NeutralizeR |
10-01-2006 05:13 AM |
Originally Posted by RedTurtle
Hi Paul!
I've integrated FC with 3.6 and it works fine but the only problem I'm having is that it requires me as an admin to always have to login to the chat when i'm already logged into vB.
Here's my CMS file (which I double checked that I have uploaded to chat/inc/cmses )
PHP Code:
if ( !defined( 'INC_DIR' ) ) { die( 'hacking attempt' ); }
Version 3.02 By Paul M - this CMS file is For vBulletin 3.6.x and Flashchat 4.5.x (or above).
Recent changes ; 3.01 - First Version, based on vb 3.5 CMS file (v2.60). 3.02 - Changes to User and Role Caching to fix minor irritations.
class vBulletinCMS { // Initialise CMS function vBulletinCMS() { $this->loginStmt = new Statement("SELECT userid AS id, password, salt FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user WHERE username=?"); $this->getUserStmt = new Statement("SELECT userid AS id, username AS login, usergroupid, membergroupids FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user WHERE userid=?"); $this->getUsersStmt = new Statement("SELECT userid AS id, username AS login, usergroupid FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user"); $this->getUserForSession = new Statement("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}session WHERE sessionhash=? ORDER BY lastactivity DESC"); $this->updateLastactivityForUser = new Statement("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user SET lastactivity=? WHERE userid=?"); $this->updateSessionForUser = new Statement("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}session SET lastactivity=?, location='$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]' WHERE userid=?"); $this->getAvatar = new Statement("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}customavatar WHERE userid = ? AND visible = 1"); $this->getPicture = new Statement("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}customprofilepic WHERE userid = ? AND visible = 1");
$this->session = $_COOKIE[$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'sessionhash']; if($_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionhashid'] != $this->session) { $rs = $this->getUserForSession->process($this->session); if($rec = $rs->next()) { $this->userid = intval($rec['userid']); $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionuserid'] = $this->userid; $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionhashid'] = $this->session; } } else { $this->userid = $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionuserid']; }
if($_POST['t'] AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['spkupdate'] AND intval($this->userid) > 0) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); } }
// Auto Login function isLoggedIn() { if($this->userid > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['logupdate']) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); } unset ($_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$this->userid]); unset ($_SESSION['fc_roles_cache'][$this->userid]); return $this->userid; }
// Manual Login function login($login, $password) { $rv = NULL; if ($login == '_int_') return $this->userid; $login = utf8_to_entities($login); $rs = $this->loginStmt->process(utf8_decode($login)); $rec = $rs->next(); if($rs) { $password = utf8_to_entities($password); if(($rec['password'] == md5(md5(utf8_decode($password)) . $rec['salt']))) $rv = $rec['id']; } if($rv > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['logupdate']) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$rv); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$rv); } unset ($_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$this->userid]); unset ($_SESSION['fc_roles_cache'][$this->userid]); return $rv; }
// Logout function logout() { $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionhashid'] = '#'; if($this->userid > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['logupdate']) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); } return NULL; }
// Assign chat role function getRoles($usergroupid) { $groups = explode(',',$usergroupid); $userrole = ROLE_NOBODY ; // Set default access foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['users'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER; if ($GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']) { foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['customer'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_CUSTOMER; } foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['mods'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_MODERATOR; foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['admin'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN; foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['banned'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_NOBODY; return $userrole; }
// Get user details function getUser($userid) { if(($rs = $this->getUserStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec = $rs->next())) { $rec['usergroupid'] .= ",".$rec['membergroupids'] ; $rec['roles'] = $this->getRoles($rec['usergroupid']); $tagencoded = entities_to_utf8($rec['login']); if(strlen($rec['login']) > strlen($tagencoded)) $rec['login'] = $tagencoded; else $rec['login'] = utf8_encode($rec['login']); $_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid] = $rec; $_SESSION['fc_roles_cache'][$userid] = $rec['roles']; return $rec; } return null; }
// Return all existing users function getUsers() { return $this->getUsersStmt->process(); }
// Returns URL of user profile page for such user id or null if user not found function getUserProfile($userid) { return ($this->userid == $userid) ? "../profile.php?do=editprofile" : "../member.php?u=$userid"; }
// Check if user is in a specific role function userInRole($userid, $role) { if(!intval($userid)) { return false; } $user = $this->getUser($userid) ; if($role == $user['roles']) return true; return false; }
// Get male or female function getGender($user) { return NULL; }
// Get current profile picture or avatar // This function is only supported if you use the database storage method in vbulletin function getPhoto($userid) { if($_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['pid'] == $userid) { return $_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['fpath']; } if($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['useavatar']) { $rs = $this->getAvatar->process($userid); } else { $rs = $this->getPicture->process($userid); } if(($rec = $rs->next()) == null) return ''; $fparts = explode('.', $rec['filename']); $fname = strtolower('$'.substr('000000'.$userid,-6).'$'.$rec['dateline'].'.'.$fparts[count($fparts)-1]); $fpath = './images/cust_img/'.$fname; if(!file_exists($fpath)) { $fp = fopen($fpath, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $rec['filedata']); fflush($fp); fclose($fp); } $_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['pid'] = $userid; $_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['fpath'] = $fpath; return $fpath; } }
// Get vb config.php $vbpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); require_once $vbpath . '/../../../includes/config.php';
// Clear moderator message foreach($GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'] as $k => $v) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$k]['dialog']['login']['moderator'] = ''; }
// Get settings from vbulletin config settings $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db'] = array( 'base' => $config['Database']['dbname'], 'user' => $config['MasterServer']['username'], 'pass' => $config['MasterServer']['password'], 'pref' => $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'], 'host' => $config['MasterServer']['servername'], );
// Add tcp port if specified if($config['MasterServer']['port']) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['host'] .= ':'.$config['MasterServer']['port']; }
// vbulletin specific settings $GLOBALS['vbulletin'] = array( 'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'], 'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'],
'spkupdate' => true, // Update vBulletin when user speaks. 'logupdate' => true, // Update vBulletin when user logs in/out. 'useavatar' => true, // True = use custom avatar for flashchat photo feature, False = use custom profile picture.
'users' => array( 2 ) , // Usergroups allowed standard access to chat. 'mods' => array( 5,7 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat moderators. 'admin' => array( 6 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat administrators. 'banned' => array( 1,3,8 ) , // Usergroups banned from accessing the chat. 'customer' => array( 0 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as customers (Live support mode only). );
// Initiate class $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cms'] = new vBulletinCMS();
Just upgrade to the latest version:
v3.06 - Fixed error message when accessing chat admin area.
v3.07 - Default role changed.
Originally Posted by NeitherSparky
NeutralizeR, I have also gotten that error and my users have gotten it too (though it's not every time). I do use the database system though. Is there something I should be altering in the CMS? I couldn't really follow what you were saying in your post, I don't understand php. :)
Here is my CMS:
PHP Code:
<?php /* $Author: pem $ $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2006/09/27 09:30:01 $
Version 3.07 By Paul M - this CMS file is For vBulletin 3.6 and Flashchat 4.7.0 or above.
Recent changes ; 3.03 - Minor fix to Get User for membergroupids, some SQL changes. 3.04 - Security (anti-hacking) code added (as supplied by Darren). 3.05 - Multiple updates, user settings moved to top. 3.06 - Fixed bug in vbpath when in admin area. 3.07 - Default role changed. */
// Usergroup Definitions $users = '2,9' ; $moderators = '5,7' ; $administrators = '6' ; $banned = '1,3,4,8' ;
// Live support mode only $customers = '0' ;
// Path to vbulletin root folder - with trailing '/' $vbpath = ''; // Leave blank unless you wish to override the default.
class vBulletinCMS { // Initialise CMS function vBulletinCMS() { $prefix = $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']; $this->loginStmt = new Statement("SELECT *, userid AS id FROM {$prefix}user WHERE username=?"); $this->getUserStmt = new Statement("SELECT *, userid AS id, username AS login FROM {$prefix}user WHERE userid=?"); $this->getUsersStmt = new Statement("SELECT *, userid AS id, username AS login FROM {$prefix}user"); $this->getUserForSession = new Statement("SELECT * FROM {$prefix}session WHERE sessionhash=? ORDER BY lastactivity DESC"); $this->updateLastactivityForUser = new Statement("UPDATE {$prefix}user SET lastactivity=? WHERE userid=?"); $this->updateSessionForUser = new Statement("UPDATE {$prefix}session SET lastactivity=?, location='$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]' WHERE userid=?"); //$this->getAvatar = new Statement("SELECT * FROM {$prefix}customavatar WHERE userid = ? AND visible = 1"); //$this->getPicture = new Statement("SELECT * FROM {$prefix}customprofilepic WHERE userid = ? AND visible = 1");
$this->session = $_COOKIE[$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'sessionhash']; if($_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionhashid'] != $this->session) { $rs = $this->getUserForSession->process($this->session); if($rec = $rs->next()) { $this->userid = intval($rec['userid']); $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionuserid'] = $this->userid; $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionhashid'] = $this->session; } } else { $this->userid = $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionuserid']; }
if($_POST['t'] AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['spkupdate'] AND intval($this->userid) > 0) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); } }
// Auto Login function isLoggedIn() { if($this->userid > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['logupdate']) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); } unset ($_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$this->userid]); unset ($_SESSION['fc_roles_cache'][$this->userid]); return $this->userid; }
// Manual Login function login($login, $password) { $rv = NULL; if ($login == '_int_') return $this->userid; $login = utf8_to_entities($login); $rs = $this->loginStmt->process(utf8_decode($login)); $rec = $rs->next(); if($rs) { $password = utf8_to_entities($password); if(($rec['password'] == md5(md5(utf8_decode($password)) . $rec['salt']))) $rv = $rec['id']; } if($rv > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['logupdate']) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$rv); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$rv); } unset ($_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$this->userid]); unset ($_SESSION['fc_roles_cache'][$this->userid]); return $rv; }
// Logout function logout() { $_SESSION['fc_users_cache']['sessionhashid'] = '#'; if($this->userid > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['logupdate']) { $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); $ru = $this->updateLastactivityForUser->process(time(),$this->userid); } return NULL; }
// Assign chat role function getRoles($usergroupid) { $groups = explode(',',$usergroupid); $userrole = ROLE_ANY ; // Default // foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['users'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER; if ($GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']) { foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['customer'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_CUSTOMER; } foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['mods'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_MODERATOR; foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['admin'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN; foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['banned'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_NOBODY; return $userrole; }
// Get user details function getUser($userid) { if(($rs = $this->getUserStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec = $rs->next())) { if(intval($rec['membergroupids'])) $rec['usergroupid'] .= ",".$rec['membergroupids'] ; $rec['roles'] = $this->getRoles($rec['usergroupid']); $tagencoded = entities_to_utf8($rec['login']); if(strlen($rec['login']) > strlen($tagencoded)) $rec['login'] = $tagencoded; else $rec['login'] = utf8_encode($rec['login']); $_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid] = $rec; $_SESSION['fc_roles_cache'][$userid] = $rec['roles']; return $rec; } return null; }
// Return all existing users function getUsers() { return $this->getUsersStmt->process(); }
// Returns URL of user profile page for such user id or null if user not found function getUserProfile($userid) { return ($this->userid == $userid) ? "../profile.php?do=editprofile" : "../member.php?u=$userid"; }
// Check if user is in a specific role function userInRole($userid, $role) { if(!intval($userid)) { return false; } $user = $this->getUser($userid) ; if($role == $user['roles']) return true; return false; }
// Get male or female function getGender($user) { return NULL; }
// Get current profile picture or avatar // This function is only supported if you use the database storage method in vbulletin // function getPhoto($userid) //{ //if($_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['pid'] == $userid) //{ //return $_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['fpath']; //} //if($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['useavatar']) //{ // $rs = $this->getAvatar->process($userid); //} //else //{ // $rs = $this->getPicture->process($userid); //} //if(($rec = $rs->next()) == null) return ''; //$fparts = explode('.', $rec['filename']); //$fname = strtolower('$'.substr('000000'.$userid,-6).'$'.$rec['dateline'].'.'.$fparts[count($fparts)-1]); //$fpath = './images/cust_img/'.$fname; //if(!file_exists($fpath)) //{ // $fp = fopen($fpath, 'wb'); // fwrite($fp, $rec['filedata']); // fflush($fp); // fclose($fp); //} //$_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['pid'] = $userid; //$_SESSION['fc_users_cache'][$userid]['fpath'] = $fpath; //return $fpath; //} }
// Security check if (!defined('INC_DIR')) { exit('Error 01 - Please consult you system administrator.'); }
// Find vbroot $vbroot = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/../../../'; if ($vbpath) { $vbroot = $vbpath; }
// Get vb config if (!include_once($vbroot.'includes/config.php')) { exit('Error 02 - vbulletin config file not loaded, check you have the correct path.'); }
// Clear moderator message foreach($GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'] as $k => $v) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$k]['dialog']['login']['moderator'] = ''; }
// Get settings from vbulletin config settings $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db'] = array( 'base' => $config['Database']['dbname'], 'user' => $config['MasterServer']['username'], 'pass' => $config['MasterServer']['password'], 'pref' => $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'], 'host' => $config['MasterServer']['servername'], );
// Add tcp port if specified if($config['MasterServer']['port']) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['host'] .= ':'.$config['MasterServer']['port']; }
// vbulletin specific settings $GLOBALS['vbulletin'] = array( 'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'], 'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'], 'spkupdate' => true, // Update vBulletin when user speaks. 'logupdate' => true, // Update vBulletin when user logs in/out. //'useavatar' => true, // True = use custom avatar for flashchat photo feature, False = use custom profile picture. 'users' => explode(',',$users) , // Usergroups allowed standard access to chat. 'mods' => explode(',',$moderators) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat moderators. 'admin' => explode(',',$administrators) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat administrators. 'banned' => explode(',',$banned) , // Usergroups banned from accessing the chat. 'customer' => explode(',',$customers) , // Usergroups allowed access as customers. );
// Initiate class $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cms'] = new vBulletinCMS();
Just set your Usergroup Definitions at the beginning.
I'm waiting Paul's answer like you.