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-   -   NNTP Gateway (Usenet/Newsgroups) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=35247)

recumbent615 03-13-2004 07:32 PM

This has been coverd somewhere within this very long thread. But here it is in short!

In the Function sendnews

PHP Code:

$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1"); 

and repalce it with:
PHP Code:

$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle,email FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1"); 

PHP Code:

$signature .= $newthread[username]; 

and below it put:

PHP Code:

$my_email $userinfo[email]; 

Then find ( around line 643 )

PHP Code:

    // post it
if ($grouptype=='news'){
$response $news->post($cat unhtmlspecialchars($newthread[title]),$group[newsgroup], "$newthread[username] <$msgid>"$message,"Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O",$newthread[dateline])."\r\nMessage-ID: <$msgid>\r\nOrganization: $settings[organization]\r\nUser-Agent: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Newsreader: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Originating-IP: $newthread[ipaddress]$ref"); 

and replace it with:

PHP Code:

    // post it
if ($grouptype=='news'){
$response $news->post($cat unhtmlspecialchars($newthread[title]),$group[newsgroup], "$newthread[username] <$my_email>"$message,"Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O",$newthread[dateline])."\r\nMessage-ID: <$msgid>\r\nOrganization: $settings[organization]\r\nUser-Agent: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Newsreader: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Originating-IP: $newthread[ipaddress]$ref"); 

That will do it I believe.


stroke25 03-14-2004 12:55 AM

thanks for the reply but i dont think thats what im looking for..That would use the email they registered with i believe..Its doesnt seem to work with VB3 Gateway either.

I just want to remove the random numbers/letters in the email.

KGB.11h4mb@pokerhelper.com KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com StopTheKicking.127uvy@pokerhelper.com

I would like it to be username@pokerhelper.com

recumbent615 03-14-2004 01:41 AM


I'm not using VB3 on my production boards, I dnd't relize that that is what you were using. Are you just trying to use a single email address for all posts? Or are you are you trying to just append the username to the @pokerhelper.com as if it were an emal address. Thus not exposing your users email address but not making it look like a made up address?


stroke25 03-14-2004 04:15 PM

it already puts the user name there.It wouldnt be a real addy.Just need to figure out how to remove the numbers/letters.

KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com KGB is the user name for this one.It puts the period also.

jcrash 03-14-2004 05:03 PM

Ok, Im pretty new to VBForums administration, and Im having a hard time figuring out the instructions:

3. Go into your database and modify the settings in the nntp_settings table. Descriptions are available in there, but currently it's not integrated with the vB admin control panel.

4. Go in and set up your newsgroups in the nntp_groups table.

What does that mean?

jcrash 03-14-2004 09:41 PM

Nevermind...GOT IT! Jammin!

Ogmuk 03-14-2004 10:50 PM

Great work on this hack guys! It worked on the first attempt although it does want to download a text file here too. Is there an easy way to stop this behaviour with IE6?

2 other questions:
The imported content isn't searchable yet, is it?
I haven't tried to actually create a post in the newgroup yet so I have no idea if this feature is already in, but is it possible to add a little signature to posts from my board? for example, "this message has been posted through www.mysite.com"?

Edit: another question about a little detail I noticed. I see that the amount of thread views by default equals the amount of posts in one thread. Is there an easy way to put these on 0 by default?

Sorry if any of these questions have been asked, it's a rather long thread ;)

leeherron 03-14-2004 11:29 PM

I've been attempting to find a post that may be a solution to a problem that we are experiencing.

It seems that posts from a specific thread in the newsgroup can change their subject and still be threaded correctly, but when they are imported to the forum this is lost and replies to same thread with new subject are exported as new threads for those that are using news reader clients.

Receiving some complaints about this and wondered if there was a fix?

jcrash 03-15-2004 12:00 AM

Hmm...I thought I had everything working right, but I seem to have a problem, my posts are not being inserted into the USENET forum.


Any Ideas?

I can post to usenet via my newsclient, but the post I placed in the discussion forum never got uploaded.

jcrash 03-15-2004 12:09 AM

I think it has to do with this, maybe:
Email address domain email timelimit.yourserver.com
This domain is used for the msgid of the outgoing post and also for the email address sent to the newsgroups. In the future, I plan to impliment a time limited email address system so replys can go from email to PM.

I have not set that item, what should it be set too and could it be the reason my messages are not getting posted?

jcrash 03-15-2004 02:48 AM

Well, I have found a something...it posts the first message to USENET in a thread if I post a thread in my forum, but not subsequent ones.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
Great work on this hack guys! It worked on the first attempt although it does want to download a text file here too. Is there an easy way to stop this behaviour with IE6?;)

I'm not sure I understand this. It shouldn't be trying to download anything from here.


2 other questions:
The imported content isn't searchable yet, is it?
It sure is :)

My users don't like searching Usenet forums from a regular forum search, though. The way mine's set up, navbar searches for *new* posts don't include Usenet but regular and advanced searches do.


I haven't tried to actually create a post in the newgroup yet so I have no idea if this feature is already in, but is it possible to add a little signature to posts from my board? for example, "this message has been posted through www.mysite.com"?
It's already in there. Take a look at gateway.php and you'll see the signature routine. Mine are disabled for Usenet but the feature works just fine.


Edit: another question about a little detail I noticed. I see that the amount of thread views by default equals the amount of posts in one thread. Is there an easy way to put these on 0 by default?
Not that I know of - it'd be fairly simple to do with a query, though.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by jcrash
Well, I have found a something...it posts the first message to USENET in a thread if I post a thread in my forum, but not subsequent ones.

jcrash, look at post #351 on page 24 of this thread. There's a version of nntp.php that does verbose output - you should be able to troubleshoot from there. Maybe it'll tell you where the problem is.

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
I'm not sure I understand this. It shouldn't be trying to download anything from here.

There was already someone with the same problem:

Thanks for the info, it's very useful :) For some reason the content of the posts I imported aren't searchable yet but this may be related to the fact I didn't let it finish the import because of the browser's behavior.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by stroke25
it already puts the user name there.It wouldnt be a real addy.Just need to figure out how to remove the numbers/letters.

KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com KGB is the user name for this one.It puts the period also.

stroke, maybe you could think about this one for a bit before you implement it.

Posting to Usenet with a real email address will dramatically increase the amount of spam your users receive - and maybe your users won't be quite so grateful ;-)

I run my own mail server and the spam problem got bad enough that I finally altered the script to goober up the *domain* name instead of the username.

I have about five regular Usenet posters - and about three months after I installed the gateway the amount of spam my mail server received more than doubled. Spoofing the domain name instead of the username solved that problem.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
There was already someone with the same problem:

Thanks for the info, it's very useful :) For some reason the content of the posts I imported aren't searchable yet but this may be related that I didn't let it finish the import because of the browser's behavior.

Ah. I gotcha now :)

I'm not sure whether this is a browser or a webserver problem. The browser clearly knows what to do with php content or the user couldn't read or post here. Maybe gateway.php was uploaded as binary instead of ASCII? I'm just guessing, though :)

Contents of your Usenet forums should be searchable - you can look at my forum if you like. You should be able to search as an unregistered user -


cheers -

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
I have about five regular Usenet posters - and about three months after I installed the gateway the amount of spam my mail server received more than doubled. Spoofing the domain name instead of the username solved that problem.

Cool info there. I'm still somewhat holding back on testing this gateway thing first before applying it to my live forum. So is this domain spoofing thing is being done by default?


Maybe gateway.php was uploaded as binary instead of ASCII? I'm just guessing, though :)
I uploaded it through SCP. I don't think that there's a problem with the file itself since it is importing, but it tries to make me download the file's output or something.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
Cool info there. I'm still somewhat holding back on testing this gateway thing first before applying it to my live forum. So is this domain spoofing thing is being done by default?

No - by default it spoofs the *username* but leaves the domain name intact.


I uploaded it through SCP. I don't think that there's a problem with the file itself since it is importing, but it tries to make me download the result or something.
That's kinda strange. I guess I'd look at browser settings, then.

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 10:39 AM

I assume so too. I'm installing lynx on my box so it won't matter all that much. Sorry for the newbie question but which changes do I have to make to spoof the domain name instead?

allan grossman 03-15-2004 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
I assume so too. I'm installing lynx on my box so it won't matter all that much. Sorry for the newbie question but which changes do I have to make to spoof the domain name instead?

Don't worry about it - the only dumb question is an unasked one ;)

This one I might have to give you when I get home - I can't run phpmyadmin on my work network, but I believe I spoofed the domain name in the database itself.

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 11:30 AM

Perfect, I can't wait. Thank you! :)

edit: hmm, I just completed a full synchronize on my test forum and it again didn't add any words to the Search Index. I had to manually "Rebuild Search Index" to get the forum searchable.

yet another edit: Ah, I just noticed that outgoing email is on timelimit.yourserver.com, so I changed it in something else ;)

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 12:49 PM

I'm testing this in one of the many test newsgroups and noticed some strange behavior. Right now I'm not receiving any of the posts I made with Outlook Express on my forum while Outlook Express does show all the posts I created or replied to via the forum.

I changed the lastmsg to 0, pruned all the posts, reset the counters and started importing but now it only imports 52 of 262 posts. I've tried this with gateway.php from gateway_Mar2.zip and also after making the adjustment listed here:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=759 (only applied the "regulating the # of messages to download on each pass" change).

jcrash 03-15-2004 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
jcrash, look at post #351 on page 24 of this thread. There's a version of nntp.php that does verbose output - you should be able to troubleshoot from there. Maybe it'll tell you where the problem is.

Any chance of getting it to log the output? I have it set to run in the Scheduled Tasks window twice every hour.

The weird thing is that when I post on an existing thread and run the scheduled task manually (via RUN NOW), most post hits the USENET forum just fine.

I'm trying to figure it out, but without a log of the error when it occurs, it is hard.

I'll check out the verbose output, thanks.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by jcrash
Any chance of getting it to log the output? I have it set to run in the Scheduled Tasks window twice every hour.

The weird thing is that when I post on an existing thread and run the scheduled task manually (via RUN NOW), most post hits the USENET forum just fine.

I'm trying to figure it out, but without a log of the error when it occurs, it is hard.

I'll check out the verbose output, thanks.

I run it as a crontab every ten minutes and redirect the output to a text file - it logs just fine, but I don't know how you'd do it using vB's scheduled task interface.

jcrash 03-15-2004 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
I run it as a crontab every ten minutes and redirect the output to a text file - it logs just fine, but I don't know how you'd do it using vB's scheduled task interface.

I point the scheduled task to the filename...perhaps this is the problem.

It seems like it should work though.

I use this as the filename: ./includes/cron/gateway.php

And, I just place my gateway.php in that folder.

It does seem to be related to me running it manually or not. Maybe I'll see if I can get my host to run it as a cron tab.


allan grossman 03-15-2004 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by jcrash
I point the scheduled task to the filename...perhaps this is the problem.

It seems like it should work though.

I use this as the filename: ./includes/cron/gateway.php

And, I just place my gateway.php in that folder.

It does seem to be related to me running it manually or not. Maybe I'll see if I can get my host to run it as a cron tab.


It'll work as a scheduled task but there's no way I can think of to redirect the output to a log file using vB - at least I don't think there is.

The way I do it is

0 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" > /var/log/cron.usenet
10 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
20 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
30 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
40 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
50 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet

The single angle bracket in the first instance overwrites the old file and the double brackets just append data to the existing file - so my log is overwritten every hour. If you want to keep more log than that you could set a daily, weekly or monthly cron job to overwrite the log instead of doing it once every hour.

Some hosts will let you set up your own cron jobs - it might be worth a look ;)

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 03:25 PM

What am I doing wrong? I put the counter on 0, pruned every post, and only get 7 threads/10 posts.


1 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to xxxxx, group alt.test.a
Getting message number 49524: forum post
Getting message number 49525: forum post
Getting message number 49526: New thread; 'test today' from Aard Vaark
Getting message number 49527: New thread; 'test' from Mike (remove XX's to reply)
Getting message number 49528: New thread; 'test' from Mike (remove XX's to reply)
Getting message number 49529: forum post
Getting message number 49530: forum post
Getting message number 49531: forum post
Getting message number 49532: forum post
Getting message number 49533: forum post
Getting message number 49534: forum post
Getting message number 49535: forum post
Getting message number 49536: forum post
Getting message number 49537: forum post
Getting message number 49538: forum post
Getting message number 49539: forum post
Getting message number 49540: forum post
Getting message number 49541: forum post
Getting message number 49542: forum post
Getting message number 49543: forum post
Getting message number 49544: forum post
Getting message number 49545: forum post
Getting message number 49546: forum post
Getting message number 49547: forum post
Getting message number 49548: forum post
Getting message number 49549: forum post
Getting message number 49550: forum post
Getting message number 49551: forum post
Getting message number 49552: forum post
Getting message number 49553: forum post
Getting message number 49554: forum post
Getting message number 49555: forum post
Getting message number 49556: forum post
Getting message number 49557: forum post
Getting message number 49558: forum post
Getting message number 49559: forum post
Getting message number 49560: forum post
Getting message number 49561: forum post
Getting message number 49562: forum post
Getting message number 49563: forum post
Getting message number 49564: forum post
Getting message number 49565: forum post
Getting message number 49566: forum post
Getting message number 49567: forum post
Getting message number 49568: forum post
Getting message number 49569: forum post
Getting message number 49570: forum post
Getting message number 49571: forum post
Getting message number 49572: forum post
Getting message number 49573: forum post
Getting message number 49574: forum post
Getting message number 49575: forum post
Getting message number 49576: forum post
Getting message number 49577: forum post
Getting message number 49578: forum post
Getting message number 49579: forum post
Getting message number 49580: forum post
Getting message number 49581: forum post
Getting message number 49582: forum post
Getting message number 49583: forum post
Getting message number 49584: forum post
Getting message number 49585: forum post
Getting message number 49586: forum post
Getting message number 49587: forum post
Getting message number 49588: forum post
Getting message number 49589: forum post
Getting message number 49590: forum post
Getting message number 49591: forum post
Getting message number 49592: forum post
Getting message number 49593: forum post
Getting message number 49594: forum post
Getting message number 49595: forum post
Getting message number 49596: forum post
Getting message number 49597: forum post
Getting message number 49598: forum post
Getting message number 49599: forum post
Getting message number 49600: forum post
Getting message number 49601: forum post
Getting message number 49602: forum post
Getting message number 49603: forum post
Getting message number 49604: forum post
Getting message number 49605: forum post
Getting message number 49606: forum post
Getting message number 49607: forum post
Getting message number 49608: forum post
Getting message number 49609: forum post
Getting message number 49610: forum post
Getting message number 49611: forum post
Getting message number 49612: forum post
Getting message number 49613: forum post
Getting message number 49614: forum post
Getting message number 49615: forum post
Getting message number 49616: forum post
Getting message number 49617: forum post
Getting message number 49618: forum post
Getting message number 49619: forum post
Getting message number 49620: forum post
Getting message number 49621: forum post
Getting message number 49622: forum post
Getting message number 49623: New thread; '446' from Jeff Spicoli
Getting message number 49624: New thread; '449' from Jeff Spicoli
Getting message number 49625: New thread; 'testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49626: Thread found; 'Re: testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49627: Thread found; 'Re: testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49628: Thread found; 'Re: testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49629: New thread; 'tetiee' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49630: forum post
Getting message number 49631: forum post
Getting message number 49632: forum post
Getting message number 49633: forum post
Getting message number 49634: forum post
Getting message number 49635: forum post
Getting message number 49636: forum post
Getting message number 49637: forum post
Getting message number 49638: forum post
Getting message number 49639: forum post
Getting message number 49640: forum post
Getting message number 49641: forum post
Getting message number 49642: forum post
Getting message number 49643: forum post
Getting message number 49644: forum post
Getting message number 49645: forum post
Getting message number 49646: forum post
Getting message number 49647: forum post
Getting message number 49648: forum post
Getting message number 49649: forum post
Getting message number 49650: forum post
Getting message number 49651: forum post
Getting message number 49652: forum post
Getting message number 49653: forum post

jcrash 03-15-2004 03:47 PM

Hey, I just logged into my Control Panel at my host (f5hosting) and noticed I have access to make my own cron tab.

Evidently, it emails me the results.

Do I need to change this line of code to make sure it has the content Im looking for?

if ($log != 'cron'){
echo $message;

allan grossman 03-15-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by jcrash
Hey, I just logged into my Control Panel at my host (f5hosting) and noticed I have access to make my own cron tab.

Evidently, it emails me the results.

Do I need to change this line of code to make sure it has the content Im looking for?

if ($log != 'cron'){
echo $message;

I dunno, jcrash. I didn't change mine :)

allan grossman 03-15-2004 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
What am I doing wrong? I put the counter on 0, pruned every post, and only get 7 threads/10 posts.

The 'forum post' thingies are telling you the post is already in the forum database.

Set the counter to zero and prune *all* posts out of the forum. If you're already running the script as a cron job, disable the cron until you've got the forum populated.

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
The 'forum post' thingies are telling you the post is already in the forum database.

Set the counter to zero and prune *all* posts out of the forum. If you're already running the script as a cron job, disable the cron until you've got the forum populated.

I've pruned every post and put lastmsg on 0. I've updated every counter to make sure that the forum is indeed empty and yet with a new import it always gives this "Getting message number *: forum post" message.

edit: i'm using the original files and gateway.php from gateway_Mar2.zip

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 08:17 PM

I assume nobody else has this problem? Sadly enough I can't seem to get this hack to work after I pruned the forum once.

allan grossman 03-15-2004 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
Perfect, I can't wait. Thank you! :)

edit: hmm, I just completed a full synchronize on my test forum and it again didn't add any words to the Search Index. I had to manually "Rebuild Search Index" to get the forum searchable.

yet another edit: Ah, I just noticed that outgoing email is on timelimit.yourserver.com, so I changed it in something else ;)

Ogmuk, I spoofed the domain name in the nntp_settings table in the database. You'll see where it goes.

On the other thing, maybe creating a new forum is the thing to do. Something is still linking posts to Usenet articles.

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 10:50 PM

I have tried putting it in a new forum but with the same result :/ It probably only will matter when I pick a different newsgroup but when this happens to my live forum I'd like to be able to fix this problem too. But I'll test this later.

Hmm, I never imported anything from this newsgroup and it does the same (only imports 20 of 89 posts):

Logging in to xxxx.xxxxx.xx, group alt.test.test
Getting message number 122508: forum post
Getting message number 122509: forum post
Getting message number 122510: forum post
Getting message number 122511: forum post
Getting message number 122512: forum post
Getting message number 122513: forum post
Getting message number 122514: forum post
Getting message number 122515: forum post
Getting message number 122516: forum post
Getting message number 122517: forum post
Getting message number 122518: forum post
Getting message number 122519: forum post
Getting message number 122520: forum post
Getting message number 122521: forum post
Getting message number 122522: New thread; 'test' from test
Getting message number 122523: New thread; 'test' from test
Getting message number 122524: forum post
Getting message number 122525: forum post
Getting message number 122526: forum post
Getting message number 122527: forum post
Getting message number 122528: forum post
Getting message number 122529: forum post
Getting message number 122530: forum post
Getting message number 122531: forum post
Getting message number 122532: forum post
Getting message number 122533: forum post
Getting message number 122534: forum post
Getting message number 122535: forum post
Getting message number 122536: forum post
Getting message number 122537: New thread; 'test' from JD
Getting message number 122538: New thread; 'just testing' from beth omernik
Getting message number 122539: New thread; 'how about now?' from zelda b.
Getting message number 122540: forum post
Getting message number 122541: forum post
Getting message number 122542: forum post
Getting message number 122543: forum post
Getting message number 122544: forum post
Getting message number 122545: forum post
Getting message number 122546: New thread; 'test' from pryapuss
Getting message number 122547: forum post
Getting message number 122548: New thread; 'you guessed it' from rinse
Getting message number 122549: forum post
Getting message number 122550: forum post
Getting message number 122551: New thread; 'not a test?' from rabit
Getting message number 122552: forum post
Getting message number 122553: New thread; 'test' from Vladimir Prus
Getting message number 122554: forum post
Getting message number 122555: forum post
Getting message number 122556: New thread; 'a test' from Harry Poster
Getting message number 122557: forum post
Getting message number 122558: New thread; 'test a test b test c' from rabit
Getting message number 122559: New thread; 'testing Unison' from Karim Kabbabe
Getting message number 122560: forum post
Getting message number 122561: New thread; 'test' from Your name
Getting message number 122562: New thread; 'test' from john doe
Getting message number 122563: New thread; 'test' from testing
Getting message number 122564: New thread; 'peter his test' from Peter Dedrie
Getting message number 122565: forum post
Getting message number 122566: New thread; 'test ignore 1812' from Geno Z Heinlein
Getting message number 122567: forum post
Getting message number 122568: forum post
Getting message number 122569: forum post
Getting message number 122570: New thread; 'test 1839' from Geno Z Heinlein
Getting message number 122571: forum post
Getting message number 122572: forum post
Getting message number 122573: New thread; 'test5' from dybb
Getting message number 122574: forum post
Getting message number 122575: forum post
Getting message number 122576: forum post
Getting message number 122577: forum post
Getting message number 122578: forum post
Getting message number 122579: forum post
Getting message number 122580: forum post
Getting message number 122581: forum post
Getting message number 122582: forum post
Getting message number 122583: New thread; 'Test check' from Benedikt Plitt
Getting message number 122584: forum post
Getting message number 122585: forum post
Getting message number 122586: forum post
Getting message number 122587: forum post
Getting message number 122588: forum post
Getting message number 122589: forum post
Getting message number 122590: forum post
Getting message number 122591: forum post
Getting message number 122592: forum post
Getting message number 122593: forum post
Getting message number 122594: forum post
Getting message number 122595: forum post
Getting message number 122596: forum post
[root@localhost root]#

Ogmuk 03-15-2004 11:20 PM

Are you running the March 2 gateway.php version too, Allan? And did you made any changes to the file?

Ogmuk 03-16-2004 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
Ogmuk, I spoofed the domain name in the nntp_settings table in the database. You'll see where it goes.

Wouldn't you still get the spam as a result of your domain name in the signature of the posts?

I've again tried various things in attempt to fix my problem. The only thing I haven't tested yet is importing the posts on an entirely new test board.

allan grossman 03-16-2004 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
Wouldn't you still get the spam as a result of your domain name in the signature of the posts?

I've again tried various things in attempt to fix my problem. The only thing I haven't tested yet is importing the posts on an entirely new test board.

I've commented out the signature routine in gateway.php :D

On the other problem - I'm afraid I'm clueless, Ogmuk. I'm sorry I don't know more, but maybe lierduh or someone else will pop in and lend a hand.

Good luck!

allan grossman 03-16-2004 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
Are you running the March 2 gateway.php version too, Allan? And did you made any changes to the file?

No - I'm still running the Feb 12 version. I don't allow attachments in the Usenet forums because they're text-only newsgroups, so the added features don't do amything for me. Besides - the one I have is working ;)

Ogmuk 03-16-2004 12:27 PM

Cool. Could you upload that older version since I can't download it from lierduh's post anymore?

allan grossman 03-16-2004 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ogmuk
Cool. Could you upload that older version since I can't download it from lierduh's post anymore?

Be happy to.

Remember the signature routines in this one have been altered and then commented out. You might want to replace them with the current routines.

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