12:34 PM

I've found this in the poker game wich is i guess the clue to the score variable.

if (score<=0) score=100;

NuclioN 04-20-2003 01:42 PM

I've modified another video pokergame. Swf, icon and scorevariable in the zip. ;)

EvilLS1 04-20-2003 05:33 PM

Nice game NuclioN. Thanks. :)

Could you post the fla file? I'd like to try to make it so that you can bet different amounts like 5, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, etc.

NuclioN 04-20-2003 05:44 PM

I've already modified it so the bet is 25 because 5 on huge amounts of points are to much clicks to loose some. :)

fla: http://www.cyberty.nl/flashpoker.fla

I remove the fla later from the server :)

EvilLS1 04-20-2003 06:19 PM

Thanks NuclioN.

I added buttons to bet 5, 25, 50, 100, 500, and 1000. :)

Here's the .swf:

DigitalDesktops 04-20-2003 06:21 PM


Yesterday at 04:40 AM joecool said this in Post #793
hmm, if we do get multiplayer games, dont you think people would start a multiplayer game (for them self) only to get maximim points on that game? :confused:

you would need two users in order to play a multiplayer game :p.

i'm not sure how it would submit the score though. i found this really neat multiplayer pool game. need two users to play of course. :)

NuclioN 04-20-2003 06:51 PM

Great Evils1 :) I've removed the fla from the server. The slots game and this poker game (roulette also ofcourse) are exellent to work in conjunction with the store hack from lesanne. If it can put scores in the arcade, why not in the storep? The only difficulty i guess is decrease the points by losing.

gengar003 04-20-2003 09:56 PM

Ive seen others with similar problems, but no answer I understoood... :( I've made a game in flash that works, and added in the code provided, it is as follows:

// set up vars to return
vpaver = "100B2";
scorevariable = chipsdenom;
action = "gameover";
game = scrawps;
score_loc = "http://pgsforum.com/vb/proarcade.php";
// this needs to match the Admin CP value
// and should be between 0 and 31
hashoffset = 5;
// do security shuffle to return newhash
subhash1 = gamehash.substr(0, hashoffset);
subhash2 = gamehash.substr(hashoffset);
newhash = subhash2.concat(subhash1);

and I have this:

// redirect back to vbProArcade
getURL (score_loc, "_self", "POST");

on the gameover frame.

now, I've uploaded it, filled in the variables in Admin CP to the best of my knowledge, and I get this after playing:

vbProArcade Error: Invalid game name specified (todo: put something pretty here later)

what do I do?

P.S. -- in case you didn't read above, I KNOW others have had this problem, but I don't get what the soloution was.... please help me. I have other games I'd like to add to my arcade, but don't want them all to have this problem... :)

edit: if you need to take a look at the .fla file (although I hope it's not that big of a problem) PM me.

DigitalDesktops 04-20-2003 10:11 PM


Today at 10:56 PM gengar003 said this in Post #816
Ive seen others with similar problems, but no answer I understoood... :( I've made a game in flash that works, and added in the code provided, it is as follows:

// set up vars to return
vpaver = "100B2";
scorevariable = chipsdenom;
action = "gameover";
game = scrawps;
score_loc = "http://pgsforum.com/vb/proarcade.php";
// this needs to match the Admin CP value
// and should be between 0 and 31
hashoffset = 5;
// do security shuffle to return newhash
subhash1 = gamehash.substr(0, hashoffset);
subhash2 = gamehash.substr(hashoffset);
newhash = subhash2.concat(subhash1);

and I have this:

// redirect back to vbProArcade
getURL (score_loc, "_self", "POST");

on the gameover frame.

now, I've uploaded it, filled in the variables in Admin CP to the best of my knowledge, and I get this after playing:

vbProArcade Error: Invalid game name specified (todo: put something pretty here later)

what do I do?

P.S. -- in case you didn't read above, I KNOW others have had this problem, but I don't get what the soloution was.... please help me. I have other games I'd like to add to my arcade, but don't want them all to have this problem... :)

edit: if you need to take a look at the .fla file (although I hope it's not that big of a problem) PM me.

copy and paste this:

PHP Code:

// set up vars to return
vpaver "100B2";
scorevariable score;
action "gameover";
game gamename;
score_loc location "/proarcade.php";

// this needs to match the Admin CP value
// and should be between 0 and 31
hashoffset 5;

// do security shuffle to return newhash
subhash1 gamehash.substr(0,hashoffset);
subhash2 gamehash.substr(hashoffset);
newhash subhash2.concat(subhash1);

// redirect back to vbProArcade
getURL (score_loc"_self""POST"); 

only change scorevariable:

PHP Code:

scorevariable score

to the scorevariable in the game. DO NOT change score. :) I hope this helps you.

what game are you trying to modify anyway? :)

Mijae 04-21-2003 01:08 AM

Sweet! There are so many news games...

Erwin 04-21-2003 01:46 AM

Great job with the new games! :)

I've attached a thumbnail for solitaire:

Mijae 04-21-2003 03:08 AM

That Poker2.swf has a bug in it. You can change the Credits: to any number you want. Go try it :P

The highest number it will record on the scoreboard is ~2.1bil

You cant edit the number for bets tho, but that would be a good adition, 5 by 5 is way to slow. I was at $35,000 gains until I found out the bug :P

Jakor Sevel 04-21-2003 03:53 AM

can someone fix the bug for poker2, lol.

joecool 04-21-2003 12:21 PM

Thx alot EvilLS1 and NuclioN for that poker game, i love it :) One question tho, could you "EvilLS1" add some more bet buttons, like: 10.000, 50.000 and 100.000 or replace 5, 25 and 50 with those other? i never use them anyway :P and it's getting really anoying to press the 1.000 button all those times when you have over 1 million to bid with ;) or even better, add a bet all button, that would really rock my world :)

anyway, thanks alot i love this game ;)

Edit: oh yeh, it would also be nice with a "play again" button on the "game over" screen ;)

EvilLS1 04-21-2003 12:29 PM

Sure, I can add those buttons if NuclioN would'nt mind posting the .fla again (you can email it to me at EvilLS1TA@AOL.com). I deleted it from my computer after making the first set of buttons.

EvilLS1 04-21-2003 01:42 PM

Ok here ya go..

* Fixed the bug that allows people to change the credit amount.

* Hopefully fixed the bug that only allows you to win 2.1bil.

* Translated text to English & fixed spelling mistake (you loose?)

* added a "bet all" button so that you can put it all on the line

* added a "play again?" button to the game over screen.

* also added a few extra buttons to bet different amounts (10k, 100k, etc)

Poker .swf attached:

EvilLS1 04-21-2003 01:58 PM

If you downloaded the poker game in the post above before I made this post, clear your browser catch and download it again. I fixed another bug.

EvilLS1 04-21-2003 02:15 PM

Clear your browser catch and download it one more time..

I translated the text to English.

NuclioN 04-21-2003 02:22 PM

Tnx Evils1, you make this game rock. :)

EvilLS1 04-21-2003 02:40 PM


Today at 03:22 PM NuclioN said this in Post #827
Tnx Evils1, you make this game rock. :)
n/p. Thanks for posting it. :)

Jakor Sevel 04-21-2003 03:45 PM

it's still letting me change the credits, and the other buttons aren't showing up.

EvilLS1 04-21-2003 03:57 PM


Today at 04:45 PM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #830
it's still letting me change the credits, and the other buttons aren't showing up.
Clear your browser cache and go download it again. ;)

NuclioN 04-21-2003 04:16 PM

In the search for opensource flash games i saw this italian site, lots of games but i can't figure out how to download them:

Also another index of links to opensource fla's:

joecool 04-21-2003 04:28 PM

Thx Alot EvilLS1! :)

joecool 04-21-2003 04:32 PM


Today at 12:16 PM NuclioN said this in Post #832
In the search for opensource flash games i saw this italian site, lots of games but i can't figure out how to download them:

Also another index of links to opensource fla's:

Thx for those links, and you download them by pressing the "DOWNLOAD" button ;)

NuclioN 04-21-2003 04:58 PM

Yep, it shut be done that way but i can't download them. Maybe my popupstopper knocks the new window down, i don't know. I shall try it again. ;)

joecool 04-21-2003 05:58 PM

yeh it does ;) btw i have modifyed a couple of new games from one of those sites :) i will release them later today when i'm done with the icons and redme file ;) woho!

NuclioN 04-21-2003 06:21 PM

Yes, i've that breakout version working but it's all italian. :)

joecool 04-21-2003 06:23 PM

I got it working too, and here it is :D

In the zip you will get:

modifyed game
thumb pic
king icon
readme file

In the readme file you will see both a manual install and a Query for those of you who have problems to install the games manual.

THIS GAME ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NuclioN 04-21-2003 06:57 PM

Also a great pokergame, also Italian. I hope Evils1 can make buttons for it, i shall place it later or turbo joe must place it first. :)

joecool 04-21-2003 06:59 PM

In the zip you will get:

modifyed game
thumb pic
king icon
readme file

In the readme file you will see both a manual install and a Query for those of you who have problems to install the games manual.

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