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NLP-er 10-15-2009 02:54 AM


Important bug fixed! And also some other bugs fixed ;)

- Fixed bug with shifted results caching
- Fixed bug for URLs to javascript functions
- Fixed bug for not translating usernames in postbit
- Little cosmetic changes

There was important bug in caching results. It occurs that sometimes Google returns wrong amount of results. It is rare, but in such case you will see that data are shifted (i.e. title in column for number of results). The issue was that previous version not only show such results but also cached it - in result page was broken for weeks (till cache flush). Right now for algorithm performance reason such broken result will be displayed, but NOT cached. So after page reload it will be displayed appropriately and then cached :)
I had complains about this bug in PM, so there is solution :D Please Note that if you already have cached such broken pages you have to wait till cache will be flushed to have it repaired (can also delete data from cache by SQL), but such thing will never happen again :):up:


I still have 2 little bugs in TODO (one for Avant Explorer and one for somesthing with default language changes https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=710) - I will handle this after 3.0.0 :)

Cybershaolin 10-15-2009 04:27 PM

Oh, I was expecting 3.0 but is this for next time? Thanks for the actual update though.

NLP-er 10-16-2009 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cybershaolin (Post 1900409)
Oh, I was expecting 3.0 but is this for next time? Thanks for the actual update though.

As I already wrote 2.x and 3.x will come in separate lines. Please read this:

Cybershaolin 10-16-2009 03:13 AM

Sorry, I missed that post or did not read enough. You've got a PM for donation. This deserves to be supported, I can tell you, and I've got no problem at all doing so. :)

xony 10-16-2009 05:09 AM

Hello, my mod now works properly, thanks for your work.

My only problem now is that when I create the sitemap, this addition to the Sitemaps always, I create one with over a million of url's and of course on google fails, this sitemap why not cut into pieces like the others? I have it set to 20,000 Url's in sitemap file.

I have vbseo, all is well unless the sitemap.

Thanks for your time and hope to acquire the new version.:D

iGuides.ru 10-16-2009 08:23 AM

Amm.....Thanks for mod.
Just one question: How integrate it to vBAdvanced ?

I'm from Russia, thanks!

team76 10-16-2009 03:26 PM

merci ,vraiment un super mods ;)

NLP-er 10-16-2009 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by team76 (Post 1900973)
merci ,vraiment un super mods ;)

Write it in this language here and see what will happen :D:D:D (configure your default language during registration)

NLP-er 10-16-2009 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by iGuides.ru (Post 1900771)
Amm.....Thanks for mod.
Just one question: How integrate it to vBAdvanced ?

I'm from Russia, thanks!

I made one extension to integrate with vB Advanced Dynamics, but it was paid task and at this moment it is not in general usage - will be in the future. Now I have 3.0.0 as priority :)

NLP-er 10-16-2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by xony (Post 1900732)
Hello, my mod now works properly, thanks for your work.

My only problem now is that when I create the sitemap, this addition to the Sitemaps always, I create one with over a million of url's and of course on google fails, this sitemap why not cut into pieces like the others? I have it set to 20,000 Url's in sitemap file.

I have vbseo, all is well unless the sitemap.

Thanks for your time and hope to acquire the new version.:D

See response here cause you write about it in 2 places and I already answered there.

chick 10-17-2009 04:56 PM

Estimated time for 3.0??? I'm excited.

Blacura 10-17-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1897391)
Please fallow installation procedure and read all configuration parameters. You skipped configuration of forum directory.

I don't see where you have forum configuration showing?????

imported_silkroad 10-17-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Blacura (Post 1901449)
I don't see where you have forum configuration showing?????

It is in the admincp. Look carefully and you will find it.

Blacura 10-17-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1901480)
It is in the admincp. Look carefully and you will find it.

No i see that section but i dont know how to configure it. there should be some instructions on how to do it

Trana 10-19-2009 04:58 AM

When can we expect 3.0?

imported_silkroad 10-19-2009 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Trana (Post 1901929)
When can we expect 3.0?

When in the restaurant of a great chief waiting for his delicious dishes, it would not be considered in good taste to ask "when can we expect the food?"

It will be ready when it will be ready !

Be patient!

MarsNIIT 10-19-2009 03:13 PM

Please help me, Error and can't translate:


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cache.originaltext as originaltext, cache.translated as translated FROM sgmobile_vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short help, sgmobile_vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short cache WHERE help.originaltext='This+is+a+discussion+forum+powe red+by+Saigonmobile' AND help.tl='tr' AND cache.serie=help.serie;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Monday, October 19th 2009 @ 11:12:22 PM
Error Date : Monday, October 19th 2009 @ 11:12:54 PM
Script : http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/?language=tr
Referrer : http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/?language=tl
IP Address :
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :

ricardoNJ 10-19-2009 07:24 PM

I tried but I have a custom style and this Mod don't work as well:
Uninstall :(

NLP-er 10-20-2009 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1901398)
Estimated time for 3.0??? I'm excited.

It would be already, but I have busy time for 2 weeks. So for people from the list it will be available in 2 weeks. For sale - 1 month (when appears that all eventual issues for other forums configurations are resolved and clients will get really great product :))

NLP-er 10-20-2009 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Blacura (Post 1901449)
I don't see where you have forum configuration showing?????

In mod options available from Admin CP :)
I realize that in 2.0 it can be confusing when you see so big set of configuration options, but in vBET 3.0 it will be much easier, cause options are separated for necessary to set and others.

NLP-er 10-20-2009 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Blacura (Post 1901481)
No i see that section but i dont know how to configure it. there should be some instructions on how to do it

Just read parameter description - you even have an example there :)

NLP-er 10-20-2009 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1901940)
When in the restaurant of a great chief waiting for his delicious dishes, it would not be considered in good taste to ask "when can we expect the food?"

It will be ready when it will be ready !

Be patient!

It will be ready when it will be ready...

Be very inpatient! :D

NLP-er 10-20-2009 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by ricardoNJ (Post 1902265)
I tried but I have a custom style and this Mod don't work as well:
Uninstall :(

Many forums use it on custom style. PM and we will solve the issue :)

NLP-er 10-20-2009 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by MarsNIIT (Post 1902098)
Please help me, Error and can't translate:

Please be calm - this error report is harmless. It says that DB server was already go away (probably waiting too long) when asked for data. It is harmless cause in such case translation will just be taken form Google instead from cache.

Also it shouldn't really happen or at least it should be very rare, so please PM me more details about how often it appears on your forum.

Medtech 10-20-2009 03:05 AM

Great Mod,

do you have anything for using this with clogic SEO 1.0.3?

jaderollie 10-20-2009 06:31 AM

how i donate to this mod, as its worth a bung ;0

KrisP 10-22-2009 03:45 AM

Just did a fresh install. My problem is:

Any variable containing text such as $threadinfo[title] or $threadinfo[preview]

- that is placed in the content quotes, in the meta description like this fx: <meta name="description" content="$threadinfo[title]" />

- gets the strange caracters. Note that if $threadinfo[title] or $threadinfo[preview] are placed right outside the metatag they are translated just fine and all caracters are good.

So what goes wrong inside content=" ... " ?

EDIT: If I edit vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php


function vbet_getReEncoded(&$text) {
global $stylevar;
return ($stylevar['charset'] != 'utf-8') ? iconv($stylevar['charset'], 'utf-8', $text) : $text;

function vbet_getReEncoded(&$text) {
global $stylevar;
return ($stylevar['charset'] != 'utf-8') ? iconv($stylevar['charset'], 'iso-8859-1', $text) : $text;
then everything inside meta name descrition is suddenly ok, but hen post text is translated as if ??? never was in the source... (posts are encfoded in iso-8859-1)

NLP-er 10-22-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Medtech (Post 1902443)
Great Mod,

do you have anything for using this with clogic SEO 1.0.3?

Not yet - possible in the future :) Also you can always ask the author of clogic SEO 1.0.3 to make his mod compatible with my :)

NLP-er 10-22-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by jaderollie (Post 1902480)
how i donate to this mod, as its worth a bung ;0

Great to hear you appreciate my work and the mod :) You can donate on my paypal account: michal.podbielski@wp.pl

NLP-er 10-22-2009 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by KrisP (Post 1903519)
Just did a fresh install. My problem is:

Any variable containing text such as $threadinfo[title] or $threadinfo[preview]

- that is placed in the content quotes, in the meta description like this fx: <meta name="description" content="$threadinfo[title]" />

- gets the strange caracters. Note that if $threadinfo[title] or $threadinfo[preview] are placed right outside the metatag they are translated just fine and all caracters are good.

So what goes wrong inside content=" ... " ?

EDIT: If I edit vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php



then everything inside meta name descrition is suddenly ok, but hen post text is translated as if ??? never was in the source... (posts are encfoded in iso-8859-1)

Need to look on your forum. Please PM me all the details :)

NLP-er 10-23-2009 10:46 AM

To ghisirds - I cannot contact you by PM. Please contact me - it is about vBET 3.0.0 license for you :)

jaderollie 10-23-2009 10:59 AM

just sent you a pm, so we can chat about you doing my site

yesfans 10-24-2009 01:56 AM

How do I UNINSTALL this from my site? I have went in and uninstalled through the MANAGE PRODUCTS, removed all the stuff I uploaded to server but the option to chose a LANG is in the USERS EDIT OPTION area.

NLP-er 10-24-2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by yesfans (Post 1905276)
How do I UNINSTALL this from my site? I have went in and uninstalled through the MANAGE PRODUCTS, removed all the stuff I uploaded to server but the option to chose a LANG is in the USERS EDIT OPTION area.

If you are using some caching plugin - flush the cache. Mod does nothing after uninstall.

tlwwolfseye 10-24-2009 02:10 PM

This Mod only works with vBSEO ? Or even with standard vB 3.8.4 ?

NLP-er 10-24-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 1905580)
This Mod only works with vBSEO ? Or even with standard vB 3.8.4 ?

It is working without vBSEO :)

Lee G 10-25-2009 12:34 PM

A strange error.

I have just updated from version 202 to 233

When I have
Link Type REQUEST_URI I get pages show, but no translation, url changes OK
But with the VBSEO_URI in place, I get blank pages show

I seem to remember with the early version there had to be a change made to vbseo.php and I have put the original file back in place

Altered the htaccess file to the new rules

Any other ideas what could be at fault

Thanks for any help

I have just found its when the tick box for Create URL's according to SEO link consensus (i.e. '/en/address'), is causing the problem.

NLP-er 10-25-2009 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Lee G (Post 1905868)
A strange error.

I have just updated from version 202 to 233

When I have
Link Type REQUEST_URI I get pages show, but no translation, url changes OK
But with the VBSEO_URI in place, I get blank pages show

I seem to remember with the early version there had to be a change made to vbseo.php and I have put the original file back in place

Altered the htaccess file to the new rules

Any other ideas what could be at fault

Thanks for any help

I have just found its when the tick box for Create URL's according to SEO link consensus (i.e. '/en/address'), is causing the problem.

Actual version don't need any changes in original vBSEO files. If you have such - undo it. Also please take attention to installation instruction - especially if your forum is in subdirectory in URL.

TheWhite 10-26-2009 04:46 AM

If google doesn't want it's services to be used in this way, then what?

imported_silkroad 10-26-2009 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by TheWhite (Post 1906282)
If google doesn't want it's services to be used in this way, then what?

If the sky turns pink with red stripes, then what?

In other words, why ask such a silly question?

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