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DragonByte Tech 02-01-2013 04:54 PM

You can manually delete old points table entries if you like :)


DragonByte Tech 03-15-2013 11:09 PM

vBActivity v3.0.3
Feature: New Points Setting: Points For Registration


DragonByte Tech 03-16-2013 04:45 PM

A missing installer code caused an issue with registrations. If you downloaded the product prior to this post, please run the following query to correct it:

ALTER TABLE dbtech_vbactivity_points ADD registration DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
Please remember to add your table prefix if you use one.


erosolmi 03-17-2013 05:12 PM

Dear Fillip,

I've installed this great mod. All seems working fine under VB4.2.0 PL3

Than I started to recalculate points but it seems not able to pass a specific user (me :) ) I imagine because it has a lot of posts and actions to calculate. It takes areound 2 minutes and than stops.


Recalculating points...

Processing: 545
It hangs on posts maybe because I made more than 7000 posts

Is it possible to avoid recalculation of a single user and go on?

Thanks a lot

erosolmi 03-17-2013 06:03 PM

Looking at your PHP code

maybe my situation create a bug in the way it calculated sequences of users to update

I have a vBulletin forum converted from a SMF (Simple Machine Forum).
UserId of users do not follow a sequence like 1,2,3,4
but I have admin = 1 and than all other userid start from 546, 547, ....
so there is a gap between 1 and 545

Just a guessing

DragonByte Tech 03-17-2013 08:37 PM

There's no way to easily skip a single user, no. Does it stop loading, or just take a long time?

If it stops, can you contact your host and ensure set_time_limit and ignore_user_abort is available for your scripts - that way, vBActivity will keep on trucking until it's completed its tasks.

There won't be any issue with non-sequential numbers :)


erosolmi 03-17-2013 09:10 PM

Thanks a lot.
Server is mine and timeout is already quite high (240 seconds)

I tried to recalculate giving 1 as "user per cycle" but now it seems to recalculate all users summing the results all in one user: 546
Recalculation page refresh after each user, but the userid shown is always 546 and data is summed up to the same user

I reset all the point and retried but it behaves always the same


DragonByte Tech 03-19-2013 02:34 PM

Can you edit your configuration as per my previous post then?


bryanb 03-19-2013 04:34 PM

Could anyone here give me some feedback on how this compares to vBExperience?

I've used vBExperience for some time - but it's buggy and no longer has support. I was able to give awards for certain activities (tagging, referrals, points for having articles posted in the CMS, etc., etc). To include icons displayed in the user's profile that showed their level of achievement.

The members loved this, but it was buggy and I just can't afford to depend on something that is unreliable.

Has anyone migrated from vBExperience over to this mod?

DragonByte Tech 03-25-2013 06:03 PM

I obviously can't speak for migrating from vBExperience, but I can tell you that you can both manually and automatically give out awards and achievements respectively in vBActivity.

Ours is also fully supported so any issues you encounter will be addressed ASAP (quicker by posting in our support forums vs here on vb.org) :)

There's currently no importer from vBExperience, but the Pro version has pre-made data available for import :)


TopShelfGamer 03-29-2013 05:52 PM

Any chance we can get i trader added to achievement criteria?

DragonByte Tech 04-01-2013 12:34 AM

Please post feature requests on our forums - vB.org feature requests will just get lost in the mists of time once a few pages have passed :)


DragonByte Tech 04-05-2013 02:59 PM

vBActivity & Awards v3.0.4
Feature: Improved logging details for Control Panel actions
Change: Changed the Branding display method to inject itself into the copyright footer (underneath vBulletin copyright) instead of the page footer.
Change: Changed the Branding Free Key to a more secure key.


vivachina 04-05-2013 08:50 PM


Promotions aren't working on my forum. Any ideas why?

I just set up a couple promotions of and nothing happens with the users.

armthehomeless1 04-10-2013 04:49 AM

The only thing ive found so far that I dont like is the position of the trophies..
They dont look good next to the users name at all, can they be added to the postbit? Maybe in another 'box' like the achievements?

Also is there any other icon packs? the included one is lacking somewhat - the small icons are great the big ones are so overbearing.

DragonByte Tech 04-12-2013 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by vivachina (Post 2414567)

Promotions aren't working on my forum. Any ideas why?

I just set up a couple promotions of and nothing happens with the users.

Please post Pro support questions in our Pro support forums :)


Originally Posted by armthehomeless1 (Post 2415463)
The only thing ive found so far that I dont like is the position of the trophies..
They dont look good next to the users name at all, can they be added to the postbit? Maybe in another 'box' like the achievements?

They're tied in with the Markup Username, so that can't be done, sorry :(


Originally Posted by armthehomeless1 (Post 2415463)
Also is there any other icon packs? the included one is lacking somewhat - the small icons are great the big ones are so overbearing.

Unfortunately not :(


AzzazelCyC 04-28-2013 09:23 PM

I wonder (sorry if this has been asked, such a long thread) is this working with vB 4.2.0?

Zadvantage 04-29-2013 11:04 AM

Maybe I have something set wrong - I am using the lite version and I'm trying to run "recalculate points" so my old members can get credit for what they've done. It stops processing on the 4th user at "gotten rep" every time I run it.

Is there a setting I need to adjust?

DragonByte Tech 04-29-2013 11:08 AM

All our mods work with all versions of vBulletin - they usually work better with newer versions, as we keep our dev boards up to date :)


Zadvantage 04-29-2013 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Zadvantage (Post 2419082)
Maybe I have something set wrong - I am using the lite version and I'm trying to run "recalculate points" so my old members can get credit for what they've done. It stops processing on the 4th user at "gotten rep" every time I run it.

Is there a setting I need to adjust?

I switched it to do 1 user per cycle and it has made it past that user finally... but I think this may take all day ;)

DragonByte Tech 05-06-2013 04:03 PM

If one user has a very large amount of posts, or some other type of content, it can take a very long time to process that user.


jmorton 06-14-2013 02:24 PM

Having trouble with the activity bar in the postbit. The activity bar shows as tall as the available space in the postbit.

Thanks for the help

DragonByte Tech 06-15-2013 04:41 PM

What browser is that in?


jmorton 06-15-2013 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2428315)
What browser is that in?


chrome, firefox or IE is all the same

HERE <- is an example

DragonByte Tech 06-16-2013 07:51 PM

This happens because you've customised the "dbtech_vbactivity_bar" template to remove the height limitation.

Please revert all vBActivity templates :)


jmorton 06-17-2013 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2428570)
This happens because you've customised the "dbtech_vbactivity_bar" template to remove the height limitation.

Please revert all vBActivity templates :)


Here is what I have for dbtech_vbactivity_bar template
<div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_left.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar left};"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_right.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar right};"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}.png" width="{vb:raw percent}px" height="11" alt="" style="float:{vb:stylevar left};" />

DragonByte Tech 06-22-2013 08:02 PM

Yet that's not what appears in the source code on your forum O.o


jmorton 06-25-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2429846)
Yet that's not what appears in the source code on your forum O.o


<div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_left.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar left};"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_right.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar right};"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}.png" width="{vb:raw percent}px" height="11" alt="" style="float:{vb:stylevar left};" />
<dt>Lv. Percent</dt> <dd>99.33%</dd>
<dd><div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/green_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/green_left.png); display:inline; float:left;"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/green_right.png); display:inline; float:right;"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/green.png" width="99.33px" height="11" alt="" style="float:left;" />
I am not sure I follow what you are saying. The templates have been reverted or original. See above from the postbit activity bar template and also the source of the page as dispalyed. It is highly possible that I have made a mistake...that's why I am here:D

Ellendway 06-26-2013 08:30 AM

Hello guys,

I am trying to create a new achievement system for my forums. I have got issues and questions.

1. Achievements for dates
I have got the forums about World of Warcraft and as you maybe know WoW had some awesome events in the game or outside of the game. I want to make achievements like "BlizzCon 2010 - Be part of the forums during BlizzCon 2010". Unfortunately I didn't find a way how to add the achievement just for one fixed date. Is there a chance to do it somehow?

2. Adding more rules
I'd like to ask, if I can somehow add more rules for achievements. I wanted to add some achievements for sections and threads - mostly about posts in the threads - like achievement for posting in a Music Thread.

I am sure I will have more questions but I am not sure if someone here actually using this plugin and got some experience.

Thank you for your time and answers.

DragonByte Tech 06-26-2013 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by jmorton (Post 2430492)
<div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_left.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar left};"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_right.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar right};"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}.png" width="{vb:raw percent}px" height="11" alt="" style="float:{vb:stylevar left};" />
<dt>Lv. Percent</dt> <dd>99.33%</dd>
<dd><div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/green_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/green_left.png); display:inline; float:left;"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/green_right.png); display:inline; float:right;"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/green.png" width="99.33px" height="11" alt="" style="float:left;" />
I am not sure I follow what you are saying. The templates have been reverted or original. See above from the postbit activity bar template and also the source of the page as dispalyed. It is highly possible that I have made a mistake...that's why I am here:D

Try changing the template to

<div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_left.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar left};"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_right.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar right};"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}.png" width="{vb:raw percent}px" height="11" alt="" style="float:{vb:stylevar left}; height:11px;" />


Originally Posted by Ellendway (Post 2430576)
1. Achievements for dates
I have got the forums about World of Warcraft and as you maybe know WoW had some awesome events in the game or outside of the game. I want to make achievements like "BlizzCon 2010 - Be part of the forums during BlizzCon 2010". Unfortunately I didn't find a way how to add the achievement just for one fixed date. Is there a chance to do it somehow?

Those need to be Awards, not Achievements. It's not possible to award Achievements for a specific date.


Originally Posted by Ellendway (Post 2430576)
2. Adding more rules
I'd like to ask, if I can somehow add more rules for achievements. I wanted to add some achievements for sections and threads - mostly about posts in the threads - like achievement for posting in a Music Thread.

Unfortunately that would vastly decrease the performance of the modification so it's not possible at this time, sorry :(


jmorton 06-27-2013 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2430691)
Try changing the template to

<div style="width:102px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_faded.png);">
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_left.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar left};"></div>
<div style="width:1px; height:11px; background-image:url(images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}_right.png); display:inline; float:{vb:stylevar right};"></div>
<img src="images/icons/vbactivity/{vb:raw color}.png" width="{vb:raw percent}px" height="11" alt="" style="float:{vb:stylevar left}; height:11px;" />


Thanks Fillip
it looks like that has resolved my problem:up:

Ellendway 06-27-2013 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2430691)
Those need to be Awards, not Achievements. It's not possible to award Achievements for a specific date.

Thanks for your answer Filip!

Can I add Awards for specific group of people? I found that it can be added member by member but I think I haven't got a time to add that to more than 7000 people manually :P

DragonByte Tech 07-05-2013 12:04 AM

There's no mass-usergroup add at this time, sorry :(


Ellendway 07-05-2013 01:15 PM

Thank you for your answer Fillip.

Anyway, I'd like to ask if it's in a plan or if it's possible to do it somehow with database command ;-)

DragonByte Tech 07-06-2013 05:40 PM

Unfortunately it's not possible to run it via a database command as PHP needs to be executed for each award, sorry :(

For feature requests, you can post them in our forums and it'll get taken into consideration :)


DragonByte Tech 07-13-2013 12:28 PM

vBActivity v3.1.0 Beta 2

Define PM Senders
  • Add separate users as the sender of several vBAA PMs
  • Reverts to "same as recipient" if no users are specified
  • Complete List:
    • Post PM Threshold
    • New Achievement
    • New Award

Awards Setting: Postbit Display Order
  • Choose between three display orders
    • Awarded (Ascending)
    • Awarded (Descending)
    • AdminCP Display Order

vBActivity v3.1.0 Beta 1

Fine-Grained ModCP Permissions
  • Separate usergroup permission required for each page
  • Separates add/edit/delete and ability to hand out awards
  • Complete List:
    • Can Manage Achievements
    • Can Manage Categories
    • Can Manage Criteria
    • Can Manage Awards
    • Can Grant Awards
    • Can Manage Maintenance Options
    • Can Manage Points Settings
    • Can Manage Global Permissions
    • Can Manage vBulletin Options

Points for Attachments
  • Ability to grant points for attachment uploads
  • Works when attachments are stored in the File System, not in the database
  • Allows re-calculation for past attachments uploaded

Points for [DBTech] DragonByte Gallery Uploads
  • Ability to grant points for DragonByte Gallery uploads
  • Works when attachments are stored in the File System, not in the database
  • Allows re-calculation for past images uploaded

Per-Forum Criteria
  • Ability to set certain Criteria as only applying to certain forums
  • Works with the following Criteria types:
    • Posts
    • Posts (Own Threads)
    • Threads
    • Thread Ratings Given
    • Thread Ratings Received
    • Polls Posted
    • Poll Votes
    • Reputation Given
    • Reputation Received
    • Infractions Given
    • Infractions Received
    • [DBTech] Advanced User Tagging: Mentions Given
    • [DBTech] Advanced User Tagging: Mentions Received
    • [DBTech] Advanced User Tagging: Tags Given
    • [DBTech] Advanced User Tagging: Tags Received

Duplicate Achievements
  • Ability to copy Achievements when creating a new Achievement
  • Copies all settings including Criteria chosen

Points Alongside Awards
  • Users can be given points alongside Awards
  • Works with "Recalculate Points" maintenance action

PM User At X Posts
  • Ability to define different thresholds to PM a user
  • Translatable PM title / text

PM User When Receiving Awards
  • Sends a PM to users when they receive a new Award
  • Translatable PM title / text
  • Global toggle via vBulletin Options

PM User When Receiving Achievements
  • Sends a PM to users when they receive a new Achievement
  • Translatable PM title / text
  • Global toggle via vBulletin Options
  • Doesn't trigger on recalculate, to avoid spam

General / Other
  • Points for Posts is now more compatible with 3rd party modifications that generate posts
  • Who's Online support
  • (vB4) The profile block has been updated to support profile customisation


DragonByte Tech 07-26-2013 02:47 PM

vBActivity v3.1.0 Gold

Command-Line Maintenance Script
  • Deploy script anywhere on your server and run it securely
  • Allows running all maintenance actions otherwise found in the AdminCP
  • Ideal for very large forums that cannot reliably run the features via the web browser

Increased Postbit Control
  • Allows for various postbit items to be deployed individually
  • Complete List:
    • Activity Points
    • Activity Level
    • Daily Activity
    • Daily Activity Bar

  • Editing an achievement will now display the correct achievement info


kartheekb 07-27-2013 03:13 AM

Recently i got mail that new version has been released.

my current version : 3.0.2

how to upgrade to new version?

and one more Q , Is there any option to reset all points of all members??

Ellendway 07-29-2013 02:12 PM


PM User When Receiving Achievements
Hello Fillip,

I have got a question about PMs for users.

I set achievement for posts:
  • Polls Posted >= 1
  • Polls Posted >= 5
  • Polls Posted >= 10
Users reached posts (1, 5, 10). Unfortunately they didn't get Personal Message and achievement is not counted in the profile at all.

Before the post


After the post


Is there the time what I need to wait until the system will recognise it and will send Personal Message?

kartheekb 07-30-2013 04:29 AM

uninstalled previous mod version and updated to new version 3.1.1 from ur site

when i go through points system.. noting showing in it..


New update.. I have tried 3.1.0 also same problem ..

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