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Digital Jedi 08-17-2009 08:02 PM

Anyone wanting to request websites or services to add to the definitions list should now do so here( http://www.cogonline.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=858), so that I can keep track of things and not let you slip my mind or get lost in the hundreds of posts in this thread.

Registration is not required to post, but you will have to get through my spam defenses. Should be a breeze for an actual human.

Also, this area IS NOT for general support requests or for getting in contact with me when I'm away from the forums. If I haven't replied on vB.org for some time, it's simply because I'm not available. Contacting me on a different site, isn't going to make me any more available. So dun' do it, capice? Only use this area to request new definitions. I'll still handle general support questions here.

Digital Jedi 08-18-2009 04:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, very tiny, tiny update here. Would like to have had more, but most of what I tested today, which was mostly Imeem Video, Music, Playlists (looks like Imeem dropped Embeddable Images), and everything else that I tested today was not in need of an update.

The good news is you should see some daily/weekly updates from me, depending on what I find and how long a problem takes to tackle. That is the goal, anyway, so let's see how we do from here. The problem I'd been having is as the number of files I needed to keep track of increased, I kept trying to maintain the defs in the same manner I always have: In bulk. Ten or twelve defs at a time was my old style, and that time consuming as the number of defs to keep track of increased, and as I tried add new ones to the fold. What I realize I know need to do is do my updates in smaller doses, just more often.

Digital Jedi 08-18-2009 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by testbot (Post 1865258)
how can we add a new variable?

i see $ameinfo[url] and $ameinfo[title] but would like to add $ameinfo[threadtitle]

thought it would be just a matter of adding $threadinfo[title] but it wasn't.

thanks for the help.

Ask in the The Geek's modification thread and see if it's something that can be added.


Originally Posted by Sayid (Post 1864986)
some of megavdeo links didn,t work

this one works http://www.megavideo.com/?v=HPC550L4

this is not http://www.megavideo.com/?d=1ACRW024

I can see the difference between them that the first one has v= and the second is d=

btw, I have uploaded the file to megaupload and I've used the option of view this in megavideo then it gives me this link which is not worked in the forum

Another problem is when I click on full screen button. it switches me to the site :(

any help will be appreciated :)

Megavideo won't even take me to a video anymore. Everything is an advertisement hovering over a video that won't play, so it may be that AME is running into the same problem. I'll keep an eye on the site and let you know what I find.

As for the Full Screen issue, that's probably deliberate on Megavideo's part as a way to trick you into giving their site a hit.


Originally Posted by Viruseater (Post 1864921)
has anyone resolved the plain youtube problem? if i have the master settings to extract data, NONE of the youtube links work, they show a link to youtube instead, and say embeding isn't allowed.

I'm actually finding a bunch of problems. neither of the google searches work either. i end up witha link to a search with a single letter.

I tried finding ways to fix these in this thread but the search function frankly isn't great on vb, and I tried, but simply couldn't go through 50 pages of replies.

Sorry if i sound a little smarmy, the local mp3 player won't load files, google search (let me search that) doesn't work, the youtube problems force you to disable extraction which really distracts from other stuff, and i've spent 3 hours trying to figure it out. I hate having to come bug people on their mods.

Link me to the YouTube links that are doing that so I can check them. As for MP3, have you properly edited the MP3 links for certain. Google (Let Me Google That For You) is turned off by default because Google (Search) also converts Google search results URLs. Do you have (Search) turned off and (Let me Google That For You) turned on?

Send me example links to each of these problems.


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1863028)
hi the geek
i am having a trouble at my forum displaying the you tube videos.
when a link is posted, two videos are displayed.
please see the following link for reference:
any solutions?

I see you got this fixed. Two YouTube definitions, I presume?


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1862990)
Tested with above (and a couple other) urls. Requires extration.

nJoy :)

Thanks for grabbing some of these for me while I was away. :)

zelnik 08-18-2009 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1848616)
3. Change the plugin above code to this:

PHP Code:

if ($ameinfo['key'] == "youtube" && $ameinfo['zone'] == "post")
    if (
strpos($ameinfo['url'], "fmt=22"))
$ameinfo['width'] = "640";
$ameinfo['height'] = "480";
$p1 .= "&hd=1";
    elseif (
strpos($ameinfo['url'], "fmt=18"))
$ameinfo['width'] = "560";
$ameinfo['height'] = "380";

Firstly thanks for this but i'm a little confused to step 3 which file do I edit?


Itchy Nips 08-18-2009 05:50 PM

I'm testing out this mod and most vids are working fine *kudos to you!*

this (random) video that I pulled from metacafe is not working though. Any reason why?

Stryker412 08-19-2009 12:10 PM

DJ, I know I have asked this before but I don't think it was answered or I missed it.

How can we properly embed Gametrailers vids in HD?


Vitaly 08-19-2009 10:10 PM

DJ, embedding google maps now works. I've installed git repo to maintain personal subset for my production site


You can find there XMLs for google maps and some russian foto-video hostings. Feel free to use in your pack and modify as you wish.

Stryker412 08-20-2009 01:03 PM

For Gametrailers each resolution has a different code #, so for instance:

SD: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/sd...ultimate/53450

HD: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/sd...ultimate/53449

Digital Jedi 08-21-2009 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Itchy Nips (Post 1869973)
I'm testing out this mod and most vids are working fine *kudos to you!*

this (random) video that I pulled from metacafe is not working though. Any reason why?

Meta Cafe is an old one that I've only tweaked over the months, but never fully redid. I think it might be time to start from scratch with Meta Cafe.


Originally Posted by Stryker412 (Post 1870415)
DJ, I know I have asked this before but I don't think it was answered or I missed it.

How can we properly embed Gametrailers vids in HD?


At the time, I believe, they didn't have any way of doing so other than a flash popup. I've been waiting for them to do a unique URL, like you posted. I'll look into seeing if I can do an new def.


Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1870703)
DJ, embedding google maps now works. I've installed git repo to maintain personal subset for my production site


You can find there XMLs for google maps and some russian foto-video hostings. Feel free to use in your pack and modify as you wish.

Thanks, I'll give it a look-see.

Digital Jedi 08-21-2009 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by w3rd511
All of a sudden youtube videos don't work. I am getting an icon with a "External Embedding not Available"

Example Link:

What is going on?

Thanks for the help and great mod!

Double check your Extract destination data settings. If I'm not mistaken it has to be turned on now for YouTube's embed check to function correctly.

Digital Jedi 08-21-2009 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by applebeef (Post 1850101)
Still need help with this, anyone? :o


Originally Posted by Deyth (Post 1848578)

I'm trying to backtrack some of these conversations and see if I can fill in any gaps. The definition should have converted the last one to HD and you would have had to gone into the definition itself and adjusted the size to what you wanted manually for HQ/HD. But it looks to me YouTube changed the way this works AGAIN, so that's why you were having problems. For instance, when I made these, the videos were in EITHER HQ or HD, but not both. That seems to have changed again. I'll try and work on this again and see if I can work something out if The Geek doesn't come up with a better solution for the next version of AME before then.

Digital Jedi 08-21-2009 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by vithorius (Post 1853419)
I would like to know if there is a possibility to add some automatic JPG embedding on users posts? :confused:

I mean, my boards users are somehow a bit newbies (everyone once was it! :p ) and most of the times, they just don't click on the Image Button (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/5.gif) in order to embed the JPGs on the posts...

They simply post the URL to the image, and what we get all the time, is something like this:

When we should be getting this:

So, my question is: How could I add a way to automatically embed the JPGs on posts by simply posting the images URLs? :confused:

It's possible, but I'm not sure how practical it would be. I'm always a little suspect of making definitions too broad so they match any URL. I can look into it.


Originally Posted by Goodspeed (Post 1853455)
How can I import all definitions? Every time I try to install all I got only first 17 installed. I did try everything, including re-install AME and delete all definitions.

Thanks for your help.

What method are you using? Are you importing the Master XML?


Originally Posted by Scitz0 (Post 1853484)
Flickr photostream slideshow's doesn't seem to work. What I can see the links on flickr follow this pattern: http://[w\.]*flickr\.com/photos/[\w]+/show/

But the regex look for http://[w\.]*flickr\.com/photos/[\w]+/show/with/[\d]+/

Just removing that last part doesn't seem to work either. Am I doing something wrong?

Flickr has a handful of URLs that don't match the current RegExs and I'm working on that, but it's a tough one trying to keep it from conflicting with the very similar video URLs.

With that said, you need BOTH the Flickr (Photostreams) and (Sets) to capture the majority of their Slideshows. Do you have both imported?


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 1853600)
I have a locally hosted wmv video that auto plays every time the thread is loaded, how do i stop this happening. I have looked at the code and auto play is set at false. :confused:

Unless memory is failing me (and that entirely possible at this time of night) there's a problem with that depending on which browser you're using.


Originally Posted by SMMensans (Post 1854411)
Once again, this mod kicks serious butt.

Is there a way to change the color of the font above the videos without changing the color in the actual forum style? If not is there a way to change which font color (First Alternating Color), it pulls from in the forum style?

See the image below:


AME uses templates, so just change code the template to something other than the tcat class it generally uses.

Digital Jedi 08-21-2009 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by barcena (Post 1850978)
So far

Deezer - Is working
CNN - Is working
MTV - No and No (video and Music)
Yahoo - No
Myspace - No
Metacafe - No
Dailymotion - No
Youtube - Is working

Media Test-Please click here

It looks to me like you don't have Extract destination data turned on, either in the definitions or globally or both.

Remember to re-save the posts if that turns out to be the case.


Originally Posted by Stryker412 (Post 1852422)
DJ will IMDB video be supported?


Last time I checked, no. But I'll keep checking back to see if they ever decide to use a consistent media player. They tend to want to switch between Hulu and a local player, and that just creates problems for AME.


Originally Posted by uprentiss (Post 1852438)
when will we get new definitions???

Just as soon as I can get new ones out.

Stryker412 08-21-2009 03:33 PM

Thanks for the responses DJ. I've contacted Gametrailers.com to see if something can be done.

Digital Jedi 08-21-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker412 (Post 1871687)
Thanks for the responses DJ. I've contacted Gametrailers.com to see if something can be done.

I think I sent them an email, too, sometime last year. Looks like their still not using unique URLs for the High def videos. At the very least, though, I might be able to get an embed with the HD video, it would just have to be enlarged by the user if he/she wanted to see it larger.

Scitz0 08-22-2009 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1871444)
Flickr has a handful of URLs that don't match the current RegExs and I'm working on that, but it's a tough one trying to keep it from conflicting with the very similar video URLs.

With that said, you need BOTH the Flickr (Photostreams) and (Sets) to capture the majority of their Slideshows. Do you have both imported?

Yes, I have them all installed... Video, Photostreams and Sets. Installed the master xml a month from now, not sure if it has been updated since then.

lullaby 08-22-2009 05:47 PM

I installed all as written in instruction, but nothing happens. AME CP is working and definitions are loaded, but forum shows only url links, no youtube no flash and no mp3. What should I check first?
Sorry if someone already asked... can't find with search.

Digital Jedi 08-23-2009 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by rdklein (Post 1868559)
I use your DJ's Local Hostd AMEs (8k downloaded some days ago)
with vbulletin 3.8.3 and AME 2.5.5


**Internal Linking

has a severe problem, its not linking to the destination thread instead always to itself.

example if you hav a link with www.xxxx.de/..../t=123
t=12 does not show up in a mouse ovr but instead t=456 (the thread were you place the link to) and if you click you end where you started.

alle the **internal linking do have this problem.

the edited thread shows the original link unmodified.

I'll have to double check these. The Geek posted an alternative to my Internal Linking definitions a few pages back that you can look into.


Originally Posted by Scitz0 (Post 1872045)
Yes, I have them all installed... Video, Photostreams and Sets. Installed the master xml a month from now, not sure if it has been updated since then.

Not in the last month. Now that I think about it, I remember checking Flickr right before my absence. I think there are a number of conflicting URLs now that I can't include, without there being a video conflict.


Originally Posted by lullaby (Post 1872226)
I installed all as written in instruction, but nothing happens. AME CP is working and definitions are loaded, but forum shows only url links, no youtube no flash and no mp3. What should I check first?
Sorry if someone already asked... can't find with search.

Depends on a few things. Old URLs need to be converted carefully using the AME Tools. But if new URLs are the problem check all your settings, making sure you didn't accidentally turn AME off, or did something wiggy with the permissions. Also, for local hosted you need to make sure you made the appropriate edits to the definitions, and for YouTube, make sure the videos being used are actually embeddable. Sometime they're not.

lullaby 08-23-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1872481)
new URLs are the problem check all your settings, making sure you didn't accidentally turn AME off

no it is on, and i didnt tauch settings

Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1872481)
you need to make sure you made the appropriate edits to the definitions

I do! -)

Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1872481)
and for YouTube, make sure the videos being used are actually embeddable. Sometime they're not.

if i post BB code [youtube] it is work
but if i change it to http directly it shows link only
:'( i want so much to use ur amasing tool...help plz plz plz

Digital Jedi 08-23-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by lullaby (Post 1872692)
no it is on, and i didnt tauch settings

I do! -)

if i post BB code [youtube] it is work
but if i change it to http directly it shows link only
:'( i want so much to use ur amasing tool...help plz plz plz

Please link me to a thread where you're having the specific problems.

lullaby 08-23-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1872737)
Please link me to a thread where you're having the specific problems.

magic! ) somehow now youtube is working
but local are not
here is link:

this is in ame cp
HTML Code:


yahoooh 08-23-2009 05:38 PM

does youtube work with last version in this thread?
i test it and not work

yahoooh 08-23-2009 07:08 PM

also does the mode need allow_url_fopen to be open
the old version was work
now some of url not worked

Digital Jedi 08-23-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by lullaby (Post 1872837)
magic! ) somehow now youtube is working
but local are not
here is link:

this is in ame cp
HTML Code:


That should be working. Is this an attachment, or just a file uploaded to your attachments folder?


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1872847)
does youtube work with last version in this thread?
i test it and not work

It's working fine on my site. Can you send me a link to where you're having the problem?

Robbed 08-24-2009 12:38 AM

Could you make changes to the EA Sports World code.

They merged it with their main site. easports.com




lullaby 08-24-2009 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1872954)
That should be working. Is this an attachment, or just a file uploaded to your attachments folder?

It's working fine on my site. Can you send me a link to where you're having the problem?

I tried both, attachment and uploaded but useles
here is attacment (swf):

Digital Jedi 08-24-2009 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Robbed (Post 1873044)
Could you make changes to the EA Sports World code.

They merged it with their main site. easports.com




Yes, I can look them over.


Originally Posted by lullaby (Post 1873124)
I tried both, attachment and uploaded but useles
here is attacment (swf):

Attachments don't convert with AME, so uploading is the way to go. This should be working, but I'd have to look more closely to know for sure. If you give me temp Admin CP access I can take a look.

Stryker412 08-24-2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1871734)
I think I sent them an email, too, sometime last year. Looks like their still not using unique URLs for the High def videos. At the very least, though, I might be able to get an embed with the HD video, it would just have to be enlarged by the user if he/she wanted to see it larger.

I resized my AME to be widescreen. ESPN works great but Gametrailers obviously does not work.

Chadi 08-25-2009 03:37 PM

Can someone please create an xml for tangle.com? Thank you.

testebr 08-26-2009 12:33 PM

SlideShare need to be update, fail on my test.


Here my fix:

Change the regex rule






SBlueman 08-27-2009 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by code707 (Post 1804069)
Hi there... As I have mentioned on my previous post flickr is not working and also photobucket

I also have a request from on of my members - www.fandome.com

thanks again


Originally Posted by code707 (Post 1807725)
Can someone pls help me?

I wanted to add fandome.com I just dont know how to do it. Thanks alot


Originally Posted by SBlueman (Post 1868570)
I am looking for one for FanDome.com. Can anyone help?

So any luck with FanDome.com?

vithorius 08-27-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by madtommy (Post 1764840)

Is there anything different i need to do to get blip.tv (permalink) working. (all other formats installed seem to be working ok)

Thanks for any help.


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1771407)
The permalinks I've tried are working for me. Please post a couple of examples not working.

:confused: I'm having this problem too with blip.tv :( :confused: :(

Here is the example:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(' in /home/myforum/public_html/includes/ame_bbcode.php(323) : regexp code on line 1

Fatal error: preg_replace() [<a href='function.preg-replace'>function.preg-replace</a>]: Failed evaluating code: ame_match(&quot;http://blip.tv/file/2432557&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 1, &quot;~[\s]+player\.setPostsId\(([\d]+)\);[\s]+player\.setUsersId\([\d]+\);[\s]+player\.setUsersLogin\(&quot;([\w-_]+)&quot;\)~sim&quot;, &quot;&quot;,$ameinfo) in /home/myforum/public_html/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 323

The permalink is: http://blip.tv/file/2432557

I also tried with http://www.blip.tv/file/2432557 but it does NOT work too... :confused: :( :(

Digital Jedi 08-28-2009 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by SBlueman (Post 1875197)
So any luck with FanDome.com?

I added FanDome to the list:http://www.cogonline.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=880

SBlueman 08-28-2009 07:09 AM

Thank you sir. I wasn't aware of another website to make requests, sorry about that!

maor84 08-31-2009 04:52 PM

its works with Zippyshare.com ?

Digital Jedi 08-31-2009 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by maor84 (Post 1877258)
its works with Zippyshare.com ?

You can request it and I can look into it: http://www.cogonline.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=880

Digital Jedi 08-31-2009 08:23 PM

I'm having some MySQL issues at the moment, guys. So updates won't be coming today as I had planned.

anthony_m 08-31-2009 09:19 PM

Geez, these mod threads get long...

Quick question about the Onion def. I'm using AME 2.5.5 (I believe, the most recent one anyway), and the Delta def file. The embedded player, and innitial frame shows up in the player, but clicking on the "Play" button doesn't do anything...

Heres a link

I messed around with the settings for that def, but to no avail.... any help wuold be greatly appreciated, the Onion News Network is where our users get ALL of their info and if it didn't work that would be a shame... :D

Thanks for the help

Digital Jedi 09-01-2009 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by anthony_m (Post 1877404)
Geez, these mod threads get long...

Quick question about the Onion def. I'm using AME 2.5.5 (I believe, the most recent one anyway), and the Delta def file. The embedded player, and innitial frame shows up in the player, but clicking on the "Play" button doesn't do anything...

Heres a link

I messed around with the settings for that def, but to no avail.... any help wuold be greatly appreciated, the Onion News Network is where our users get ALL of their info and if it didn't work that would be a shame... :D

Thanks for the help

No video data. Most likely The Onion updated their embed code since the initial creation of the definition. I'll put it on the update list.

The Dawg 09-01-2009 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1718614)
Now that you've brought it to my attention, I'll add it to the list. ;)

Bump for LastFM definitions please. :)

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