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ShawnV 09-14-2008 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1621078)

No, ver2 will work with more than just categories, there is a "modules" plug in that you enter the URI to the external file and it will be included as content for that tab.. (you can use any of the "content" files that I have released with my CMPS AJAX Tabs Mod as well .. recent threads, blogs, news, links, photos etc.. custom content will be pretty easy to add to this. Hell, you could knock out a simple static HTML file, upload it to your server and then with the Module part in the ACP, just enter the file name, give it a tab name and you have a custom tab with your content.. or you can write a complex php file and do the same thing...


Your teams work and dedication to improve this already great MOD is greatly appreciated.


TheInsaneManiac 09-14-2008 06:23 PM

Right now, the 1.01 NON Ajax version, what would the queries be for that? Cause I think this is putting a huge load on my server.

siriuxs 09-15-2008 01:13 PM

It is possible to have a different color for each tab?

craiovaforum 09-15-2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by siriuxs (Post 1622606)
It is possible to have a different color for each tab?

you can do that by editing ajaxtabs.css and adding something like this:


.TFHmenu2 a#specialtab {
background: #FF0000;

.TFHmenu2 a#specialtab.selected {
background: #FF3333;
border-color: #FF3333;

then, in the forumhome template where you defined your tabs just add class="specialtab" to the <a> you want inside the list.

TimberFloorAu 09-15-2008 11:03 PM

Okies. this is my second attempt at looking at this mod.
Im a great lover of ajax tabs, and we use it extensively on other (non Vb ) websites.

Just to get my head round this ( not always up with vb terminology )

So: here goes.

Example: i create 6 tabs.
apples | oranges | bananas | grapes | nectarines | mangos

Can I assign different forum id's within each of those tabs.

So apples shows:
forum id's 1,34,78,23,14
Bananas 2,62,63,65

etc etc

This is the bit thats throwing me, as I keep seeing the word Category shown.. not sure what thats about.

Digital Jedi 09-15-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1622958)
Okies. this is my second attempt at looking at this mod.
Im a great lover of ajax tabs, and we use it extensively on other (non Vb ) websites.

Just to get my head round this ( not always up with vb terminology )

So: here goes.

Example: i create 6 tabs.
apples | oranges | bananas | grapes | nectarines | mangos

Can I assign different forum id's within each of those tabs.

So apples shows:
forum id's 1,34,78,23,14
Bananas 2,62,63,65

etc etc

This is the bit thats throwing me, as I keep seeing the word Category shown.. not sure what thats about.

It only displays forums you've setup as categories. Meaning it displays a category and all the subforums that are a part of it. You can, however, display multiple categories.

TimberFloorAu 09-15-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1622964)
It only displays forums you've setup as categories. Meaning it displays a category and all the subforums that are a part of it. You can, however, display multiple categories.

Thats a shame huh.

Surely. Though, creating it so that it displays various forum id.s in some sort of order is simple enough. At the end of the day, forumhome only lists the forums, 'a la' chronological id.

Digital Jedi 09-15-2008 11:27 PM

I don't know. I've never listed forums outside of a category because of the peculiar way it looks on forumhome.

TimberFloorAu 09-15-2008 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1622970)
I don't know. I've never listed forums outside of a category because of the peculiar way it looks on forumhome.

Not sure if we use categories lol.. must check :)

::checked . we have 10 categories ( excl admin and mods area )

Digital Jedi 09-15-2008 11:51 PM

Yeah, I actually chucked a few forums into their own category just so I could exploit the look under each tab. I also have a Staff tab.

TimberFloorAu 09-16-2008 12:00 AM

So which version of this do you use Mark

Digital Jedi 09-16-2008 12:01 AM

The AJAX version. Forumhome was always a little heavy.

TimberFloorAu 09-16-2008 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1622988)
The AJAX version. Forumhome was always a little heavy.

Cheers mate, will have a looksy at yours and see what I can STEAL ( idea wise lol ) ;)
I love your forum, its slick !

Digital Jedi 09-16-2008 12:20 AM

I'm glad you like it. My mods just told me recently that a bunch of people don't like the design. :confused:

I do plan on changing the tabs again. I'm not sold on the alternate toolbar thing I have now.

I used an if conditional to hide the Staff tab so there wasn't an empty tab showing to users not in that usergroup.

BWJ 09-16-2008 12:36 AM

Is it possible to have tabs in two levels?


tab | tab | tab | tab |tab | tab
tab | tab |tab | tab |tab

Digital Jedi 09-16-2008 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by BWJ (Post 1623010)
Is it possible to have tabs in two levels?


tab | tab | tab | tab |tab | tab
tab | tab |tab | tab |tab

Yeah, but you have to use tables instead of <li> list tags.

TimberFloorAu 09-16-2008 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1622997)
I'm glad you like it. My mods just told me recently that a bunch of people don't like the design. :confused:

I do plan on changing the tabs again. I'm not sold on the alternate toolbar thing I have now.

I used an if conditional to hide the Staff tab so there wasn't an empty tab showing to users not in that usergroup.

I recently re did all of the css, and kept some of the original code, and it went down like a lead baloon.. but cpl of weeks on they are all happy. ( i think )
I would like to go for a fixed layout tho, and offer as an alternate to fluid.

TimberFloorAu 09-16-2008 11:22 PM

Okies im at my wits end with this.
Something isnt right
All I get is requesting content... nothing appears

Test link at:

first tabbed link is forum id=23
Which acts as a category.
But shows nothing ..


<li class="selected"><a href="tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=23" rel="ajaxTFHcontentarea">Fair Dinkum</a></li>
Any suggestions plz?

Digital Jedi 09-16-2008 11:38 PM

Are you sure you put the contents of the folder in the right place?

TimberFloorAu 09-16-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1623758)
Are you sure you put the contents of the folder in the right place?

contents .. you mean client script etc?


only thing i think it could be is,.. that category=12 has various forums under it, not other categories..

Is this the way this works.. or does it work on the basis, of displaying forums under a specific category, which is what I hoped for.?

Digital Jedi 09-16-2008 11:55 PM

It should work the way you have it. But from what I'm seeing, it doesn't look like you have a tabs folder in your clientscript folder, which is why I'm surprised your CSS is working.

chiptz 09-16-2008 11:57 PM

I am using this mod and I am very happy with the result (http://www.techzonept.com/?styleid=60 - you won't be able to see some tabs or forums, thus it will appear some tabs are empty but they are not).

I now am looking to change 4 things:

- tab for blogs plugin
- tab for projects plugin
- who's online displayed only on certain tabs (easy on non-ajax version)
- tabs appearing in every page and not only on forum home

any clue on how to do this?

Digital Jedi 09-17-2008 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1623762)
contents .. you mean client script etc?


only thing i think it could be is,.. that category=12 has various forums under it, not other categories..

Is this the way this works.. or does it work on the basis, of displaying forums under a specific category, which is what I hoped for.?

Wait, I just noticed the loading image is looking for it in the wrong location. It's looking for the tabs folder here:


When it should be looking here:


TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1623773)
It should work the way you have it. But from what I'm seeing, it doesn't look like you have a tabs folder in your clientscript folder, which is why I'm surprised your CSS is working.


All there .. I believe..

I have just re edited the css and js paths , still doesnt work tho.. have given them absolute path

TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 12:07 AM

edited css/js path to :



in forumhome

Shows the tabs... nothing else...

Changed now to full url path

Also changed ajaxtabs.js loading gif , to full url path..

Thats not the major issue tho.. the tab when clicked shows no content..

TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 12:29 AM

Just a thought...

Currently we have ( example ) forumid 12 set as a forum
with lots of child forums under it.

Should they all become sub-categories of a parent category ... for this to work??

or could it be a VBSEO setting???

Digital Jedi 09-17-2008 12:48 AM

Hrm, I'm not sure on this one. It might just be another modification like vBSEO, because from what I'm looking at, you have everything set up right.

Of course, I haven't eaten since yesterday. So take that with a grain of salt.

TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1623799)
Hrm, I'm not sure on this one. It might just be another modification like vBSEO, because from what I'm looking at, you have everything set up right.

Of course, I haven't eaten since yesterday. So take that with a grain of salt.


I am thinking it has to be a vbseo issue, .. i cant think of anything else.



It isnt VBSEO

bobster65 09-17-2008 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by chiptz (Post 1623775)
I now am looking to change 4 things:

- tab for blogs plugin
- tab for projects plugin
- who's online displayed only on certain tabs (easy on non-ajax version)
- tabs appearing in every page and not only on forum home

any clue on how to do this?

With TFH version 2, you will be able to add external content files to tabs and I have content files for Blogs, Project tools, recent threads, news, links, thumbs, photos etc...

I also have (and I am about to release) AJAX Tabs Content Version 3.0 (YUI) that can be used on ANY Page to display external content as well (to include TFH) ..

bobster65 09-17-2008 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1623800)

I am thinking it has to be a vbseo issue, .. i cant think of anything else.



It isnt VBSEO

ya, VBSEO doesn't effect it..

looks like you got the files in the correct place..

change the calls to the CSS and JS to this really quick.. I want to see if the www vs non www is effecting it..


<!-- Tabbed Forum Home Header Code -->       
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/tabs/ajaxtabs.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/tabs/ajaxtabs.js"> </script>

<!-- /Tabbed Forum Home Header Code -->

TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1623814)
ya, VBSEO doesn't effect it..

looks like you got the files in the correct place..

change the calls to the CSS and JS to this really quick.. I want to see if the www vs non www is effecting it..


<!-- Tabbed Forum Home Header Code -->       
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/tabs/ajaxtabs.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/tabs/ajaxtabs.js"> </script>

<!-- /Tabbed Forum Home Header Code -->

Changed ( but have tried this already )

bobster65 09-17-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1623818)
Changed ( but have tried this already )

well, troubleshooting consists of trying little things that people have had problems with in the past. I am just trying to help and I have a check list and that is the first thing that is on the list ;)

usually, when it just sits and spins its because it can't FIND something, meaning that a path is incorrect or a file is in the wrong place or not named correctly... To help, I'd really need to see more than just viewing the source of your forum home page..

TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1623823)
well, troubleshooting consists of trying little things that people have had problems with in the past. I am just trying to help and I have a check list and that is the first thing that is on the list ;)

usually, when it just sits and spins its because it can't FIND something, meaning that a path is incorrect or a file is in the wrong place or not named correctly... To help, I'd really need to see more than just viewing the source of your forum home page..

What do you need Bob.

Its yours mate.

Really need this to work..:)

TimberFloorAu 09-17-2008 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1623823)
well, troubleshooting consists of trying little things that people have had problems with in the past. I am just trying to help and I have a check list and that is the first thing that is on the list ;)

usually, when it just sits and spins its because it can't FIND something, meaning that a path is incorrect or a file is in the wrong place or not named correctly... To help, I'd really need to see more than just viewing the source of your forum home page..

What do you need Bob.

Its yours mate.

Really need this to work..:)

Should I install for our Main Template?
or just leave on this test template...?

viper007 09-17-2008 09:39 PM

how can i change the colour of the tabs i need to cange that colour to 1370e0 html ccolour

Digital Jedi 09-17-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by viper007 (Post 1624402)
how can i change the colour of the tabs i need to cange that colour to 1370e0 html ccolour

You edit the CSS file to customize the look of the tabs.

murekhalir 09-21-2008 06:26 AM

I'm opening a new site...

i'm not sure whats the difference between ajax, and the normal version.

anyone help?

Digital Jedi 09-21-2008 06:42 AM

AJAX loads the content only when you click a tab and it's easier to install.

ishare 09-21-2008 08:30 PM

Thank you very much for this great mod.
I've installed it and it made my forumhome much more clean.
But i have a problem with the content.
It takes quite long time (usually 2-5 seconds, but sometimes more) to open the content of the tab.
Is it possible to make it as fast as the demo link (BBW Forums) you mentioned in your message.
Without the tabs, my forum is working quite fast. At least much faster than this.
Maybe i did something wrong...

Can you suggest me a solution ?

King Kovifor 09-21-2008 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by ishare (Post 1627248)
Thank you very much for this great mod.
I've installed it and it made my forumhome much more clean.
But i have a problem with the content.
It takes quite long time (usually 2-5 seconds, but sometimes more) to open the content of the tab.
Is it possible to make it as fast as the demo link (BBW Forums) you mentioned in your message.
Without the tabs, my forum is working quite fast. At least much faster than this.
Maybe i did something wrong...

Can you suggest me a solution ?

The demo link is based off of 1.0.x where all forums are loaded at once and no AJAX calls are made. It takes longer due to the fact that AJAX must query the database and building the forumview every time the tab is loaded.

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