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uae 02-25-2005 01:07 PM

Whenever I click on upload file, I get a blank page!

MiskaTorn 02-25-2005 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by loneranger
you will need to go into the admincp and add your usergroup, in admincp there is a section called 'Image Hosting' select add usergroup then add your information

I've already done this and still get white pages :(

I am trying to figure it out myself, but I can't seem to, not so smart :o

Elfo King 02-26-2005 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by MiskaTorn
I've already done this and still get white pages :(

I am trying to figure it out myself, but I can't seem to, not so smart :o

Correct the link in /admincp/index.php to this:

// ############################## IMAGE HOSTING HACK #############################
construct_nav_option('Edit Usergroup Premissions', 'img_host.php?do=view', '|');
construct_nav_option('Add Usergroup Premissions', 'img_host.php?do=add');
construct_nav_group('Image Hosting', '<hr />');
// ########################### END OF IMAGE HOSTING HACK ########################

Elfo King 02-26-2005 11:04 PM

loneranger pls contact me at ICQ 137659377, i have a lot of correction and problem.
1)white page after uploading..
2)no rule to access to file hosted_images.php....
3)modify the management of usergroup id (not easy 1 for 1 ...i have 35/40 usergroup....i need to manage simple and fast )

I wait u :-P

loneranger 02-27-2005 11:01 AM

hi i have added you to my icq list just wait till your online i will see what i can do in the mean time

Xtrm2Matt 02-27-2005 03:34 PM

Hi there,

Nice plugin. I've installed it but it doesn't.. work..

a) I cannot install the template mods as it doesn't tell me where to do this, I just get this nice juicy error:

Warning: halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in \dir\forums\includes\db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: halt(): Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;./includes;./pear') in \dir\forums\includes\db_mysql.php on line 389

b) I manually edited admin cp with the post you posted up there ( ---^^ ) and it's wrong. It should be:

// ############################## IMAGE HOSTING HACK #############################
construct_nav_option('Edit Usergroup Premissions', 'img_host.php?do=view', '|');
construct_nav_option('Add Usergroup Premissions', 'img_host.php?do=add');
construct_nav_group('Image Hosting', '<hr />');
// ########################### END OF IMAGE HOSTING HACK ########################

Also, where is the stuff for Watermarking etc? I don't see it.

:: edit ::

Just tested uploading. The files are not uploading and it just gives a white page.

loneranger 02-27-2005 03:52 PM

hi can you give me your web address and i will have a look also if i can have admin priviliges as there seems to be a couple of ppl getting this error and i have yet recieved this error on my server

MiskaTorn 02-28-2005 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Elfo King
Correct the link in /admincp/index.php to this:

I've tried all this and nothing worked, still white page on submit.

loneranger 02-28-2005 08:18 PM

those getting error can you please post some information about your server type of OS version GD install and other hacks

Thanks i will try and resolve this error asap

MiskaTorn 02-28-2005 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by loneranger
those getting error can you please post some information about your server type of OS version GD install and other hacks

Thanks i will try and resolve this error asap

Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)
PHP Version 4.3.10
GD bundled (2.0.28 compatible)

Other hacks include
xIRC Chat

loneranger 03-01-2005 07:25 PM

have you all tried a clean install removing all the phrases

what version of vbulletin are you using plz try a 3.07 to keep the same as my server as can't find a fault

MiskaTorn 03-01-2005 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by loneranger
have you all tried a clean install removing all the phrases

what version of vbulletin are you using plz try a 3.07 to keep the same as my server as can't find a fault

Yeah I used 3.0.7.

Also I had a lot of troubles during the install, also during the uninstall, the file edits did not work. So I manually uninstalled everything the reinstalled it manually. I opened the files and figured out the queries, I am going to try to do another clean install and see if I can come up with any solutions, I will let you know.

MiskaTorn 03-01-2005 09:05 PM

You missed uninstall groups in your uninstall query.

Also, I redownloaded and uploaded, and installed...I still run into the same exact problem. User groups are set correctly too.

MiskaTorn 03-01-2005 09:12 PM

I found an error.

In index.php you have it looking for template_mods.php instead of template.php

Change: install\hacks\image_hosting\12\index.php

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == "genreadme") {
        if ($_REQUEST['upgrade'] != 1) {
        } else {


if ($_REQUEST['do'] == "genreadme") {
        if ($_REQUEST['upgrade'] != 1) {
        } else {

Also for correct unsinstall
Change: install\hacks\image_hosting\12\uninstall_queries.p hp


// Queries

$query['uninstall'][] = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'language DROP phrasegroup_imghost';

$query['uninstall'][] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid=956';

$query['uninstall'][] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.TABLE_PREFIX.'hosted';




// Queries

$query['uninstall'][] = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'language DROP phrasegroup_imghost';

$query['uninstall'][] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid=956';

$query['uninstall'][] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.TABLE_PREFIX.'hosted';

$query['uninstall'][] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.TABLE_PREFIX.'groups';


Also in the filemod it has you look for though if you make this file mod it will pull a parse error because of the $ sign in there.
'subscription' => vbphrase['group_paid_subscriptions'],

which should be
'subscription' => $vbphrase['group_paid_subscriptions'],

bamaster 03-02-2005 01:28 AM

I too am getting an error installing this.

It happens after I click the DONE button on the page that "Rebuild Style Information".

Warning: halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/forum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: halt(): Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /path/forum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

I'm running 3.0.7
RedHat Linux 2.4.21-15.0.3.ELsmp
MySQL 3.23.58
GD 2.0.12


loneranger 03-02-2005 04:53 AM

ok i have noticed there is some errors with the installation process i will re-write this part and send you all the files hopefully i will be able to solve some problems

MiskaTorn 03-02-2005 01:44 PM

I could be wrong, but in image_host.php on line 144 aren't you missing a close bracket?

loneranger 03-02-2005 02:07 PM

right think i have sorted it if a couple of you can test it and let me know thanks

this file should fix the problem with the blank screen when attempting to upload images

try this now

MiskaTorn 03-02-2005 02:11 PM

Almost :)

Warning: getimagesize(home/doyouwa/public_html/bbb/hosted_images/1.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /image_host.php on line 196
unable to get image size

Also I think you need to remove the / in the $dir/ in that copy

//upload image if all correct
        @copy($_FILES['img'][tmp_name], "$dir/".$_FILES['img']['name']) ;

//check the image size delete if too big and print error
        if(!$size = getimagesize($dir .$host_filename)) die('unable to get image size');

MiskaTorn 03-02-2005 02:39 PM

My uploading is now working.

After doing the edit above, removing the / from the $dir/

In the admin panel where it has

Upload Directory
The full local path to the upload directory eg. home/user/www/forum/hosted_images

Change that to
The full local path to the upload directory eg. /home/user/www/forum/hosted_images/

loneranger 03-02-2005 02:43 PM

ok i will update this version and get all problems sorted! thanks everyone for you help any suggestions on improvements

MiskaTorn 03-02-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by loneranger
ok i will update this version and get all problems sorted! thanks everyone for you help any suggestions on improvements

I know I am a pain to you, but I am just trying to help out.

When I view images, it doesn't show the images.

It is pointing to my

/bbb/hosted_images/ directory when it should be pointing to just hosted_images/


MiskaTorn 03-02-2005 02:56 PM

In the admincp

The web address of upload images
Set this to the directory where images are stored eg. /forum/hosted_images/ (remember the / at the end)

Should be changed to

The web address of upload images
Set this to the directory where images are stored eg. /hosted_images/ (remember the / at the end)

Also where the image is called to show in the image viewr it should have the full path to the image as it's not showing up now.

One more thing, you link at the bottom is not correct to goto your website.

loneranger 03-02-2005 02:58 PM

i have now updated the download so you can download and update your systems enjoy and let me know of any suggestions on updates

loneranger 03-02-2005 03:01 PM

yes just noticed that is a problem with the phrase that is also sorted in the new files

MiskaTorn 03-02-2005 03:57 PM

Now this script works 100% for me, here is a list of changes I made.

Ok, I have made some more changes to make this work correctly.

This will make the install pull the template file correctly
In install\hacks\image_hosting\12\index.php line 93 and 109


This will display the image correctly when the viewer views the image they uploaded.
In install\hacks\image_hosting\12\templates.php line 139

  <td class="alt1" colspan="2" valign="middle" align="center"><img src="$images[i_image]" width="" height="" alt="$images[i_name]" /></td>

<td class="alt1" colspan="2" valign="middle" align="center"><img src="$images[i_image]" alt="$images[i_name]" /></td>
This will display the correct example for the path to enter.
In install\hacks\image_hosting\12\settings.php line 17

$setting['host_upload_dir']['descphrase'] = 'The full local path to the upload directory eg. home/user/www/forum/hosted_images/ DO NOT FORGET THE TRAILING SLASH';

$setting['host_upload_dir']['descphrase'] = 'The full local path to the upload directory eg. /home/user/www/forum/hosted_images/ DO NOT FORGET THE TRAILING SLASH';
Also on line 26 change

$setting['host_url']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the directory where images are stored eg. /forum/hosted_images/ (remember the / at the end)';

$setting['host_url']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the directory where images are stored eg. /hosted_images/ (remember the / at the end)';
This will entire the entire URL to the image into the database.
In image_host.php change line 136

$imgurl = $vboptions['host_url'] . $_FILES['img']['name'];

$imgurl = $vboptions['bburl'] . $vboptions['host_url'] . $_FILES['img']['name'];

pxtek 03-02-2005 10:04 PM

when i upload images are not showing in the gallery?

MiskaTorn 03-03-2005 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by pxtek
when i upload images are not showing in the gallery?

Follow my directione above, it will change the paths when the images get uploaded that go in the database and display them correctly.

Xtrato 03-04-2005 12:01 AM

hm.. i've tried most of what has been said, yet i seem to be getting the same error when clicking done after the templates...

PHP Code:

Warningmain(./upgrade_queries.php): failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /index.php on line 49

Fatal error
main(): Failed opening required './upgrade_queries.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php'in /home/strato/public_html/main/forums/install/hacks/image_hosting/12/index.php on line 49 

loneranger 03-04-2005 04:49 AM

try uninstalling imagehosting then do a full install unless you have got alot of images hosted then i will have to send you the upgrade queries php file

Xtrato 03-04-2005 01:17 PM

uninstall wont work ether, the tables are not deleted, I also go to myphpadmin, and remove the manually, but i still have the same problem.

.Tim 03-06-2005 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by bamaster
I too am getting an error installing this.

It happens after I click the DONE button on the page that "Rebuild Style Information".

Warning: halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/forum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: halt(): Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /path/forum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

I'm having the same problem.

loneranger 03-06-2005 10:31 AM

ok, are you upgrading image hosting or fresh install?

.Tim 03-06-2005 06:01 PM


Scerina 03-06-2005 06:51 PM

I installed this script and when I go to the uploader I cant upload nor can I view galleries cuz I have no permissions...where do I edit permissions? I dont see the section to edit permissions in Usergroup Manager for each usergroup...am i missin something?

MiskaTorn 03-06-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Scerina
I installed this script and when I go to the uploader I cant upload nor can I view galleries cuz I have no permissions...where do I edit permissions? I dont see the section to edit permissions in Usergroup Manager for each usergroup...am i missin something?

Did you make the changes to the index.php file in the admincp directory?

If you did there would be a menu on the left side called "Image Hosting"

Scerina 03-06-2005 08:45 PM

No, I wzn't aware of such changes...what are they? Can you tell me so I can fix it???

Scerina 03-06-2005 08:46 PM

Here are the instructions:

What Does it Do?
This script will allow your users to upload images onto your server and use them in forums and other sites. You can limit how many images a person can upload and how big the files can be. There is also a watermark feature which will allow you to watermark upload images with any text you want.

- Admin cp settings
- Limit Filetypes
- Limit File size
- Limit What usergroups can upload
- Add Watermark to JPEG's (Removed)
- View uploaded images
- View Forum image code(NEW!!!!)
- Installer
- Admins can select different limits for different usergroups(NEW!!!)
- New improve style
- More....

I have used the Hack Installer System to make it easier for the end use to upload to their site

Live Demos
2. Pm me with your site

I will fully support this project and will fix and bugs or gliches in the script. I also offer a installation process for anyone who needs it.

This project takes alot of my time and so will the updates to come i would appricate any donation thought paypal email:martinj.porter@btinternet.com, Thanks

Future Features
- Moderate uploads
- Different Limits for users and usergroups (Compeleted)
- User Gallery for uploaded images
- Stats (in Progress)

Bugs Fixed
1. Templates should be to the default vbstyle
2. Can't get image size fixed (hopefully)

Hope you enjoy

1. copy all files to your forum directory keeping the folder structure.
2. run http://www.yoursite/forum/install/hack_install.php
3. follow prompts when finished there are a couple of file mods you need to do
4. Just add links in your nav bar to:
image_host.php?do=uploader (this is the uploader)
image_host.php?do=images (this is the gallery of the users images)
5. All compelte please donate and i will keep the updates coming
thanks again
loneranger @ www.sig-mania.co.uk

I didn't see any Admincp/Index.php file edits...what are they?

MiskaTorn 03-07-2005 02:37 PM

2. run http://www.yoursite/forum/install/hack_install.php

When you run that installer there will be a section in there and it'l give you the changes you need to make to two files.

amphicar770 03-07-2005 09:06 PM


// Phrases
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /his_files/hack_creator_b2.php on line 202
Warning: halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/amphicar/public_html/amphicarforum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: halt(): Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home2/amphicar/public_html/amphicarforum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT varname, text FROM phrase WHERE varname IN () ORDER BY languageid DESC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY languageid DESC' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

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