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Mrdby 04-28-2007 10:17 PM

this worth having?

hotwheels 04-28-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1237279)
this worth having?

Not really in my humble opinion..........he talks a bunch of jibberish, and end's coversations with . and / etc........
Plus the thing doesn't learn........If you read in here that it does, then it's b.s.........I worked with this mod for a long time, and you can make certain changes in your aiml files, but as far as a bot that can actually have an intellegent coversation, no no no no.........Read back on some of my post's on this bot, in the beginning it was a great idea, but the fact that it can't learn how to post correctly, it's a waste of bandwidth..........

I still have it installed and have been trying to get the original coder's code to work as far as actually learning........but no go as of yet.. ExtremeTim claims to have it so it will learn, but i have yet to see a working version of that code. You can even check my post's at his site on this subject.

eXtremeTim 04-29-2007 12:00 AM

There is a working learner that I have been installing for people. I just haven't released it yet because people tend to botch the install of it.

BobbyBig 04-29-2007 12:10 AM

We disabled the bot because it is not learning.
If that is possible please let us know.

hotwheels 04-29-2007 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim (Post 1237316)
There is a working learner that I have been installing for people. I just haven't released it yet because people tend to botch the install of it.

I am very good with php tim.............post up the learner.php and let some of us have a try.

The one you release a while back, never worked..........You even tried to install it for me and it wouldn't work.

SteveOh_UK 04-29-2007 08:14 AM

Anyone who doesnt like it want to help me make up my own mind about it by helping me out with my install problem?
I have explained it a couple of posts up...

phill2003 04-29-2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by SteveOh_UK (Post 1237467)
Anyone who doesnt like it want to help me make up my own mind about it by helping me out with my install problem?
I have explained it a couple of posts up...

See what this path does.



SteveOh_UK 04-29-2007 08:49 AM

Thanks for the reply Phill2003..

Tried it and still no joy... any other ideas? :)

I now have:


# This is where all the AIML and startup.xml resides
$rootdir= "/home/admin/public_html/forums/alice/aiml";


phill2003 04-29-2007 10:42 AM

The problem is you are not giving us much to work with in trying to help you :)

What error do you get when you try to load up the aim files.

SteveOh_UK 04-29-2007 03:52 PM

Ok my bad.... :)

when I type
I get a 404 error


The webpage cannot be found
HTTP 404
Most likely causes:
There might be a typing error in the address.
If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.

phill2003 04-29-2007 03:55 PM

I am assuming the script is where it is supposed to be?

Ok did you upload the files as they are in the zip in this thread, If you did then you are pointing your browser to the wrong place.

And it may be easier to help with a proper url (unless you have something to hide) ;)

SteveOh_UK 04-29-2007 04:19 PM

Thanks for your reply Phill...

As far as I can tell I have followed the instructions with the mod to the letter.. so far....

I've pm'ed you with the proper url :o


one thing though... the botloader.php isnt in:


its in alice/source/admin

as it is in the archive i dloaded...

hotwheels 05-01-2007 10:13 PM

steveoh uk, are you using cpanel? If you are, go to your botloader.php file and click on it, over on the right handside of the page, it will show the address to the botloader.php file, just click on the link and it should take you to the botloader upload.......

If you do it by address, is your forum id, www.xxxxxx.com/forum or www.xxxxx.com/forums? if it is www.xxxxxxx.com/forum, you will need to type in http://www.xxxxxx.com/forum/alice/so.../botloader.php or http://www.xxxxxx.com/forums/alice/s.../botloader.php

everything else looks right............

sonichero 05-02-2007 07:27 AM

how do you chmod?

I want him to be able to ban a user automatically for using a certain word or posting too many times in a row.

Also, how can i get him to post random tips/quotes in each of his posts?

Appreciate help.

TTG 05-02-2007 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by sonichero (Post 1239545)
how do you chmod?

I want him to be able to ban a user automatically for using a certain word or posting too many times in a row.

Also, how can i get him to post random tips/quotes in each of his posts?

Appreciate help.

How to chmod

You can specify certain words not allowed in posts in admincp >> Censorship Options.

There is a learning addition which Tim may be able to help you with.

SteveOh_UK 05-02-2007 01:34 PM

@ Hotwheels... clicked the link in cpanel and it worked... the url to my botloader was:

http://www.xxxxx.com/forums/alice/sr.../botloader.php the admin has been missing all along...
pheeew.. thanks for your help Hotwheels and Phill2003.... ya got me through it eventually... :) So far anyways... im not so sure abou the php part....;)

The bot id needs adjusting to 0 from 1.. in my php by admin I see:

field -id
type - tinyint
lenght - 3
collation -
attributes - unsigned
null - not null
default2 -
Any one help... i can see light at the end of the tunnel now.. :)

Mikey4 05-02-2007 07:39 PM

Hi Guys

After finally being able to install this onto the forums the only response i get from the bot is:

I was not able to connect to my database. Please try again later.

Anyone else experienced this and been able to fix it?

TTG 05-02-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mikey4 (Post 1240019)
Hi Guys

After finally being able to install this onto the forums the only response i get from the bot is:

I was not able to connect to my database. Please try again later.

Anyone else experienced this and been able to fix it?

Happens occasionally on mine when the bot has no reasonable response to add.

sonichero 05-02-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by TTG (Post 1239550)
How to chmod

You can specify certain words not allowed in posts in admincp >> Censorship Options.

There is a learning addition which Tim may be able to help you with.

that was utterly confusing... how do i do it for this hack?

TTG 05-03-2007 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by sonichero (Post 1240179)
that was utterly confusing... how do i do it for this hack?

Which part was confusing :confused:

^FalcoN_65^ 05-03-2007 12:56 AM

If you are seeing this then you're probably frustrated. :mad: This message is a generic message given by the Bot when there is no pattern in the post he can recognize (IE he can't find your words in his database.

The bot's database is created by building tables in your database during the botloader.php execution. If you're like me then you got it to start loading and then it would stall out. Mine showed loading different .aiml files and then would stop.

If it completes properly it should take a LONG time.... maybe 30 minutes or so. And then after a successful load of all the .aiml files (which build his databse of patterns) the script will return a colored message on your screen and you wil be prompted to try the talkerbot out. If you didn't get this message, then your .aiml files did not completely load.

My problem was timeouts on my server at the host. I even tried breaking up the .aiml files into smaller chunks but still after a minute or so of transfer and maybe a few files, it would quit.

What I ended up doing was editing the botloader.php file and taking out instances of "deletebot" which were basically clearing the tables each time a load started. I thought I was smart at first and I'll simply delete the files it showed that it loaded and then rerun botloader.php......

This was when I found out it was clearing the tables each time it executed. After editing the botloader.php file I was able to do the above method (running, deleteing files, re-running) and the mySQL table named "pattern" finally started growing like it should.

Now my bot actually answers posts instead of saying he doesn't feel well or can't connect to his database.

I hesitate to actually post the modded botloader.php file because I am sure that I did a terrible hack job on it code wise. Also, when the botloader would run, I wondered how muchof the last file it showed actually loaded into the table. So what I did was to delete all but the last one it was working on, that way when I re-ran it , it would start on the last one it was doing (to be sure it gets it all) I believe that this method probably creates redundant entries in the patterns table, but as I said, thsi was a hack-job, quick fix.

Anyway, I exported the "patterns" table from mine into a .sql file from the server and will attempt to post it here. maybe those with "Dumb bot syndrome" can import it via phpmyadmin directly into your dbase and give him an instant education.

Again: this is to solve the problem where the bot responds, but never really says anything except he can't connect with his database. If there is interest, I will also post the modded botloader.php file that prevents it from clearing the tables on each load.

(just noticed max file size prevents me attaching the zipped sql file. I will upload it to my server and try linking it.):D

Alright I think it uploaded OK. The zipped file is about 600K and it will unzip to about 6 Megs. It is in .SQL format and you should be able to import it into the "patterns" table. Click here to download.

^FalcoN_65^ 05-03-2007 01:27 AM

Here is the botloader.php file that I spoke of above. It has been modified to prevent the script from erasing the bot tables before writing to them. That way you can write some files until it stops... delete the ones it wrote from the /alice/aiml folder... and then run it again to load more into the database, without it erasing the ones previosuly done.

This is an ugly hack, but it worked for me.

Again this is a quick mod of the code but it seems stable.

sonichero 05-03-2007 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by TTG (Post 1240213)
Which part was confusing :confused:

well, you explain more than i need to know. I dont need to know what chmod is i need to know a how to do it... I.E. where do i go to edit the properties, etc.


Originally Posted by ^FalcoN_65^ (Post 1240256)
Here is the botloader.php file that I spoke of above. It has been modified to prevent the script from erasing the bot tables before writing to them. That way you can write some files until it stops... delete the ones it wrote from the /alice/aiml folder... and then run it again to load more into the database, without it erasing the ones previosuly done.

This is an ugly hack, but it worked for me.

Again this is a quick mod of the code but it seems stable.

so if we just use this we dont need the SQL?\


I still get a huge long error when i try to change the rate of posting... and i thought it was because i didnt chmod. But now folder alice is set to 777 and its still not working..

could it be because my tables are prefixed with vb_?

The botloader worked, it finished in almost no time, and i got the talk to bot thing and it worked fine. But what is the problem now?

^FalcoN_65^ 05-03-2007 03:48 PM

Correct. Using this botloader file will allow you to upload files until it stalls, delete the ones it did, then urun again to upload more without clearing the patterns table each time.

The SQL file link was for those who wanted a quicker way to do it through mysqladmin.

NuclioN 05-03-2007 04:21 PM

Is it possible to solve the problem with the signs: é,á,ë,ä etc.? When these are present in the aiml the botloader dies with an error.

Also...when certain amount of aiml data is installed, the database goes down for one hour because of a limit set on mysql.

Is this problem solved when there are sql files for all tables as the patterns.sql from falcon 65?

hotwheels 05-03-2007 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by SteveOh_UK (Post 1239724)
@ Hotwheels... clicked the link in cpanel and it worked... the url to my botloader was:

http://www.xxxxx.com/forums/alice/sr.../botloader.php the admin has been missing all along...
pheeew.. thanks for your help Hotwheels and Phill2003.... ya got me through it eventually... :) So far anyways... im not so sure abou the php part....;)

The bot id needs adjusting to 0 from 1.. in my php by admin I see:

Any one help... i can see light at the end of the tunnel now.. :)

you are very welcomed..........

Webdude? 05-04-2007 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim (Post 1237316)
There is a working learner that I have been installing for people. I just haven't released it yet because people tend to botch the install of it.


I had a number of issues installing the bot (currently v2.2.2) to our forums at optiquestsupport.com and others, but I was able to easily work them out. Given that, I'm more than positive if I were able to obtain that learner from you, I would have little trouble getting it to work assuming you have reasonable install instructions for it.


hotwheels 05-04-2007 10:50 PM

I feel the same way webdude........ He tried to help me load what he called a learner bot at my site almost 10 months ago, and it never worked. I have been waiting almost a year to see if the learner bot script could be made functional. It used to work on the original talkerbot, and there is a chat program that uses the same exact files......I haven't really messed with the chat alice program yet, that may be something worth looking into.


I had a number of issues installing the bot (currently v2.2.2) to our forums at optiquestsupport.com and others, but I was able to easily work them out. Given that, I'm more than positive if I were able to obtain that learner from you, I would have little trouble getting it to work assuming you have reasonable install instructions for it.


foxfirediego 05-05-2007 02:48 AM

works with portuguese brazilian language?
btw thx

CoolSwede 05-13-2007 06:43 AM

this a realy cool thing. install is easy and working perfect.

sonichero 05-13-2007 06:46 AM

I still want to know why I can't configure the per forum posting ammount... i get a long SQL error. Could it be because my tables are prefixed "vb_"?

I would like a learner bot too :)

Hexify 05-14-2007 11:40 PM

I got up to the step where you're supposed to run botloader.php; and all I get are a bunch of PHP errors... :S Does the config.php need to be CHMOD'd to anything? What's missing? Alice is chmod'd to 777 jfyi.

USAMustangs.com 05-16-2007 01:20 AM

the bot worked fine the first day i installed it, but now it is putting it's response before your post. how do you fix that because it's kind of confusing.

if you make the first post in a thread then submit the bot's response shows as post 1 and yours as post 2.

itdevil 05-16-2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by USAMustangs.com (Post 1248438)
the bot worked fine the first day i installed it, but now it is putting it's response before your post. how do you fix that because it's kind of confusing.

if you make the first post in a thread then submit the bot's response shows as post 1 and yours as post 2.

i am having a same issue, any idea how to fix.

eXtremeTim 05-16-2007 05:52 PM

Got some good news in regards to this hack. :)

I am working right now on the an update to make it easier to install.

eXtremeTim 05-16-2007 06:19 PM

Whats coming in 2.5?

Well for starters ive cleaned up the code to require no file edits.
I am also cleaning up php issues that caused the bot to not function correctly.

Shana 05-16-2007 06:41 PM

When should we expect this by? :)

eXtremeTim 05-16-2007 06:53 PM

Later today. ;)

eXtremeTim 05-16-2007 07:25 PM

2.5.0 Released.

This should hopefully fix alot if not all of the php5 issues. If you are running php 5 and you have a problem with the bot please pm me the details and a login and I will make notes of things to fix.

NuclioN 05-16-2007 07:36 PM

eXtremeTim is it possible to fix the aiml files because phrases like this: être résumé will then generate a xml error.

Is it now possible to install large aiml files? So if there is a limit on mysql and when passing this limit mysql will be rendered useless for one hour.

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