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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

blind-eddie 03-18-2007 01:51 AM

Awesome......Just awesome, my members are going to love this, works flawlessly.

blind-eddie 03-18-2007 02:23 AM

You may only send a message to this user once per day. Please try again tomorrow.

How do I change this?

LLcoolMP 03-18-2007 12:43 PM

I always get this error message "Invalid error code (invalid section)" when i try to set an image as background of a block or the page in the style editor of every profile.

I have Zoints 1.03.

What can i do? Thank you

blind-eddie 03-18-2007 01:30 PM

What setting I need to chsnge so everyone cant get into z admin settings? I went on on my test account, which is only registered, and I can get into z admin settings?...This isnt good!!

Follie Folli 03-18-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 1206392)
What setting I need to chsnge so everyone cant get into z admin settings? I went on on my test account, which is only registered, and I can get into z admin settings?...This isnt good!!

settings >> members >> search a member and then you can login in a user and modified all settings

nascimbeni 03-19-2007 06:41 PM

We did fail in installing Zoints. We are running Windows in ISAPI mode.
I read somewhere of possible issues with that but the post was one year old. Are the issue solved?
My forum is at http://my.lifeinitaly.com
Anybody would like to try installing it on my server for a fee?



blind-eddie 03-19-2007 06:57 PM

Did you uninstall it? I typed in:


and I get, Unable to find configuration file.

nascimbeni 03-19-2007 09:18 PM

We where never able to install Zoints on our server.
Is zoint supposed to work in isapi mode or not ? Or it works with some issues?


blind-eddie 03-19-2007 09:22 PM

I did change any mode, I just followed instructions & it works.

blind-eddie 03-19-2007 09:24 PM

I also notice you have your site installed in your root , not forum root...not sure if that makes a difference.

nascimbeni 03-19-2007 09:42 PM

ISAPI mode means my server is a Windows server and not a Linux.
Does your Zoint work on Linux or Windows ?

blind-eddie 03-19-2007 10:21 PM


Hostboard 03-20-2007 11:46 AM

Went to install this and after it identifies the forum software from the installer all I get is: You must be an administrator in order to access this page.

Dr.NoTime 03-21-2007 02:49 PM

Hi and thanks for the mod.

One question, what is keeping anyone from accessing the /z/zadmin.php file?

swearwolf 03-23-2007 11:38 AM

ello :) i really like the idea of your hack but cant get it installed..
when i go to http://mysite.com/z/install.php
it downloads the file as if it were a zip, but says "you are trying to dowload the file index.PHP
would u like to open or save?"

and its vBulletin 3.6.5, linux server

Aaron O 03-25-2007 06:17 AM

The problem is: when you have the latest versions of PHP and mySQL, this mod will not work. It actually prints out the raw PHP code during installation and it loops. You can't go beyond Step 2. This is a critical bug that needs to be fixed in the next version.

Pulsorock 03-25-2007 02:33 PM

This was posted at Zoints.com


Subject: Zoints.com Has A New Owner

We’d like to announce that recent rumors are true. Zoints.com has been acquired by a Utah investment company headed by Doug Porter of Salt Lake City. David Chapman also announced that he had resigned his position in the company to pursue other interests but would remain on board temporarily to help with the transition.

I am excited to be part of the Zoints team, and look forward to working with forum and community leaders to improve our products and service. While there are a numbers of challenges and important issues to tackle, our first priorities include improving system performance and user support. We have a great team of talent assembled here at Zoints and I’m very confident in their abilities.

I also recognize that due to the uncertainties caused by this transition, our service has recently slipped below our desired level of satisfaction. I assure you that we are working hard to correct this situation. I believe that you’ll see many improvements in the coming weeks as we bring additional engineers up to speed on this project.

Doug Porter

David always was a excellent support in Zoints. Not sure how this bought going to affect the service and the product.

RTFA 03-26-2007 02:50 PM

Just installed, works great except for one thing. I am missing the album.php file. Getting a 404 error when trying to go to album link. Checked my files twice, its not there (server or downloaded file) ??????

Can someone post a link to this file where I can get it.

Pulsorock 03-27-2007 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by RTFA (Post 1212762)
Just installed, works great except for one thing. I am missing the album.php file. Getting a 404 error when trying to go to album link. Checked my files twice, its not there (server or downloaded file) ??????

Can someone post a link to this file where I can get it.

I believe they deleted album.php starting in ZL 1.0.2. It was causing confusion.

Hostboard 03-27-2007 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 1208019)
Went to install this and after it identifies the forum software from the installer all I get is: You must be an administrator in order to access this page.

7 days no reply for help/assistance. Removed files and will just wait for VB to release thier new blog software.

FreshFroot 03-27-2007 06:10 PM

I wonder if Zoints feels any pressure now that vB has announced that they will be making a blog and social addon?

blind-eddie 03-27-2007 08:15 PM

Go into you admincp and change your primary usergroup to Administrator, Problem Solved.


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 1213690)
7 days no reply for help/assistance. Removed files and will just wait for VB to release thier new blog software.

GrendelKhan{TSU 03-30-2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by FreshFroot (Post 1213783)
I wonder if Zoints feels any pressure now that vB has announced that they will be making a blog and social addon?

I'm sure it raised many issue... esp. given the changes with Zoints ownership and Dave leaving (will be missed).

that said, interested whether the vb add-ons will be ajax based... which I thought was one of the main draws of zoints (and zoints local) system for me.

Zweeper 04-01-2007 07:00 AM


i have 2 problems and i hope that someone can help me. I'm using Vbulletin 3.5.4.

1.) in the online.php the links are not correctly rewritten.
when a user is reading a thread, there just is a "is reading a thread" message, not "is reading thread XXX".

2.) in my archive there is a error. (http://www.zweeper.de/forum/archive/)
i can see the site, but when i click on a link, i just come again and again on the archive startpage. when i turn Zoints SEO off, its all correct.

i deactivated the follow options:

Rewrite /archive/ to /sitemap/
Use Archive as Sitemap
Use Zoints Archive Navigation?

(when i activate them, the error is just the same)

my htaccess file looks like this:

Options +FollowSymlinks

RewriteEngine On                   
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_\-]*-(f|all)[0-9]+(p[0-9]+|/index[0-9]*)?\.html)$ forumdisplay.php/$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_\-]*-(t|p)[0-9]+(p[0-9]+|/index[0-9]*)?\.html)$ showthread.php/$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(index\.php|\.css) [NC]
RewriteRule ^(archive|sitemap)/(.*)$ $1/index.php/$2 [QSA,L]

i hope someone can help me, greetings, zweeper.

ginger22 04-02-2007 12:36 PM

How about another language support, such as Russian?

ShawneyJ 04-03-2007 01:48 AM

anyone no if you can put youtube clips on somewhere ?
or away of enable users to use video clips.

Vizionz 04-04-2007 06:04 AM

i tried this out and yes its pretty damn cool but i wont be using it. untill it can be globally matched to the vbulletin theme its no use to me. it looks like garbage when other users change there themes that dont even go with the forum. stand alone this would be a great. but as of now and the basic admin section with no ability to delete styles or force a global style for profiles its nothing usefull to me. i dont want a myspace clone. that allows you to design your own crap layouts. i want a system that will match my site but with the features this has. so untill then i will be designing my own or waiting to see what vb has in store.

but it gets 4 out of 5 for the features and all around attempt

basketmen 04-05-2007 01:16 PM

Social add on from vbulletin i think not will great like zoints local

it just crap like add buddies, blacklist other, etc

this is just from my experience, they can't breed like vbseo feature arent they?

vuiveclub_net 04-07-2007 07:42 PM

I was Deleted the Profile Link on my Navbar by accident. I reallly want it back but I can't find the Code. PLease Help me ...

ShawneyJ 04-08-2007 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by jaycob (Post 1218771)
anyone no if you can put youtube clips on somewhere ?
or away of enable users to use video clips.


NaughtyStud 04-09-2007 08:55 AM

Finally got around to installing this and I just have to say excellent work on it.Thanks ;)

hinch 04-10-2007 09:28 AM

got it installed and such on www.furious-angels.com if anybody uses it or not is a different story but its there :)

Tanya123 04-10-2007 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Zoints (Post 1114001)
Zoints Local is ushering in a new era of interconnectivity between communities. Therefore, a few minor details such as the navbar must remain standard. You can change the images to better fit your styles, but you cannot remove them. Think of it this way: if you were traveling on a freeway from state to state and suddenly one state decided not to use any road signs, it would be a nightmare. Zoints Local is the virtual freeway between communities. As traffic is sent to your community, people need to know where to go :)

Is this still the case? I saw (currently) on a big-board where they don't have the Community button in their profiles. I don't even think their site is listed in the Zoints directory. Please advise.

Strike3ForumsMH 04-10-2007 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Vizionz (Post 1219471)
i tried this out and yes its pretty damn cool but i wont be using it. untill it can be globally matched to the vbulletin theme its no use to me. it looks like garbage when other users change there themes that dont even go with the forum. stand alone this would be a great. but as of now and the basic admin section with no ability to delete styles or force a global style for profiles its nothing usefull to me. i dont want a myspace clone. that allows you to design your own crap layouts. i want a system that will match my site but with the features this has. so untill then i will be designing my own or waiting to see what vb has in store.

but it gets 4 out of 5 for the features and all around attempt

You can as an admin create your own style, set it as default for the forum and enable the option of not allowing users to change the style so that you can keep an element of continuity through out your site. From Zoints Admin CP, you should see an option asking whether or not to allow members to edit styles, which you can disable. Or you can create several styles of your own, and run some queries to remove the default Zoints styles. So unless you have a very complicated style, you should be able to at least CLOSELY match the style you have to keep the site look consistent. I do agree though that it is something that needs some work and something that many desire.

Good luck with your development though.


Originally Posted by Tanya123 (Post 1224159)
Is this still the case? I saw (currently) on a big-board where they don't have the Community button in their profiles. I don't even think their site is listed in the Zoints directory. Please advise.

It sounds like that particular site has an autonomous license (which are currently not for sale) that allows them to stay a separate island, disconnected from the Zoints network.

Tanya123 04-11-2007 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1224301)

It sounds like that particular site has an autonomous license (which are currently not for sale) that allows them to stay a separate island, disconnected from the Zoints network.

OK...thanks for responding.

Luky 04-11-2007 04:54 PM

You have no life, i love you for it! :)

Luky 04-11-2007 06:18 PM

Why do some of my style images not show? http://www.alchemist-team.net/vb/z/i...?z-profile=Jay

rci 04-11-2007 09:23 PM

I can't find anything in my vbulletin's adminCP about this (after i install zoints) .. and the only administration are those fiew fields in zoints cp ? how about i want to give access to zoints only to a specific group of users? any chance of that ?

Luky 04-12-2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1225187)
Why do some of my style images not show? http://www.alchemist-team.net/vb/z/i...?z-profile=Jay

Anyone has a fix?

Strike3ForumsMH 04-12-2007 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1225187)
Why do some of my style images not show? http://www.alchemist-team.net/vb/z/i...?z-profile=Jay

I can't exactly pinpoint it just from looking, but often problems of that nature result from not having your images (and/or image directories on your style) coded to their absolute path, this is something most have to correct with programs such as vB Advanced. And I can see several examples when viewing your code from the source where it is calling for background images from something like "blackteal/misc/..." etc versus the whole path.

If you look in your style, you should be able to correct this. If that does not work or you are unable to do this, please open up a ticket at network.zoints.com

Thank you.

- Reid

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