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yoyoyoyo 06-17-2005 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ron1n
Before it had ".$today."', it should have been '".$today."'

Change `start` to `date` - i renamed the column but forgot to update orders.php.

Thanks- that fixed it! :D

$DB_site->query("UPDATE ph_order SET `active`='0' WHERE `active`='1' AND `length` > '0' AND `date`+`length`*86400 < '".$today."'");

GoTTi 06-17-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by mikaelweb
to make grupp off all this templates like vbulletin templates are done

Find in includes/adminfunctions_template.php

'subscription' => $vbphrase['group_paid_subscriptions'],
add under that line

'purchase' => 'products manager',
screenshots of ADMINCP

ron1n, im sure this hack is going to get huge when traffic pics up on it for sites offering things, and youve done a great thing releasing this into the wild.

can you, as time goes on, or if u can select someone, to keep the thread updated with other things added onto this hack like this here, on the first post so we can find the addons and modifications here, or will you be adding all this information and good stuff to the zip when you update it?

Ron1n 06-17-2005 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Da_GoTTi
can you, as time goes on, or if u can select someone, to keep the thread updated with other things added onto this hack like this here, on the first post so we can find the addons and modifications here, or will you be adding all this information and good stuff to the zip when you update it?

I will continue adding them into txt update files until I make a general release. This just make it so ppl dont have to keep uploading new files since the changes are only take about 2 seconds to make.

mikaelweb 06-17-2005 04:24 PM

this is error when testeing to Delete Product
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: query_result() in /home/codersla/public_html/forum/admincp/purchaseadmin.php on line 415

yoyoyoyo 06-17-2005 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by mikaelweb
this is error when testeing to Delete Product
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: query_result() in /home/codersla/public_html/forum/admincp/purchaseadmin.php on line 415

I get the same error when selecting the radio button "confirm delete." When I do not select the radio button and press DELETE I get a message that says "Could not find phrase 'Did Not Confirm Delete'" and when I check the product listings the product is still listed.

Ron1n 06-17-2005 09:35 PM

For some reason vB 3.0.x doesn't have support for query_result or fetch_result, which I use frequently. I just added those two functions into db_mysql.php and i forgot I use them for vBPurchase so i forgot to include them.


Originally Posted by mikaelweb
this is error when testeing to Delete Product
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: query_result() in /home/codersla/public_html/forum/admincp/purchaseadmin.php on line 415

Fixed with fix_list_five.txt


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I get the same error when selecting the radio button "confirm delete." When I do not select the radio button and press DELETE I get a message that says "Could not find phrase 'Did Not Confirm Delete'" and when I check the product listings the product is still listed.

Fixed with fix_list_five.txt

GoTTi 06-18-2005 12:42 AM

got a error when deleting a product.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: query_result() in /home/site/public_html/forum/admincp/purchaseadmin.php on line 415

edit: never mind see the fix.

GoTTi 06-18-2005 01:07 AM

when adding a product with image, my image is not showing up. ideas?

Ron1n 06-18-2005 02:04 AM

not with that info...

can you give me the info your filling out and also the html code produced by that table or a link to the product?

yoyoyoyo 06-18-2005 04:00 AM

I was able to add an image with no problem: just enter the full url to the image, with no html or BB code. I noticed that the size of the image is fixed, and it would be nice to have a setting that would allow you to be able to indicate height and width instead of using a default setting. Also, it seems that the files added to the database and it would be nice to have the option to have them stored via file ftp to the server as well.

BTW, the last fixes seemed to have fixed the deletion error on my end when the CONFIRM radio box is checked, however when I do not select it I get an error that says

Could not find phrase 'Did not Confirm Delete'.

If you are not automatically redirected, please click here.

Processing Complete - Proceed
and I am taken back to the product page, and the product still exists, so that function is still not working.

I also tried adding a few services, however they are not viewable on the products page, just the items.

Are the licenses selectable/editable, or are they all "LIFETIME LICENSES"? I didn't see any options in the LICENSE area.

GoTTi 06-18-2005 07:24 AM

i actually didnt fill out the path to the image. i did the browse and uploaded a image and it says successfully uploaded but shows the red error box.

Ron1n 06-18-2005 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
BTW, the last fixes seemed to have fixed the deletion error on my end when the CONFIRM radio box is checked, however when I do not select it I get an error that says and I am taken back to the product page, and the product still exists, so that function is still not working.

Works fine for me, anyone else having this prblem?


I also tried adding a few services, however they are not viewable on the products page, just the items.
Services are subsets of products, so are licenses. They will show up on the products page, not the main page. They work for me and show up on the correct page. Maybe you forgot to activate it.


Are the licenses selectable/editable, or are they all "LIFETIME LICENSES"? I didn't see any options in the LICENSE area.
Licenses are editable and deletable from the admincp. I'm not sure what your getting at... In terms of length, that is set up when you add the license or when you edit it. They will last X number of days after being purchased and then expire. After they expire, users wont be able to download the product anymore.


Originally Posted by Da_GoTTi
i actually didnt fill out the path to the image. i did the browse and uploaded a image and it says successfully uploaded but shows the red error box.

Um... I didnt include a feature to upload an image. You must be in the wrong thread.

yoyoyoyo 06-18-2005 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Ron1n
Services are subsets of products, so are licenses. They will show up on the products page, not the main page. They work for me and show up on the correct page. Maybe you forgot to activate it.

I didn't have it configured correctly but it is working now as described. thanks

Originally Posted by Ron1n
Licenses are editable and deletable from the admincp. I'm not sure what your getting at...

I had it set at the default of 0 so it came up as lifetime. I changed it to 60 and now it shows 2 months. :D

I checked my edits and I am still getting errors of sorts with the deletion. I check the "confirm delete" button, but am not taken to a confirmation message, and it is deleted. This is not a big deal, since it can be deleted and added - I really don't care about a confirm delete option personally.

Everything else is working as advertised. thanks again.

C.Birch 06-18-2005 08:51 AM

Design Fix:



From the end of the purchase_product_info, purchase_product_order, purchase_product_price templates because it breaks the design.

Also if you set something to free it still takes you to paypal.

Ron1n 06-18-2005 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by C.Birch
Design Fix:



From the end of the purchase_product_info, purchase_product_order, purchase_product_price templates because it breaks the design.

Also if you set something to free it still takes you to paypal.

good call. i cant provide those in fix_list_six right now, but I will deal with them tonight.

mikaelweb 06-18-2005 01:56 PM

here is the Template fix

yoyoyoyo 06-18-2005 02:12 PM

small typo in purchaseadmin.php:

print_cp_header("Mange Products");
should be:

print_cp_header("Manage Products");

Ron1n 06-18-2005 03:59 PM


mikaelweb 06-19-2005 10:12 AM

when you do download at members area you get file but this file will not work you can not unzip this

this files are only name at database and size but no conten to it

GoTTi 06-19-2005 04:29 PM

for my image error, i got confused with something, strike that please.

GoTTi 06-19-2005 04:37 PM

/me hopes for fix 6 today

yoyoyoyo 06-19-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by mikaelweb
when you do download at members area you get file but this file will not work you can not unzip this

this files are only name at database and size but no conten to it

I finally got around to trying to actually purchase something as well, and get the same error.

Ron1n 06-19-2005 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by mikaelweb
this files are only name at database and size but no conten to it

It had the full content it was just being cut off at 64kb.


Also if you set something to free it still takes you to paypal.
I dont plan to fix this... well, maybe I do. I might add another step for if the total price is 0.00 to just download the file.

The rest of the problems noticed were solved.

PixelFx 06-19-2005 09:30 PM

with list six out now, how close is this to a stable release? Generally Speaking, and to install we do everything in your zip then added only stuff in list 6? or is it better to wait for your next version release? And thank you for releasing this :)

Mythotical 06-19-2005 10:00 PM

NVM, got it fixed.

Ron1n, can you give me a list of all phrases that are in this hack so I can add them but just give my own description?

Thank you

axi 06-20-2005 02:21 PM

How far is this from its final and finnished release? I would like to install it when its ready for use on a busy site??

Ron1n 06-20-2005 03:11 PM

It is probably about 1-2 updates away from being final. I will publish it this weekend.

However, can people test out the showcases (testimonials and portfolio) and make sure they are working well?

Also, I would like to make sure everything is working correctly in the member's area.

PixelFx 06-20-2005 05:20 PM

Side question: is there any chance of getting this system to work through the vbulletin subscription system? the reason I ask is my IPN:URL with paypal is already tied up with other commercial script, that script doesn't intergrate with vbulletin.

otherwise it looks awesome

Ron1n 06-21-2005 01:37 PM


$form .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Checkout">';
Place below:

$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="notify_url"

That will get it working with multiple IPN, so you can now remove whatever you had on your paypal account. I didn't notice this before, it was a good catch. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I think I will just build this into the next script, it makes it seem so much easier.

PixelFx 06-21-2005 03:44 PM

no problem :) I had to find something. Tech support was really friendly at paypal.

Question: If I change purchase.php to products.php will it effect the script at all?

Suggestions: ? Does this hack allow you to select a file from location on your server? since the attachment system on php is max 2 megs? and if so are there any restrictions to file size.

Virtuosofriend 06-21-2005 04:27 PM

Nice hack Ronin :)

Ron1n 06-21-2005 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Virtuosofriend
Nice hack Ronin :)

thanks m8

Ron1n 06-21-2005 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by PixelFx
Question: If I change purchase.php to products.php will it effect the script at all?

You need to change *purchase.php* in every template to *products.php* and you need to change the same thing in the products.php page, order.php page, and purchaseadmin.php page if there are any instances of it in those pages. * = ANYTHING, it does not mean a literal *.


Originally Posted by PixelFx
Suggestions: ? Does this hack allow you to select a file from location on your server? since the attachment system on php is max 2 megs? and if so are there any restrictions to file size.

I would change this so that it will allow you to link to a file. However, it wouldnt be secure. Anyone could just share the link. The way vBulletin actually does theres is each user has a unique link plus you have a directory you must log into in order to download. I dont plan to do something like that for this hack because it is just too in depth. I might make it so you can read in a file located on the server and put it into the database, but I might just make it so you have to link. Reading a file into the database would make it more secure, but it would also have some drawbacks if you had some files larger than 12 megs.

Edit: On a second thought, I might just create temporary files on the server so that the link will work for -- say -- 15 minutes, and after that the files will be deleted. That would have a lot of bugs though.

Here are the options, tell me which you would like to see:

- just link to a file (not secure)
- link to a file and read it in (secure, but wastes MYSQL space)
- you link to a file, and when a user downloads the script it creates a temporary file (many probable bugs depending on the user + server)

Madmax4321 06-22-2005 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ron1n

$form .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Checkout">';
Place below:

$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="notify_url"

That will get it working with multiple IPN, so you can now remove whatever you had on your paypal account. I didn't notice this before, it was a good catch. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I think I will just build this into the next script, it makes it seem so much easier.

will adding this allow it to be used alongside paypal donations ??

Ron1n 06-22-2005 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Madmax4321
will adding this allow it to be used alongside paypal donations ??

i'm not sure what you mean by 'alongside paypal donations'... but it shouldnt interfere with any other scripts you have set up

Madmax4321 06-22-2005 08:44 PM

sorry i meant cloudrunners paypal donation hack can they work together with 1 ipn set at paypal ??

Ron1n 06-22-2005 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Madmax4321
sorry i meant cloudrunners paypal donation hack can they work together with 1 ipn set at paypal ??

here you dont have to set any IPN at paypal

PixelFx 06-22-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ron1n
You need to change *purchase.php* in every template to *products.php* and you need to change the same thing in the products.php page, order.php page, and purchaseadmin.php page if there are any instances of it in those pages. * = ANYTHING, it does not mean a literal *.

I would change this so that it will allow you to link to a file. However, it wouldnt be secure. Anyone could just share the link. The way vBulletin actually does theres is each user has a unique link plus you have a directory you must log into in order to download. I dont plan to do something like that for this hack because it is just too in depth. I might make it so you can read in a file located on the server and put it into the database, but I might just make it so you have to link. Reading a file into the database would make it more secure, but it would also have some drawbacks if you had some files larger than 12 megs.

Edit: On a second thought, I might just create temporary files on the server so that the link will work for -- say -- 15 minutes, and after that the files will be deleted. That would have a lot of bugs though.

Here are the options, tell me which you would like to see:

- just link to a file (not secure)
- link to a file and read it in (secure, but wastes MYSQL space)
- you link to a file, and when a user downloads the script it creates a temporary file (many probable bugs depending on the user + server)

I was just thinking, as far as attachment system goes, just to split up download into pieces with winrare or something .. does your system allow for multiple attachments with say one product in this case? just an idea .. (thinking outloud)

PixelFx 06-22-2005 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Madmax4321
sorry i meant cloudrunners paypal donation hack can they work together with 1 ipn set at paypal ??

from what paypal said to me this system makes it possible to bypass and yet still use the ipn system on your paypal account. its just the url is controled in the script rather than punching it into the url location on paypal.

Its accually a much better way and still secure :)

Madmax4321 06-22-2005 10:53 PM

cheers guys that makes life a lot easier ;)

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