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vbboarder 08-12-2008 01:50 AM

My flash videos were playing fine a week ago, but I recently installed vbTubePro and then the videos in LDM were not showing. Not sure if it's because of vbTubePro, but I can't recall working on anything else besides LDM and vbTubePro this past week. Anyways, here's the bug and solution fix.

Problem: the JW wma/wmv player does not show if the window mode is not transparent/ windowless.

1. Edit links_playerbit_JWwmPlayer template - FIND:


After that ADD:

background:?transparent?, windowless:?true?,

2. The old 1.0 JW Silverlight player can't handle the background parameter, so download the new JW Silverlight media player at: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=jw_wmv_player

3. Add the JW prefixes to silverlight.js, wmvplayer.js, wmvplayer.xaml (ie: rename to JWsilverlight.js) and overwrite the files in the /forum/clientscript folder.

Problem: the JW flash player does not show if the window mode is not transparent/ windowless.

1. Edit links_playerbit_JWPlayer template - FIND:

ldmso$player_id.addParam(?allowfullscreen?, ?true?);

Before that, ADD:

ldmso$player_id.addParam(?wmode?, ?transparent?);

2. The current JWPlayer for Flash works with this modification. However, the new JWPlayer 4 is available and also compatible with this edit. It's available at: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_FLV_Media_Player

Hope that helps people having trouble displaying videos using the JW players ;)

derfelix 08-12-2008 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1596399)
try editing local_links_search.php, round about line 1150, there's a sequence...

Works Like a charm!!!!!
Thank You Sir !!!!


stwilson 08-12-2008 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by stwilson (Post 1589910)
I have the same issue. My lists of links do not work like you suggest either. I have a page of 10 links but clicking on the link title fires off the action of opening a new browser and taking me to that link. I would prefer to have the clicking take the user to the link's detail, including the comments. I have tried every possible configuration but cannot get it to work this way. The fact that yours works like you posted gives me hope.


Welcome back! Any suggestion on how to set my links properties so clicking on the link title opens the link details versus attempting to open the link? I have tried everything but cannot figure it out. Is that even an option?

AndrewD 08-12-2008 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1585959)
Maybe its only me.. but probably I am doing something wrong....

Talking about Keywords..
(this is only theoretical.. but i plan to have it running in couple of weeks)

I set up LDM as a simple link directory with 16 categories...
Users add links with title, description AND Keywords..
Suppose every user adds 5 keywords.. some are double.. some not..
so if i plan to have about 5000 links.. that makes 25000.. keywords.. no.. because of doubles etc.. but lets say about 5000 in total..

Now on the display links page for example and in other places I have the "Filter" (a dropdown that shows all keywords).. that would be a dropdown with 5000 fields?????
I know this is theoretical only, but realistic is to have about 1000 keywords after 5000 links.. (specially if you have very different categories)
even a the 1000 keywords loaded every page would slow down the system.. or am I wrong..
Ok the filter is limited to keywords by category.. but still.. we dont know how big we get..
I would suggest an option to turn the keyword filter off.. specially to save ressources on bigger board

Thats only an idea... but maybe i'm totally wrong..


I took a look at this, and I don't think the problem is as serious as it might be. The keyword filter shown on a category display page only includes kywords that have actually been used for entries in that category. Pages where users can add keywords use an Ajax-enabled drop-down of matching keywords. Have I missed something?

Still, I will add a control setting to disable this menu.

derfelix 08-12-2008 12:30 PM

Well i tested with a little spider i wrote... grabs links with description and keyword metatags.. and adds it to the db.. the 50 links i added to the category had very many keywords (from metatags) about 40 or 50 per link... for some reason they were not somilar so i ended up with 2500 keywords for 50 links :eek:

of course if a human fills in the link he will rather add 1 or 2 keywords.. but if you use the keywords from metatags sometimes you have over 100 keywords per link.. ( I know that thats wrong for search engines.. but some people just put them there)
thats why i thought: oh my gosh...

but if you add a way to disable it.. i think it would be great..


AndrewD 08-12-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by stwilson (Post 1596718)

Welcome back! Any suggestion on how to set my links properties so clicking on the link title opens the link details versus attempting to open the link? I have tried everything but cannot figure it out. Is that even an option?

If I understand your question correctly, you can do this on a per-category basis or for everything.

On a per-category-basis, edit the category of interest and go to the control settings tab
For everything, go to ldm/admin/settings

Set the template_linkbit to 'Title Only'


You will then see the entries in the category/categories displayed as single lines with just title, date and number of hits. Click on one of the links and it will take you to the full listing for that entry. Click again and it will take you to the entry.

See images.

AndrewD 08-12-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1596652)
My flash videos were playing fine a week ago, but I recently installed vbTubePro and then the videos in LDM were not showing. Not sure if it's because of vbTubePro, but I can't recall working on anything else besides LDM and vbTubePro this past week. Anyways, here's the bug and solution fix.

Problem: the JW wma/wmv player does not show if the window mode is not transparent/ windowless.

1. Edit links_playerbit_JWwmPlayer template - FIND:

After that ADD:

2. The old 1.0 JW Silverlight player can't handle the background parameter, so download the new JW Silverlight media player at: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=jw_wmv_player

3. Add the JW prefixes to silverlight.js, wmvplayer.js, wmvplayer.xaml (ie: rename to JWsilverlight.js) and overwrite the files in the /forum/clientscript folder.

Problem: the JW flash player does not show if the window mode is not transparent/ windowless.

1. Edit links_playerbit_JWPlayer template - FIND:

Before that, ADD:

2. The current JWPlayer for Flash works with this modification. However, the new JWPlayer 4 is available and also compatible with this edit. It's available at: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_FLV_Media_Player

Hope that helps people having trouble displaying videos using the JW players ;)

Thanks - I will be updating the jw player in the next release, so will make these fixes there. In the meantime, your explanation is excellent and I'ms ure anyone affected can follow it.

sparklywater 08-12-2008 07:19 PM

when can we expect the next release of LDM?

stwilson 08-13-2008 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1597057)
If I understand your question correctly, you can do this on a per-category basis or for everything.

On a per-category-basis, edit the category of interest and go to the control settings tab
For everything, go to ldm/admin/settings

Set the template_linkbit to 'Title Only'


You will then see the entries in the category/categories displayed as single lines with just title, date and number of hits. Click on one of the links and it will take you to the full listing for that entry. Click again and it will take you to the entry.

See images.

Thank you Andrew! That worked. I will play around with one of the templates to get the layout I need but overall that worked. Is there any way to get the set it up to show, upon clicking on the title in the list, to take you directly the version that shows when you click on the show comments (action=ratelink&linkid=347&catid=81&lpage=1)? I guess what I'm trying to say is I would like the detail page to show the listing with the comments underneath it.

AndrewD 08-13-2008 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by sparklywater (Post 1597222)
when can we expect the next release of LDM?

2.2.9 is likely to stay the supported release for at least a couple of months, perhaps with a few more bug fixes applied.

I have done quite some work already on 2.3.0, but some of the suggestions and the bug reports posted here will take time to complete. Perhaps an early alpha will be available fairly soon, but thorough testing is the big challenge these days.

Coded so far for 2.3.0:

+ Category Display
Added option to display/remove keyword filter dropdown
+ Starred nominations
Entries can be unnominated
Nominations are no longer stacked, i.e. only user's current nomination is recorded
+ Session ids
vBulletin session ids handled corrrectly throughout
+ Efficiency changes
Admin and categories tables cached in vBulletin datastore and other code rewritten to eliminate various database lookups
+ Media Players
Upgraded JWsilverlight player to version 1.1 and added windowless and background params
+ Hooks
Added ldm_icons_cached after caching list of icon filenames
+ Bug fixes
Fixed id3tag-enhancements extra
Fixed permissions-related null category bug within Edit Entry
Fixed sort order/pagination bugs when searches contain urlencoded chars
Fixed Add LDM to VB navbar plugins for situation when vbAdvanced is not installed in forum directory

Still to do:

- Redo much of the 'attributes' code to fix bugs/improve functionality
- Provide import mechanism for vb attachments
- Move to jw media player 4.0
- Disentangle comments and ratings calculations
- Option to make comments/ratings visble inline consistently
- other bug fixes

Anything else?

sparklywater 08-13-2008 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1597482)
- Option to make comments/ratings visble inline consistently

Would this feature allow display of the 'links_viewall_comment' template (ie. the full list of comments), within the playerbit templates, such as 'links_playerbit_Realplayer' and 'links_playerbit_JWplayer' ?

Also, is it possible to make the LDM variables 'global', so that their use is not restricted to specific templates only, allowing them to be used in other templates too? Is there some code I can edit to do this myself?

Here is an example of how I would like the comments-list displayed within the playerbit templates:

PS. I'm not sure if the comments listing is already paginated, but if not then it would keep things more organised if the comments are listed across a number of pages rather than all running down a single long page.

AndrewD 08-13-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by sparklywater (Post 1597783)
Would this feature allow display of the 'links_viewall_comment' template (ie. the full list of comments), within the playerbit templates, such as 'links_playerbit_Realplayer' and 'links_playerbit_JWplayer' ?

Also, is it possible to make the LDM variables 'global', so that their use is not restricted to specific templates only, allowing them to be used in other templates too? Is there some code I can edit to do this myself?

Here is an example of how I would like the comments-list displayed within the playerbit templates:

PS. I'm not sure if the comments listing is already paginated, but if not then it would keep things more organised if the comments are listed across a number of pages rather than all running down a single long page.

These are broadly what I have in mind. I have to check to ensure I can be consistent across different displays.

sparklywater 08-13-2008 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1597790)
These are broadly what I have in mind. I have to check to ensure I can be consistent across different displays.

great, thanks for considering our suggestions, I for one would be happy to test any alpha version of LDM you decide to release :)

obmob 08-13-2008 02:43 PM

Is it possible to disable comments, but keep rating options on? o.?

Thanks :D

AndrewD 08-13-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1597827)
Is it possible to disable comments, but keep rating options on? o.?

Thanks :D

I think that's already there in 2.2.9 - ldm/admin/settings/comments and ratings/hide comment + hide rate

sparklywater 08-13-2008 03:54 PM

If I add this line of code into a template, ' <!--$linkid::entities--> ' , only then the entities / attributes are displayed within the template. Is there a similar line of code I need to add to make the following variables work in other templates:



AndrewD 08-13-2008 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by sparklywater (Post 1597869)
If I add this line of code into a template, ' <!--$linkid::entities--> ' , only then the entities / attributes are displayed within the template. Is there a similar line of code I need to add to make the following variables work in other templates:



There's two different points to consider -

a) the various link_linkbit_* templates can all use any of the variables that are used in the other templates - so you can freely mix and match among these templates.

b) however, the variables are built up in different ways (or not at all) depending on what you are doing. So for example, after a search, not all the variables are created. Similarly when rating/commenting, etc.

For any particular action, the same variables will always be created, regardless of the template. For different actions, different combinations of the variables are created. This is what I need to check carefully.

sparklywater 08-13-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1597923)
a) the various link_linkbit_* templates can all use any of the variables that are used in the other templates - so you can freely mix and match among these templates.

My problem is that I need to use the link_linkbit_* variables in either the 'links_play_embedded' template or the 'links_playerbit_RealPlayer' template, but they don't work in these templates. Can you please tell me in which php file these variables are defined to work only in the link_linkbit_* templates?

Simon Lloyd 08-13-2008 06:25 PM

Andrew D, can this be used to manage a users downloads if a user was to purchase a subscription and move in to a different usergroup for 1 day can a limit of 1 download be set, would i have to manually change the usergroup each time - i'm a complete novice in html and php and am just setting up my forum i want a pay per download section on my site, is this possible with this mod?

stwilson 08-14-2008 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1597482)
2.2.9 is likely to stay the supported release for at least a couple of months, perhaps with a few more bug fixes applied.

I have done quite some work already on 2.3.0, but some of the suggestions and the bug reports posted here will take time to complete. Perhaps an early alpha will be available fairly soon, but thorough testing is the big challenge these days.

Coded so far for 2.3.0:

+ Category Display
Added option to display/remove keyword filter dropdown
+ Starred nominations
Entries can be unnominated
Nominations are no longer stacked, i.e. only user's current nomination is recorded
+ Session ids
vBulletin session ids handled corrrectly throughout
+ Efficiency changes
Admin and categories tables cached in vBulletin datastore and other code rewritten to eliminate various database lookups
+ Media Players
Upgraded JWsilverlight player to version 1.1 and added windowless and background params
+ Hooks
Added ldm_icons_cached after caching list of icon filenames
+ Bug fixes
Fixed id3tag-enhancements extra
Fixed permissions-related null category bug within Edit Entry
Fixed sort order/pagination bugs when searches contain urlencoded chars
Fixed Add LDM to VB navbar plugins for situation when vbAdvanced is not installed in forum directory

Still to do:

- Redo much of the 'attributes' code to fix bugs/improve functionality
- Provide import mechanism for vb attachments
- Move to jw media player 4.0
- Disentangle comments and ratings calculations
- Option to make comments/ratings visble inline consistently
- other bug fixes

Anything else?


Thank you. One other suggestion, a few more layout templates to choose from. :D AND just in case you have nothing else to do, the ability to integrate Google Maps into the link display page, via a latitude and longitude attribute, with a waypoint attribute too. I would pay for someone to custom develop that for me! hint...hint...:D

AndrewD 08-14-2008 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1597967)
Andrew D, can this be used to manage a users downloads if a user was to purchase a subscription and move in to a different usergroup for 1 day can a limit of 1 download be set, would i have to manually change the usergroup each time - i'm a complete novice in html and php and am just setting up my forum i want a pay per download section on my site, is this possible with this mod?

Simon, yes, I think this will work

1- set up VB so that when users puchase a subscription, they are moved to usergroup XYZ
2- in LDM/admin/allowances, you give usergroup XYZ the right to download one file per day
3- give other usergroups zero allowance
4- in LDM/admin/permissions, you give usergroup XYZ *can_access*link* permission and deny it to other usergroups.
5- deny usergroups *can_bypass_bandwidth_limits* permission

5 if there are usergroups that you want to bypass these restrictions, then don't set any of their allowances.

If you want to apply the limit only to downloads in a particular category, follow steps 2 and 3 in the same way, but in place of step 4

6- in the defined category, edit/category/permissions, give/remove the *can_access_link* and *can_bypass_bandwidth_limits* permissions
7- in LDM/admin/permissions, give everyone *can_access_link* and *can_bypass_bandwidth_limits* permissions

My only uncertainty is how well the *day* start/end calculation in LDM will synchronise with vbulletin's calculation. You will need to test it to find out.

derfelix 08-14-2008 04:59 AM

While we are at it.. a little internetexplorer bug when editing keywords..

ok we are at the normal display page.. with a page with 20 entries..
each entry (depending of the template you are using) allows you as admin to edit keywords inline..

works fine (I modified the template a little bit)
BUT if you toggle the tag graphic the word "keywords" appears and a field where you can edit the keywords of this entry.. and a go button..

if you click the word "keywords" it goes back to the tag symbol...

In IE7 it acts weird.. because the link is linked to a jumpmark that doesnt really exist.. #$linkid
and it eventually reloads the page.. or pushes the link to the top of the screen when you edit it.. (adding the jumpmark #$linkid to the url)

I fixed it that way:
the link in the template is:
HTML Code:

<a href="#{$linkid}" onclick="ldm_show('keys{$linkid}_', 1, 2);">$vbphrase[ll_keywords]</a>
i changed it to:
HTML Code:

<a href="#" onclick="ldm_show('keys{$linkid}_', 1, 2);return false;">$vbphrase[ll_keywords]</a>
It has to be done twice (also for the tag image when you toggle).. otherwise IE will jump to the link.. this is NOT the way it should act (imho).. because:

if you are editing the last link on the page... it will open the editfield (as it should) but will then "jump" to that link.. so if you had it in the middle of the page.. it will scroll that link to the top of the page..
It's the same when you close the editbox when klicking on the word: "keywords"
(grrr hope you understood what i meant)

Anyway there should at least be a: return false; at the end of the "onclick" stuff..


PS: I also removed the $linkid leaving only the # thinking there is no point jumping to that link because you are allready at that link..(i might be wrong)

Simon Lloyd 08-14-2008 05:23 AM

Andrew D, thanks for the very detailed information, i have VBAdvanced, Donations Pro and Mark Solved Mods is your's ok with these? I'm a novice so is it easy to install?


AndrewD 08-14-2008 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1598215)
Andrew D, thanks for the very detailed information, i have VBAdvanced, Donations Pro and Mark Solved Mods is your's ok with these? I'm a novice so is it easy to install?


Certainly ok with vbadvanced - don't know about the others - not had any reports of problems. Installation is straightforward, but am here to help in case of problems.

Simon Lloyd 08-14-2008 01:10 PM

Andrew, thanks for the responses!, i'm running 3.7.2 PL1 and am going to install this, will post back.


Simon Lloyd 08-14-2008 01:58 PM

Andrew, in your instructions:

Originally Posted by LDM
Upload all the contents of /release/forum and its subdirectories into the corresponding forum directories
(i.e. clientscript/ into clientscript/, includes/ into includes/, etc.

i understand that this means open the folder in LDM and copy contents to corresponding folder in /forum, however inside these folders are folders marked XML and ldm-ox-icons do these just get uploaded to the corresponding parent folder (i.e Includes for the XML) without opening and copying the contents?, also the other files in the /forums folder i.e local_link's eyc do they just go in my /forum folder?


AndrewD 08-14-2008 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1598489)
Andrew, in your instructions:
i understand that this means open the folder in LDM and copy contents to corresponding folder in /forum, however inside these folders are folders marked XML and ldm-ox-icons do these just get uploaded to the corresponding parent folder (i.e Includes for the XML) without opening and copying the contents?, also the other files in the /forums folder i.e local_link's eyc do they just go in my /forum folder?


The files and directory structure inside release/forums should be copied into exactly the same directory structure in your /forum folder, i.e. files in release/forum/includes/xml go into forums/includes/xml and so on. The only folder which will not already exist is the images/ldm-ox-icons

chet 08-14-2008 03:07 PM

I seem to have usergroup permision problems

I have set up two categorys, one usergroup should be able to see both category's and entries within the category's, the second usergroup should only be able to see just one category and the entries within.

The second usergroup can see the category but not the entries, I can the following when I try to access the Category: -

Sorry - there is nothing to show you (no permisions, all entries are hidden, etc)

Can you let me know where I have gone wrong please

Club officals can view both, Team managers have the problem




Simon Lloyd 08-14-2008 08:07 PM

Andrew, sorry to be a pain, can you tell me where the vba_modules and extra's folders go as i don't have these in my configuration?

vbboarder 08-14-2008 08:51 PM

I have some feature requests for LDM 2.3.0 or another future update:

1. Allow featured_user_favs to accept usergroups such that all users in that group will have their favorites featured (ie: favorites of all users in VIP group are featured).

2. Use settings in vBulletin's "search relevance options" to order searches.

3. Provide an option for similar_threads plugin to search only in the same category as the entry being searched.

4. Integrate LightWindow into LDM and provide an option to make it the default Flash/ PDF/ image/ video player. LightWindow is a very versatile and robust solution for displaying many file types with just one script (don't need to combine multiple scripts like Lightbox + JW/ Wimpy players). Also, it's free and MIT-licensed so it's less strict than the creative commons license of Lightbox & JW players. Check it out here: http://stickmanlabs.com/lightwindow/#features

5. Need fix for this bug: When editing an entry, the user is able to upload another file (the file is saved in the upload directory), but the new file does not show (file is not linked to in the entry) and his upload allowance is not updated.

Thanks for this great mod and helpful contributions! :D

AndrewD 08-15-2008 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1598730)
Andrew, sorry to be a pain, can you tell me where the vba_modules and extra's folders go as i don't have these in my configuration?

Simon, these don't get uploaded and you can ignore them unless you need them. vba_modules contains a set of modules to integrate LDM inside vbadvanced. extras contains a whole series of 'specials', mainly in the form of vbulletin plugins, which in some way extend LDM. Each of the extras sits in its own subdirectory with a 'readme' file explaining what it does and how to use it.

By the way, have you found the wiki at www.eirma.org/wikis, which explains a lot about LDM.

AndrewD 08-15-2008 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1598757)
I have some feature requests for LDM 2.3.0 or another future update:

1. Allow featured_user_favs to accept usergroups such that all users in that group will have their favorites featured (ie: favorites of all users in VIP group are featured).

2. Use settings in vBulletin's "search relevance options" to order searches.

3. Provide an option for similar_threads plugin to search only in the same category as the entry being searched.

4. Integrate LightWindow into LDM and provide an option to make it the default Flash/ PDF/ image/ video player. LightWindow is a very versatile and robust solution for displaying many file types with just one script (don't need to combine multiple scripts like Lightbox + JW/ Wimpy players). Also, it's free and MIT-licensed so it's less strict than the creative commons license of Lightbox & JW players. Check it out here: http://stickmanlabs.com/lightwindow/#features

5. Need fix for this bug: When editing an entry, the user is able to upload another file (the file is saved in the upload directory), but the new file does not show (file is not linked to in the entry) and his upload allowance is not updated.

Thanks for this great mod and helpful contributions! :D

Noted - will see what I can do - some of these are straightforward but the tricky one looks like (2)

AndrewD 08-15-2008 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by chet (Post 1598542)
I seem to have usergroup permision problems

I have set up two categorys, one usergroup should be able to see both category's and entries within the category's, the second usergroup should only be able to see just one category and the entries within.

The second usergroup can see the category but not the entries, I can the following when I try to access the Category: -

Sorry - there is nothing to show you (no permisions, all entries are hidden, etc)

Can you let me know where I have gone wrong please

Club officals can view both, Team managers have the problem




The forum-based permission system is a bit tricky to understand. It was the original protection mechanism I wrote for LDM, and it is applied separately to categories and entries (i.e. entries in categories can have different permissions than the category). LDM's own permissions system is applied at the category level, so you don't have that possible confusion.

I think your problem is that you have not correctly associated the entries in your categories with the correct forums. This is shown by the information on the screenshot you posted - the categories are associated correctly with the different forums but both your entries have been associated with the same forum.

The category and all the entries which are to be visible to Club Officials and Team Managers should be associated with the Team Members forum.

The category and all the entries which are to be visible to Club officials only should be associated with the Club Officials forum.

You can make the changes in a number of ways - with edit category and checking the box 'Also make this forum the parent of all entries currently in the category' or with edit entry, or on the admin/mass edits pages.

For what you are trying to achieve, you could also (instead of using the forums based permissions system) use LDM's own permissions. Edit the categories, select the usergroup permissions tab and give/deny *can_view_category* permission.

Hope this helps, but get back to me if not.

pooslokka 08-15-2008 07:08 AM

Hai guys,
just installed and this is a wonderfull Plugin. We had no any issues in installing.
Cheers to the developer !

Simon Lloyd 08-15-2008 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1598958)
Simon, these don't get uploaded and you can ignore them unless you need them. vba_modules contains a set of modules to integrate LDM inside vbadvanced. extras contains a whole series of 'specials', mainly in the form of vbulletin plugins, which in some way extend LDM. Each of the extras sits in its own subdirectory with a 'readme' file explaining what it does and how to use it.

By the way, have you found the wiki at www.eirma.org/wikis, which explains a lot about LDM.

I'm using vbadvanced so do i need to place the contents of the vba folder somewhere? As for the wiki im checking that now!


AndrewD 08-15-2008 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1599059)
I'm using vbadvanced so do i need to place the contents of the vba folder somewhere?

No - just keep them on your PC. If you decide to use any of the LDM vba modules, you simply upload them via your vb admincp/vba/download upload modules

AndrewD 08-15-2008 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1598757)
5. Need fix for this bug: When editing an entry, the user is able to upload another file (the file is saved in the upload directory), but the new file does not show (file is not linked to in the entry) and his upload allowance is not updated.

I can't reproduce this bug - my tests replace the upload and update the allowances - can you give me more details

Simon Lloyd 08-15-2008 10:22 AM

Andrew, i've installed it, just have to configure it now, it's a vast add-on! seems really great, such a lot of work gone in to it once again thanks ;)

Hey guys, if you use this mod donate as i did to give this guy the motivation to keep helping us and coming up with great things like this!

pooslokka 08-15-2008 10:50 AM

Hai Andrew,

Ok, every think configured and woks nicely. I have a question.

When i click the subforum that created when creating a catagory, page cannot disply appear. some problem with the link. how to solve that?

Thank you for making this useful plugin.

AndrewD 08-15-2008 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1598206)
While we are at it.. a little internetexplorer bug when editing keywords..

ok we are at the normal display page.. with a page with 20 entries..
each entry (depending of the template you are using) allows you as admin to edit keywords inline..

works fine (I modified the template a little bit)
BUT if you toggle the tag graphic the word "keywords" appears and a field where you can edit the keywords of this entry.. and a go button..

if you click the word "keywords" it goes back to the tag symbol...

In IE7 it acts weird.. because the link is linked to a jumpmark that doesnt really exist.. #$linkid
and it eventually reloads the page.. or pushes the link to the top of the screen when you edit it.. (adding the jumpmark #$linkid to the url)

I fixed it that way:
the link in the template is:
HTML Code:

<a href="#{$linkid}" onclick="ldm_show('keys{$linkid}_', 1, 2);">$vbphrase[ll_keywords]</a>
i changed it to:
HTML Code:

<a href="#" onclick="ldm_show('keys{$linkid}_', 1, 2);return false;">$vbphrase[ll_keywords]</a>
It has to be done twice (also for the tag image when you toggle).. otherwise IE will jump to the link.. this is NOT the way it should act (imho).. because:

if you are editing the last link on the page... it will open the editfield (as it should) but will then "jump" to that link.. so if you had it in the middle of the page.. it will scroll that link to the top of the page..
It's the same when you close the editbox when klicking on the word: "keywords"
(grrr hope you understood what i meant)

Anyway there should at least be a: return false; at the end of the "onclick" stuff..


PS: I also removed the $linkid leaving only the # thinking there is no point jumping to that link because you are allready at that link..(i might be wrong)

I can't reproduce this, but I can see what you saying and have coded the change (also got rid of some duplicate text that I'd put in there for debugging quite a while ago and forgot about...)

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Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
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  • ./printthread.php
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  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
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  • printthread_complete