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Gerakus 10-30-2006 05:02 PM

Thanks so much Surviver! your input resolve my problem! :)

And Kirby for this wonderful "plugin/product".

ReadOrDie 12-10-2006 05:18 AM

how would one get this working on a mod that has already been installed on a forum?

Snake 04-05-2007 09:12 PM

I was wondering if this going to work just fine on vB 3.6.5?

Mistah Roth 06-13-2007 03:14 PM

So yea, this doesn't work on the latest vB lol (3.6.7 PL1)

I believe the addition of Dismissed News to the admin permissions screwed it up, I get this error if I try to edit any admin permission (or even if I don't)

Fatal error: Field dismissednews is not defined in $validfields in class vb_datamanager_admin in /includes/class_dm.php on line 485

Looks like an array is being populated with all the admin permission fields, but our addition bumps the last one (dismissednews) out of the array.

Mistah Roth 06-15-2007 01:56 PM

$10 to anyone that can get this working.

Snake 06-15-2007 02:36 PM

Yeah, I'm looking forward to this as well. Please anyone?

Mistah Roth 06-21-2007 02:54 PM

$25 for a working version of this

Snake 06-22-2007 05:00 PM

$50 for someone who can take over this, create it as a product and support it.

LightScribe 06-23-2007 05:14 AM

as a product would be nice.

CarlitoBrigante 08-30-2007 04:14 AM

Hello -

what do you guys need exactly? I have been creating custom Admin permission in all of my clients' scripts (when needed, of course!), and I am not having any issue with the latest vBulletin versions. The steps are exactly the same Andreas gave you. You may just want to replace the install code with a straightforward ALTER TABLE query, and you must remember to create your bitfield xml file correctly, but other than that there is nothing more to it, really.

If it's not working, it is because you missed some step. Let me know, and I will package this into an xml product tomorrow, if you still need this. And no money needed, of course.

PinkDaisy 04-12-2008 12:50 AM

I'd like to have it too. (3.6.+)

RayoVac 11-20-2008 04:20 PM

I would love to see this packaged up as a installable product. Has anyone revised this for 3.7.x?

Semere79 05-14-2009 03:14 AM

How do you remove any traces of this from the database? I started working on it quite some time ago and never got it going. Now anytime I try to save anything to define rights to my individual administrators I get the following errors... I think I just need to get rid of it out of the database but not sure exactly what to do...


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_administrator SET
        ### Bitfield: vb_administrator.adminpermissions ###
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 4, adminpermissions - 4, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 8, adminpermissions - 8, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 16, adminpermissions - 16, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 32, adminpermissions - 32, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 64, adminpermissions - 64, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 128, adminpermissions - 128, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 256, adminpermissions - 256, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 512, adminpermissions - 512, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 1024, adminpermissions - 1024, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 2048, adminpermissions - 2048, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 4096, adminpermissions - 4096, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 8192, adminpermissions - 8192, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 16384, adminpermissions - 16384, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 65536, adminpermissions - 65536, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 131072, adminpermissions - 131072, adminpermissions),
                adminpermissions = IF(adminpermissions & 262144, adminpermissions - 262144, adminpermissions),
        blogpermissions = 3,
        ### Bitfield: vb_administrator.customadminperms ###
                customadminperms = IF(customadminperms & 1, customadminperms - 1, customadminperms),
        cssprefs = 'vBulletin_3_Default',
        dismissednews = '66,67,70,72,74'
WHERE userid = 1;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'adminpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054
Request Date  : Wednesday, May 13th 2009 @ 10:55:58 PM
Error Date    : Wednesday, May 13th 2009 @ 10:55:58 PM
Script        : http://www.myforum.com/forum/admincp/adminpermissions.php?do=update
Referrer      : http://www.myforum.com/forum/admincp/adminpermissions.php?do=edit&u=1
IP Address    : xx.xxx.xx.xx
Username      : Admin
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community

ZenMastr1968 12-21-2009 06:45 PM

I'm apparently a bit dense - where would one put the install/uninstall code and the bitfield file?? I have an existing set of plugins/modifications that I would like to add a custom admin permission to..

Thanks in advance

skorcu 03-31-2010 12:17 PM

I'm using vbulletin 3.7.2. All user groups can not access FlashChat. How do I solve the problem. Standard member groups successful entry. Member group created by my login failed


CheeSie 04-23-2010 01:36 PM

Any update for this to work with vB4?

zapiy 05-15-2010 01:07 PM

This would be awesome if created?

CvP 01-03-2011 07:53 AM

Hi Andreas. Does this still work on vb4?

Andreas 01-10-2011 02:54 PM

Yes, should still work (though I havn't tested that yet).

gabrielt 08-23-2013 05:22 PM

Took me forever to undestand that after adding the plugins, creating the bitfield XML file, and adding the new field in the database, you need to REBUILD the bitfields. To do that, you need to use tools.php or to import any product. More information: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum...ding-bitfields

X-or 11-14-2016 10:12 AM

Thanks for this guide although it is a bit rough for someone who isn't used to the vbulletin framework. Can someone elaborate on the rough parts near the end such as the bitfield xml file and install code? Thank you.

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