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-   -   Major Additions - Email Integration (New threads/replies by email) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151222)

Piggo 03-03-2008 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx
I've uploaded a 2.6.1 beta version which in my testing has resolved the multiple posted replies error.

I'll wait to upload that until you get the "rename email subject" done!
<hint> <ahem> <cough>


Cyricx 03-03-2008 03:56 PM


It sounds like I still got a bug with posting from the forums too. Working with another poster on that one. :)

amphicar770 03-07-2008 12:35 AM

I've been running this mod for a while now with no problems until this week.

I have had two instances where a message gets posted over and over and over again, everytime the cron job runs. I went to the mailbox and deleted the message which stopped it. It seems that they were not deleted after they were sent so cron kept sending. Have only seen this with two posts but each time the message went out lots of times before I caught it.

Cyricx 03-07-2008 11:51 AM

The new beta version fixes that problem.

neil00027 03-12-2008 04:44 AM

Thanks Cyricx for your work on this modification - it is a great addition for vBulletin. I hope that it is built in as standard before long!

I've installed it on one of my sites and am getting the following error: Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in /home/forum/www/www/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1093

Emails are normally (but not always) staying in the forum email inbox rather than being collected and added to the forum. I've read the thread above and think I've done everything suggested. What do you suggest that I do to solve this issue?

On another matter the Subject header is reading as follows: [Forum One-t-8]. I'm presuming the t-8 is the name of the thread. Is it possible to drop this item from the subject header?

As a point of clarification - how does this modification fit in with the moderation functions of vBulletin?

A couple of things for the wish list for the modification.

1. On the old style of email (which I much prefer!) - it doesn't say in the body of the email who the author. Would it be possible to add this? For many of my email users this will be an essential requirement.

2. I would like to add my own personal message to the footer - It would be great if this can be done simply by entering ones desired text into a text box designed for the purpose. There may also be times when I want to add a message also to the top of the message. Is there a way I can do both of these at the moment?

Once again thanks Cyricx for such an important addition to vBulletin!

filipo 03-12-2008 11:12 PM

Cyricx - Excellent and very useful mod!

I've been using phpBB2 with the m2f mod (mail to forum) but I'm considering the switch to vBulletin.

Couple of questions:

1. Is it possible to include attachments with outbound e-mails and not just the links?

2. When I send an attachment to the forum by e-mail, no thumbnail is generated - only the link is shown. Did I miss a setting somewhere that would have attachments show up the same as if they were added online in the forum?

TRR 03-14-2008 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1459235)
The new beta version fixes that problem.

I uploaded the beta... still have the issue ...

Cyricx 03-14-2008 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by TRR (Post 1464311)
I uploaded the beta... still have the issue ...

Noted. Will continue working on it :)


Originally Posted by filipo (Post 1463371)
Cyricx - Excellent and very useful mod!

I've been using phpBB2 with the m2f mod (mail to forum) but I'm considering the switch to vBulletin.

Couple of questions:

1. Is it possible to include attachments with outbound e-mails and not just the links?

Possible. Yes, but not something I plan to code in, if someone wants to write that, rock on :) It's really not feasible for any of my uses. My intent is to get the readers to visit the forum and ween them off the mailing list :)


Originally Posted by filipo (Post 1463371)
2. When I send an attachment to the forum by e-mail, no thumbnail is generated - only the link is shown. Did I miss a setting somewhere that would have attachments show up the same as if they were added online in the forum?

Right now the attachments don't interact with the thumbnail generator. Something I plan to add very soon... well... after I get the last few bugs that keep cropping up ironed out! :)


Originally Posted by neil00027 (Post 1462767)
I've installed it on one of my sites and am getting the following error: Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in /home/forum/www/www/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1093

Can you please verify that you are using the latest version. Including readding the product xml and selecting overwrite as well as overwriting the /includes/cron/emailintegration.php file? I'm fairly certain this is a previously resolved bug.


Originally Posted by neil00027 (Post 1462767)
Emails are normally (but not always) staying in the forum email inbox rather than being collected and added to the forum. I've read the thread above and think I've done everything suggested. What do you suggest that I do to solve this issue?

I believe I just discovered today, the criteria that is causing it. I believe it has to do with the message being a multipart:mixed and the decode file doesn't seem to be getting the body information and boundaries right. I'm digging through this now. The decode file was a open source file so I'm literally decodeing... the decode file to figure out where it is screwin up :)


Originally Posted by neil00027 (Post 1462767)
On another matter the Subject header is reading as follows: [Forum One-t-8]. I'm presuming the t-8 is the name of the thread. Is it possible to drop this item from the subject header?

I tried to get rid of this in a previous version however, it has to be there. :( Alot of the newer email virus scanners are rebuilding the message header. Which is clearing ou the message id field that I use to determine parentids and such. So the t-# needs to be there otherwise the users with certain virus email scanners emails will always show up as new threads.


Originally Posted by neil00027 (Post 1462767)
As a point of clarification - how does this modification fit in with the moderation functions of vBulletin?

I haven't tested this in depth yet.


Originally Posted by neil00027 (Post 1462767)
A couple of things for the wish list for the modification.

1. On the old style of email (which I much prefer!) - it doesn't say in the body of the email who the author. Would it be possible to add this? For many of my email users this will be an essential requirement.

2. I would like to add my own personal message to the footer - It would be great if this can be done simply by entering ones desired text into a text box designed for the purpose. There may also be times when I want to add a message also to the top of the message. Is there a way I can do both of these at the moment?

Once again thanks Cyricx for such an important addition to vBulletin!

1. I had it adding in the signature of the user :)

I could add the username in there. I'll make a note and see about that in the next version.

2. Right now it's built in a very messy and slow manner. My thoughts are to take this to a global setting that people can go in and edit the links for etc. It's planned for the future, though it's a low priority compared to the few remaining rare bugs :)

Haven't dropped off the earth gang :)

I recently took over position of President for the not-for-profit org I do alot of work for, so I've been running around picking up pieces and writing custom modifications.

Bear with me... :)

O crap, forgot to mention.. anyone else having reports of AOL users unable to display the messages?

I'm fairly certain it has to do with the message encoding and have been working on that as well.

Thank you all for your support, bug reports and suggestions! :D :D

neil00027 03-18-2008 03:34 AM

Hey just thinking about about this modification - many of my members on some of my forums/email lists really like to get a digest of the forum/list messages. If such an option could be included in this moderation it would be great!

Thanks in advance!

Cyricx 03-18-2008 07:30 PM

You can already do that with default vbulletin :)

Though you can't reply to them straight from email, which wouldn't be possible by digest either as how would we know which one you were replying too :)

neil00027 03-19-2008 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1468146)
You can already do that with default vbulletin :)

Though you can't reply to them straight from email, which wouldn't be possible by digest either as how would we know which one you were replying too :)

LOL I thought that a few hours after posting my message!!! :o Must admit though that it is a function I'd like to see further development on. With the Web xing software that I'm using less and less you can schedule the digest to be dispatched at a particular hour on a particular day a week.

Cyricx 03-19-2008 11:36 AM


You can do that in vbulletin too :)

Just go into the Scheduled Task Manager and you'll see the cron jobs located there with the times they are set to run.

Although, depending on board traffic will decide the exact moment they run.

Something I wish they would change in vbulletin is how the scheduled tasks are called. But that's my opinion.

kube 03-19-2008 11:44 PM

I tried an Update from 2.2 to 2.6...

In 2.2 it worked fine...with some little old problems.

But after that update (I think I made it after reading carefully the instructions)
I had big problems....all options I can make in my adminCP have no effects, when I change them.

example: all mails are outgoing by one adress for all (I set it to "one adress for each forum)

smilies are not shown right anymore.....

so, do anyone have an idea, what my mistake was ???

I wanted to start with that as an easter-present for my users.....but now :confused:

Cyricx 03-20-2008 01:34 PM

Did you reupload all the files?

kube 03-20-2008 01:49 PM

yes, reuploaded all the files.

but there was still the "ei_folder"(INBOX) in my adminCP...which should not be there, right ?

in the mysql database "ei_folder" was missing, so that I can`t store the changes. I made it quick&dirty and added the"ei_folder" as a new table, so that I can store my forum-changes, but nothing happened....

Cyricx 03-20-2008 02:44 PM

That should be there. You added an ei_folder field to the forum table of your database right? You didn't create a whole new table right?

Edit one of the forums and put in INBOX for that field, then save and edit it again to verify it took the change.

kube 03-20-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1469689)
That should be there. You added an ei_folder field to the forum table of your database right? You didn't create a whole new table right?

Edit one of the forums and put in INBOX for that field, then save and edit it again to verify it took the change.

That`s exactly what I did !

In 2.2 the "ei_folder" was there, and in 2.6 not, right ?

The "ei_folder" is not the big problem....in 2.2 it`s at all working....but not so fine, like the 2.6 sounds to do.

But the upgrade to 2.6 do not send mails by the special forum-adress and the smilies are not shown...sending mails ans answering by mail is working !

So I think there are only some little mistakes...not the whole one !

Thanks for your time.

Cyricx 03-20-2008 03:31 PM

It sounds like your settings are not what you want in the vbulletin options.

First off, you are receiving plain text emails. This is not a bug, this is a feature :)

Go into Vbulletin Options -> Email Integration Settings

There you can select for everyone to either be able to select to receive emails by plain text and html, or you can turn that off and force everyone to receive plaintext or html.

Right now, you have it so that users can select which has the default of sending plain text emails unless they go into their edit options page and select to receive html emails.

As far as the other goes, make sure you do not have it set to send emails from a single user and that the username and from address is blank in the Vbulletin Options -> Email Integration Settings

kube 03-20-2008 10:28 PM

see the pics....but all mails are send by the mail adress from my forum

kube 03-21-2008 12:10 AM

I think I got the problem....don`t know how....but I did.... :)

amphicar770 03-21-2008 03:12 PM

Hi Cyricx,

I have been running this mod since you released it and not only consider it the best VB enhancement of all time, but the support you provide has been incredible.

I earlier sent a donation to support your effort and have just sent a 2nd contribution. I certainly hope that every one who has benefited recognizes how much time you have invested and supports your great work however they can.

Thanks again.

Mike I.

ThePiston 03-23-2008 05:53 PM

has anyone successfully integrated and VB mailman with this mod? I'm not that familiar with mailman, but I think it could replace it or be a bridge...

ThePiston 03-23-2008 06:04 PM

actually - a better way to put this:

my friend has a mailman listserv right now - about 10,000 emails and he wants to convert this into a forum. People LOVE the list and do not want it altered. Can we use this mod with VB to replace the mail list and also have the forum?

laurens800 03-23-2008 09:46 PM

good job i like it only it sucks it got no button

Cyricx 03-24-2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by amphicar770 (Post 1470826)
Hi Cyricx,

I have been running this mod since you released it and not only consider it the best VB enhancement of all time, but the support you provide has been incredible.

I earlier sent a donation to support your effort and have just sent a 2nd contribution. I certainly hope that every one who has benefited recognizes how much time you have invested and supports your great work however they can.

Thanks again.

Mike I.

Thank you!!!!


Originally Posted by ThePiston (Post 1472650)
actually - a better way to put this:

my friend has a mailman listserv right now - about 10,000 emails and he wants to convert this into a forum. People LOVE the list and do not want it altered. Can we use this mod with VB to replace the mail list and also have the forum?

That's actually the plan and intent with this. Is to replace those with a different email address that they email too :)

Started out with wanting to replace yahoo groups with vbulletin :)

Just a quick update to all:
Found an issue with the mimedecode file that comes with php pear. It goofs up entirely when it hits a forwarded message with an attachment.

I'm researching some alternative mail decode class files to find a resolution.

toddchris 03-25-2008 12:58 AM

Hi Everyone,

I've really tried to read through most everything here, but I still can seem to get the retrieve function to work from my server. I'm getting the familiar error of:


Email Integration

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in [path]/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 98

Failed to connect to the mailbox for forum - ACCD


One problem seems to be that when I set up a new email account on my Centos, it makes the login the entire email address, not just the portion before the @. I read somewhere on here that some tried replacing the @ symbol with the + symbol, but I still the pages of error stuff like this:


Email Integration

Fatal error:
This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 30 seconds.
Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_Post in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810
#0 vb_error_handler(256,
This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 30 seconds.
Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_Post, /home/mynlada/public_html/forum/includes/class_dm.php, 810, Array ([this] => vB_DataManager_Post Object ([validfields] => Array ([postid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 3,[2] => return ($data > 0);),[threadid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 1),[parentid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[username] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[userid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[title] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[dateline] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[pagetext] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[allowsmilie] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 1),[showsignature] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0),[ipaddress] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 2),[iconid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[visible] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[attach] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[infraction] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[reportthreadid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0)),[bitfields] => Array (),[table] => post,[condition_construct] => Array ([0] => postid = %1$d,[1] => postid),[post] => Array ([threadid] => 1,[parentid] => 2,[username] => toddchris,[userid] => 2,[title] => Test Reply,[pagetext] => This is reply to a reply. lol,[visible] => 1,[allowsmilie] => 1,[showsignature] => 1,[dateline] => 1206410172,[ipaddress] =>,[floodcheck] => vB_FloodCheck Object ([registry] => vB_Registry Object ([datastore] => vB_Datastore Object ([defaultitems] => Array ([0] => options,[1] => bitfields,[2] => attachmentcache,[3] => forumcache,[4] => usergroupcache,[5] => stylecache,[6] => languagecache,[7] => products,[8] => pluginlist,[9] => cron,[10] => profilefield,[11] => loadcache,[12] => noticecache),[itemarray] => Array (),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[dbobject] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => mynlada_forum,[connection_master] => Resource id #7,[connection_slave] => Resource id #7,[connection_recent] => Resource id #7,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1206410172 WHERE userid = 1 ,[0] => INSERT INTO adminlog(userid, dateline, script, action, extrainfo, ipaddress) VALUES (1, 1206410172, 'cronadmin.php', 'runcron', 'cron id = 19', '') ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => ,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 46,[rows] => 0),[prefix] => ),[input] => vB_Input_Cleaner Object ([shortvars] => Array ([f] => forumid,[t] => threadid,[p] => postid,[u] => userid,[a] => announcementid,[c] => calendarid,[e] => eventid,[q] => query,[pp] => perpage,[page] => pagenumber,[sort] => sortfield,[order] => sortorder),[superglobal_lookup] => Array ([g] => _GET,[p] => _POST,[r] => _REQUEST,[c] => _COOKIE,[s] => _SERVER,[e] => _ENV,[f] => _FILES),[scriptpath] => ,[reloadurl] => ,[wolpath] => ,[url] => ,[ipaddress] => ,[alt_ip] => ,[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*),[db] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => mynlada_forum,[connection_master] => Resource id #7,[connection_slave] => Resource id #7,[connection_recent] => Resource id #7,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1206410172 WHERE userid = 1 ,[0] => INSERT INTO adminlog(userid, dateline, script, action, extrainfo, ipaddress) VALUES (1, 1206410172, 'cronadmin.php', 'runcron', 'cron id = 19', '') ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => ,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 46,[rows] => 0),[userinfo]
I don't really know what to do next. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I don't know what else to do.

Any help would be appreciated.


Cyricx 03-25-2008 02:32 AM

Have you tried using the Admincp -> Email Integration -> Forum Settings Help to help determine your mailbox settings?

Your issue is that your hostname, username or password is not correct for the settings you have entered for forum ACCD

You can use the @ symbol just fine, however try without that as well.

If it's on the same box as the server you can try the hostname of localhost.

Also, do you have IMAP installed? or just php enabled? If you have IMAP installed, you'll need to use the IMAP settings instead of the pop3 you have selected.

Worst case, if you can't get the forum settings help script to work, gimme a hollar and I'll help determine what your settings should be as I have time :)

toddchris 03-25-2008 03:57 PM


Thanks so much for the quick response. I would really like to get this working. It's would really help our non-profit fill a need that they currently have.

Just let me know what you need acccess to. We be so appreciative of the help and could potentially contribute something as well.



Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1473812)
Have you tried using the Admincp -> Email Integration -> Forum Settings Help to help determine your mailbox settings?Yes, I've tried but it doesn't come back with any helpful information

Your issue is that your hostname, username or password is not correct for the settings you have entered for forum ACCD

You can use the @ symbol just fine, however try without that as well.I've tried all the combinations that I can think of here.

If it's on the same box as the server you can try the hostname of localhost.It is on the same box, so have been using localhost

Also, do you have IMAP installed? or just php enabled? If you have IMAP installed, you'll need to use the IMAP settings instead of the pop3 you have selected.Originally IMAP was not installed, but I installed that option using WHM. If you check in my PHP settings it does show up.

Worst case, if you can't get the forum settings help script to work, gimme a hollar and I'll help determine what your settings should be as I have time :)
That would be great, and as we are on VB 3.7 would could help you test some.

ThePiston 03-25-2008 04:23 PM

sorry if this was asked, but where can i change it to check mail server more frequently?

Also, is there any way to allow a user to reply to person's email who sent the post instead of giong through the forum? Maybe a link inside the email that says "reply ONLY to this user via email". This will be a biggie since this is a big reason people use listservs... they can "reply" or "reply to all' - this mod seems to take away the ability to reply to just the one poster via email.

ttseppal 03-25-2008 08:29 PM

Hi, Cyricx! Thanks for the great mod!

My intention is to use it to replace/enhance a handful of mailing lists that have around 1000 users.

I have version 2.6.1 BETA installed with vBulletin 3.6.8 pl 2. I am getting the same errors that some have reported earlier:

Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/forum/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1093

Specifically, this happens when there are two replies to the same thread sitting in the mailbox. The replies are both added to vBulletin thread, but the emails are never removed from the mailbox and they are processed again and again every time cron is run.

Hope you have time to look into this.

kube 03-28-2008 10:53 AM

Is it possible to set "close thread after first posting" for a special forum ?

I have a forum, where users only allow discussions, if they whish...all "normal" threads are closed directly. (checkbox for closing is activated there).

If you start a new thread by mail I think it will not, right ?!

Is it possible to set a kind of if-condition to do that ?

dosadno 03-28-2008 01:35 PM

is it possilbe to install it on vbulletin 3.6.4

dartho 04-01-2008 12:35 PM

I'm having troubles with this with attachments, wav files in particular.

Here's the scenario - a mailer program on another server sends a wav file to me, I receive in Outlook forward to the email address which gets checked by the add-on and the add-on creates a new thread, post with wav file attached. All Good, all works!

However - If I configure the mailer program to send the wav file directly to the email address which gets checked by the addon, the wav attachment looks to remain encoded (encoding snippet:


I can open the wav perfectly in outlook. I can open the wav perfectly via web based email account when waiting to be checked by this addon. I've tried multiple providers - including Gmail - all with the same result. The only time it works for wav files is if the email comes from Outlook.

Any ideas?


ThePiston 04-01-2008 12:45 PM

is this mod still supported? i haven't seen Cyricx in a while

dartho 04-01-2008 01:00 PM

I'm hoping so! He posted a week ago in the 3.7 version thread...

Tralala 04-01-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by kube (Post 1476648)
Is it possible to set "close thread after first posting" for a special forum ?

+1 this would be great... I have a forum for announcements and this email integration makes it super easy to blast those out.

Aylwin 04-04-2008 01:04 PM

Very nice mod! Thanks very much! I tried to use vbMail Reply a few years ago but couldn't get it to work the way I wanted.

I have everything installed and working the way I believe it's supposed to. I also have it working together with another mod that allows users to subscribe to forums and get instant notification of new threads.

Now, I would like to combine the two together. This would mean the user can choose between 2 levels of email integration. The first level is as it is now - full email integration. The user receives email notifications for every single post on the subscribed forum. This is fine except that the user is bombarded with emails if the forum is busy.

So, I would like to propose a 2nd level - partial email integration. The user will receive instant email notifications only for new threads. If they wish to participate in the discussion, they can reply via email. They will then be subscribed to that thread and receive email notifications of all further replies. I believe this 2nd level would be a good option to reduce the number of unwanted emails.

Would this be easy to implement? Is anyone else interested in this? I could try to help with some coding myself but I'd need some help and which files to modify, what additional functions are needed and which hooks could be used.

By the way, Cyricx, subscribeforums.php is great! I've been looking for this mod for ages. You might want to consider releasing it as a separate mod. I know that there are others who would be interested in it. Good work!

ThePiston 04-04-2008 01:39 PM

I think it'd be a great addition to have the 2nd level, but I see a few problems which may or may not be a big deal.
1) thread topics change and although they may not like initial thread topic, it might change and they'll miss out
2) having an "opt-out of this thread" link would mean I'd be clicking on about 100 of those a day for my list which would be a real pain - having to pull up the forum just to confirm that I was opted out of that thread is almost as bad as just deleting them

tekguru 04-04-2008 06:29 PM

Anyone had any issues since upgrading to 3.6.9 of vB? For me it still works but HTML format mails come through as pure HTML, not formatting correctly at all.

We've had to switch over to using text only mails.....

toivo 04-08-2008 10:30 PM


We are running 3.6.8 PL 2 and I applied the hotfix 2.6.1 but the email messages were still sent multiple times and remained in the mailbox on the Exchange server. I ran a script to purge the messages (first imap_delete($mailbox, $msg_no); for each message and at the end imap_close($mailbox, CL_EXPUNGE); ).

The next test message was still being sent multiple times, until I changed the Mail Server Connection in the EI settings in the Forum manager from IMAP to POP3. Now the messages are only sent once.

However, in the next test there was one text message (reply to a message sent by EI) in the mailbox when I sent a new HTML message from Outlook. When EI ran the following error occurred:

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in {...test forum folder...} \includes\cron\emailintegration.php on line 1615

I deleted the two messages from the mailbox and sent a new HTML message from Outlook. This time the message was read, deleted from the mailbox, posted to the forum and forwarded OK to the subscribers (me).

However, I was then able to reproduce the PHP Fatal Error by sending a text reply message followed by a new HTML message. Both of these messages were posted to the forum, but both of them also remained in the mailbox because of the error.

I hope this gives some clues where the problem is. I do not think we can expect the average user to want to or be able to switch the default setting for a new message in Outlook from HTML to Plain Text when they need to send a message to the Forum.


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