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Jafo232 12-18-2007 03:59 AM

Have no tried it in the Beta.. I am going to assume it will not break much, but if there are conflicting function names, then it might not work. You will know if you get a "Already declared function" error.

WEBclay 12-18-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by testaj (Post 1403136)
Anyone got a comment_arr.gif file they wouldn't mind giving up? I don't have one by default, and I'm pretty horrible in photoshop, so I'm using the wp-comments.png for now, and I'm not sure if I like it.

Get some nifty icons either from famfamfam.com or ndesign-studio.com

pspcrazy 12-18-2007 10:21 PM

This does work slightly in v2.2.3 but for some odd reason when I edit older posts in it, blanks the forum end's thread name and first post of that thread's content. I have vbridge 3, and i downgraded to the many glitches v2.3.1 has on my site. IS there any way to fix it? Example:

for this naruto post:



The problem lies when I create a post. I have pm'd you my login info as well for the admin cp. any help will be greatly appreciated.

testaj 12-19-2007 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by WEBclay (Post 1403490)
Get some nifty icons either from famfamfam.com or ndesign-studio.com

Thanks for the helping an annoying newbie!!

pspcrazy 12-20-2007 08:46 PM

Bro my server keeps crashing under stress from this program. IS there any performace applications i can add to it?

kj_ugs 12-20-2007 11:30 PM

This is a fantastic plugin. I used it on a previous site and am just about to add it to another. I have one question for you. Are there any plans to port this over to version 3.7.0 of vBulletin when it goes gold? It's a brilliant asset and it's be great to have it when the new version of vBulletin is released.

Have a great new year.

Jafo232 12-21-2007 01:04 AM

I do plan on porting this to 3.7.. From what I see, it shouldn't take much, if any work at all..

kj_ugs 12-21-2007 11:03 AM

Sweet :) Thank you.

pspcrazy 12-22-2007 12:27 AM

Hi jafo,
I love your program but I can not upgrade to 2.3 for many reasons. Can you release a 2.2 version or just upload your old one if it works? I'm sick of seeing no title and no description in every thread it makes. Thank you

Jafo232 12-23-2007 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1406543)
Hi jafo,
I love your program but I can not upgrade to 2.3 for many reasons. Can you release a 2.2 version or just upload your old one if it works? I'm sick of seeing no title and no description in every thread it makes. Thank you

Here is the last version (2.06)..

pspcrazy 12-23-2007 03:08 AM

Thanks Jafo, i was going nuts lol. Also jafo any luck with getting the new one to work with wp 2.2? If not that's cool but i'm sure a lot of us would love it.

Jafo232 12-23-2007 06:49 AM

Not really.. I am basically only going to develop for one version..

LBSources 12-23-2007 12:29 PM

Hey Jafo .. Happy Holidays..

I'm currently running VBBridgeII on 2.3.1 and all is well with the exception that it doesnt post to the VBUsers I defined in the vbbridge settings. Any ideas?

I dont mind upgrading, but I dont want to lose my semi-working environment here. Aside from the upgrade docs, is there anything else which I need to be aware of?

Should the comment handling edits be modified? I know that there is a bit that needs modifying..



It is now:

Can I just make those edits and leave the whole bit in place?
Anything else?


So I took the leap ..

All I had to change from looking at both codes in diffmerge was


It is now:



$reply userid ?>><?php echo $reply username


$reply[userid] ?>><?php echo $reply[username]
Jafo.. that seem right? Seems everything is wokring.. I also realized why it sbeen posting as me and not the user defined.. The username I'm using to author DOES have a vb username..

Jafo232 12-24-2007 01:49 AM

Yeah, that is the only change in the template $reply-> to $reply[]..

pspcrazy 12-26-2007 12:28 AM

Well Jafo your new plugin, the v3 one of course I haven't used the old one yet, for some reason when I edit makes my thread title, blank and it's contact blank, but when I make a new thread it works fine, just when I edit my wordpress post does it mess up. I pm'd you my login info if needed.

Jafo232 12-26-2007 07:53 AM

You should probably look through your servers error log and see if an error is being thrown when this happens.

pspcrazy 12-26-2007 08:46 AM

Thanks for the reply but believe it or not no error of anysort comes up! Is there a vbulletin version that it must also be? I'm on 3.6.7.

NVM: i upgraded and it's still not allowing me to edit the posts without messing up the threads.

Edit2: After some playing around with the plugins it seems the problem is: The Google XML Sitemaps plugin latest version:


Can you test this out and figure out what the bug is? Both are essential plugins for my site. Thanks and good luck!

Man I'm a genius, J/K: Fixed it by activating this option in the Google XML Options: Build the sitemap in a background process (You don't have to wait when you save a post)

Happy Holidays Everyone

Jafo232 12-26-2007 12:00 PM

Yeah, the Google Sitemap plugin for WP has had some issues with WP itself lately. I have disabled it a while ago. I use one of the Python scripts that google supplies and run it via crontab...

Captain DDL 12-28-2007 12:11 AM

I read that if the sites files are on two domains, it probably wouldn't work...but I'm assuming different directories would be okay? (I.E. http://www.sarcasticgamer.com/wp and http://www.sarcasticgamer.com/forums)

Also, how does this affect the site's performance? Here lately, we've been getting the 'Digg effect' (craploads of traffic within a short amount of time) about once a week or so...it'd suck to start using this and then be offline throughout the Digg wave.

LBSources 12-28-2007 02:05 AM

Jafo .. It i wanted to pull latest comments in the same way that WP pulls them 'natively' so that I can use them on the sidebar, how would I do that?

Jafo232 12-28-2007 01:20 PM

I have no idea.

amitpatel_3001 12-28-2007 03:09 PM

Why are the forum post count showing as 0?
I have linked via Admin profile and the post count even after 2 posts via the blog posts it shows that the post count = 0 :confused:

LBSources 12-28-2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1410787)
I have no idea.

C'mon Jafo :) you have to be able to help a little bit with this ..

Can I hire you outside of this thread to determine how this can be done?

Because basically when using this hack the abilities to have comment RSS & widgets is lost if you dont know how to hook them; which I dont know..

Your help is definitely appreciated :)

wildcard27 12-28-2007 04:17 PM

Hi Jafo, I recently moved servers and reinstalled everything (newer versions also). I'm running vB 3.6.8 & WordPress 2.3.1.

Now I constantly get this error when I try to add a new WP article.


Warning: main(DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wldcreat/gamerscouncil.com/forums/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/wldcreat/gamerscouncil.com/forums/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18
I have the following hacks installed:
  • Custom Status Icons Per Forum
  • vBSEO
  • vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator
  • Welcome Headers
Can you please help me out? I saw another guy on page 49 had the same problem, but the solution you gave him didn't work for me.



d8tabyte 12-28-2007 04:20 PM

I was thinking about this too - I PM'd Jafo but he never replied, so I'll post here.

I was thinking perhaps there is a way to insert the comments into the comment table. I mean, if we can pull them into the individual wordpress posts, there has to be a way to insert it into the wordpress tables too at the time of submitting comment.


Post is made in WP and forum
Users comment within forum
At the time of clicking submit - wordpress table is accessed, post is referenced and comment is inserted, as well as the VB table
use recent comments plugin to query wordpress table


figure out a way to edit the wordpress recent comments plugin to query the vb table, I just dont know how you would know which comment belongs to a wordpress post, unless a prefix is added to posts submitted to the forum through wordpress..

Jafo - this help at all?

Jafo232 12-28-2007 04:57 PM

Much of what you guys are recommending is beyond the scope in which I wish to take this plugin. Surely there are ways to do what you want, but due to the limited nature of my time, it just isn't feasible at the moment. As it stands now, you can elect to use VB for comments or not, it is up to you.

LBSources 12-28-2007 08:05 PM

Jafo .. I understand.. Oh well ..

I honestly dont think its too far out of scope to enable this feature though..

Blackhat 12-29-2007 07:13 AM

does it work with 3.7.x ?

wildcard27 12-29-2007 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by wildcard27 (Post 1410895)
Hi Jafo, I recently moved servers and reinstalled everything (newer versions also). I'm running vB 3.6.8 & WordPress 2.3.1.

Now I constantly get this error when I try to add a new WP article.

I have the following hacks installed:
  • Custom Status Icons Per Forum
  • vBSEO
  • vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator
  • Welcome Headers
Can you please help me out? I saw another guy on page 49 had the same problem, but the solution you gave him didn't work for me.


Please ignore this, I already found out what was going on. I forgot to turn on the plugin on :erm:

pspcrazy 12-30-2007 09:14 AM

Well Jafo your plugin is truly a livesaver for my site :) IF you ever figure out how to use the avatars from the vbulletin on wordpress that would be even greater.

This is just a major problem i need to figure out. How do i get it from trying to show smilies that are not there on the post page? If I can get rid of those X's from displaying it would be even greater.

Kyderoy 01-03-2008 09:18 PM

Will this be updated to 3.7?

HunteRRosE 01-04-2008 12:55 AM

Guys, first post for me. I'm new to vB but I can get around fine.

I installed this plugin successfully on a fresh install of WP and vB but I'm not having that kind of luck with an existing WP install and a fresh install of vB.

Basically what happens is:

I go through all the steps fine and activate the plugin. After I activate it and try and go to "Writing" or "Manage" or "Dashboard", the page loads blank.

Any ideas?

HunteRRosE 01-04-2008 01:41 AM

Ahh well... started reinstalling everything from scratch... must have been a plugin or something...

Also, just so you guys know I've tested this plugin with the latest release 2.3.2 and found no problems.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that when you delete a post from WP it deletes the thread in vB... Nice!!!

Also, after my vB admin account got copied over to WP, I deleted the WP Admin account and am using my vB admin account exclusively... hope that doesn't cause any problems down the road but no problems to speak of yet.

Nice plugin!

Jafo232 01-04-2008 10:13 AM

Could cause issues in the future if the plugin stops working.. You will have to reset the admins password (have it emailed to you), so make sure your admin email address is up to date.

HunteRRosE 01-04-2008 10:37 PM

Jafo, what the heck am I doing wrong? I just tried to write an article and link it to the forums and when I hit "publish" the screen turns blank, and nothing happens.

I 've successfully loaded various other articles this way.

Are there any problems that you know of when you create a forum? Like default settings or permissions?

Also, sometimes I can login to my wordpress admin area and then I'll try and create a post and it will say "no user name specified" when it connects to vBulletin. Then I'll log out of wordpress, login to vBulletin, go to my page in wordpress I want to publish and then it redirects me to a white screen when I publish.

Any ideas?

pspcrazy 01-05-2008 01:40 AM

Well jafo does this work on vbulletin 3.7 as of yet?

PennylessZ28 01-05-2008 03:47 AM

this is a useful must for the pro

LBSources 01-06-2008 02:28 AM

Anyone at all having issues with the $similarthreads using this hack? I'm not sure if this is causing the problem or if something else is.

All threads found to be similar and at the bottom of the current thread lead to the root of the forum, not the similar thread linked.

DPtheGod 01-07-2008 02:16 AM

Hello, I would like to install this but I have no idea where my wordpress folders are. It says do not create the sub-directory, but I do not have a wp-content directory. Am I supposed to create it? Sorry for noob question lole

Wings69 01-07-2008 05:45 AM

Mine was working smoothly - anyway I had to move to a new server. Everything copied over okay, but on the wordpress page I get:

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'vbulletinhook' in /home/scotsman/public_html/nopantsprovided/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 2405

And I've tried define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); uncommented.

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