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C_P 10-07-2005 12:12 PM

Nice, works like a charm! If anyone has any additional anonymiser links to add, they should reply here. This would allow others to use one of their choice for faster loading.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-08-2005 06:42 AM

New version released:
8-10-2005 v1.03

- Totally new way of doing this, on view instead of on write.

- Solved doubling the anonym link on edit

Mikobu 10-08-2005 07:13 AM

thanks, by the release... installing...

Chad F. 10-08-2005 07:24 AM

Hmm I'm still having the same problem, before it was adding http://anonym.to/? in front of every link 4 times. Now its gone up to 5.. :(

Marco van Herwaarden 10-08-2005 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Chad F.
Hmm I'm still having the same problem, before it was adding http://anonym.to/? in front of every link 4 times. Now its gone up to 5.. :(

If you are viewing an old post, then this could be. The ink is already 4 times stored in the database, and is added 1 more time when viewing, see the queries in the top to resolve this.

Try making a new post (or edit an old one) and it shouldn't happen anymore.

PS Which plugins you have now for the product, and which ones are active?

Chad F. 10-08-2005 07:56 AM

It works fine when I make a new post. I ran those queries and it did not do anything, all the old links still have http://anonym.to/? in front of them 5 times.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-08-2005 10:48 AM

Sorry no time now, but will later today post the exact query you will need to run.

RMS-Chef 10-08-2005 11:51 AM

When I installed 1.03 the system simply stopped working.
Tried overwrite, then uninstalled and reinstalled.
Currently on RC3.

Just updated to v3.5 Gold and still, the plugin just does not work for me.

C_P 10-08-2005 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by RMS-Chef
When I installed 1.03 the system simply stopped working.
Tried overwrite, then uninstalled and reinstalled.
Currently on RC3.

Just updated to v3.5 Gold and still, the plugin just does not work for me.

Seems I have same issue after upgrade. I then added the following and seems to work

in the Local addresses are not anonymized section.

Loki12 10-08-2005 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by RMS-Chef
When I installed 1.03 the system simply stopped working.
Tried overwrite, then uninstalled and reinstalled.
Currently on RC3.

Just updated to v3.5 Gold and still, the plugin just does not work for me.

I am on 3.5.0, just installed this product, and it is not working at all...

JohnBee 10-08-2005 08:49 PM

Same here, uninstalled the old version, ran the queeries and installed 1.03 now nothing... :(

I don't think running the links through a public anonymizer will beat your other system, if there is any .htaccess of any kind the anonymizer will not process the link. Your last hack approach was good it simply needed some refinement where post editing took place in order to deal with duplicating the redirector code.

Hope you sort it out soon, as for myself I have put back the old system until its sorted out :)

Additionaly there was a =3.0.x privacy link MOD, it used the same principle as this one here and had no inherent problems with duplicate tags. Perhaps you could take a peek at the other KACK to see if you can't use the same approach for this hack :)

Marco van Herwaarden 10-09-2005 07:44 AM

Sorry guys i will try to have a look one of these days, but not much time now.

Looking at a 3.0 hack will not help, since the internals are really different.

I don't really understand why 1.03 shouldn't work for some people, it is working fine on my testboard.

dasdingansich 10-09-2005 01:59 PM

I noticed some strange behavior:

it works flawless when using the "insert hyperlink" feature, but when posting only the text "www.google.com" or "http://www.google.com" it wouldn´t render the anonymizer URL into until I edited the posting and saved again.

the problem ist, only few people actually use that button and just prefer to type away ... do you know any workaround?

Marco van Herwaarden 10-09-2005 08:34 PM

I actually never even tested the 'insert hyperlink'. I have just tested it with typing w ww.google.com on my testboard. Strange that it doesn't work.

I don't really have time to dig deep inot this right now, but i will try to find some time tomorrow or the day after.

Until then i will post a warning in the first post.

PS Since version 1.03 is adding the link when displaying a post, it shouldn't make a difference how you entered it in the first place, very strange. Try just doing a refresh, maybe the AJAX screen update when posting is not showing it.

Catlover 10-09-2005 08:52 PM

MarcoH64, strange, but fact: some links anonymized, some - not :( Links posted by some users - just direct links, but all links i posted - anonymized...i don't understand why it happens.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-09-2005 09:14 PM

Any chance you could PM me some links of posts that are working and some that are not working?

PS If your board is closed, send also a test account.

Chad F. 10-10-2005 02:28 AM

I just re-installed the plugin again and like before it works on new posts etc. but now its not anonymizing links in old posts..

dasdingansich 10-10-2005 08:01 AM

btw, I had two ideas for new features:

- a setting for what kind of URL´s are anonymized.
like anonymize all kinds of pages like plain domains, folders, .htm, .php and so on, but don´t anonymze file links

- ability to turn it on / off on a per forum basis.
In my case I really only need it in one forum, and I definately can´t use it in another.

(one forum is called "politics", sometimes people are hotlinking sites we really don´t want visitors from. A totally different forum on the same messageboard is movie-related, and we need to be able to link .mov´s and to save them with right-click.)

dasdingansich 10-10-2005 08:03 AM

another suggestion:

I found out anonymizer.com sucks, it?s only free for a few clicks, after that I?m getting popups and ad pages, telling me I should subscribe. Right now I?m using www.anonym.to - seems to be free and easy!
also killing the referrer, but no proxy.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-10-2005 08:11 AM

New version v1.04, should fix the reported bugs.

Will wait to see if this is working good for everyone (did some more extensive testing this time). If all is ok, i will have a look at the feature suggestions.

You can configure what anonymizer you want to use, but maybe i should change the default if that one is too much limited.

RMS-Chef 10-10-2005 03:20 PM

I am back again to v1.2a
Sorry brother but v1.4, like v1.3 just does not work for me.
Again, I tried to first just overwrite. Then uninstalled the reinstalled v1.4 and it simply is not doing anything. I am on v3.5 Gold now.

v1.2a is perfect for me except for the WYSIWYG Editor issue.
I appreciate your efforts sir.

Chad F. 10-10-2005 03:49 PM

I installed 1.04 and..

- All of the old links are untouched by the anonymizer.

- Some of the links in new posts are anonymized and the rest have "http://anonym.to/?" in front of it 6 times.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-10-2005 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Chad F.
Some of the links in new posts are anonymized and the rest have "http://anonym.to/?" in front of it 6 times.

This could still be left overs from 1.02, i promised you i would give you the exact SQL to fix it, but didn't have time for it yet.

If one of you who still have 1.04 installed would let me have a llok at their board, i could maybe figure out why it is not working for you. If you're interested, please pm me contact info.

Chad F. 10-10-2005 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
This could still be left overs from 1.02, i promised you i would give you the exact SQL to fix it, but didn't have time for it yet.

If one of you who still have 1.04 installed would let me have a llok at their board, i could maybe figure out why it is not working for you. If you're interested, please pm me contact info.

Oh ok sorry, anyways I PMed you.

RMS-Chef 10-10-2005 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
This could still be left overs from 1.02, i promised you i would give you the exact SQL to fix it, but didn't have time for it yet.

If one of you who still have 1.04 installed would let me have a llok at their board, i could maybe figure out why it is not working for you. If you're interested, please pm me contact info.

OK MarcoH64, thanks again for your diligence.

Behavior for current 1.4
-Working fine with WYSIWYG
-Editing issues seem fixed with WYSIWYG

Standard Editor:
-Does not prefix with anon properly if you only type the URL and have the board parse after you hit submit.
-Does work in standard if you click the add link button (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/12/3.gif)

Also a note, with your procedure for 1.2a, all links, even pre-existing links are prefixed with anon properly. With your current 1.3/4 method, pre-existing links created in WYSIWYG or in standard with the create link button are prefixed properly but regular typed URLs that were done in a standard editor do not seem to be prefixed after this install.

It seems to me that your original method works best, if you could iron out the Enhanced Editor issues with it. I would use 1.4 in it's current form if only I could force everyone to use WYSIWYG but that is a user option. My last couple posts reporting this as not working for me are because I had not reinstated the WYSIWYG editor on the board that I had disabled due to the v1.3+ issues. I am back to 1.2a right now and not missing WYSIWYG at this point as much as I thought I would. ;)

Hope I explained that clearly enough....I tend to ramble sometimes. ;)

bigmonay2k 10-16-2005 03:10 AM

No Go For Me :ermm:

Chad F. 10-16-2005 08:29 PM

What happened to Marco? :ermm:

Computer_Angel 10-18-2005 02:20 AM

1. Case sensitive bugs:
just detect URL tag, but no for url, URl, uRl, Url ...
when typeing like this no anonymizer anymore.
2. Just parsing the pattern
[ URL = "xxxxxxx" ] xxxxx [ / URL ]
no for
[ URL ] xxxxxx [ / URL]

Computer_Angel 10-20-2005 07:19 AM

This is my solution for ver 1.04:

PHP Code:

if ($post['pagetext'])
    if (
preg_match_all("/(\[URL=\")(.[^\"\]]*)/i"$post['pagetext'], $matches))
$localdomains = ($vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses'] ? explode(" "$vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses']) : ($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain'] ? array($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain']) : array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])));
$preg_search = array();
$preg_replace = array();
        foreach (
$matches[2] AS $key=>$serverurl)
// Do we have a local url?
$parsed_url parse_url($serverurl);
$servername $parsed_url['host'];
            foreach (
$localdomains AS $localdomain)
                if (
substr($localdomain01) == ".")
                    if (
                    if (
$localdomain == $servername)
$anonymurl $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . $serverurl;            
//$preg_search["$servername"] = "[URL=\"$serverurl";
$preg_search["$servername"] = $matches[0]["$key"];
//$preg_replace["$servername"] = "[URL=\"" . $anonymurl;
$preg_replace["$servername"] = $matches[1]["$key"].$anonymurl;            
            if (
$post['pagetext'] = str_replace($preg_search$preg_replace$post['pagetext']);            
if (preg_match_all("/(\[URL)(])(.[^\]]*)/i"$post['pagetext'], $matches))
$localdomains = ($vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses'] ? explode(" "$vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses']) : ($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain'] ? array($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain']) : array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])));
$preg_search = array();
$preg_replace = array();
        foreach (
$matches[3] AS $key=>$serverurl)
// Do we have a local url?
$parsed_url parse_url($serverurl);
$servername $parsed_url['host'];
            foreach (
$localdomains AS $localdomain)
                if (
substr($localdomain01) == ".")
                    if (
                    if (
$localdomain == $servername)
$anonymurl $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . substr($serverurl,0,strlen($serverurl)-5);
$preg_search["$servername"] = $matches[0]["$key"];
$preg_replace["$servername"] = $matches[1]["$key"]."=\"".$anonymurl."\"".$matches[2]["$key"].$serverurl;                        
            if (
$post['pagetext'] = str_replace($preg_search$preg_replace$post['pagetext']);

Marco van Herwaarden 10-20-2005 07:59 PM

Sorry huys, i have been real busy the last week. I will try to have a look at the issues and the suggestions next week.

bigmonay2k 10-22-2005 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Sorry huys, i have been real busy the last week. I will try to have a look at the issues and the suggestions next week.

thanks dude

Moosehunter 10-25-2005 03:29 AM

Thanks Computer Angel. Works great.


Originally Posted by Computer_Angel
This is my solution for ver 1.04:

PHP Code:

if ($post['pagetext'])
    if (
preg_match_all("/(\[URL=\")(.[^\"\]]*)/i"$post['pagetext'], $matches))
$localdomains = ($vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses'] ? explode(" "$vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses']) : ($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain'] ? array($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain']) : array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])));
$preg_search = array();
$preg_replace = array();
        foreach (
$matches[2] AS $key=>$serverurl)
// Do we have a local url?
$parsed_url parse_url($serverurl);
$servername $parsed_url['host'];
            foreach (
$localdomains AS $localdomain)
                if (
substr($localdomain01) == ".")
                    if (
                    if (
$localdomain == $servername)
$anonymurl $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . $serverurl;            
//$preg_search["$servername"] = "[URL=\"$serverurl";
$preg_search["$servername"] = $matches[0]["$key"];
//$preg_replace["$servername"] = "[URL=\"" . $anonymurl;
$preg_replace["$servername"] = $matches[1]["$key"].$anonymurl;            
            if (
$post['pagetext'] = str_replace($preg_search$preg_replace$post['pagetext']);            
if (preg_match_all("/(\[URL)(])(.[^\]]*)/i"$post['pagetext'], $matches))
$localdomains = ($vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses'] ? explode(" "$vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses']) : ($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain'] ? array($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain']) : array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])));
$preg_search = array();
$preg_replace = array();
        foreach (
$matches[3] AS $key=>$serverurl)
// Do we have a local url?
$parsed_url parse_url($serverurl);
$servername $parsed_url['host'];
            foreach (
$localdomains AS $localdomain)
                if (
substr($localdomain01) == ".")
                    if (
                    if (
$localdomain == $servername)
$anonymurl $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . substr($serverurl,0,strlen($serverurl)-5);
$preg_search["$servername"] = $matches[0]["$key"];
$preg_replace["$servername"] = $matches[1]["$key"]."=\"".$anonymurl."\"".$matches[2]["$key"].$serverurl;                        
            if (
$post['pagetext'] = str_replace($preg_search$preg_replace$post['pagetext']);

Catlover 10-25-2005 08:33 AM

How to anonimyze links in Private Messages and in signatures? Thanks for solution it works fine in posts.

dasdingansich 10-26-2005 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Computer_Angel
This is my solution for ver 1.04:

PHP Code:

if ($post['pagetext'])
    if (
preg_match_all("/(\[URL=\")(.[^\"\]]*)/i"$post['pagetext'], $matches))
$localdomains = ($vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses'] ? explode(" "$vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses']) : ($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain'] ? array($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain']) : array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])));
$preg_search = array();
$preg_replace = array();
        foreach (
$matches[2] AS $key=>$serverurl)
// Do we have a local url?
$parsed_url parse_url($serverurl);
$servername $parsed_url['host'];
            foreach (
$localdomains AS $localdomain)
                if (
substr($localdomain01) == ".")
                    if (
                    if (
$localdomain == $servername)
$anonymurl $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . $serverurl;            
//$preg_search["$servername"] = "[URL=\"$serverurl";
$preg_search["$servername"] = $matches[0]["$key"];
//$preg_replace["$servername"] = "[URL=\"" . $anonymurl;
$preg_replace["$servername"] = $matches[1]["$key"].$anonymurl;            
            if (
$post['pagetext'] = str_replace($preg_search$preg_replace$post['pagetext']);            
if (preg_match_all("/(\[URL)(])(.[^\]]*)/i"$post['pagetext'], $matches))
$localdomains = ($vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses'] ? explode(" "$vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_localaddresses']) : ($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain'] ? array($vbulletin->options['cookiedomain']) : array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])));
$preg_search = array();
$preg_replace = array();
        foreach (
$matches[3] AS $key=>$serverurl)
// Do we have a local url?
$parsed_url parse_url($serverurl);
$servername $parsed_url['host'];
            foreach (
$localdomains AS $localdomain)
                if (
substr($localdomain01) == ".")
                    if (
                    if (
$localdomain == $servername)
$anonymurl $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . substr($serverurl,0,strlen($serverurl)-5);
$preg_search["$servername"] = $matches[0]["$key"];
$preg_replace["$servername"] = $matches[1]["$key"]."=\"".$anonymurl."\"".$matches[2]["$key"].$serverurl;                        
            if (
$post['pagetext'] = str_replace($preg_search$preg_replace$post['pagetext']);

perfect, works fine, with all kinds of links.
@Marco: maybe make this the official one, until youu find more time.

thanks guys!

take care
Flint Stelter

Lord Brar 10-26-2005 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
New version v1.04, should fix the reported bugs.

Will wait to see if this is working good for everyone (did some more extensive testing this time). If all is ok, i will have a look at the feature suggestions.

You can configure what anonymizer you want to use, but maybe i should change the default if that one is too much limited.

I installed it but nothing seems to happen. :( Could someone tell me where I could have gone wrong?

tokenyank 10-26-2005 07:21 PM

Marco, this seems much more robust than this one but I do not wish to use an external anon server like safeurl or whatever... Would/could this hack work using the links.php in the other hack for non-anon parsed url's?

Marco van Herwaarden 10-26-2005 09:01 PM

@tokenyank, i don't know, never looked at the other hack.

@Lord Brar
PM me MSN contact info and i will try to get in contact tomorrow.

tokenyank 10-26-2005 10:38 PM

In principal, it should work yeah? As safeurl works with a ?domain switch as does the other hack...

Hmm... I may play with it and find out for myself... Thanks anyway

Computer_Angel 10-28-2005 05:43 PM


Marco, this seems much more robust than this one but I do not wish to use an external anon server like safeurl or whatever... Would/could this hack work using the links.php in the other hack for non-anon parsed url's?
1.You can use links.php, just config your anonymous site to your site.
Ex: http://www.xxx.com/links.php?url=
2. The hack you said is which I don't like because It modified the class_bbcode.php code, so when you upgrade to new version --> need to hack again.

tokenyank 10-30-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Computer_Angel
1.You can use links.php, just config your anonymous site to your site.
Ex: http://www.xxx.com/links.php?url=
2. The hack you said is which I don't like because It modified the class_bbcode.php code, so when you upgrade to new version --> need to hack again.

Just to confirm, it does work, though using the settings in the AdminCP did not do anything... Almost as if they weren't saving...

I modified the xml to reflect what anon service I wanted to use though and reinstalled and it works fine!

Thanks... Installed

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