Revan |
11-28-2005 08:55 AM |
Originally Posted by noppid
Or coder could release lite versions of their paid vBulletin add in software.
Do you have any idea how much work is involved in releasing a lite version?
Even with a highly revised and structurised coding style, picking out the advanced features (not like just adding "if (!is_paid())") takes time that very well could be spent on developing new features, fixing bugs or just improve the coding.
Do you think Jelsoft stopped releasing vB Lite because they felt like being nasty towards the people wanting an extended preview? I wasn't here for when this change happened but I have enough common sense to figure out that this was not the case. They felt their developers time could be spent on the main product.
Originally Posted by SupremeWeapon
paying 100+$ for software and then turn around and pay more for files with txt that take less then a week to build is actually ludicris. nw for the hacks that people actually take there time on and do alot to like the rpg hackm it woul dbe worth it.
Why thank you for that assessment :)
Originally Posted by SupremeWeapon
The you have the fact where MOST paid hacks/plugin authors promise unlimited free upgrades for new versions of VB but then dissapear after a few vb versions are released. To me thats a VERY bad bussiness sense, and it stop people from ever trusting in paid hacks/plugin again.
Unless you are referring to actual text on paid sites, I can't say Ive ever encountered anyone promising unlimited support. That's like saying they will live forever and always develop that script, which obviously is impossible. So yeah, if such a promise exists anywhere then I concur with Marco.
Originally Posted by SupremeWeapon
for org to go into paid for that it would really strain community relationships when authors go MIA and stop supporting therehacks/plugins when they promised it and free lifetime upgrading and what not.
That's why we are discussing a directory of off-sites, so staff could simply remove a site should the coder go MIA or decide to no longer support his hack. would not handle money transactions or be in any other way legally involved.
Originally Posted by SupremeWeapon
i know i havent been here in a while, and its mainly because i was one of the ones on the short end of the stick for a paid hack... its not fun
Sorry to hear that mate, Ive been short-sticked as a coder once too so I know how ya feel.