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ChrisBaktis 03-29-2005 01:43 PM

I noticed one problem - in the post bit there is a small '_' (which is a link) between award icons.

mtha 03-29-2005 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisBaktis
Got it all working by doing it manually - I was going to ask if a single user can get the same award more then once...that would make this hack everything I needed - well you can - Thanks!

Yes, you can give a award to one user as many times as you want to.


I noticed one problem - in the post bit there is a small '_' (which is a link) between award icons.
Hmm, I didnt use IE. FF displayed fine. Anyway, edit awards_bit template, and remove any line break there. Make sure your awards_bit template look like this:
HTML Code:

<a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$award[userid]#award$award[issue_id]"><img src="$award[award_icon_url]" alt="$award[award_name]: $award[award_desc] - $vbphrase[award_reason]: $award[issue_reason]" border="0" /></a>

ChrisBaktis 03-29-2005 01:57 PM

Thanks for the response.

I changed the post bit code around a bit so it looks like it does in the profile (with 'Awards Showcase') looks and works great.

mtha 03-29-2005 03:21 PM

2005.03.29 - Version 1.0.1c
- Optimize code. Instruction in UPGRADE3.txt (optional)

Open awards_install_files.html and do all the editing again!
Upload new awards.php and /admincp/award.php to your server

If you use BoardMod for automatic file change:
- uninstall the hack (files only)
- copy the new vb3_Yet_Another_Awards_System.mod into the Mod folder
- and reinstall it (files only).

Harry72 03-30-2005 11:11 AM


i run querys in phpmyadmin but i get an error with INSERT Line


INSERT INTO `award_cat` VALUES (1, 'Default', 10);
ERROR: #1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

Thx for help !

Cheers :ermm:

Harry72 03-30-2005 11:43 AM

I run this INSERT Query with


INSERT INTO `award_cat` VALUES (1, 'Default', 10, 0);
Now, it works.


mtha 03-30-2005 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Harry72

i run querys in phpmyadmin but i get an error with INSERT Line


INSERT INTO `award_cat` VALUES (1, 'Default', 10);
ERROR: #1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

Thx for help !

Cheers :ermm:

Seems that you read and run the queries in NOTE.txt? actually that is for my note, I am working on award_categories, so I didnt clean that part of code.


Okay...is the postbit issue resolved in the 1.01 version I see posted?
What is the "postbit issue"? you mean if the awards displayed in postbit? then yes, awards are displayed in postbit.

mtha 03-31-2005 06:07 AM

A new version is coming up with function of award category

You will be able to:
- Create/delete award categories and sub-categories
- Re-order categories in display
- Re-order awards in display
- Move award(s) from one category to another, or un-classified.

If you want to have a taste of it, look at the attachment.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Harry72 03-31-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by mtha
Seems that you read and run the queries in NOTE.txt? actually that is for my note, I am working on award_categories, so I didnt clean that part of code.

Yes, u are right ! :nervous:

Now my tables are right ! Thx. :ermm:

Harry72 03-31-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by mtha
A new version is coming up with function of award category

You will be able to:
- Create/delete award categories and sub-categories
- Re-order categories in display
- Re-order awards in display
- Move award(s) from one category to another, or un-classified.

If you want to have a taste of it, look at the attachment.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Looks very very nice. I want to have it. :nervous:

Koutaru 03-31-2005 04:16 PM

I'll install on my boards when the next version comes out :) since I really need the category feature. Looks pretty :3

mtha 04-01-2005 02:01 AM

and here are some more screenshots, I need to go now, so the next release will be sometime later tonight or tomorrow :)

keep the thread hot guys.

Harry72 04-01-2005 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by mtha

That`s great. I love it. :nervous:

mahdiyat` 04-01-2005 04:47 AM


thanks alot i installed it and working fine on vb 3.0.7


dssart 04-01-2005 09:20 AM

Looks great so far mtha..are there any other features you are considering adding for the next release? you've come a long way in a short amount of time..

Polo 04-01-2005 12:14 PM

congratulations is looks really good :)

mtha 04-01-2005 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by dssart
Looks great so far mtha..are there any other features you are considering adding for the next release? you've come a long way in a short amount of time..

No, not for right now, you guys can suggest some

there're some other features like

- Allow members to comment awards given (Idea by Arial)
- Allow member to request awards (maybe)

but I will hold off for a while. If you guys can think of anything interesting, please add to the list.

moley 04-01-2005 06:30 PM

Not sure if i'm the only one getting this but my awards display fine in hybrid and threaded mode but in liner they dont show at all?

mtha 04-01-2005 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by moley
Not sure if i'm the only one getting this but my awards display fine in hybrid and threaded mode but in liner they dont show at all?

Download the zip file again
make sure you have the correct changes in showthread.php

or you can wait until the next release and do it :D

fuse3k 04-02-2005 02:37 AM

Thank you very much for this Award hack. This will come in handy.

I need a quick hand though; I received this SQL error in the Admin CP after I added an award:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
                        SELECT *
                        FROM forumsaward_user
                        WHERE award_user.award_id=1
mysql error: Unknown table 'award_user' in where clause

mysql error number: 1109

Date: Friday 01st of April 2005 11:25:56 PM
Script: http://forum.tampaimports.com/admincp/award.php?do=awardusers&award_id=1
Referer: http://forum.tampaimports.com/admincp/award.php
Username: Brian
IP Address: 65.xxx.xxx.xxx

I've checked the database. 'award_user' is there...any suggestions? TIA

mtha 04-02-2005 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by fuse3k
Thank you very much for this Award hack. This will come in handy.

I need a quick hand though; I received this SQL error in the Admin CP after I added an award:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
                        SELECT *
                        FROM forumsaward_user
                        WHERE award_user.award_id=1
mysql error: Unknown table 'award_user' in where clause

It was the prefix problem.
Upload this file into your admincp.php and you will be fine.

moley 04-02-2005 06:46 PM

hehehe i missed one edit. thanks it fixed now.

Found an error. If you put anything like ' in the issue reason it gives you a database error

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:
 Invalid SQL:
                INSERT INTO award_user
                (award_id, userid, issue_reason, issue_time)
                                VALUES ( '1', '2', 'He's', 1112474351)
 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's', 1112474351)' at line
 mysql error number: 1064

mtha 04-02-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by moley
Found an error. If you put anything like ' in the issue reason it gives you a database error

Thanks moley, I missed adding slashed at one query :D

fixed in my code and releasing a new version in few hours

idea: send PM/email to member when he/she got award :D

Koutaru 04-03-2005 02:27 AM

Yes that's actually a great idea too :) Can't wait for the new release (I've been trying to check every day ;))

mtha 04-03-2005 08:31 AM

YAAS 1.1 is AVAILABLE, please check the first post for more information

Hack Version: 1.1.050402

2005.04.03 - Version 1.1
- Can Create/Edit/Remove/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description)
- Can Move one (or all) award from one category to another, or set it un-classified (not displayed in the list in public site)
- Can re-order awards (in ACP)

Read README.txt and follow instructions

trulylowcarb 04-03-2005 10:03 AM

i think I got it first! :D
Seems to be working first try too, (hacked up vb3.07 and cmps1.1 with Gallery)
Now I just need to figure out how to set up award icons and add images and all that...
THANK YOU! Your installer is sweee-eeeet. ^5 "HacNho", which really cracked me up.

trulylowcarb 04-03-2005 10:27 AM

Hmmmm. It IS 430 am here, ....Your hack install instruction is excellent but I haven't a clue how to use this wonderful mod now that it is in there (if it is in there correctly?)

Never mind, I was just being 430 stupid. {Hate that .. but if I hadn't embarrassed myself asking I probably wouldn't have found it, LOL}

trulylowcarb 04-03-2005 10:42 AM

I did find a legitimate oops for you though, an easy one I am sure. There seems to a duplicate column for Award Icon on the main awards page, as shown here.

Harry72 04-03-2005 11:16 AM

Yes, i found this too.

Go to awards_category template and than search for this:

<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[award_icon]</td>
<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[award_icon]</td>
<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[award_name] /

and replace that with

<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[award_icon]</td>
<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[award_image]</td>
<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[award_name] /


mtha 04-03-2005 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by trulylowcarb
I did find a legitimate oops for you though, an easy one I am sure. There seems to a duplicate column for Award Icon on the main awards page, as shown here.

:) oops, sorry, it was 4:30 my time too, I grap the wrong template, used it before adding phrases :D The installer was updated with the fix.

make the changes as Harry says, and you will be fine.

For those who see two "Award Icon" columns in the show awards page (/awards.php), please apply Harry's fix above.

If you have a fresh install, you can also run uninstall and re-install script. No file change.

Harry, would you click Install button please :) Thanks

Harry72 04-03-2005 06:29 PM

Ups, sorry - klicked it. :nervous:

mtha 04-03-2005 06:46 PM

Quick fix in showthead.php so that all awards icon will be displayed instead of one (if someone have the same award many times), and optimize the code in that part

Read the attached file or it it's hard to understand, download the zip file again, and open the awards_install_file.html, do the part for showthread.php

mtha 04-03-2005 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by trulylowcarb
Hmmmm. It IS 430 am here, ....Your hack install instruction is excellent but I haven't a clue how to use this wonderful mod now that it is in there (if it is in there correctly?)

Never mind, I was just being 430 stupid. {Hate that .. but if I hadn't embarrassed myself asking I probably wouldn't have found it, LOL}

How to use:

- Find some good award icons and images (some example are given in medals.zip) and upload to your server (or anywhere online)
- Go to ACP/Award Manager, Add award, give it name/description, and URL (full path) to your award icon and image

Now you can go to Award Management, and click "Manage".
In there, you can give award to some user

mtha 04-03-2005 11:33 PM

Check out the YAAS Manual on the download link :D

trulylowcarb 04-04-2005 01:55 AM

I have been playing with it all day! Thanks so much. I just had to poke around, some and apparentlyI missed the manual completely. [blush]

Idea: Displaingy the medals on the member list? woudl be tres cool!

mtha 04-04-2005 07:23 AM

2005.04.04 - Version 1.1c
- Fix award_cat.php to delete infomation in award_user table when you delete category and awards in the category.
+ replace award_cat.php with the same attached file./

Arial 04-04-2005 09:22 AM

Ok all installed as you know mtha
Example for people to see


Please note we have made some minor changes to ours, including

a] Removing small icon (for postbit) from the main awards page
b] Adding 'more medal info' link under medals in postbit.

Donation made , thanks for your help and a great hack Mtha.

mtha 04-05-2005 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by trulylowcarb
Idea: Displaingy the medals on the member list? woudl be tres cool!

Add-on: Display awards in memberlist

Note: right now, I will add this as a add-on. Add to main hack later.

(file expired. added to the hack)

mtha 04-05-2005 04:45 AM

Just for demonstration

limit number of awards show in postbit
added total awards and a link to profile

... seems like it's too quiet here. like not many people want to share awards hah :>

Harry72 04-05-2005 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by mtha
Just for demonstration

limit number of awards show in postbit
added total awards and a link to profile

... seems like it's too quiet here. like not many people want to share awards hah :>

Good work. I like this hack very much.

Harry :nervous:

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