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Byron 10-22-2005 04:58 AM

Is it possible to insert a quote at the end of each post?

The quote will be randomly selected within the code in the template.

How to add this to the template?

T3MEDIA 10-28-2005 05:10 AM

Why the hell (?>\([^\)]*\))|\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b
would erase everything???? That is a legal egex command to block anything within ( ) and any email... but if I put this into this hack it wipes everything...

any idea why that is?

Code Monkey 10-30-2005 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by apshanon
I have installed articlebot hack in my 3.0.8 version. But I have upgaded vbulletin to 3.5.0. Please help me how I can setup articlebot again now

You can get articlebot working with vb 3.50 easily.

Make sure you still have the template. "articlebot_post" If not then create it.
PHP Code:



Next open articlebot.php with your favorite editor. Change every instance of:

  • $DB_site-> with $db->
  • $vboptions[ with $vbulletin->options[
Do the same in admincp/articlebot_admin.php but also replace globalize( with $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc(

At this point, your article bot should function again.

Now just copy this and save it as cpnav_articlebot.xml and upload it into includes/xml directory. Then you will have your admin options again.

PHP Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<navgroups product="vbulletin">
    <navgroup text="Article Bots" hr="true">
            <text>Manage Article Bots</text>
            <text>Add Article Bot</text>
            <text>Add RSS to Article Bot</text>

My articles are being written correctly and the admin seems to function. Milage may vary. Enjoy

Code Monkey 10-30-2005 07:36 PM

Also in articlebot_admin.php arround line 192. Replace
PHP Code:

'<b>Forum</b><br />The forum this RSS will be posted in.<br />
        <span class="smallfont"><i><u>Note</u>: the article bot will post in any forum, even if it lacks permission<br />
        to do so, if the forum is closed, or if the forum acts as a category.<br />
        Therefore, choose the forum accordingly.</i></span>'

With this

PHP Code:

'<b>Forum</b><br />The forum this RSS will be posted in.<br /><span class="smallfont"><i><u>Note</u>: the article bot will post in any forum, even if it lacks permission<br />to do so, if the forum is closed, or if the forum acts as a category.<br />Therefore, choose the forum accordingly.</i></span>',

Code Monkey 10-30-2005 11:04 PM

Well, the above updates will make your existing feeds work. In order to add new ones articlebot_admin.php will need to be reworked.

DS MrSinister 10-31-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by JumpD
Well, the above updates will make your existing feeds work. In order to add new ones articlebot_admin.php will need to be reworked.

great job.

I cant reable my feeds geting errors :(. all my feeds are disable

You going to plan rework the articlebot_admin.php :D

T3MEDIA 11-01-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by JumpD
Well, the above updates will make your existing feeds work. In order to add new ones articlebot_admin.php will need to be reworked.

Maybe you can help... my feeds keep turning "&" into "&amp;" and of course ruins the feed. is there a way to stop that? as well the egex commands do not seem to be working.

T3MEDIA 11-01-2005 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by aciurczak
Here's what I need: What I want is help creating a script that will automatically do this every hour or so. Has anyone created an auto-move script before, or I should I start parsing through how the admincp component works? Thanks for any assistance one can provide...

- Alex

EDIT: Got it working. It moves threads with replies over to a discussion forum, and it also strips out threads with ADV: in the title as trash and puts them into a Trash forum, hidden from the public, for later review and deletion.

will you be releasing this or its private? Thanks.

aciurczak 11-01-2005 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
will you be releasing this or its private? Thanks.

Here's a link to the code:


Since that post I added another clause to take care of the ADV posts:


$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread SET forumid = 22 WHERE forumid = 17 AND title LIKE '%ADV:%'");

chader144 11-03-2005 06:21 AM

Any chance this will be ported to 3.5? I like the plug-in system.

nhatrang 11-05-2005 05:52 PM

Can anybody help me pull all the RSS contents rather than just a few lines?

Code Monkey 11-06-2005 04:01 AM

Ok, I updated the articlebot admin script. Works for me. give it a try.

DS MrSinister 11-06-2005 04:35 AM

thx you sir i will give it a shot!

Code Monkey 11-06-2005 05:34 AM

I sent a PM to velocd at another website he hangs out at asking if I can release it for vb 3.51. I have already made it into a product but I am not sure what the rules and such are.

Code Monkey 11-06-2005 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
Maybe you can help... my feeds keep turning "&" into "&amp;" and of course ruins the feed. is there a way to stop that? as well the egex commands do not seem to be working.

Just find this in articlebot.php
PHP Code:

$thread_id $db->insert_id(); 

And insert below.
PHP Code:

$article['description'] = str_replace('&amp;''&'$article['description']); 

That should fix it. There are posts earlier in this thread that help deal with these isssues.

Code Monkey 11-06-2005 08:08 PM

Ok, I have recieved permision from Velocd to release my 3.51 product version of this. Once I finish it up I will release it.

Code Monkey 11-07-2005 01:42 AM

Ok, the 3.5 product version can be found here. Enjoy

fluentdesigns 11-07-2005 05:49 AM

Everytime I try to add an article bot I get the following error

Error: There is no user with ID of Array['userid'].

poolking 11-07-2005 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by fluentdesigns
Everytime I try to add an article bot I get the following error

Error: There is no user with ID of Array['userid'].

Are you using the username or the userid? You are supposed to be using the userid.

Also you are supposed to create the account that the bot is going to use as well.

XrayHead 12-04-2005 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by aciurczak
Hi all -

I installed Articlebot a few days ago, and it's working great. Mods I've done include:

- changing the posting template to show a clean link
- stripping out the postbot's user ID in new post searches

If someone wants a demo of what this thing is supposed to do, check out this link: Link to news section of my forum

Within the admincp, I can selectively move threads from my news forum to a discussion forum if they have > zero replies.

Here's what I need: What I want is help creating a script that will automatically do this every hour or so. Has anyone created an auto-move script before, or I should I start parsing through how the admincp component works? Thanks for any assistance one can provide...

- Alex

Any chance you can share with us HOW you did the stripping out the postbot's user ID in new post searches??

A lot of people have been asking how to do this.


aciurczak 12-04-2005 04:20 PM

You need to add two lines to the search.php file. Find this query:


$posts = $DB_site->query("
SELECT postid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
WHERE forumid IN(" . implode(', ', $forumids) . ")
AND thread.lastpost >= $datecut
AND thread.visible = 1
AND sticky IN (0,1)
AND post.dateline >= $datecut
AND post.visible = 1
ORDER BY post.dateline DESC
LIMIT " . intval($vboptions['maxresults']) . "

Within those AND statements, add one more that says:


AND thread.postuserid != 1234
Where 1234 is the userID of the bot that you're trying to exclude. Do the same thing to the following query right below:


$threads = $DB_site->query("
SELECT threadid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
WHERE forumid IN(" . implode(', ', $forumids) . ")
AND thread.lastpost >= $datecut
AND visible = 1
AND sticky IN (0,1)
ORDER BY lastpost DESC
LIMIT " . intval($vboptions['maxresults']) . "

XrayHead 12-04-2005 07:42 PM

Cool, thanks for that. My search.php is a bit different so I have added the code to this thread for all to see....


Like this then? My postbot user ID is 4...

PHP Code:

$posts $DB_site->query("
SELECT postid
TABLE_PREFIX "post AS post " iif($forumids"
TABLE_PREFIX "thread AS thread ON(thread.threadid = post.threadid)
TABLE_PREFIX "deletionlog AS delthread ON(delthread.primaryid = post.threadid AND delthread.type = 'thread')") . "
TABLE_PREFIX "deletionlog AS delpost ON(delpost.primaryid = post.postid AND delpost.type = 'post')
WHERE post.userid = 
AND delpost.primaryid IS NULL " 
AND delthread.primaryid IS NULL
AND post.visible = 1
AND thread.visible = 1
$forumids") . "
AND thread.postuserid != 4
ORDER BY post.dateline DESC
. ($vboptions['maxresults'] * 2) . "


$threads = $DB_site->query("
SELECT threadid
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS delthread ON(delthread.primaryid thread.threadid AND delthread.type 'thread')
WHERE forumid IN(" . implode(', ', $forumids) . ")
thread.lastpost >= $datecut
AND visible 1
AND delthread.primaryid IS NULL
AND sticky IN (0,1)
thread.postuserid != 4
ORDER BY lastpost DESC
LIMIT $vboptions

aciurczak 12-04-2005 09:11 PM

yup, looks fine.

XrayHead 12-05-2005 06:38 AM

OK, some of my feeds are working although I only received three post's last night :ermm: (Do I have to set something to pull all new news form xml feeds?)

Anyway I get this error as well from Cron.

<br /><strong>Warning</strong>: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file.
(mismatched tag at line 45, column 2) in
<strong>/articlebot/rss_fetch.inc</strong> on line <strong>230</strong><br /><br
/><strong>Warning</strong>: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in
<strong>/articlebot/articlebot.php</strong> on line <strong>137</strong><br /><br
/><strong>Warning</strong>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
<strong>/articlebot/articlebot.php</strong> on line
<strong>141</strong><br />

Cant see why it takes so long to show the feeds??????

XrayHead 12-16-2005 09:24 AM

Cool I have now got this working really well. Check it out here.


Kwak 12-21-2005 07:55 PM

Hello guys,

I've installed this hack many, many months ago but have not successfully ran the program.
I initially installed the Article Bot so that the bot can automatically post the Google Alerts that I get from the e-mails. Thus, it would save me time since I still manually post the google alerts myself.

Do you know how you can have this Article Bot post the Google Alerts to the specific thread?
The Article Bot hack is currently installed.

I appreciate your time! :)

XrayHead 12-22-2005 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kwak
Hello guys,

I've installed this hack many, many months ago but have not successfully ran the program.
I initially installed the Article Bot so that the bot can automatically post the Google Alerts that I get from the e-mails. Thus, it would save me time since I still manually post the google alerts myself.

Do you know how you can have this Article Bot post the Google Alerts to the specific thread?
The Article Bot hack is currently installed.

I appreciate your time! :)

Have you tryed using a XML link that you know works??

I know this works ok.....

Kwak 12-23-2005 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by XrayHead
Have you tryed using a XML link that you know works??

I know this works ok.....

Hi XrayHead, could you tell me more on how and what to do with the XML link?
All external RSS are enabled.

XrayHead 12-23-2005 09:04 AM

First add an article bot........
Seccond Add RSS to Article Bot (add the XML link I gave you)

You should end up with something like I have configured for mine.

All the rest of the info is in the readme...........

5starAffiliates 12-29-2005 12:44 AM

I have searched and searched but cannot find a fix.

How do I get articlebot to stop posting duplicate and triplicate posts? I am posting my affiliate management clients RSS feeds to their forum.

They and the readers get upset when they see posts for 4th of July coupons that have long ago expired show up in November or back to school sales in Dec.

I had 3 article bots. One was posting tons of dups, one was good for awhile then started dups. The 3rd I thought was fine and then it finally started dups. It was not the feeds and does not seem to be the cron job since they didn't all start at the same time. I can't figure out the rhyme or reason. Was there a fix or upgrade for this?

If the answer is NO - then what other hack is there that works good without any dups? Anyone that can install or get something working for me? I'm not very technical.

Thanks Linda

Dannyboy1 01-25-2006 04:29 PM

Okay, I am PISSED :)

The idea of this mod is really great and I really would love to use it but whatever I did I couldn;t make it run. I can assure you all that everything, I mean installation etc, has been done the way it has to be done. The bot is still not making any posts though. How come?
I went trough the entire thread and still there's no solution to similiar posts as mine.

Any ideas?

P.S. For reasons I cannot upgrade to 3.5.x At the moment I use 3.0.8

XrayHead 01-25-2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyboy1
Okay, I am PISSED :)

The idea of this mod is really great and I really would love to use it but whatever I did I couldn;t make it run. I can assure you all that everything, I mean installation etc, has been done the way it has to be done. The bot is still not making any posts though. How come?
I went trough the entire thread and still there's no solution to similiar posts as mine.

Any ideas?

P.S. For reasons I cannot upgrade to 3.5.x At the moment I use 3.0.8

Mate post a screen cap of you bot setup and the probs you are having!!


bada_bing 01-25-2006 06:39 PM

Is there any plans to port this over for 3.5.3 as a product or plugin? would like to run this on my site

5starAffiliates 01-30-2006 05:37 PM

Any answer for my problem with it posting dup and triplicate posts?


Again I would pay someone to set this up right. Please help.

Thanks, Linda

MagikMuzik 02-15-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by ranger2kxlt
Ok stupid question, where do you get RSS feeds from? I mean what site will this info be pulled from? I run a F0RD website, where would i find info on stuff like that?

*sorry disregard opened the zip and you have lots of feeds for me :-D

Give this link a try: http://media.ford.com/newsroom/newsroom_rss.cfm

Have fun :)

bada_bing 02-16-2006 11:54 AM

Looks like this hack is never going to be updated as I have received no reply... Too bad

DS MrSinister 02-16-2006 05:08 PM

this has been ported for some time now.

here is a link to it


MikeBlah 02-19-2006 04:00 PM

i really like the idea of this bot, just can't quite get it working...

when i call up the page at....com/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php

i get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_change_key_case() in /var/www/html/forums/articlebot/rss_parse.inc on line 203

any suggestions?

ffevo 03-05-2006 07:13 AM

So does this mean, I can link it to post my news from my main page?

dwbro1 05-16-2006 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister
this has been ported for some time now.

here is a link to it


Hmm I get permission denied when trying to follow this link.

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