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sHORTYWZ 07-05-2005 03:46 PM


Have you had a chance to add the filtering option we spoke about yet? I would love to run this on one of my sites (well, two actually.. but seeing as their both on the same paypal account I don't think this is possible) but I need to make sure it only picks up the correct paypal transactions.


Cloudrunner 07-05-2005 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by sHORTYWZ

Have you had a chance to add the filtering option we spoke about yet? I would love to run this on one of my sites (well, two actually.. but seeing as their both on the same paypal account I don't think this is possible) but I need to make sure it only picks up the correct paypal transactions.


Yes, that is implemented. The system tells Paypal where to send the IPN transactions via the donations settings where you define the direct HTTP url to your ppverify.php file.


Originally Posted by The geek in the Taco Bell commercial
It's good to go, but no email...strangely enough...

MentaL 07-08-2005 08:30 PM

how do i unistall?

Cloudrunner 07-08-2005 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by mentalrz
how do i unistall?

With the uninstaller provided. Just load the installer again, it's in there.

mholtum 07-09-2005 05:32 AM

Double Post

mholtum 07-09-2005 05:47 AM

duh, vbadvanced hasnt been released yet for 3.5.
One question though. When the Donate buttom is clicked on the "alldonors.php" page it takes you to the "donate.php" page, yet I dont see a way to pay on that page. Did I forget something?

Cloudrunner 07-09-2005 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by mholtum
duh, vbadvanced hasnt been released yet for 3.5.
One question though. When the Donate buttom is clicked on the "alldonors.php" page it takes you to the "donate.php" page, yet I dont see a way to pay on that page. Did I forget something?

One must first create a donate goal and / or button. This is done from the AdminCP. As long as you have installed the XML file in the ./includes/xml directory, then you simply need to go and add a goal and / or button. using the links on the left nav for the donations group.

I suggest doing a goal first, this way you can assign a button to that specific goal and your system will incrementally (with each donation) track your goal status.

I am working on a basic instructions for use at the moment...but screen grabs are slightly time intesive. I'm hoping to have it available today.

MentaL 07-10-2005 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
With the uninstaller provided. Just load the installer again, it's in there.


chikkoo 07-13-2005 07:43 AM


I installed this mod successfully. But nothing is appearing in the Forum Index?
I made it active in the Settings, but still it is not appearing in the Nav Bar.
Where is the button for donors to press?
Do I have to do anything more.

Cloudrunner 07-15-2005 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by chikkoo

I installed this mod successfully. But nothing is appearing in the Forum Index?
I made it active in the Settings, but still it is not appearing in the Nav Bar.
Where is the button for donors to press?
Do I have to do anything more.

*Points to first post*

Originally Posted by First post in thread
Final words

You will need to add a link somewhere in your navigation system for vBulletin pointing your users to the donations page

IOW, you will need to edit your navbar template to best fit your forum and add the link yourself. I did not modify this template because of the fact that this template is the most hacked up template in most users forum.

Q-v-n-s-Q 07-17-2005 04:28 AM

This is bushyt why do we have to register new account, You're people's dad or mom, they have to re-register to donate ?

Cloudrunner 07-17-2005 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Q-v-n-s-Q
This is bushyt why do we have to register new account, You're people's dad or mom, they have to re-register to donate ?

Um, excuse me, but first off, how about a bit more of an explanation as to what the problem seems to be, in other words what are you talking about?

Secondly, who do you think you are jumping in here with a post like that without an explanation as to what you are talking about?

In response to the question that I am understanding it as pertaining to my hack here, the answer is, no you do not need to register with a site that runs this to donate, unless the site in question is setup to disallow guests. My mod here does not differentiate against guests or registered members for donation purposes, it only differentiates for the recognition of registered members who have donated.

So back to my original question to you; What are you talking about?

Marco van Herwaarden 07-17-2005 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Q-v-n-s-Q
This is bushyt why do we have to register new account, You're people's dad or mom, they have to re-register to donate ?

Could we please communicate like decent people.

Thank you.

Cloudrunner 07-17-2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Could we please communicate like decent people.

Thank you.

Sorry, I'm not normally like that, was in a rotten mood last night and that post just tweeked me wrong. I'll edit my response accordingly.

Neutral Singh 07-18-2005 04:26 AM

Hi Cloudrunner,

Hope you are in good mood now. :) This is just to inform you that your hack is wonderful and really producing the goods for me. Thumbs up for you, dude!

Some of my members have requested that there should be an option to make automated monthly donations. Could i expect you putting your energies in this direction soon... perhaps it can be for vB 3.5.0 version.


chikkoo 07-18-2005 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
*Points to first post*IOW, you will need to edit your navbar template to best fit your forum and add the link yourself. I did not modify this template because of the fact that this template is the most hacked up template in most users forum.

Dear Cloudrunner,

Thank you for spending time to repond me.

I still have no clue on what to do after installing this mod. I can run the "alldoners.php" that has a donate button that calls "donate.php" but no way to donate thru Paypal.

Is there any detailed manual or step-by-step information on this mod available anywhere?

I am a novice newbie, I am really sorry to bother you.

Cloudrunner 07-18-2005 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by chikkoo
Dear Cloudrunner,

Thank you for spending time to repond me.

I still have no clue on what to do after installing this mod. I can run the "alldoners.php" that has a donate button that calls "donate.php" but no way to donate thru Paypal.

Is there any detailed manual or step-by-step information on this mod available anywhere?

I am a novice newbie, I am really sorry to bother you.

It's not a problem boss.

the first post *should* detail what follows, but I'll try to go into more detail here:

after installing, you have a blank slate, kind of like a blank page in a note book...you have to fill it in with your system. This is not a "one size fits all" system, nor do I want it to be. To fill in the page, as it were, there are a few steps to take. The first being adding a goal for your site to achieve via the donations.

To do this simply go into your admincp, and if you installed everything correctly, you will see a submenu on the navigation panel on the left called Paypal Donations. Open that up and the bottom three options are where you want to begin. Add a goal first, this is basically how much you want to make for a specific reason. The input is self explanatory, simply title the goal, give the goal a description, then tell the system how much you want to make via donations.

Next is to add buttons for the users to make their donations through, same navigation panel, just click add new button.

In there you simply title the button, write a brief description as to what the button does, and how much it's worth. Then choose your goal from the drop down. Those are the only required fields. If you leave the amount input blank then the system will allow the user to put in their own amount for the donation, if you put an amount in there, then the system will only use that amount. Simple. The rest of the options should be fairly self explanatory.

Third to do, this is optional, is to add donors who have donated to your site before you installed the mod. Again, it's a basic walkthrough, choose the username, and add an amount. Side note here, if you want that amount to go to a specific goal you need to add it manually to that goal by editing the goal of your choice and then adding it to what's already there. I'm currently working on getting the system to do that for you automatically, but have ran into a small snag in doing that. It will be in the next update.

And that's it. Lemme know if you run into any more snags.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

Cloudrunner 07-18-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Neutral Singh
Hi Cloudrunner,

Hope you are in good mood now. :) This is just to inform you that your hack is wonderful and really producing the goods for me. Thumbs up for you, dude!

Some of my members have requested that there should be an option to make automated monthly donations. Could i expect you putting your energies in this direction soon... perhaps it can be for vB 3.5.0 version.


I've added this to the suggested features list for the mod. Thank you for the idea!

I've suspended work for a little bit for a project for my own site where I'm putting together some videos to show my users the intricacies of the new vB so that they have a basic knowledge of how to use the site. When that is finished, I'll get back on the ball...

And thank you for the kind words.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

Brinnie 07-18-2005 09:42 PM

what is a member wants to keep their donation anonymous?

Cloudrunner 07-18-2005 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Brinnie
what is a member wants to keep their donation anonymous?

That is built in, the user merely needs to edit their usercp -> memberoptions and uncheck the option checkbox for displaying the donation. If they uncheck that box in the useroptions, then the system ignores them in all the recognitions that have been included, including the main donor page, and the postbits, and member pages.

cmiller1014 07-20-2005 10:50 AM

Quick question for you. I like the idea of this system, but is there anyway to manually plug in info for people who donated before I put this system on the site? I would like the people who have donated to get full credit on the donations page.


Cloudrunner 07-20-2005 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by cmiller1014
Quick question for you. I like the idea of this system, but is there anyway to manually plug in info for people who donated before I put this system on the site? I would like the people who have donated to get full credit on the donations page.


It can be done in the AdminCP after installation via the Add Donors link in the Admin NavFrame.

Jenta 07-25-2005 01:38 AM

just installed this and someone sent in a donation but it didnt register
as you can see paypal communicated with the script so IPN is set up properly


Host: notify.paypal.com  /ppverify.php 
  Http Code: 200  Date: Jul 25 09:35:05  Http Version: HTTP/1.0  Size in Bytes: 6807 
  Referer: - 
  Agent: -

any ideas?

Andreas 07-26-2005 06:27 PM

This Hack can be implemented without File Edits in RC1 by using Hook template_groups, so you might want to update it :)

Neutral Singh 07-27-2005 12:25 AM


vBadvanced donation module is not working at all in vB3.5.0 B4. Neither do any new related template are installed. Please sort out the matter as that was a very useful addition.


mholtum 07-27-2005 01:49 AM

Works in RC1.

Have you created a vBadvanced Module for this by chance?

cmiller1014 07-27-2005 04:54 AM

Ohh man! If this could be done with no file edits! I LOVE VB 3.5!

Cloudrunner 07-27-2005 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Neutral Singh

vBadvanced donation module is not working at all in vB3.5.0 B4. Neither do any new related template are installed. Please sort out the matter as that was a very useful addition.


Nice post there neutral...thanks...I'll be working on this again shortly, I've been having real life issues and computer probs the last couple of weeks folks, sorry about that, but life prevails and takes precendence most times...

and to answer the VBACMPS module question, I haven't got that setup done yet, due to the fact that VBACMPS was not yet out when I ported the mod over to 3.5. It will be done though shortly, just give me time to work out my personal life for abit first...

Cloudrunner 07-27-2005 09:58 PM

Excellent, I'll be looking into that this weekend, Thanks Kirb!~

banuchi2 07-28-2005 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
Excellent, I'll be looking into that this weekend, Thanks Kirb!~

Hello Cloudrunner. First of all, thank you so much for creating such a tool. A tool which I just installed and already started bumping up my donations. I run a free site for PA's and it's been getting costly. Just having a donation button doesn't cut it. I'll be sending you a portion of these donations as soon as I finish getting this set up. Thanks. Now, for my question.

1. I'm not sure if I'm missing the point here, but I remember reading that I would need an upgraded paypal account in order for this to work. I have a regular paypal account and it seems to be working just fine. Am I missing something here?

2. Secondly, I don't know how it does that, but it's pretty neat that the amount collected doesn't change until I 'accept' the payment in my paypal account. But, for some reason, all the manual entries never get added to the fund. Is there something I need to do.

3. The Paypal Verified SEAL is not showing. I could have sworn it was there before. I didn't make any changes before it disappeared. The option for the seal is set to YES.


P.S. I'm running this on vBulletin Version 3.5.0 Release Candidate 1

banuchi2 07-28-2005 04:19 PM

Also, while in my admin control panel, when I click on "View all member donors" the icons next to the names are absent and have an X. I went into donation_admin.php and changed some stuff...


$avatarurl = $vboptions['bburl']."/".$user_row['avatarpath'];
$avatarurl = $vboptions['bburl']."/forums/".$user_row['avatarpath'];


$avatarurl = $vboptions['bburl']."/customavatars/avatar".$row['userid']."_".$user_row['avatarrevision'].".gif";
} else {
$avatarurl = $vboptions['bburl']."/image.php?".$session['sessionurl']."u=".$row['userid']."&amp;dateline=".$user_row['avatardateline'];


$avatarurl = $vboptions['bburl']."/forums/customavatars/avatar".$row['userid']."_".$user_row['avatarrevision'].".gif";
} else {
$avatarurl = $vboptions['bburl']."/forums/image.php?".$session['sessionurl']."u=".$row['userid']."&amp;dateline=".$user_row['avatardateline'];

Is this ok to do to get that part working? The file IS located in the forums/admincp directory.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-28-2005 08:29 PM

This would mean that you haven't set your Board URL correct in your vB Options.

banuchi2 07-28-2005 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
This would mean that you haven't set your Board URL correct in your vB Options.

Hmm? I should have thought to look there. But, regardless, I just checked it and the vB options setup is already correct. I've had this site up since 1999 and I would have noticed a problem with that setting by now....I think! But anyways, thanks a lot for your input. My main concern right now is getting the total to be adjusted with those manually added donors. None of their amounts is being added to the total.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-28-2005 08:59 PM

That is very strange, because if your board is installed at www.mydomain/forums, then this is what $vboptions['bburl'] shoudl contain, hence the '/forum' must already be in there. Please note that your bburl setting should not have a trailing slash, and should be set to the full url, including /forums, to your board.

Andreas 07-28-2005 09:14 PM

$vboptions in 3.5 ?

banuchi2 07-28-2005 09:27 PM

Here is a pic of my settings that i've had with no problem before.


Marco van Herwaarden 07-28-2005 09:36 PM

Lool, never noticed that. You see why we need to color code threads in the different vB releases.

banuchi2 07-28-2005 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Lool, never noticed that. You see why we need to color code threads in the different vB releases.

Figured it out...thanks kirby and MarcoH64. Ok, in donation_admin.php, there are references to $vboptions when in fact it should be replaced with "$vbulletin->options" I'm not a programmer, but I'm assuming this is the correction needed. The icons now show. However, if anyone is following this, if they can help me figure out how to get my totals updated from manual donor entries, I'd appreciate. Thanks.

Chris_D 07-30-2005 03:16 PM

I may have done something wrong... I've installed it and it works absolutely great, except I can't see any navigation buttons to the donate.php page. The system works perfectly, looks good, and tested a few via Sandbox but I can't see any way to get to the donation page without editing the templates.

Admittedly, I installed the whole thing just now without editing files, I see references in this thread to editing files and I haven't done so, so is this why it hasn't worked fully and can anyone instruct me on what I've missed? :o

banuchi2 07-30-2005 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
You will need to add a link somewhere in your navigation system for vBulletin pointing your users to the donations page (if you installed the vBadvanced Module then you have a link on the home page, but you might want to add one in the nav bar as well), as well as setting up your paypal account to give IPN responses to you, you can do this in your Paypal Profile under Instant Payment Notification.


"If anyone is following this, if they can help me figure out how to get my totals updated from manual donor entries, I'd appreciate. Thanks."

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