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Andrew 12-05-2004 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by miz
sorry for late with answer i will rls v2.0.1 which will be bug fix of avatars problem, spelling and session problem
if you have few more problems please tell me...

Cheers miz - I didn't expect a fix for it that quick. Great hack by the way !!

[high]* Andrew clicks install again.[/high]

Hades-1 12-05-2004 10:16 PM

another problem is you cant view member.php as guest or you get a database error

this caused because guest has no team id

can you provide a fix?

mtha 12-06-2004 03:45 AM

last step:

in profile.php




// team hack
if ($options['removeme'] = 1 ) {

SET teamid='0',teamadmin='0'
WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'


however, there're alot of places has


where should I add the code?

SilentK 12-06-2004 02:42 PM

I don't think it matters. I just added it above the first one I found.

kix 12-06-2004 08:33 PM

i have a few odd things popup.

the first one was headers in the admincp/userteam.php - i had to remove some of the header statments... guess it never did the ?go=modify or what ever part.

I then get this error for misc things.
This time this error came from trying to delete a users from the team admin page.

An Error Has Occured! [ Go Back ]
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

No team specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster.

and when i try to apply for a team. i get a simular error:
An Error Has Occured! [ Go Back ]
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Your Request has ben submited.Please wait for pm from team.

also - when you try to vote on the poll to see if you want the user added to the team or not, it says: No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster

and when you just go ahead and add him to the team, it gives a simular error like above again. I need help bad

miz 12-06-2004 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by kix
i have a few odd things popup.

the first one was headers in the admincp/userteam.php - i had to remove some of the header statments... guess it never did the ?go=modify or what ever part.

I then get this error for misc things.
This time this error came from trying to delete a users from the team admin page.

An Error Has Occured! [ Go Back ]
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

No team specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster.

and when i try to apply for a team. i get a simular error:
An Error Has Occured! [ Go Back ]
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Your Request has ben submited.Please wait for pm from team.

also - when you try to vote on the poll to see if you want the user added to the team or not, it says: No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster

and when you just go ahead and add him to the team, it gives a simular error like above again. I need help bad

hmm first on admin cp i didnt got what was your problem.
2nd = the team admin error i will check
3rd- this problem happends when you dont edit poll.php currectly
if you edit it like its should be then no problem for you...
4th - did you read the error msg ? i used it as confirm msg i guss its makes things for some ppl harder, ill make a confirm msg.

SilentK 12-07-2004 03:23 PM

I am also having the problem when guests view the memberlist. Which is very annoying becuase I have email notification turned on and a few bots wandered into the members list needless to say my inbox was quite full. Is there a way we can lump the unregistered or no-teams into either another team id thats essentially a dud or into the no-team ID?

miz 12-07-2004 08:57 PM

guys please wait untill the end of week were i will rls new version which will be bug fix of what you guys said

if some1 can pm me all of bugs i will appricate it thanx

SilentK 12-09-2004 05:40 PM

Something I am noticing now is that all the team posts are listed as 127 which isn't right.

Wordplay 12-09-2004 07:41 PM

tried installing this, i don't get any error reports, so i guess it was a smooth installation. but... here's my problem, i don't have a navbar... my navbar would be my header that i created from scratch though, so the code is entirely differnt, therefore i left that part out of the template creation. now how do my users start/create a new team? i don't seem to be able to find any team options anywhere, if i go directly into:


all i get is:

An Error Has Occured! [ Go Back ]
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:
We Sorry, But you not Team Admin, Or you not logged in.
so help please. i would like to click the install button as soon as possible. cause the idea for the team hack is great!

Wordplay 12-09-2004 08:35 PM

sorry, thought i had another problem but that sovled itself.

furthermore though, how do i set up the team admin?

miz 12-09-2004 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wordplay
sorry, thought i had another problem but that sovled itself.

furthermore though, how do i set up the team admin?

you edit the user you want to set as team admin

and then you have

User Team : teams-list
and below it

Team Admin : Yes/NO

click on yes
and save user

Wordplay 12-09-2004 10:13 PM

great thanks alot! everything seems to work just fine, except for those error messages, but that's no biggy. thanks alot for the great hack.

oh there is one problem... my private messages (but only the ones the team script sends to users to ask them to join or tell them whether or not they have been accepted) looks like this> i think it's because it tries to use postbit, but i use postbit_legacy for my forum>>>> :

miz 12-10-2004 10:19 AM

soon i will rls a bug fix version , this verion will include info about postbit legacy
btw your pic is from pm so no connect to postbit legacy you probebly edited somethng worng
check again your steps

Kyoko 12-10-2004 11:46 AM

i'm allso getting this error

Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE `teams` (
`teamid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`posts` tinyint(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`reputation` tinyint(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`avatarurl` varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'images/teamavatars/no-avatar.gif',
`words` text NOT NULL,
`adminmsg` text NOT NULL,
`ircserver` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`ircport` int(4) NOT NULL default '6667',
`chan` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`chanpass` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`notes` text NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`teamid`)

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 17

does anyone know a way to fix this ?

EDIT: well i got it installed by using phpmyadmin
but i get errors when i want to join a team and i can only make teams via admin cp (if thats normal or not, i'm not realy sure)

Wordplay 12-11-2004 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by miz
soon i will rls a bug fix version , this verion will include info about postbit legacy
btw your pic is from pm so no connect to postbit legacy you probebly edited somethng worng
check again your steps


aha, so where exactly is the part where you add the script to send that pm?

miz 12-11-2004 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Wordplay

aha, so where exactly is the part where you add the script to send that pm?

what you talking about ? usercp ?

Wordplay 12-12-2004 07:34 AM

when you invite somebody into your team. it sends out a pm to invite them. apperently that's the part i messed up, since that pm looks completely deformed, so where in the install scrip for this hack is the part where you set up sending that pm?

because that pm on my board appears this way:


and not like the normal pms people send/recieve on my boards.

miz 12-12-2004 01:14 PM

well just reupload the files cuse pm is on files ;]

bishop93 12-12-2004 06:20 PM

Seems that everything works -- except when you click on the "No-Team" (which seems kinda out of place, when I would think that it would just show nothing there rather than "No Team") I get the following error. Otherwise, this works great.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM session WHERE userid='1' AND lastactivity>1102881603
mysql error: Table 'xxx_xxx.session' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Sunday 12th of December 2004 03:15:03 PM
Script: http://URL/showteams.php?do=teamless
Referer: http://URL/showthread.php?p=11738
Username: xxx
IP Address: xxx

cschuck3 12-13-2004 08:06 AM

I run a pocketbike racing fourm and want to have this haack installed for othere teams to have there own forums. Is can the teams admin there own fourm and non team memeber can post question and or read fourm? If so this I will install this hack...

Tradjick 12-13-2004 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by cschuck3
I run a pocketbike racing fourm and want to have this haack installed for othere teams to have there own forums. Is can the teams admin there own fourm and non team memeber can post question and or read fourm? If so this I will install this hack...

Private Forums aren?t implemented yet. AFAIK miz may work on this at a later time. Not sure though.

Shadow Blaze 12-14-2004 03:58 PM

errrm.... i put it all in, and the images are all there, but in the admin section for a team's admin, the images for the links aren't working, they say the thing but there's an x where it's not seeming to be linking properly... where could i find the linking section to see what's wrong and fix it?

SilentK 12-16-2004 02:31 PM

I had a simlier problem I forget what exacltly I did but the path in the zip file was in correct. View the source or figure out where it's looking for them and move them to there.

my path is .forums/images/team/users.gif for example/ I think the T might of been capitalized or something to that extent and I had to make it lowercase.

tamago 12-16-2004 08:39 PM

You need to modify showteams.php.

PHP Code:

$useronoff=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM session WHERE userid='$userid' AND lastactivity>$datecut"); 

PHP Code:

$useronoff=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."session WHERE userid='$userid' AND lastactivity>$datecut"); 

It was missing the TABLE_PREFIX.


Originally Posted by bishop93
Seems that everything works -- except when you click on the "No-Team" (which seems kinda out of place, when I would think that it would just show nothing there rather than "No Team") I get the following error. Otherwise, this works great.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM session WHERE userid='1' AND lastactivity>1102881603
mysql error: Table 'xxx_xxx.session' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Sunday 12th of December 2004 03:15:03 PM
Script: http://URL/showteams.php?do=teamless
Referer: http://URL/showthread.php?p=11738
Username: xxx
IP Address: xxx

geoskep 12-17-2004 12:05 AM

I installed it; but don't know how to set up a team admin . There are no instructions.

I can't use teamadmin.php; because I'm not a team admin. Where do I set up the team admin?

anubis 12-26-2004 12:56 PM

the 'showteams.php?do=teamless'
Read time very long .......
My forum users have Exceed 12,000 above,
Execute once'showteams .php? do=teamless'
Browse utensil can stop response......

miz 12-26-2004 01:31 PM

geoskep - via user edit you have team admin : yes/no
check yes and user is team admin...

anubis - in next version it will be fixed...

anubis 12-26-2004 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by miz
geoskep - via user edit you have team admin : yes/no
check yes and user is team admin...

anubis - in next version it will be fixed...

Thank your response, but I want to quaere......

Next version when release ?

geoskep 12-26-2004 07:44 PM

Thanks for response. That was easy. Good mod. Needs a few things to be great - my wish list:
1) instructions.
2) phrases implemented to allow custom phrases - this can also eliminate some spelling mistakes.
3) allow any user to start a new team and set themselves up as the team admin.
4) enable private teams to be subscription based or free.
5) allow any member to be member of multiple teams.
6) minor bug fixes

anubis 12-27-2004 10:22 AM

In team vote to users,
Appear database error :

There seems to have been a slight problem with the 虛空論壇 database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
                                UPDATE thread
                                SET lastpost = 1104148790
                                WHERE threadid =
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 27th of December 2004 07:59:51 PM
Script: http://www.helzone.com/vbb/poll.php
Referer: http://www.helzone.com/vbb/teamprivtearea.php?do=viewpoll&pollid=100&teamid=4
Username: 阿修羅
IP Address:

poll.php whether want to amend what?

JD210 12-28-2004 01:47 AM

Getting the same error, and also, when anyone clicks the link to invite a user to join, they get taken to a blank page.

JD210 12-29-2004 08:41 AM

It was just brought to my attention that when someone clicks on a username, they are getting the following error:


There seems to have been a slight problem with the Vast Frontier database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.
If they are logged in, there is no problem, they are taken right to the user profile, but if they are not logged in, then they get the above error message.

Edit: The more I think about it, the less use I can find for this modification on my board. How do I go about uninstalling it?

eXtremeTim 01-01-2005 04:35 PM

Should learn to use left joins. This adds two queries per thread on forumdisplay and adds a good number of queries to show thread as well.

eXtremeTim 01-01-2005 08:19 PM

In your show teamless code you used a query within the while loop. Mean there will be one query for each user who is teamless. Meaning on a large site you would have just hit that db hard. What you should do is what I did on my site and use the fetch_online_status function.

eXtremeTim 01-01-2005 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by JD210
It was just brought to my attention that when someone clicks on a username, they are getting the following error:

If they are logged in, there is no problem, they are taken right to the user profile, but if they are not logged in, then they get the above error message.

Edit: The more I think about it, the less use I can find for this modification on my board. How do I go about uninstalling it?

This is simple to fix I just fixed it on my site.

do the following

Find in member.php
PHP Code:

$bbteam =  $DB_site->query_first("
            SELECT *
            FROM " 
            WHERE teamid = 

Replace with
PHP Code:

$bbteam =  $DB_site->query_first("
            SELECT *
            FROM " 
            WHERE teamid = 

Miz if you want I can release all the changes I did to my files to your for your next version so that you have a load optimized version. My sites url is http://www.extremechatforums.com/forums/index.php I cleaned up the code on forumdisplay using left joins. I cleaned up the code for showthread (required changes to showthread and functions_showthread) I also cleaned up the not in team list which now runs at 11 (4 of which are from some stats tracking code im using on my site so its really 7 queries) queries on my site no matter how many users as displayed.

MikaK 01-07-2005 02:21 PM

The below parse errors were most potentially cused by a erroneus coding - one too much </if> conditionals in the postbit template (my own coding). However, as I decided to remove the hack before finding about the flaw I can not be totally sure.

When trying to browse a thread:

If trying to view any thread I get a following error message:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/soundchi/public_html/loud_lounge/includes/functions_showthread.php(820) : eval()'d code on line 346

While the above repeats itself many times with a RBS forum it otherwise shows only once (currently that's the only thread with multiple messages - an indication?) and as the trhread opens the threadbits doesn?t show:
With single post threrads a vBulletin error message shows instead of any of the thread itself:

vBulletin Message

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/soundchi/public_html/loud_lounge/includes/functions_showthread.php(820) : eval()'d code
Line: 346

Now, my setup functions_showthread.php code at lines 340-346:
PHP Code:

$attachcount sizeof($post['attachments']);
$thumbcount 0;
if (!
$vboptions['attachthumbs'] AND !$vboptions['viewattachedimages'])
$showimagesprev $bbuserinfo['showimages'];
$bbuserinfo['showimages'] = false;

The only modificaction into the threadbit template was the one showing in red below

<div class="smallfont">

<if condition="$show['threadratings'] AND $show['threadrating']"><span style="float:$stylevar[right]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_$thread[rating].gif" border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$thread[votenum]" 2="$thread[voteavg]">$vbphrase[thread_rating_x_votes_y_average]</phrase>" /></span></if>

<if condition="$show['guestuser']">


<else />

<span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="window.open('member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$thread[postuserid]')">$thread[postusername]</span>

<if condition="$teaminfo['teamid']!=1">
<span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="window.open('showteams.php?$session[sessionurl]do=teamprofile&amp;teamid=$teaminfo[teamid]')"> @ $teaminfo[name]</span>
<else />

<span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="window.open('showteams.php?$session[sessionurl]do=teamless')"> @ $teaminfo[name]</span>




All admin area image paths are also somehow false... Only broken images showing... Voting on poll shows a false message, also the pm message showing as an error is quite annoying...

Any comments correcting the above would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

miz 01-09-2005 12:35 PM

if you getting error on polls issue its only cuse you edited poll.php worng
or missed few things, you cant blame me for problems you having, i dont say my code is perfect but its working, here its working for 100 % i know there might be few problems its ok im having problem to give support 24/7 here as most of week im not at home , im working to get updated and to fix bugs as soon as possible, sorry for problems
dont have anything to say anymore.

sv1cec 01-16-2005 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
This is simple to fix I just fixed it on my site.

do the following

Find in member.php
PHP Code:

$bbteam =  $DB_site->query_first("
            SELECT *
            FROM " 
            WHERE teamid = 

Replace with
PHP Code:

$bbteam =  $DB_site->query_first("
            SELECT *
            FROM " 
            WHERE teamid = 

Miz if you want I can release all the changes I did to my files to your for your next version so that you have a load optimized version. My sites url is http://www.extremechatforums.com/forums/index.php I cleaned up the code on forumdisplay using left joins. I cleaned up the code for showthread (required changes to showthread and functions_showthread) I also cleaned up the not in team list which now runs at 11 (4 of which are from some stats tracking code im using on my site so its really 7 queries) queries on my site no matter how many users as displayed.

Sorry, but aren't these two pieces of code the same? Unless I am too tired right now!

Rgds :-)

yoyoyoyo 01-17-2005 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Sorry, but aren't these two pieces of code the same? Unless I am too tired right now!

Rgds :-)

the first one uses:
PHP Code:


and the second one uses:
PHP Code:


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