Morrus |
09-17-2006 07:12 PM |
Originally Posted by Ranma2k
what did you set the path and the image directory ?!
To clarify, the system is working (the images ARE uploading and displaying), but those erros are appearing in addition.
Reviewing the install instructions, where do I set a path an image directory? There's no mentin here - I quote them here in full (leaving out the template mod bit):
Step 1 ( Backup):
Always Always backup you database . I'll not be held responsible for any data lose .
Step 2 ( Upload Files ):
upload the files that in the folder forum into your forum directory overwriting the old ones.
(./ ) is your forum home directory.
./ vbimghost.php
./ admincp / vbimghost.php
./ includes / xml / bitfield_ao_vbimghost.xml
./ includes / xml / cpnav_ao_vbimghost.xml
./ includes / vbimghost_include.php
Change the permission for the upload directory to 777.
Note: The upload direcotry is where your files are going to be uploaded to [in the folder here it's called imagehosting]
step 3 (Upload the product):
Go to your admincp under Plugin System -> Manage Products : click [Add/Import Product] and select the file product-ao_vbimghost.xml and make suer that you set Allow Overwrite to YES
Step 4 ( template modification ):
step 4a:
If you want some additional stuf you can check section D ( Addons ) such as ( show last 5 images in the profile, number of photos in the postbit ..etc ).
step 5 :
Go to the Admincp and reconfigure the usergroup and the option
Step 6:
Go to and click install :)
The only thing I can think you might be refering to is the directory mentined in the AdminCP under the ImageHosting Options - which is entered, as indicated, as "imagehosting" with no trailing slash.
But, to repeat - the system does seem to work, it just throws ugly errors up as well.