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yotsume 07-24-2009 07:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So Many Users Stuck at zero %?

I have some users with less points who are at 99% and other users with higer points who are at 0%. So please anyone explain to me why the heck gives here???

I have level 1 installed because my board is under 500 members.

So why dont we see members on my site at any other % like 4% 30% or anything!

Are we really all sure this product actually works?

I will provide login info for the developer if you could help check out my settings pleased. I need this sorted out and fixed ASAP please.

Here is a screen shot. Some please explain whats wrong! It seems the activity calculator in this mod is just a huge bug or broke!

I have Level 1 installed. I tried Level 2 and 3. Each time I did recount and cleared my cache to see any changes. Again the Activity % seems just wrong! 0% 99% or 100% and no other % in between!? NO WAY!

Dutch_Boy 07-25-2009 12:24 AM

did you do a recount ? After you you change the level you have to do a recount.

Or just wait a day. The addon will do it by him self.

yotsume 07-25-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1854930)
did you do a recount ? After you you change the level you have to do a recount.

Or just wait a day. The addon will do it by him self.

Yes of course I did a recount. I am sorry but a recount is not the cure all answer everyone likes to throw around this forum!

I solved my problem by adjusting the point system which really needs to be customized per forum. Once I changes those settings to mirror how my site is used everything corrected itself and the %s now are calculated correctly. 2PT for posting a thread and 1Pt for a blog really!!! COME ON!!!

Many people who have problems need to spend the time adjusting the points settings. :up:

Now again I need the experience bars in the blogs by avatars and waiting for vb4 and a major update to this mod to be released is too long of a wait.

So is there anyone who can help with the edits to get that to work? Maybe if we had a realistic update ETA that would be helpful for me.

Also, everyone that uses the Shop it would be helpful if you post your item graphics and categories here. I was seriously disappointed with this mod after turning on the Shop to see zero default info preloaded. :(

Dutch_Boy 07-25-2009 11:36 AM

You can allso us this shop mod. It doenst work with experience.


Its gold so its free :)

yotsume 07-26-2009 05:50 AM

Problem Adding New Awards

I just added a new award for Discussion Ender. After doing all the required recounts, one member shows in Awards having receive this new award.... HOWEVER: On their profile the award is not shown under the experience tab nor the award graphic? Also, the new award is not shown under Ranking next to their username.

What is wrong?

Is the award system broke in this release or what? and if one fool replies and tell me to do a recount I am going to VOMIT all over them!

Let's dig deeper:

1. When you add a new award it has first listed: Unique identificatorGraphics are included with this: award_IDENTIFICATOR.gif - don't use same identificator twice!
Well ok this AINT clear at all as to what goes in this field. Please explin to me why the identifier has anything to do with a gif image in the instructions listed under it!

QUESTION: What goes in the identifier field? Anything we want? Or do the identifiers need to match the type of extra we have installed for instance 'Discussion Ender"?

2. On all the default awards there is no path to any images yet the awards show images! WTF!!!?

3. How about some REAL instruction on how to add awards of our own if this feature actually works at all please!


yotsume 07-26-2009 06:22 AM

New Award Problem Solved!


Originally Posted by kalisekj (Post 1840894)
ok I figured it out the name of the image must be award_Unique Identificator Name.png for it to show properly in the postbit. WooHoo!

Thanks for finding this! That solved my problem as well. Umm sorry this mod is awesome but the documentation/phrases SUCK!!!

So to be clear: The name of the identifier has to be part of the image file name for it to show in the postbit or in profiles. Example: award_discussion_ender_nail.png The identifier for this must be: discussion_ender_nail. You can leave the "Path to Award-Image" field blank. WEIRD! MISLEADING!

I will be re-phrasing all the fields in the "Manage Awards" settings on this mod so that clear English is used!

WOW what a waste of time! Please for the love of god spend the time and improve the phrases used in the vb4 release! :up:

Oh yea makes sense to me that you don't even need to put in a URl to an image but the identifier does that for you. HOHUM!

GraphicTibiaent 07-26-2009 07:45 AM

not working for me I'm going to rename the image the same as the award itself also and test that so everything is same

EDIT Everything must be lower case and all match it seems at the moments Thanks worked great

IMAGES MUST BE gif format as well

Phalynx 07-27-2009 09:35 AM

As I already announced few times, vBExperience 3.8.4 has already a new mechanic to reference images to awards.

Phalynx 07-27-2009 11:21 AM

vBExperience 3.8.4 has now reached the beta stage! This release brings great new features to your forum like re-worked Awards with direct URL, categories, new layout and new options. Give Away Points to other users with just few clicks. It also ends the mess with the graphics stored in different style folders.

Download it from the first post.

Upgrade Instructions
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience384.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run Maintenance Tools/Recount

Changelog for 3.8.4, BETA 1, 27th July 2009
- There is a new directory called xperience. This is the new place for ALL graphics, including bars, shop items and awards.
- Awards: New Feature for Awards: You can enter a direct URL like "/images/awards/gold1.gif" instead of using the complicated identificator. You can use a small and a big image. Existing Awards are working like before.
- Awards: Change display style for awards on profile: Either included in Experience fieldset or in an extra block below albums
- Awards: Introduced Award Categories for a better grouping if using more awards
- Awards: New Awardlisting. You can choose whether this or the old style legacy blockwise Awardlisting.
- Awards: Logging of all issued awards
- Give Away Points. A new feature to share points with friends. You can choose freely of one of the point category and give away some or even all points.
- CDP: New Plugin for Advanced Forum Points. You can independent set points for several forums
- Ranking: Fixed pagination
- Recount has been moved to an own dedicated page: AdminCP, Experience, Recount
- New About Info with link to Support Thread
- Fixed HTML Validation errors
- Fixed several smaller problems

gamerfu 07-27-2009 11:37 AM


When will there be a configurable shop item that can be bought temporarly, like so many points to download a file? :confused:

Phalynx 07-27-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by gamerfu (Post 1856445)
When will there be a configurable shop item that can be bought temporarly, like so many points to download a file? :confused:

Uhm, I assume whenever I add some non-virtual items to it. Maybe in next major version.

Viruseater 07-27-2009 12:15 PM

installed upgrade following instructions.

Now, when viewing awards, it shows nobody having awards and this error is presented
FROM xperience_award_issues
WHERE dateline_out=0 AND userid=72 AND awardid=1;

MySQL Error : Table 'mmaspot_vb.xperience_award_issues' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Monday, July 27th 2009 @ 08:01:05 AM
Error Date : Monday, July 27th 2009 @ 08:01:05 AM

I did a recount prior to seeing this

Phalynx 07-27-2009 12:31 PM

Did you uploaded files first and afterwards reimported the product XML?

mitch84 07-27-2009 12:46 PM

Hi, the language file is updated?

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 12:50 PM

Thanks for the update. No problems here :)

But one question.

Do i need to upload all the addons again? Or do the still work?

I mean the "arm_of_law" and all the other things you can add to experience.

Phalynx 07-27-2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 1856468)
Hi, the language file is updated?


no, as this is a Beta. I will update the language files for the RC.


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1856473)
Thanks for the update. No problems here :)

But one question.

Do i need to upload all the addons again? Or do the still work?

I mean the "arm_of_law" and all the other things you can add to experience.

No, you don't need to do that.

mitch84 07-27-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1856480)

no, as this is a Beta. I will update the language files for the RC.

ok thanks

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 01:10 PM

I wanna translate it to dutch but i need to know something.

I need to us this file "vbulletin-language-english-383 - Use this as a reference for own translations" But do i need to translate everthing what is engels.

<phrase name="xperience_admin_awards_none" date="1231346464" username="Phalynx" version="3.8.0"><![CDATA[No Awards. Re-Import the product to create default Awards.]]></phrase>

The text in red need to be translated to dutch?

Viruseater 07-27-2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1856464)
Did you uploaded files first and afterwards reimported the product XML?

Hi, and thanks for that speedy reply. IN fact, thanks also for my forum member's favorite mod!

yes I followed the instructions to the letter.

What if I removed it completely then installed the beta? Is it as simple as uninstalling it through the product mangement or is there something special I'd need to do?

I don't want to do it this way because I'll lose my edits and shop 'stuff'. this really isn't a huge problem, i mean the awards show, but I'm a stickler for errors and logs lol so i want to resolve it.

Phalynx 07-27-2009 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1856485)
I wanna translate it to dutch but i need to know something.

I need to us this file "vbulletin-language-english-383 - Use this as a reference for own translations" But do i need to translate everthing what is engels.

<phrase name="xperience_admin_awards_none" date="1231346464" username="Phalynx" version="3.8.0"><![CDATA[No Awards. Re-Import the product to create default Awards.]]></phrase>

The text in red need to be translated to dutch?

Yes, you are right.


Originally Posted by Viruseater (Post 1856486)
Hi, and thanks for that speedy reply. IN fact, thanks also for my forum member's favorite mod!

yes I followed the instructions to the letter.

What if I removed it completely then installed the beta? Is it as simple as uninstalling it through the product mangement or is there something special I'd need to do?

I don't want to do it this way because I'll lose my edits and shop 'stuff'. this really isn't a huge problem, i mean the awards show, but I'm a stickler for errors and logs lol so i want to resolve it.

If you remove it through the product management no real data will get loss. You will to do a recount after that, to have the points addedd to the users. Shop items and awards are not removed with it.

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 01:30 PM

Hey phalynx i think you did something wrong. After installing the new update i get this database error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN vb_user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN (0,15946) ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;

MySQL Error : SELECT command denied to user 'iwsgamin_iwsvb'@'localhost' for column 'userid' in table 'post_thanks'
Error Number : 1143
Request Date : Monday, July 27th 2009 @ 06:26:35 PM
Error Date : Monday, July 27th 2009 @ 06:26:35 PM

Im using the addon:

vBExperience - Post Thank You Hack Integration

When i turn the thanks an groan addon off it stops.

When i try to look at a topic it give the database error.

Phalynx 07-27-2009 02:02 PM

Dutch Boy I don't think I did something wrong. I cannot see that vBExperience is involved in that query you posted. vBExperience and also that post hack integration is not using such a query.

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1856521)
Dutch Boy I don't think I did something wrong. I cannot see that vBExperience is involved in that query you posted. vBExperience and also that post hack integration is using such a query.

But the last thing i did on the forum is upload your beta mod :S Strange !

Phalynx 07-27-2009 02:15 PM

That error disappears when you do what ... ?

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 02:22 PM

When i try to uninstall "vBExperience - Post Thank You Hack Integration" i get this database error.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE vb_xperience_stats DROP points_post_thanks_used BIGINT DEFAULT '0';

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BIGINT DEFAULT '0'' at line 1
Error Number : 1064

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1856529)
That error disappears when you do what ... ?

It disappears when i turn the mods offline. I need to turn them both offline or i still get the error.

But i just reinstallad them both. Removed them completle but that didnt work :(

Phalynx 07-27-2009 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1856536)
When i try to uninstall "vBExperience - Post Thank You Hack Integration" i get this database error.

That does not happen with the version included in vBExperience 3.8.4.
Please install the version delivered with 3.8.4 and uninstall it after that.

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1856541)
That does not happen with the version included in vBExperience 3.8.4.
Please install the version delivered with 3.8.4 and uninstall it after that.

Yep your right. Installed the new version and i removed it. But i still got the same problem.

Ill remove the thanks mod again.

But first i have to do some other things. Back in a few hours. (Around 20:00 dutch time)

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 02:34 PM

Ow got another database error and experience got something to do with it.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
AS get_count
FROM vb_xperience_stats as s
LEFT JOIN vb_user as u ON u.userid = s.userid
WHERE 1 = 1 AND NOT (1=2 OR u.usergroupid = '6' OR FIND_IN_SET(6, u.membergroupids))
ORDER BY get_count DESC, points_xperience DESC
LIMIT 0,1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'points_post_thanks_got_total' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

Phalynx 07-27-2009 02:47 PM

As you removed that post thanks integration, you need also to remove that fields manually from awards you created.

Ollie8557 07-27-2009 04:46 PM

Hi, when i go to purchase an item from the shop, i get the following error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_cp_message() in /home/teenibdc/public_html/forum/includes/class_dm.php on line 1042
This is a great mod, and i would like to get it running perfectly if possible. Thanks in advance.

Dutch_Boy 07-27-2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1856557)
As you removed that post thanks integration, you need also to remove that fields manually from awards you created.

I cant remove them because i get a database error.

Im trying to remove experience but i dont know how. Allready uploaded the kill file but i dont know how it works. Can you tell me plz.


Hmm i think it does it by him self :P Cant find the experience drop down menu in admin panel.


It didnt remove the product it self. And when i try to uninstall it i get this:

for a complete kill use ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\upload_via_ftp\admincp\kill_xperience .php

yotsume 07-27-2009 10:37 PM

What in gods name did this beta version do to the nice awards page! Turned it into a simple junk list????

HELLO! What gives? Are you kidding? And you failed to mention that the awards are now striped to a simple list? I busted my A$$ typing in descriptions to my awards! Now they done show. Please tell me there is a setting to expand this???

Sorry but this update for awards at least is a serious design step back! How can i get my old awards page back asap please!

yotsume 07-27-2009 10:44 PM

HAHAAH SORRY I got my awards page back! DOh just a simple settings page. Sorry for becoming UNHINGED in public. You made me nervious!


Loven the new give points away!

yotsume 07-27-2009 11:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
PROBLEM 1: Photopost Pro Database Error

I imported the new xml file for adding Photopost Pro. Your XML file has the wrong table prefix so a database error is created when doing a recount.

When I tried to do a recount of: Update Experience Points I get the following database error because the table prefix in the xml fle is: pp6.

MySQL Error : Table 'xxxxxxxxx.pp6_photos' doesn't exist


Edit the photopost_pro.xml file. On line #50 change: FROM pp6_photos to your Photopost Pro table prefix which is usually just pp_ without the 6. This solves the database issue when performing a recount after this product is installed.

Problem 2: Ranking Pagination Breaks Layout
On the ranking page the pagination is a big problem the numbers go way way off the right side of the page! This update didn't fix this it really broke it!


Pending??? (See Screenshot)

nascartr 07-28-2009 03:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a problem with the statistics page. I have done both recounts yet the page shows 39,025 pages of stats when the last members with stats are listed on page 37. The rest are empty.


yotsume 07-28-2009 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 1856892)
I have a problem with the statistics page. I have done both recounts yet the page shows 39,025 pages of stats when the last members with stats are listed on page 37. The rest are empty.


At least your pages aren't breaking your theme! LOL WOW I have 600 plus pages and only a few hundred members.... yea there is a bug or two in the 3.8.4 beta release which I am sure the developer is already working on fixing.... RIGHT! LOL

cooltechie 07-28-2009 04:04 AM

I switched themes and lost the links. How do I get it back? Will reuploading the xml fix it?


Phalynx 07-28-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ollie8557 (Post 1856633)
Hi, when i go to purchase an item from the shop, i get the following error message:

This is a great mod, and i would like to get it running perfectly if possible. Thanks in advance.

Cannot reproduce this. You simply purchased the item?


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1856655)
I cant remove them because i get a database error.

Im trying to remove experience but i dont know how. Allready uploaded the kill file but i dont know how it works. Can you tell me plz.


Hmm i think it does it by him self :P Cant find the experience drop down menu in admin panel.


It didnt remove the product it self. And when i try to uninstall it i get this:

for a complete kill use ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\upload_via_ftp\admincp\kill_xperience .php

Executing the kill_experience.php you will lose ALL DATA incl. Awards, Shop Items and purchases.


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1856804)
What in gods name did this beta version do to the nice awards page! Turned it into a simple junk list????

HELLO! What gives? Are you kidding? And you failed to mention that the awards are now striped to a simple list? I busted my A$$ typing in descriptions to my awards! Now they done show. Please tell me there is a setting to expand this???

Sorry but this update for awards at least is a serious design step back! How can i get my old awards page back asap please!

Please CALM DOWN a bit. If you would read the changelog, you would know that ("- Awards: New Awardlisting. You can choose whether this or the old style legacy blockwise Awardlisting.")
Also, in the new list style there are also descriptions. So why making here such a flurry?


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1856824)
PROBLEM 1: Photopost Pro Database Error

I imported the new xml file for adding Photopost Pro. Your XML file has the wrong table prefix so a database error is created when doing a recount.

When I tried to do a recount of: Update Experience Points I get the following database error because the table prefix in the xml fle is: pp6.

MySQL Error : Table 'xxxxxxxxx.pp6_photos' doesn't exist


Edit the photopost_pro.xml file. On line #50 change: FROM pp6_photos to your Photopost Pro table prefix which is usually just pp_ without the 6. This solves the database issue when performing a recount after this product is installed.

My installation has pp6_ as prefix. Did you changed that for yourself?


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1856824)
Problem 2: Ranking Pagination Breaks Layout
On the ranking page the pagination is a big problem the numbers go way way off the right side of the page! This update didn't fix this it really broke it!


Pending??? (See Screenshot)


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 1856892)
I have a problem with the statistics page. I have done both recounts yet the page shows 39,025 pages of stats when the last members with stats are listed on page 37. The rest are empty.

Fixed in next Beta.

Phalynx 07-28-2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by cooltechie (Post 1856901)
I switched themes and lost the links. How do I get it back? Will reuploading the xml fix it?


Your themes must support template hooks. Please compare to the original vBulletin templates.

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