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Phalynx 07-03-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by p4rp4d30 (Post 1830689)
Hello, I need a way to just update my vbexperience statistics as always to make a post always remains at 0 and does not
Update of statistics can solve this problem?

Thank you expect answers.

Sorry for my Bad English :(

I don't understand this 100%, sorry. The recount for a specific user is trigged by a users posting, not by his post count.


Originally Posted by gigaenvy (Post 1831440)
Hi Phalynx,

Do you have an estimated date for delivery?

No, sorry....


Originally Posted by lauxanh (Post 1831549)
Does it works with Xcache installed?

I tried before and it does not work

I have not experience (:)) with that.


Originally Posted by cooltechie (Post 1833772)
Where can I find the instructions on how to do (set graphics, shadows, highlighting, etc... ) as listed for promotion features?

The usergroups are configured via vBulletin default AdminCP Tools.


Originally Posted by Calystos (Post 1834038)
Seems I'm having that old issue of certain things not showing up in the admincp. I viewed that url link in the info an I have both libxml and php updated to at least the versions they recommended an yet still I don't see certain things.

Its just the Settings: ... options, the rest of the menu items show up. Statistics, the manage stuff, etc.

Any ideas? Could it be cos of one of the other addons I've got enabled, such as vb optimise, or something else?

This is not a bug in vBExperience, as all other hacks with that specific link have problems with it.

Phalynx 07-03-2009 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Noser (Post 1834968)
hello how can i add the text above the experience bars?

greetings Noser

Enable setting "Show bar text?"


Originally Posted by Sin City (Post 1835257)
sorry for asking a question that may have already been asked, but i am not reading through 49 pages lol... does the store on this allow users to buy colored, italics, bold, etc user names?... basically does it have the things that were done on previous stores, or is it just like the things you have screenshotted?

No, not supported.


Originally Posted by kalisekj (Post 1835588)
Hi Great Mod BTW, I am getting a DB error message when I attempt to do a recount.
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
COUNT(p.postid) as count_posts
FROM post as p
INNER JOIN thread AS t ON (p.threadid = t.threadid)
WHERE p.visible=1 AND p.dateline>1243951920 AND t.forumid NOT IN(164, 165, 166, 173, 172,)
GROUP BY p.userid
ORDER BY count_posts DESC
LIMIT 0,10;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
GROUP BY p.userid
ORDER BY count_posts DESC
LIMIT 0,10' at line 5
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Tuesday, June 23rd 2009 @ 09:12:25 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, June 23rd 2009 @ 09:12:25 AM
Script : http://freeonlinemoviesforum.com/adm...nce_recount_xp
Referrer : http://freeonlinemoviesforum.com/adm...nce_recount_xp
IP Address :
Username : 2borno2b
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community

Remove the spaces and the last colon...


Originally Posted by Thijmen1992 (Post 1836523)
How do I just only display the awards in my postbit?
Only the awards.

Enable setting "Hide bars in Postbit?"


Originally Posted by LieuR (Post 1836708)
I have 100 posts more then another guy that have 32 pots, still he get the award Posting Award :/ I have recounted 5 times lol, still same thing

Are the awards limited in any way? So maybe you already have 3 awards, so all other awards you could get are carryied to the next one...

Phalynx 07-03-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by animcentral (Post 1837207)
is there anyway to set points per forum?
or add a coefficient per forum?

I'n 3.8.4 there is a new plugin called "Advanced Forum Points" which is capable of this.


Originally Posted by NetX (Post 1839342)
Is there any way to use the VbExperience rankings to assign different permissons to the users with user gropus?

For example, access special forums, links etc..

Yes, with promotions and usergroupds.


Originally Posted by Sisiric (Post 1839420)
how to run this for old user post?

Maintenance Tools, Recount


Originally Posted by calord (Post 1840296)
I have tried surfing this thread for the solution to this problem with no luck.

Awards and items bought from the shop are NOT showing in the postbit. Yes it is a custom made skin from vbskinworks, but I do not see what or where to edit to get these items to show up in the postbit. I am using postbit legacy template and I dont even know where to begin fixing this.

And thank you for this brilliant mod. It is my favorite site toy so far.

I assume there are missing template hooks in that custom style.

Phalynx 07-03-2009 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by SHER (Post 1840373)
Install....and what about the extras folder

No need to do anything there. It's just extras like screenshots, plugins, etc...


Originally Posted by applebeef (Post 1840577)
There's another 'problem'--

-I had an item under "Category A"
-1 user purchased the item
-I deleted "Category A", thinking, logically that all items inside would be deleted as well

Nope. Item A still exists in the user's postbit/profile. And he says he cannot sell it back to the store.

I on the other hand can't delete it in the AdminCP.... so we have a ghost item. How do I get rid of it?

That is in fact a really problem for which I don't have a solution right now. Maybe all items of a category should be moved to another by deleting it.


Originally Posted by Psychosiis2 (Post 1841535)
For some reason it won't level me up, What is wrong? I have 1,054 points and I"m still at level 1.

Oh wait, my crystal ball is damaged at the moment... Maybe you provide a little more informations, like the level xml you used?

applebeef 07-04-2009 07:29 AM


That is in fact a really problem for which I don't have a solution right now. Maybe all items of a category should be moved to another by deleting it.
Alright thanks Phalynx, I guess I'm not too bothered by it, as I caught it so it ended up only affecting 1 user.

This is an absolutely amazing mod, thanks a lot.

RoL360 07-05-2009 08:32 AM

I can't get the images to display on my template, Lunablack, for my forums.

Lunablack folder is placed on the forums folder and not placed in the usual styles folder. What can I do to get this sorted and working?

Eruantien 07-09-2009 06:46 PM

Im in the same boat. I can't get the images to display on my custom style. I've re-uploaded the files and basically did the install over again. No luck

M i K e 07-11-2009 02:28 PM

I have a slight problem:

here and here

fbriceno97 07-12-2009 12:54 AM

I am using the latest version of the vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition) 3.7.6 and there is no way that this take the thanks from it.

the Helpful Award is assigned to nobody.

Any clues about what is the problem here?


johny30238 07-12-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by RoL360 (Post 1843093)
I can't get the images to display on my template, Lunablack, for my forums.

Lunablack folder is placed on the forums folder and not placed in the usual styles folder. What can I do to get this sorted and working?

All you have to do it find out where you theme is pulling its images. For example my theme pulls its theme images from :


web root/images/styles/"name of product"/
So im my case i would put the misc. folder here


web root/images/styles/"name of product"/misc/
And it should put the images up properly hope that helps !!:D

Swapnil 07-12-2009 01:43 PM

I had installed it and is working fine......

diesalot 07-15-2009 11:01 AM

Where is the plugin for Photopost pro ?


Additionally there is support for 3rd party addons (some are already installed):
- AWCoding-Donation System LITE and PRO (via CDP Addon)
- Cyb Paypal Donate (included)
- DownloadsII (included)
- ibProArcade Highscorer Points (via CDP Addon)
- LDM Links and Downloads Manager (included)
- PhotoPlog 2.1 (via CDP Addon)
- PhotoPost vBGallery (via CDP Addon)
- PhotoPost Pro (via CDP Addon)
- Post Thank You / Use of Post Thank You (via CDP Addon)
- QuoteIt! 3.16 (via CDP Addon)
- SAPR: Advanced Post Rating system (via CDP Addon)
- thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition)
- v3arcade Highscorer Points (via CDP Addon)
- v3arcade Submissions Points (via CDP Addon)
- vBulletin Blog (included)
- Who Downloaded This Attachment? (included)
- Other Addons can be added via CDP - Custom Data Provider plugins.

Phalynx 07-16-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by fbriceno97 (Post 1847243)
I am using the latest version of the vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition) 3.7.6 and there is no way that this take the thanks from it.

the Helpful Award is assigned to nobody.

Any clues about what is the problem here?


You must change the fields of the awards to the new fields of the hide hack. In the default config, it uses the fields of post thank you.


Originally Posted by diesalot (Post 1849144)
Where is the plugin for Photopost pro ?

As I detected a bug in it, I moved it to the next upcoming version, which is 3.8.4

johny30238 07-17-2009 07:48 AM

I am Unabe to get shop items to show in postbit, I configed it properly. any suggestions ?

Phalynx 07-17-2009 07:59 AM

Please check if your postbit templates are updated with to the latest version, e.g. have template hooks.

johny30238 07-17-2009 09:23 AM

Not extactly sure what i am looking for. I went into the edit template->postbit But i have no idea what i need to do. can you give me a little more detail on how to do this?

Phalynx 07-17-2009 09:38 PM

Sure. Compare your postbit templates with the original one. Check if you have some variables like $template_hook. If not, update your custom styles.

Dutch_Boy 07-17-2009 11:50 PM

Thank you for this great mod :) I just installed in on my forum (www.iwsgaming.nl) and i already love it :D

I got one question. There are some ad dons you made, like for v3Arcade. In there i find 2 XML files. How do i add them to my forum? The same way i always do with new mod via Manage Products of do i have to do it another way?

Kind regards,



Another question :)

Settings: General --> Show in memberlist? --> "Custom Fields" ||||| Where can i turn this on?

Dutch_Boy 07-18-2009 10:14 PM

Database error:

When i try to delete a "Manage Custom Points" i get this database error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
COUNT(*) AS count_threads,
SUM(votetotal/votenum) AS count_votes,
SUM(replycount) AS count_replycount,
SUM(views) AS count_views,
SUM(sticky) AS count_stickies
FROM vb_thread
WHERE visible=1.
AND postuserid=;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 9
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Sunday, July 19th 2009 @ 01:10:13 AM
Error Date : Sunday, July 19th 2009 @ 01:10:13 AM
Script : http://iwsgaming.nl/admincp/xperienc...?do=savepoints
Referrer : http://iwsgaming.nl/admincp/xperienc...ditpoints&id=4
IP Address : *******
Username : ********
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community

Darkgardevoir 07-21-2009 04:37 AM

how can I hide/remove the green bar/activity?

Phalynx 07-21-2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1850848)
Thank you for this great mod :) I just installed in on my forum (www.iwsgaming.nl) and i already love it :D

I got one question. There are some ad dons you made, like for v3Arcade. In there i find 2 XML files. How do i add them to my forum? The same way i always do with new mod via Manage Products of do i have to do it another way?

Yes, that are normal vBulletin Plugins.


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1850848)
Settings: General --> Show in memberlist? --> "Custom Fields" ||||| Where can i turn this on?

vBulletin Options, User Listing Options, Member List Field Options, check on "Custom Fields"


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1851376)
Database error:
When i try to delete a "Manage Custom Points" i get this database error:

Did you deleted points from a user that does not exist anymore?


Originally Posted by Darkgardevoir (Post 1852649)
how can I hide/remove the green bar/activity?

Only by removing it from the template "xperience_gfx"

Darkgardevoir 07-21-2009 05:34 PM

can you be more specific? please

Phalynx 07-21-2009 06:07 PM

To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".

Dutch_Boy 07-21-2009 11:12 PM

Allready done. So why no support ? Page 52.

Darkgardevoir 07-22-2009 12:27 AM

0k it's done, now can you tell me how to remove it please?

Phalynx 07-22-2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Darkgardevoir (Post 1852649)
how can I hide/remove the green bar/activity?

Edit "template_gfx", remove this:

        <if condition="!$vboptions[xperience_hidepostbitgfx]">
                <table width="$vboptions[xperience_bar_width]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <tr style="background-image:url($stylevar[imgdir_misc]/level/green_faded$xperience[gfxextension])">
                        <td width="5" height="11"><img alt="$vbphrase[xperience_activity]: $xperience[ppd]%" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/level/green_left$xperience[gfxextension]" height="11"/><td>
                        <td width="100%" height="11"><img alt="$vbphrase[xperience_activity]: $xperience[ppd]%" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/level/green$xperience[gfxextension]" height="11" width="$xperience[ppd]%"/><td>
                        <td width="1" height="11"><img alt="$vbphrase[xperience_activity]: $xperience[ppd]%" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/level/green_right$xperience[gfxextension]"/></td>


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1853214)
Allready done. So why no support ? Page 52.

I answered you already on page 53.

mmhmm 07-22-2009 07:46 AM

hi! love this mod. my members are really enjoying it too.

just one quick question: when somebody is gifted something in the shop....

Person A gifts an Apple to Person B

Person B goes buy a second Apple to gift to person C... but can't?

Once you receive a gift, you can't regift the same item?

Or am I missing something? Thank you for you help.

Phalynx 07-22-2009 08:58 AM


Dutch_Boy 07-22-2009 11:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I answered you already on page 53.
Ow damn :S Didnt see it sorry.

Check the picture. There you see i didnt gave anyone points. Just checking it out how it works. But when i try to remove it the forum gives me a database error.

Phalynx 07-22-2009 11:57 AM

Will fix it for the non-User in next version.

Tacama 07-23-2009 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1853481)
Will fix it for the non-User in next version.

When do u think the next version will be coming? My forum users are willing to see the improvements, modifications & most of all the credits, money & bank system if possible.

Thanks in advance :)

yotsume 07-23-2009 05:44 AM

REQUEST: Experience Bars in vblogs?

How can I get the experience bard to show in vbBlogs. My members mainly use the blog system and so they are not seeing their bars much.

So what edits do I have to do to get the bars to show under their avatar images in the blog?

I need the bars to show in two places in the blogs:
  1. Main entry under the blog owner's avatar.
  2. Blog comments under the commenter's avatar.

ishare 07-23-2009 08:08 AM

I've just installed this hack. And actually i've already loved it. Thanks a lot for this great share...

Is it possible to sell a membership through shop ?
For example, lets say user has 10,000 points. And this user will be able to upgrade his membership for 1 month with 5,000 points and 2 month with 10,000 points.


Is it possible to control the attachment downloads with using of points ?
For example, every time he download an attachment, he will be using his points. So without points or not enough points, he will not be able to download any attachment.


Phalynx 07-23-2009 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Tacama (Post 1853973)
When do u think the next version will be coming? My forum users are willing to see the improvements, modifications & most of all the credits, money & bank system if possible.

Thanks in advance :)

This is unknown.


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1853982)
REQUEST: Experience Bars in vblogs?

How can I get the experience bard to show in vbBlogs. My members mainly use the blog system and so they are not seeing their bars much.

So what edits do I have to do to get the bars to show under their avatar images in the blog?

I need the bars to show in two places in the blogs:
  1. Main entry under the blog owner's avatar.
  2. Blog comments under the commenter's avatar.

I will look into it and maybe include it in next version.

Phalynx 07-23-2009 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by ishare (Post 1854025)
I've just installed this hack. And actually i've already loved it. Thanks a lot for this great share...

Is it possible to sell a membership through shop ?
For example, lets say user has 10,000 points. And this user will be able to upgrade his membership for 1 month with 5,000 points and 2 month with 10,000 points.

Currently not.


Originally Posted by ishare (Post 1854025)
Is it possible to control the attachment downloads with using of points ?
For example, every time he download an attachment, he will be using his points. So without points or not enough points, he will not be able to download any attachment.


Currently not.

MrSir 07-23-2009 07:36 PM

i have been searching this thread for an answer to this, but one is not readily apparent to me...and i apologize ahead of time if i missed it.

how can i start everyone at zero and not have past activity included?

Phalynx 07-24-2009 08:07 AM

You cannot. It's intendet for the next major version, which will be released for vBulletin 4.0

yotsume 07-24-2009 10:51 AM

Shop Items?

Can everyone post zips here please of their shop items. I am collecting the graphics for my own shop and want to include many items.

Please do post your items.


GraphicTibiaent 07-24-2009 06:55 PM

I got a small problem any awards other than the 3 default are not showing in the users profile or forums they do work in awards page so the image is linked right

3.8.3 VB version


http://tibiadestiny.com/xperience.php  don't show them on rankings
http://tibiadestiny.com/xperience.php?go=awards  Shows the image fine
Post and user name will not show the icon for the award
Anymore info let me know.

MrSir 07-24-2009 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1854539)
You cannot. It's intendet for the next major version, which will be released for vBulletin 4.0

thanks...look fwd to the next release. :)

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