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-   -   Custom HTTP Error Pages (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=98243)

JJR512 10-27-2005 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Avalon111

when i remove the changes in the .htaccess the problem is gone!


Originally Posted by oglsmm
I also am getting a lot of people reported as "Viewing HTTP Error" on the Who's Online page, when i know they are not seeing an error. I don't have anything in my .httaccess file either.

If you don't have anthing in your .htaccess file, how is the hack working at all? Sure, if you go to www.yourdomain.com/forums/httperror.php?e=404 you'll see the error page, but what if you go to www.yourdomain.com/xkaooe3991.html, a file which probably doesn't exist on your server, do you get the error page from my hack then? Because as far as I'm aware, custom error pages need to be "pointed" to by the .htaccess file, otherwise you get the generic error page. And if I'm wrong about that, then I guess I need to be re-educated. :)

Delphiprogrammi 10-27-2005 01:54 PM

hi people,

it looks like this is not working for error code 401 (autorization requirerd) the screen that comes up if you try to login to restricted area with the wrong login information.My apache error_log shows this


can't use a FULL url in a 401 ErrorDocument ignoring
for this error code it must be a local document so ......


ErrorDocument 401 /httperror.php?e=401
should do it but nope ...

JJR512 10-27-2005 04:57 PM

Assuming that your httperror.php is in the web root (meaning not in a forums subfolder), did you try it without the beginning slash? Try it using a path name instead of a URL?

Delphiprogrammi 10-27-2005 06:52 PM


Yes the httperror.php is in the "webroot" i didn't tryed that yet (using an aboslute pathname or remoing the slash) will give that a shot and get back to you

Snake 10-27-2005 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by JJR512
Did you do anything to fix the problem?

Nah actually it was just a silly mistake I've made. I forgot to upload the product XML file via the admincp. The hack's working just fine! :)

Delphiprogrammi 10-27-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi

Yes the httperror.php is in the "webroot" i didn't tryed that yet (using an aboslute pathname or remoing the slash) will give that a shot and get back to you

just tryed this absolute path and no beginning "/" but the problem is elsewhere i think my apache error_log shows this


[Thu Oct 27 14:55:20 2005] [error] [client ********] File does not exist: /401.shtml
i'm on a dedicated server (cpanel) maybe that has anything todo with it i didn't configure the "errorpages" in my cpanel through

Delphiprogrammi 10-27-2005 09:30 PM


punch me but all of a sudden it started to work.All i did before it started to work is just access the page that would bring up that error page eg http://www.yourserver.com/httperror.php?e=401 and the line in my .htaccess for errorcode 401 is


ErrorDocument 401 /httperror.php?e=401
also i found while searching on google that the leading "/" means to be a local document not a url

Lea Verou 10-28-2005 11:38 AM

Thanks a lot, it's great, it saved me lots of time :)

JJR512 10-28-2005 03:48 PM

I will shortly be changing the instructions to not have the full URL to the file, just the local file name, as in Delphiprogrammi's code example in Post# 47. Maybe it only applies to the one type of error, maybe there are others, so just in case, I'm recommending that for all of them.

Lea Verou 11-03-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by JJR512
I will shortly be changing the instructions to not have the full URL to the file, just the local file name, as in Delphiprogrammi's code example in Post# 47. Maybe it only applies to the one type of error, maybe there are others, so just in case, I'm recommending that for all of them.

After I installed this a lot of my members complain that they keep seing it in pages that exist, especially on the home page of the site!

oglsmm 11-06-2005 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by JJR512
If you don't have anthing in your .htaccess file, how is the hack working at all? Sure, if you go to www.yourdomain.com/forums/httperror.php?e=404 you'll see the error page, but what if you go to www.yourdomain.com/xkaooe3991.html, a file which probably doesn't exist on your server, do you get the error page from my hack then? Because as far as I'm aware, custom error pages need to be "pointed" to by the .htaccess file, otherwise you get the generic error page. And if I'm wrong about that, then I guess I need to be re-educated. :)

I meant there is nothing in there but the stuff from this hack.

Sorry for the confusion.

Lea Verou 11-06-2005 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Loukrhtia
After I installed this a lot of my members complain that they keep seing it in pages that exist, especially on the home page of the site!

*bump* :nervous:

JJR512 11-07-2005 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Loukrhtia
After I installed this a lot of my members complain that they keep seing it in pages that exist, especially on the home page of the site!

Sorry about that. I'm actually not really sure how to help you. The problem would seem to be with the webserver itself, since it's directing people to the error pages. It could be that the .htaccess file isn't configured properly or there is some other problem related to it.

You may want to ask your webhost technical support what's wrong with your .htaccess file. Explain to them you're trying to use custom error pages and show them what you put in that file.

If they are able to help you, please tell us here what they did. If they can't help you (or nobody else here can), then unfortunately you may need to uninstall and not use this hack.

Lea Verou 11-07-2005 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by JJR512
Sorry about that. I'm actually not really sure how to help you. The problem would seem to be with the webserver itself, since it's directing people to the error pages. It could be that the .htaccess file isn't configured properly or there is some other problem related to it.

You may want to ask your webhost technical support what's wrong with your .htaccess file. Explain to them you're trying to use custom error pages and show them what you put in that file.

If they are able to help you, please tell us here what they did. If they can't help you (or nobody else here can), then unfortunately you may need to uninstall and not use this hack.

I already asked them and they said that everything is ok! :confused:
Btw this only happens at the home page of the site...
Are you sure it has nothing to do with the hack? Cause I read here that other members have it too and it only started happening after the install of it...

JJR512 11-08-2005 01:24 PM

It's possible, but if it is, it's beyond my comprehension. It defies logic. The operation of this hack should be extremely simple. Either an error condition occurs, in which case you are directed to the appropriate page generated by this hack, or else there is no error condition and you get to the correct page on your site. I can't understand how someone would get to the error message without there being any error condition. I'm sorry.

kadafi_alive 11-19-2005 08:54 PM

Hi JJR512,

great hack, it is working perfectly except in whoisonline, it shows when a user is seeing an error page: Unknown location instead of the phrase viewing error.

How do I fix this


JJR512 11-20-2005 04:11 PM

Is the plugin active?

Skyline_GT 11-25-2005 07:57 AM

I wonder how come the images are dead?
Where should I fix this?

Snake 11-25-2005 12:29 PM

I don't see any broken images, it's working fine. ;)

PennylessZ28 11-27-2005 05:27 AM

Glad to know I'm not alone, I've been using the old and new versions of this and everyone is EXPERINCING and error, even when they aren't.


Lea Verou 11-27-2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
Glad to know I'm not alone, I've been using the old and new versions of this and everyone is EXPERINCING and error, even when they aren't.


There are too many to say that it isn't a problem of the hack I guess...

PennylessZ28 11-27-2005 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Michelle
There are too many to say that it isn't a problem of the hack I guess...

The hack is the problem, when I uninstall it my users are veiwing normal pages in the WOL locations.

I have access to 4 computers and I can put them all on different places on my website, with no problems, but most of the time it will show them as VIEWING and HTTP error unless they are on the forum home.

joeychgo 11-28-2005 10:38 AM

I came across a problem when I tried to verify my google sitemap..


We've detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (OK) in the header.

JJR512 11-28-2005 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by JJR512
It's possible, but if it is, it's beyond my comprehension. It defies logic. The operation of this hack should be extremely simple. Either an error condition occurs, in which case you are directed to the appropriate page generated by this hack, or else there is no error condition and you get to the correct page on your site. I can't understand how someone would get to the error message without there being any error condition. I'm sorry.

I still don't understand the problem now anymore than I did when I originally posted this.

I understand the theory of "If there's no problem without the hack, and there is a problem with the hack, then the problem must be caused by the hack." It seems logical enough. But there is nothing in the hack itself to cause those problems, that the Who's Online system says someone is on an error page, when in reality they aren't. Rather, the problem must be with how the hack is implemented, how it's activated (which is done through the .htaccess file). Some people have said that it has something to do with the webserver setup. What it is, how to fix it, how to work around it, are all beyond my ability and knowledge. Again, I'm sorry. If you can figure it out, by all means post the solution here. All I can say is if for some reason it doesn't work for you, simply don't use it.

993ti 12-16-2005 01:44 PM

How can i change it so that the header doesn't show a 200 status on error pages?
My old urls are getting 200 status and the bots think it's still there and don't update the search results.

Jon_Simmonds 03-09-2006 10:08 AM

i removed the http://ww bit from my .htacess

its now

ErrorDocument 404 /forums/httperror.php?e=404
you will need to ensure that any images linked in your template will have full paths to the images (i.e include http://www. etc)

all is working for fine for me,and i now see a 404 status

sorry to bump this topic to!

melefire 03-12-2006 10:08 PM

nice ive been making pages and having my error pages redirect to them
this is alot better
*Clicks Install

Jon_Simmonds 03-31-2006 01:37 PM

I would just like to add, now I made the changes i mentioned above in post 66, I am seeing whole loads of 404's in my logs, which wernt there while I had this addon installed as per the instructions provided

Before i made the change, all the links that were incorrect would have been reutrining status 200 and thus this may well have damaged my search engine ranking, if you havnt allready please update htacess to remove the http://www from the links

Surviver 04-15-2006 06:13 PM

Hello, Thank you for this great Hack!

How can I insert the navbar by an error ?

If I insert $navbar into the template , it wont't be show ...

Thank you !

mfg Surviver

PS: Sorry for my bed english

jim6763nva 04-16-2006 09:24 PM

Thank you for this! makes things complete now :)

JJR512 04-18-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Surviver
Hello, Thank you for this great Hack!

How can I insert the navbar by an error ?

If I insert $navbar into the template , it wont't be show ...

Thank you !

mfg Surviver

PS: Sorry for my bed english

There's some code that generates $navbar that I never put into the PHP file because I didn't see the need for a navbar. In my experience when I get a 404 message I usually just go back a page and try again or try something else. I'm in the middle of some stuff right now, but I'll take a look at adding it soon.

mikelbeck 08-23-2006 01:06 PM

I've just installed this on a couple of my sites, and I like it. ;-)

Some fixes, though...

The line:


        <title>$vboptions[bbtitle] - HTTP Error $error</title>
should be:


        <title>$vboptions[bbtitle] - HTTP Error $error[title]</title>
Without that fix, the title of the page was "HTTP Error Array". Now it's "HTTP Error 404: File Not Found".

Also, after "$headinsert" add this line:


<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
Without that fix, search engines could store the actual error page in it's index.

Snake 08-23-2006 06:43 PM

Sweet. So you're saying it should work just fine on 3.6.0? :)

mikelbeck 08-23-2006 06:47 PM

Yes, it does.

Snake 08-23-2006 06:57 PM

Thanks mikel!

dsotmoon 09-12-2006 11:52 PM

thanks for the tips and fixes, finally got my errors resolved and this hack working on 3.6.0

phovanxua 09-27-2006 08:58 PM

I got the HTTP error also (3.5.4),but when I hit the refresh page ...it's gone ....is this the right MOD for the fix .?

ChurchMedia 10-09-2006 05:05 PM

I was running this on 3.5 without any problems. I upgraded to 3.6.1 and the error screen looks like this (see attachment). It's like it's not getting the CSS info. Any ideas? Thanks for such a cool hack!

You can also see it live here:

ChurchMedia 10-10-2006 10:38 PM

I found the problem. I had switched my CSS to be stored in files in the VB Style Options. I switched that off and everything is fine now.

Exitilus 01-03-2007 04:50 AM

Well I installed this on 3.6.4 with very little problems. Though for .htaccess i used an actuall URL and it seems to work fine. I think I read earlier there were some problems but seems fine so far.

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