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-   -   Major Additions - TfSEO 2: the free vBulletin url rewrite (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=173738)

jera 11-06-2008 04:33 AM

And there is a possibility to use this of fashions, if my forum in Russian?
Now references turn out such kind.
I think it not as will not help with advancement in SE.

freecodevn 11-06-2008 06:59 AM

For vietnamese i had set to vietnamese language but the URL break. http://xxxxxxx.com/edit-this-from-ad...han-forum-f96/sito-guu-p-suye-cuyo-t1354

Site gặp sự cố => sito-guu-p-suye-cuyo :confused::confused:

Anybody can help.

Krieg 11-06-2008 10:55 AM

I am running this mod on vB 3.7.2, it works perfectly fine. Two thumbs up for it and gratz for your job and support :)

masterwebguy 11-06-2008 03:49 PM

I enabled and I get this:

This webpage has a redirect loop.

The webpage at http://gamebend.com/forums/f56/ has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

I disabled it until further notice. It doesn't work for me

masterwebguy 11-06-2008 04:17 PM

:: And this ::

The webpage at http://gamebend.com/forums/f56/gdg-1...69/#post251987 has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

masterwebguy 11-06-2008 04:19 PM

what's wierd is when i disable it, it works.

spiegelj 11-06-2008 07:15 PM

im am using this on vb 3.8 beta 1 and it works perfectly

chapsrulez 11-07-2008 03:58 AM

installed and working perfect
thanks for this great mod.

chapsrulez 11-07-2008 04:19 AM

I noticed a bug, dont know it has been reported.

Im using heavy method, and if in TfSEO Forum Urls i add special characters, the page loops forever.
My forum is in spanish and for example if i add a subforum called "M?xico" and add "M?xico" as Forum URL, when going to the forum listing, and clicking on it the page loops forever.

For me its not big deal, i just avoided using ?, ?, ?, ? and ?

Also i noticed that www.pinstack.com uses vbadvanced and maybe TfSEO, i havent read all 54 pages, but is there a plugin for vbadvanced?

freecodevn 11-07-2008 08:21 AM


Please send me all "strange" character that you can type with your keybord.
For VB SEO vietnamese character replacements's so how to insert to the TfSEO


    // The following array enables you to select a replacement for characters other than the ones replaced
    // by default.
    $vbseo_custom_char_replacement = array('ơ'=>'o',
'? '=>'o',
'?? '=>'o',
'? '=>'a',
'?? '=>'a',

spiegelj 11-07-2008 05:42 PM

i just updated my forums to vb 3.8.0 beta 2 mod still works

rob01 11-07-2008 07:22 PM

you will update this mod to 3.7.4? :S

djlotus 11-07-2008 09:49 PM

I run vBa Dynamics on my site. After installing this mod, none of my articles are accessible. I get a 404 error for every article and category, under vBDynamics. I have uninstalled this product completely, reinstalled my original "htaccess" file, and even gne through my DB looking for links. No matter what type of tfSEO you run, it will overwrite your vBDynamics links. All of my catagories and posts are unaccessable, because this mod rewrote my URL's, to the point that, after uninstallation, it wont "write-back" my vB Dyanamics URL's to thier originals.

Every single one of my catagories and articles have had thier URL's rewritten, and cannot be changed back to the original URL's. My forums work fine after uninstall, but all i have done in vBa Dynamics is lost.

Even after restore of DB, all links point towards URL's that were never valid, and never should have been changed according to this mod.I have 8 months worth of unaccessable articles, because of this mod, and its author's inability to use foresight.

As this a "non-supported" mod, meaning vB has no official connection to this mod, nor responsabilty towards it. I woul dhighly recommend not installing this mod, as it has the potential to destroy your sites content.

I will be purchasing and installing the vBSEO tonight, because thier software is supported and tested, and thier coders don't ignore your questions when you need answers.

Be warned. This mod has not ever substantially helped a site with SEO and has never been supported fully.

"Let the buyer beware"

superjeff 11-08-2008 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by spiegelj (Post 1661396)
i just updated my forums to vb 3.8.0 beta 2 mod still works

I knew it :) The problem will start with vb 4.0..

Originally Posted by djlotus (Post 1661519)
I run vBa Dynamics on my site. After installing this mod, none of my articles are accessible. I get a 404 error for every article and category, under vBDynamics. I have uninstalled this product completely, reinstalled my original "htaccess" file, and even gne through my DB looking for links. No matter what type of tfSEO you run, it will overwrite your vBDynamics links. All of my catagories and posts are unaccessable, because this mod rewrote my URL's, to the point that, after uninstallation, it wont "write-back" my vB Dyanamics URL's to thier originals.

Every single one of my catagories and articles have had thier URL's rewritten, and cannot be changed back to the original URL's. My forums work fine after uninstall, but all i have done in vBa Dynamics is lost.

Even after restore of DB, all links point towards URL's that were never valid, and never should have been changed according to this mod.I have 8 months worth of unaccessable articles, because of this mod, and its author's inability to use foresight.

As this a "non-supported" mod, meaning vB has no official connection to this mod, nor responsabilty towards it. I woul dhighly recommend not installing this mod, as it has the potential to destroy your sites content.

I will be purchasing and installing the vBSEO tonight, because thier software is supported and tested, and thier coders don't ignore your questions when you need answers.

Be warned. This mod has not ever substantially helped a site with SEO and has never been supported fully.

"Let the buyer beware"

I have no idea of wath happened. Really. Is this the site?

I think you haven't owerwrite my htaccess with the vbadvanced one. What does it mind "I have lost the 8-month work?" Have you getted the content deleted?

djlotus 11-09-2008 09:48 PM

The site is http://www.xbattles.net. Every one of my articles in vBdynamics, has had its URL permanently re-written. I cant even access the article categories. I have completely uninstalled the hack and overwritten the supplied htaccess file with my original, and still no change to the URL's on my articles section.

As it stands I can not access any article I have written in the life of the articles section.

Sorry for the sour tone of my last post, but imagine my frustration when I realized I could not access the heart and soul of my site.

epic1 11-11-2008 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by sectomy (Post 1655809)

is there any bug with this one:

Q: Where can i edit "edit-this-from-admincp-than-forum"?
A: Set TfSEO Type to Heavy, and than go AdminCP > Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Edit Forum > TfSEO Forum Urls.

i got vb 3.7.3 and i edited some of my forums in Acp with some words, when i klick on my forum its ok, but if i klick then on a post, the "edit-this-from-admin...." shows up again :(

so... in forum index all working well, but clicking on a posting, the url of the category shows up as the text....

any ideas ?

I'm having this same issue. Please let me know if there is a fix. :confused:

far100 11-11-2008 05:57 PM

Installed fine on 3.7.4.

Made silly error: in the AdminCP for "Base url of the site" I forgot the ".com". So I kept getting "redirect loop" error.

2 hours later I corrected my "Base url of the site" - wham! - it worked like a charm.

Thank you very much for making this plugin.
Cheers, Far100
BZ Office Product Reviews - Virtual Watercooler

djlotus 11-11-2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by djlotus (Post 1662579)
The site is http://www.xbattles.net. Every one of my articles in vBdynamics, has had its URL permanently re-written. I cant even access the article categories. I have completely uninstalled the hack and overwritten the supplied htaccess file with my original, and still no change to the URL's on my articles section.

As it stands I can not access any article I have written in the life of the articles section.

Sorry for the sour tone of my last post, but imagine my frustration when I realized I could not access the heart and soul of my site.

Is there any way I can fix this?

iNRoC 11-12-2008 12:02 AM

I keep getting a 404 error when I activate this..

TheInsaneManiac 11-12-2008 02:48 AM

Your modification is set to the default setting yet I use to run 18 queries on my forumhome, now I am running a whopping 88 queries!

Topics seem fine, they run 18 queries, it's just the forumhome.

superjeff 11-12-2008 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1663984)
Your modification is set to the default setting yet I use to run 18 queries on my forumhome, now I am running a whopping 88 queries!

Topics seem fine, they run 18 queries, it's just the forumhome.

There is an easy fix: Go to plugin manager > generate thread url and delete the query about "if lastpost isn't in the first page"

TheInsaneManiac 11-12-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by superjeff (Post 1664136)
There is an easy fix: Go to plugin manager > generate thread url and delete the query about "if lastpost isn't in the first page"

Is this what I had to removed:
//If lastpost isn't in the first page of the thread
$tfseo_tot_post = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT thread.replycount
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
WHERE threadid = '$lastpostinfo[lastthreadid]'
$a = mysql_fetch_assoc($tfseo_tot_post);
$a = implode($a);
$a = $a / $vbulletin->options['maxposts'];
$a = floor($a);
$tfseo_total_page = $a + 1;

I did this and got my queries back down to 18. However I am curious if this will affect anything?

sectomy 11-13-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by epic1 (Post 1663582)
I'm having this same issue. Please let me know if there is a fix. :confused:


i was confused, too... i disabled the option.... and when i reactivate it for further investigations :D :D then it works...

dunno why...

make it light method, again heavy and then it worked...

sorry that i dont have more stuff for ya :(

nfy_markus 11-14-2008 08:25 AM

i have found a minor bug...

If cookies are deactivated the paging into a thread does not work because all urls in the paging-nav are wrong:

example here: with deactivated cookies:

page 1 of 10
Link for page 2: http://www.aev-forum.de/showthread.php?s=b011e3963f15f5c4037f556&t=30785
Link for page 3: http://www.aev-forum.de/showthread.php?s=b011e3963f15f5c4037f556&t=30785
Link for next page (>): http://www.aev-forum.de/
Link for last page (Letzte ?): http://www.aev-forum.de/

If cookies are activated links look like this:

page 1 of 10
Link for page 2: http://www.aev-forum.de/spiele-tipps...85/seite2.html
Link for page 3: http://www.aev-forum.de/spiele-tipps...85/seite3.html
Link for next page (>):http://www.aev-forum.de/spiele-tipps...85/seite2.html
Link for last page (Letzte ?): http://www.aev-forum.de/spiele-tipps...5/seite10.html

mysql101 11-14-2008 10:54 PM

Threaded view doesn't work once you get past the first page.

Also on 'whos online' page, users on forums will show up as UNKNOWN LOCATION, which looks unprofessional.

djlotus 11-15-2008 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by djlotus (Post 1663887)
Is there any way I can fix this?

HAve you looked into this at all?

sectomy 11-15-2008 03:35 PM

vbadadvanced plug in...

we want it :D

murekhalir 11-15-2008 08:59 PM

is it bad.... to have this installed WITH vbSEO?

KidCharlemane 11-17-2008 12:43 AM

Ive got a problem. When you go into a subforum, everything works peachy. For example.. if you got into Site News, the URL rewrites correctly.


but when you go into a thread, it changes to:


Ive edited the forum options and added the appropriate text and it works fine until you go into a thread. Anyone got any ideas?

yahsuah 11-19-2008 07:02 AM

Installed fine on 3.7.3, it works perfectly fine in Turkish language with a little addition...

space? 11-19-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by KidCharlemane (Post 1667171)
Ive got a problem. When you go into a subforum, everything works peachy. For example.. if you got into Site News, the URL rewrites correctly.


but when you go into a thread, it changes to:


Ive edited the forum options and added the appropriate text and it works fine until you go into a thread. Anyone got any ideas?

Same problem here...

Thanks Jeff, you've got quite a hard job;)

drpeppper 11-19-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by space? (Post 1668653)
Same problem here...

Thanks Jeff, you've got quite a hard job;)

im also having this problem. it doesnt do it if you click directly to the post, but if you go to forum, subforum, then post, it does it.

Sadikb 11-22-2008 01:06 PM

hi Jeff... will u be releasing a new version any time soon? Also will this work with VB 3.7.4?

Thanks for ur support...

students_forum 11-22-2008 02:18 PM

Thanks for the mod its great but agree with \/ this would make it mint


Originally Posted by MedellinStyle (Post 1474119)
verrry coool!
and so easy! for seo and for funcionallity is a must-install!

You can use my forum as demo:

!!!! thanks! and yes the next and back links doesnt work at the bottom of threads. also would be so cool if the forum name appear...

maybe only the first word, so:
http://medellinstyle.com/foro/general/ instead.

Thank you keep the good work and thanks.

murekhalir 11-23-2008 08:06 AM

is this mod useless if i already own vbseo?

space? 11-24-2008 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by murekhalir (Post 1671109)
is this mod useless if i already own vbseo?

Yeah, I think so.

dcputernut 11-24-2008 05:59 PM

Will this be updated to 3.7.4 I wonder because, the inlineMod has a file that is replaced...and I am not sure if that file was updated in 3.7.4 or not....

dcputernut 11-25-2008 04:34 PM

Anyone have any ideas???? If I replace the inlinemod.php will it break vb 3.7.4?????

XTF 11-28-2008 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by superjeff (Post 1470938)
Lighthttp incopatible

Why is this?

Bladinium 11-29-2008 09:59 AM


Thank you for this mod

I install everything works fine except for the URLs of discussing it refers to the home page.

Have you a solution?

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