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uae 10-09-2005 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by thedvs
Seems to be a problem with the 12 hour reset now, after the 12 hours it asks you again to sign the rules, you agree... then instead of letting you continue viewing threads it keeps asking for you to sign the rules again. Any ideas? To me it seems to be a cron issue.

Can you go to the Scheduled Task Manager and go to edit Rules and User Agreement Hack Reset
does it look like this:

Title: Rules and User Agreement Hack Reset
Day of the Week: *
Day of the Month: *
Hour: 0
Minute: *
Log Entries: yes
Filename: ./includes/cron/cron_ruleshack.php

uae 10-09-2005 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
hi people,
i get this MySQL error while trying to add the product XML
seems like . "TABLE_PREFIX ." thingy is missing somewhere

Sorry for that, just get the latest product xml file and import it with Allow Overwrite to YES.

LadyBeth 10-09-2005 01:59 PM

NICE! Clicking install....

Delphiprogrammi 10-09-2005 03:38 PM

well... ,

This refuses to work for me.I managed to get past the MySQL error that was pretty simple


INSERT INTO vb3_cron(weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel ,title)VALUES(-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:-1;}','./includes/cron/cron_ruleshack.php',1,'Rules and User Agreement Hack Reset');
but i don't have a link called "rules manager" under the forums&moderator navgroup and yes i did uploaded the XML file which should take care of that

Yorixz 10-09-2005 03:59 PM

Perfect hack, just what I was looking for, thanks so much!

uae 10-09-2005 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
well... ,

This refuses to work for me.I managed to get past the MySQL error that was pretty simple
but i don't have a link called "rules manager" under the forums&moderator navgroup and yes i did uploaded the XML file which should take care of that

mmm, that's weird... did you upload cpnav_rulesagreement.xml to the xml directory?

Just upload it first, then import the product xml file, and last, refresh your admincp page and see the links, should be there!!

Delphiprogrammi 10-09-2005 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by uae
mmm, that's weird... did you upload cpnav_rulesagreement.xml to the xml directory?

Just upload it first, then import the product xml file, and last, refresh your admincp page and see the links, should be there!!

i was to fast in posting :surprised: i saw you updated the package and all is working fine now no more MySQL errors and i have those links in my admincp

thanks for this one i like it

dethfire 10-11-2005 04:06 AM

there seems to be a bug:
When I set some rules I know I was the first to agree to them, however, I went to members profiles right after I agreed, some members who went even online and it said they had agreed to the rules which was impossible.

I think it is just the template error because if I click reset rule in admin it tells me only 1 user has agreed. However every members profile says they agreed to all of them.

Mickie D 10-11-2005 08:10 PM

great release :)

one thing if you choose a rule applys to a guest does it work on cookies or something, or wont it work with guests ?

thanks for the hack will install this weekend whatever the answer ;)

dethfire 10-12-2005 05:05 AM

I got members who say they have to repeatedly reagree to guidelines over and over again, like it doesn't register that they already signed it.

JohnBee 10-12-2005 07:39 PM

I installed the hack on a custom vB page but the styles are lost, any ideas?
Using vBadvanced 2.0, vB3.5 Gold, the UA pops up but the style is n/A until its passed

Whissi 10-13-2005 03:44 PM

I used "URL" and said "showthread.php".
If I click any user, it tells me, that the user has just accept the agreement...

But it is my testboard - this user can't accept, because he didn't know that :)

uae 10-13-2005 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mickie D
great release :)
one thing if you choose a rule applys to a guest does it work on cookies or something, or wont it work with guests ?
thanks for the hack will install this weekend whatever the answer ;)

Yes it uses cookies for guests.

uae 10-13-2005 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by dethfire
I got members who say they have to repeatedly reagree to guidelines over and over again, like it doesn't register that they already signed it.

Have you installed the latest version??


Originally Posted by JohnBee
I installed the hack on a custom vB page but the styles are lost, any ideas?
Using vBadvanced 2.0, vB3.5 Gold, the UA pops up but the style is n/A until its passed

I haven't tried the hack with vBadvanced, but I'll give it a try and see.


Originally Posted by Whissi
I used "URL" and said "showthread.php".
If I click any user, it tells me, that the user has just accept the agreement...
But it is my testboard - this user can't accept, because he didn't know that

Said only showthread.php, or the full url to http://www.blabla.com/forum/showthread.php ??
You should use the full url to that file.

JohnBee 10-13-2005 06:53 PM

Fantastic uae I really like the hack, its a perfect companion to vBadvanced pages on a site. :D

Looking forward to using it!

Whissi 10-13-2005 07:52 PM


Said only showthread.php, or the full url to http://www.blabla.com/forum/showthread.php ??
You should use the full url to that file.
I said only "showthread.php", but I tried the full url, reset'ed the agreement.
I reload a profilwindow -> No agreement mentioned.
I accepted the agreement and reloaded the profilwindows of an different user (a user who cannot accept, because he don't no the forum) and vBulletin tells me: This user has accepted.

It seems, that the memberinfo display the own information, not the infos from the user the profil you are browsing...

dethfire 10-13-2005 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Whissi
It seems, that the memberinfo display the own information, not the infos from the user the profil you are browsing...

Right, this is happening on my forum too

Whissi 10-13-2005 09:01 PM

I found another error:
The template "ruleshack_rules" isn't xhtml valid.

<input type="hidden" name="oldurl" value="$urluri">
should be

<input type="hidden" name="oldurl" value="$urluri" />

Mr Chad 10-13-2005 09:14 PM

is this working right now?

uae 10-13-2005 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Whissi
I said only "showthread.php", but I tried the full url, reset'ed the agreement.
I reload a profilwindow -> No agreement mentioned.
I accepted the agreement and reloaded the profilwindows of an different user (a user who cannot accept, because he don't no the forum) and vBulletin tells me: This user has accepted.
It seems, that the memberinfo display the own information, not the infos from the user the profil you are browsing...

Sorry for that, Fixed now...just Import the latest xml product 1.1.4


Originally Posted by Whissi
I found another error:
The template "ruleshack_rules" isn't xhtml valid.

Thanks, now it's fixed with version 1.1.4

Whissi 10-14-2005 12:20 AM


Sorry for that
No problem. :)
I have to thank you for the grate hack!

Oblivion Knight 10-14-2005 07:13 AM

Just what I was looking for, many thanks.! :)

Whissi 10-14-2005 02:43 PM

Only user could see their own list of accepted agreements. I don't recognize why? Why did you do this... I thought every user should see if other members has accepted or not.

uae 10-14-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Whissi
Only user could see their own list of accepted agreements. I don't recognize why? Why did you do this... I thought every user should see if other members has accepted or not.

R u sure about that?? have you got the latest version?
cos everyone/anyone could see others accepted rules!

dethfire 10-14-2005 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by uae
R u sure about that?? have you got the latest version?
cos everyone/anyone could see others accepted rules!

I confirm, with the update a user can only see their own accepted rules, not anyone elses.

uae 10-14-2005 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by dethfire
I confirm, with the update a user can only see their own accepted rules, not anyone elses.

Man, this thing is working just fine with me, could anybody else confirm it :ermm:

bigmonay2k 10-15-2005 11:52 PM

work like a charm dude, thanks

JohnBee 10-16-2005 12:12 AM

Any news on the vBadvanced missing template issue? - I suspect the problem is that the script looks for the .css paths assuming it is in the /forum/ dir but since vBa will allow you to run pages at the root of your site (homepage) location then the paths don't work out and the MOD cannot display properly.

I was wondering if there was a location we could add a chdir command to the scripts to compensate or otherwise enter a new path to help it find the .css data.

And of course your help is much appreciated on this.

dethfire 10-17-2005 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by uae
Man, this thing is working just fine with me, could anybody else confirm it :ermm:

I found something interesting. If I select a user from a last post link on the homepage or within a forum nothing renders for the rules and guidelines. However, if I goto a post and click the users name and with the drop down select "view profile" the user agreement stuff renders fine. I found the difference of url for each way of viewing a users profile:

This URL style will result in the agreement info working:

This URL style will result in a failure of the agreement info showing:

uae 10-17-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by JohnBee
Any news on the vBadvanced missing template issue? - I suspect the problem is that the script looks for the .css paths assuming it is in the /forum/ dir but since vBa will allow you to run pages at the root of your site (homepage) location then the paths don't work out and the MOD cannot display properly.

I was wondering if there was a location we could add a chdir command to the scripts to compensate or otherwise enter a new path to help it find the .css data.

And of course your help is much appreciated on this.

Will you please try installing the latest product v1.1.5?
let's see if that will solve our problem with vBadvanced page.


Originally Posted by dethfire
I found something interesting. If I select a user from a last post link on the homepage or within a forum nothing renders for the rules and guidelines. However, if I goto a post and click the users name and with the drop down select "view profile" the user agreement stuff renders fine. I found the difference of url for each way of viewing a users profile:

This URL style will result in the agreement info working:
This URL style will result in a failure of the agreement info showing:

Thanks again, product file has been updated :)

thedvs 10-18-2005 12:11 PM

where are the scheduled task setup instructions in the readme for cron?

nexialys 10-18-2005 01:31 PM

yeah, i found another tick...

>> function fetch_user_agreed_rules($uinfo = '')

the $uinfo is not used at all nowhere...

and a request for the memberinfo: make it possible to choose what usergroups have access to these details... i don't see why i would let all my users see who agreed to X rules...
maybe let own users and admins see these details is more appropriate, so i would like a new field in the settings where we can add usergroupids... ;)

uae 10-18-2005 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by thedvs
where are the scheduled task setup instructions in the readme for cron?

That's being done with the process of the installation, so no need for a setup instructions :)
just look at the sechduled task manager after you got the hack installed, you'll see it listed there...

thedvs 10-18-2005 07:31 PM

ah cool one uae, great updates :)

JohnBee 10-18-2005 07:58 PM

WORKS with vBadvanced! :up:
thank you uae, your hack is both useful and appreciated :D [INSTALLED]

Whissi 10-19-2005 12:05 PM

I only want that admins, mods, super-mods, registered user have to sign the contract.
If they don't have sign the contract, they aren't allow do anythink (read fourm, post forum, pms...)!

But guests are allowed to "read" the forum...

Is it possible? How should the settings look like...

uae 10-19-2005 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
yeah, i found another tick...

>> function fetch_user_agreed_rules($uinfo = '')

the $uinfo is not used at all nowhere...

and a request for the memberinfo: make it possible to choose what usergroups have access to these details... i don't see why i would let all my users see who agreed to X rules...
maybe let own users and admins see these details is more appropriate, so i would like a new field in the settings where we can add usergroupids... ;)

Thanx nexi, that thing "$uinfo = ''" has been removed, even if you leave it, it won't harm nothing :) but the product xml file has been updated.

and if you don't want anyone to see what a member has agreed on, in his/her profile page, and would like to restrict that for admins/mods/and maybe the user him/her self
add this code with the template edit

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==5 or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==6 or $bbuserinfo['userid']==$userinfo[userid]">

change the usergroup ids to whatever you like.

TheRayden 10-20-2005 05:02 PM

Amazing hack, love it!!

xtreme-mobile 10-21-2005 05:52 AM

ive found a massive problem with this hack

since installing this new members cant register it always says they havent accepted the T&C so cant register!!! when i disable the plugin it works fine again :(

Oblivion Knight 10-21-2005 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
ive found a massive problem with this hack

since installing this new members cant register it always says they havent accepted the T&C so cant register!!! when i disable the plugin it works fine again :(

Apparantly this was fixed some time ago.. Are you using the latest version?

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