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Logician 02-19-2005 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by neocorteqz
quick question on conditionals.

Please check help webtemplate, details are there.

neocorteqz 02-19-2005 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Logician
Please check help webtemplate, details are there.


Agester 02-19-2005 11:30 PM

woot!!! going to install very soon, thanks logician :D

T3MEDIA 02-23-2005 08:02 PM

why did you use your own conditionals? I am just curious.
Do you have a complete list? (Just in case you get busy or not arround) EVERYONE knows only a few people on vb actually help so I would like to do work even if your not arround.

a full list with quick simple examples would be awsome.
Like your dynamic pop up. There were some hidden gems you gave users. I wouldnt have know them if you didnt show them in the thread.


Logician 02-24-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
why did you use your own conditionals? I am just curious.

Because although most of you met with this hack recently due to this new 3.x version, webtemplates hack is pretty old whose roots go back to March 2002.

My conditional syntax is first introduced in this first version of webtemplates and then I used the same context in many of my other hacks. At this time, there was no VB3 and vbulletin had no conditional concept. In other words my conditional syntax and concept is older than that of vb3.

To maintain backward compatibility, I keep supporting my syntax in my own hacks, besides I find it easier to use.


a full list with quick simple examples would be awsome.
Like your dynamic pop up. There were some hidden gems you gave users. I wouldnt have know them if you didnt show them in the thread.
My conditional syntax is same in all my hacks so Dynamic Forum Home Announcement conditionals are fully compatible with webtemplates or vice versa. Hence you can use these samples in webtemplates.

T3MEDIA 02-25-2005 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Logician
Because although most of you met with this hack recently due to this new 3.x version, webtemplates hack is pretty old whose roots go back to March 2002.

My conditional syntax is first introduced in this first version of webtemplates and then I used the same context in many of my other hacks. At this time, there was no VB3 and vbulletin had no conditional concept. In other words my conditional syntax and concept is older than that of vb3.

To maintain backward compatibility, I keep supporting my syntax in my own hacks, besides I find it easier to use.

My conditional syntax is same in all my hacks so Dynamic Forum Home Announcement conditionals are fully compatible with webtemplates or vice versa. Hence you can use these samples in webtemplates.

yes but they dont have a full list.
Is there a list to go by?

jluerken 02-25-2005 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
yes but they dont have a full list.
Is there a list to go by?

I would also like to see a list of condition examples.
I don't think that Jelsoft has one so maybe we can collect some here?

Logician 02-25-2005 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
yes but they dont have a full list.
Is there a list to go by?

Full list of what exactly? The conditionals that you can build up is endless, they can not be restricted to a list. If you are looking for samples of this endless list (generally most used), you can find them in the hack threads of my relevant hacks (Webtemplates 2.x for vb2.x, Advanced Templates w/Conditionals hack for vb2.x, Dynamic Forum Home Announcement hack for vb2.x, Dynamic Forum Home Announcement hack for vb3.x)

Besides the conditionals you can use with this hack is not much different than the default conditionals of vb3. It is just the syntax that matters. So Vb 3 syntax is:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]==1">
if userid is 1, show this

my syntax is:

if userid is 1, show this

as you can see the conditional here is same ($bbuserinfo[userid]==1), it is just the syntax that differs.

Agester 02-27-2005 01:29 AM

Worked great first time around on install! Great work man! Just a few modifications on colors for text and background to match my site, but it works awesome! Thanks!

lucabosurgi 03-01-2005 02:18 PM

I just installed the February version of the hack on 3.0.7,
but I can find the sentences indicated in the optional php modifications.
Any one can help?

Logician 03-01-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by lucabosurgi
I just installed the February version of the hack on 3.0.7,
but I can find the sentences indicated in the optional php modifications.
Any one can help?

There are 3 optional steps. In which of them you have the problem?

lucabosurgi 03-01-2005 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Logician
There are 3 optional steps. In which of them you have the problem?

In the first 2, the following codes are not in this files:
Thank you

1- admin/index.php


For this edit online.php

1- find

2- find:
global $thread, $post, $forum, $event, $gotforum, $hideprivateforums, $bbuserinfo, $timeformat, $displayemails, $enablepms, $bbtitle, $usergroupdef, $numberguests;

2- find
// Let's show the admin the location but put something false up for everyone else..
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) {
$userinfo[location] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(replacesession($user info[location])));
$userinfo[where] = "<b>Unknown Location:</b> <a href=\"$userinfo[location]\">$userinfo[location]</a>";
} else {
// We were unable to parse the location
$userinfo[where] = "$bbtitle <a href='index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Main Index</a>";
$userinfo[time] = vbdate($timeformat,$userinfo[lastactivity]);

Logician 03-01-2005 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by lucabosurgi
In the first 2, the following codes are not in this files:
Thank you

I think you have a big confusion somewhere. The code you quoted is not from this version of the hack but it is from Webtemplates v2.x hack. If you are installing the 3.x version, please redownload the instructions from this thread and apply only this instructions to your board. Do not download or apply ver2.x instructions, it is for vbulletin 2.x boards!

lucabosurgi 03-01-2005 05:06 PM

This make more sense, thank you.
I already ran the SQL query with the old file, I will redo it with the new sql file and I shall be done :)

BigIke 03-02-2005 01:40 AM

let me just say, awesome hack dude... i cant tell you enough how much this helps me

lucabosurgi 03-02-2005 09:48 AM

This is superb, thank you!!! Work beautifully!!!!
It is the hack I desperately needed to finish my integration.
I will be up next week at www.fmag.net.

lucabosurgi 03-02-2005 02:34 PM

I have an annoying problem, when I reload the page created with webpage I loose the username and password in the log-in window...

Welcome page and chat are created with this great hack

Please help...

lucabosurgi 03-02-2005 04:11 PM

I found the problem, it is NOT the hack.

Maybe some one can help me, I'm calling a page created with webpage from an external flash button in a different div/iframe with:

getURL("http://fmagazine.com/forum/view.php?pg=chat_template$session[sessionurl]", "forum");

This don't find the url

If instead I use:

getURL("http://fmagazine.com/forum/view.php?pg=chat_template", "forum");

I get the page but I loose the user name.

Please help

JAYEMULE 03-03-2005 01:03 PM

This sounds very interesting though I am wondering. Since I am still new at this would it be easy for me to use ? User friendly level would ? I will put on my test board and prctice first ;) Looks very useful.

Logician 03-03-2005 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by JAYEMULE
This sounds very interesting though I am wondering. Since I am still new at this would it be easy for me to use ? User friendly level would ? I will put on my test board and prctice first ;) Looks very useful.

I guess FAQ item 2 answers your question.

BTW no, this hack is not even half interesting in comparison to your site's subject. :)

T3MEDIA 03-04-2005 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Logician
Full list of what exactly? The conditionals that you can build up is endless, they can not be restricted to a list. If you are looking for samples of this endless list (generally most used), you can find them in the hack threads of my relevant hacks (Webtemplates 2.x for vb2.x, Advanced Templates w/Conditionals hack for vb2.x, Dynamic Forum Home Announcement hack for vb2.x, Dynamic Forum Home Announcement hack for vb3.x)

Besides the conditionals you can use with this hack is not much different than the default conditionals of vb3. It is just the syntax that matters. So Vb 3 syntax is:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]==1">
if userid is 1, show this

my syntax is:

if userid is 1, show this

as you can see the conditional here is same ($bbuserinfo[userid]==1), it is just the syntax that differs.

Well I guess your pop up hack was nice becuase it had so many conditional examples. I thought you would make a full text list so users could move forward.

T3MEDIA 03-04-2005 05:50 PM

you think you can show me log... how to make a random 5 users picture page with this? I wouldnt know how to begin.
I was looking for something like this. http://myspace.com/
hit refresh the cool new people change.

Paolino_Preach 03-06-2005 12:37 PM

I'm getting this when I run the query. I tried both options of copy/paste, and browsing for the file.


SQL-query :

* -

MySQL said:

You have an error in your SQL syntax near '--' at line 1


neocorteqz 03-14-2005 07:35 AM

I added a custom template conditional per this Thread.
and when trying to use it with webtemplates, it's showing the actual code in the page instead of parsing the code.

I have enabled conditionals in the template.


That is the conditional I'm trying to use.
I've tried is_browser and I know that works correctly, is there any reason the custom template conditional I made will not work with this mod?

I've even tried adding it to /adminCP/webtemplate.php;

PHP Code:


But of course it cannot redeclare is_os(), because it's already in functions.php


Logician 03-14-2005 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by neocorteqz
I added a custom template conditional per this Thread.
and when trying to use it with webtemplates, it's showing the actual code in

That is the conditional I'm trying to use.

Your conditional syntax is wrong. It should be



T3MEDIA 03-14-2005 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
you think you can show me log... how to make a random 5 users picture page with this? I wouldnt know how to begin.
I was looking for something like this. http://myspace.com/
hit refresh the cool new people change.


EH-Jay 03-14-2005 03:28 PM

You should add this onto it Logician :)



if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))

Above this add
construct_nav_option("Content Webpage", 'webtemplate.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Content Web Query", 'webquery.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Content Management", '<hr />');

Just makes it easier to get too ;)

EH-Jay 03-14-2005 03:29 PM

btw installed the hack, 100% perfect. awesome work :)

Logician 03-14-2005 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by EH-Jay
You should add this onto it Logician :)



if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))

Above this add
construct_nav_option("Content Webpage", 'webtemplate.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Content Web Query", 'webquery.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Content Management", '<hr />');

Just makes it easier to get too ;)

Already there, isn't it? Optional step 1 ^^

neocorteqz 03-14-2005 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Logician
Your conditional syntax is wrong. It should be



Thanks. :o

EH-Jay 03-14-2005 07:07 PM

If it is, I didn't see it! lol mb.

EH-Jay 03-18-2005 11:53 PM

Ok I actually toyed around with it a little and got this when putting in my header and footer into the header/footer templates that were already there:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/view.php(617) : eval()'d code on line 20

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/view.php(623) : eval()'d code on line 23

whats up with that? Any help?


Viks 03-19-2005 12:51 AM

Hi Logican and others,

I happen to come across this hack only sometime back. I installed it and from the looks of it the mod is simply superb. I am yet to exploit it fully but am wondering if you have used this mod on your forums then please post the URL here for others to see what can be done to make a good use of such a mod.

I am thinking of making a section for Vendors on my board and maybe I can use it for that.


neocorteqz 03-19-2005 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by EH-Jay
Ok I actually toyed around with it a little and got this when putting in my header and footer into the header/footer templates that were already there:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/view.php(617) : eval()'d code on line 20

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/view.php(623) : eval()'d code on line 23

whats up with that? Any help?


Did you add a conditional? or some code?

Logician 03-19-2005 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by EH-Jay
Ok I actually toyed around with it a little and got this when putting in my header and footer into the header/footer templates that were already there:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/view.php(617) : eval()'d code on line 20

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/view.php(623) : eval()'d code on line 23

whats up with that? Any help?


Make sure you don't use headers/footers with PHP parsed webtemplates.

EH-Jay 03-20-2005 12:40 AM

So do I have to create my own header/footer pages? I used the coding that is in my header and footer for my forum. I don't get the error =/

Logician 03-20-2005 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by EH-Jay
So do I have to create my own header/footer pages? I used the coding that is in my header and footer for my forum. I don't get the error =/

I don't get your problem exactly. All I'm saying is that IF your webtemplate is "PHP parsed" you can NOT include any header and footer in it, otherwise you'd get PARSE error. (This is also stated in help document). Headers and footers are for "TEXT" or "HTML" parsed webtemplates.

If your webtemplate is already TEXT or HTML parsed but you still get an parse error, then paste the content of your header and webtemplate that gives the error and I'll check.

Logician 03-20-2005 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Viks
I happen to come across this hack only sometime back. I installed it and from the looks of it the mod is simply superb. I am yet to exploit it fully but am wondering if you have used this mod on your forums then please post the URL here for others to see what can be done to make a good use of such a mod.

Tip : Type "Logician webtemplates 3.01" in google. ;)

m0nde 03-20-2005 07:14 PM

Will this hack conflict with my vBadvanced installation? Or will it simply offer more features alongside that hack?
I'm using that at the moment and it is sufficient as a CMS addon to vBulletin, but I'm looking for more features.

I have another site where I use XOOPS, a freeware CMS system, but the forum options in that package are nowhere as bug-free, or feature-rich as vBulletin.

I'm looking for something that's a happy medium between XOOPS and vBulletin.

My sites are ScALR Network Solutions and BostonLove

- Sid

DanCan 03-20-2005 07:23 PM

I got this error after running the MySQL queries:

Invalid SQL: SELECT wtid,title,pagecount,category,doaction,draft,forpa id,template FROM wt2_templates WHERE headerfooter=0 ORDER BY category DESC, title ASC
mysql error: Table 'database.wt2_templates' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Since MySQL is integrated in my cpanel, I had to cut and paste the query. I pasted everything, including the beginning of the query:


-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.6.1
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Feb 14, 2005 at 10:46 PM
-- Server version: 4.1.8
-- PHP Version: 4.3.1
-- Database: `306`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `wt2_queries`
-- etc. etc.
I am not familar with mysql queries. Do I have to select any fieldnames, or do I simply paste them in the database box (this is what I did)?

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