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Lionel 11-15-2004 08:45 AM

never mind

GenSec 11-15-2004 10:32 AM

Frankly I'm using very complicated ;) hack to show top pop.

In arcade.php after

        while ($game = $DB_site->fetch_array($result_allgames)) {

add one line ;) below

  if ($_GET['show'] == "pop" AND $gamecache["$game[shortname]"]['played'] < 300) continue;

and the arcade.php?show=pop shows games played more than 300 times:)

Lionel 11-15-2004 10:58 AM

Hey, I don't have your skills. I am scratching for solutions haha... I wish I knew a little bit more, saving me hours of trial and error. :speechless: :ermm:

Zachariah 11-16-2004 11:25 AM

@GenSec - kissing your feed (saying: not worthy, I not worthy) for great code add-on
@Lionel - hardy handshake for few more snippits
@Oblivion Knight - beer and a blunt for pointing me here.

/me installs

ChuanSE 11-17-2004 11:48 PM

So, does this thingy works or not? :D

ChuanSE 11-18-2004 01:35 AM

strange strange strange

the code is there, but the rating area doesn't appear in the arcade_play bit, or nowhere else on that page?

any suggestions :)

Lethal 11-18-2004 11:06 PM

I have the category and game resolution hacks installed and i installed this hack and I get a database error. I double checked all the file and template edits and I am not sure what is wrong.

"There seems to have been a slight problem with the One Foot In The Grave database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience."

Thats all it says.

Neal-UK 11-18-2004 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
strange strange strange

the code is there, but the rating area doesn't appear in the arcade_play bit, or nowhere else on that page?

any suggestions :)

didn't work for me, came up with DB error (No number, just standard error) so had to remove it.

Deska 11-22-2004 09:03 AM

Edited: It's work for me.
Thank's for this hack :)

DS MrSinister 11-30-2004 07:15 PM


5. At last find the right place to show the game rating

<if condition="$game['rating'] > 0"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_$game[rating].gif" alt="<phrase 1="$game[votenum]" 2="$game[voteavg]">$vbphrase[thread_rating_x_votes_y_average]</phrase>" border="0" /></if>

where do i place this part of code in arcade_main_games_bit temlate :

kamu 12-01-2004 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
strange strange strange

the code is there, but the rating area doesn't appear in the arcade_play bit, or nowhere else on that page?

any suggestions :)

I have the same problem.. Any ideas?

Lionel 12-01-2004 02:59 PM

$phrasegroups = array('arcade','showthread');

remove 'arcade',

kamu 12-01-2004 03:08 PM

Works :)

sirstone 12-18-2004 10:57 AM

I´ve installed this mod, but when i click the rating i don´t see the reults.. Why? Under the Games.gif

dtsrules 12-21-2004 05:28 PM

same problem as others, I can't get the rating to appear. :(

rjordan 12-29-2004 04:09 AM

I am also unable to see anything regarding ratings after installing this. What I have played around with was the addition in arcade_play:


<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="gamerating_menu" style="display:none">
If I remove the style="display:none", I can see the rating hack in the game screen, but it does not display anything beside the radio buttons other than terrible.

I have gone back and rechecked and rechecked again what I have done with no success. Any ideas?

rjordan 12-29-2004 01:43 PM

I found one of my issues... it seems that there are two cases of the following in admin_play:


<table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="thead" colspan="2"><span class="smallfont">$thisGame[title]</span></td>
You want the second instance. The first is in the challenge system and the second in regular play. Now to try to find some phrases as I am missing some of those...

Soto 01-01-2005 08:44 PM

Hey, just wanted to let you know that I've installed this hack on my boards at www.swanseasucks.com/vforum/arcade.php and it's really great.

I did have some trouble installing it because I am a complete novice at this sort of thing, but from a few of the posts I've read here other people had the same problem I did with sql errors after editing arcade.php - this was for two reasons.

1 - as already pointed out, removing 'arcade' from the line

$phrasegroups = array('arcade','showthread');
when changing arcade.php

2 - the code for creating a table assumes that there is no prefix on the database and so creates a table called 'game_rate' - however, if your vbulletin database is prefixed then you need to change the following code to reflect that:

CREATE TABLE `game_rate` (
  `gamerateid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `gameid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `userid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `vote` smallint(5) default NULL,
  `ipaddress` char(15) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`gamerateid`)

example: should your database be prefixed vbx_ then the first line of that code should read


CREATE TABLE `vbx_game_rate` (
Obviously you need to replace 'vbx_' with whatever your database prefix is (you can find that through phpmyadmin or whatever.

I hope that helps someone as I nearly had a heart attack when it all went pear shaped :)


Now, can some one explain to me what files to change so that it says "rate game" rather than "rate thread"?

Thanks all, and thanks for a great hack.

bubba1977 01-06-2005 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
strange strange strange

the code is there, but the rating area doesn't appear in the arcade_play bit, or nowhere else on that page?

any suggestions :)

I have been through this thread and the install file three times and done all the suggested fixes and double and triple checked everything and I have the same issue.

it simply shows nothing at all as tho hack was never even installed.

it also states in the code "if ratings are enabled" where do we enbable them as there do not appear to be any admin panel changes to turn ratings on or off

Slapp3r 01-09-2005 04:48 PM

I have installed this hack but i can still see nothing in the arcade any ideas

Slapp3r 01-09-2005 04:59 PM


MorrisMcD 01-17-2005 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by nealparry
didn't work for me, came up with DB error (No number, just standard error) so had to remove it.

Same here.. Checked and double checked

sim tech 02-28-2005 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by NightWalk8r
I keep getting this error when i try to run the query in Admincp =(

ALTER TABLE `vb3_games` ADD `votetotal` smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `vb3_games` ADD `votenum` smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ;

CREATE TABLE `vb3_game_rate` (
`gamerateid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`gameid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`userid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`vote` smallint(5) default NULL,
`ipaddress` char(15) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`gamerateid`)

vBulletin Message
An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';

ALTER TABLE `vb3_games` ADD `votenum` smallint(5) UNSIGNED

I ran into the same problems, and being a php-noob it took a while to see the problems.

First of all, you can't run all of the queries at once (there's actually 3 there) and 2nd: if you are running version 3 or higher there is no table just called "games" (someone else pointed this out here - thanks!)

Here's the 3 that I ran separate:
PHP Code:

ALTER TABLE `vb3_gamesADD `votetotalsmallint(5)  UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL 

PHP Code:

ALTER TABLE `vb3_gamesADD `votenumsmallint(5)  UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL 

PHP Code:

CREATE TABLE `vb3_game_rate` (
gamerateidint(11NOT NULL auto_increment,
gameidint(11NOT NULL default '0',
useridint(10NOT NULL default '0',
votesmallint(5) default NULL,
ipaddresschar(15NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY  (`gamerateid`)

That part helped with my pucker-factor which was caused when the arcade would not run.

MicroLinux? 02-28-2005 07:33 PM

Does this work for vBulliten 3.0.7 with the categories mod installed?

sim tech 02-28-2005 08:21 PM

I don't know about the catagories mod, but the kind of works on mine and I'm running 3.0.7.

I say "kind of" because of several issues that I am pulling my hair out on (and I'm already going bald, so this is a bad thing):

I'd like the rating option to be available on the main arcade.php page, but the rate drop down screen only appears when someone selects a specific game.... at at that point it's labeled Rate Thread. I saw where someone else asked about this but did not see where to fix it.

I have the standard v3arcade layout - can the star ratings be placed on the main arcade page rather than the individual game page?

Is this an option that I screwed up on? :ermm: Other screenshots make it look like it's on the arcade.php page.


Oblivion Knight 03-01-2005 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by sim tech
at that point it's labeled Rate Thread. I saw where someone else asked about this but did not see where to fix it.

The mod was made that way for the "ease" factor. It's fairly easy to create your own phrases for it and update the code and templates to display this.. :)


Originally Posted by sim tech
I have the standard v3arcade layout - can the star ratings be placed on the main arcade page rather than the individual game page?

Is this an option that I screwed up on? :ermm: Other screenshots make it look like it's on the arcade.php page.

By default, you can only rate games on an individual game's play page. If you've seen different elsewhere, it's likely to be a custom job that they've done themselves.

Polo 03-11-2005 02:55 PM

after playing around with it for a while, I finally got it working they way I wanted :) Thank you for sharing this with the community ;)

sim tech 03-24-2005 05:32 AM

Ditto here - thanks!

One (more) question though... is there a query to reset all of the existing game ratings? I had some bogus rates and I'd rather just wipe them all out.

mcoco1 03-30-2005 08:53 PM

Is there a way to change the display order on the arcade.php page? I would like to display the most played first so you don't have to dig through several pages for the games which are most fun.

Thanks! :)

Allan 04-14-2005 09:44 PM

thanks :)


I am sorry, but I made all the changes explain and I do not have any rating which appears has to games, nor in the principal main, an idea of the problem??

Jaxx 05-15-2005 05:37 PM

I've got it installed. Had the same sql errors and removed the arcade from the phrasegroup.

But i'm not seeing the ratings selectin in the games nor am I seeing anything about ratings.

owner 05-20-2005 11:33 AM

There is some problem with this coding .... $phrasegroups = array('arcade','showthread');
I tried adding just the showthread and it works but the arcade dosent work for it..... Strange.. Also i didnt quite get this step ..
2. Upload gamerate.php to your forumroot directory.
There are somу redirects phrases like "redirect_threadrate_add", "error_threadratevoted" etc.
You саn change them to similar with the word "game" instead of "thread".
I didn't. And it works fine on my board.
Change what to what ? huh !

Polo 05-20-2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by owner
There are somу redirects phrases like "redirect_threadrate_add", "error_threadratevoted" etc.
You саn change them to similar with the word "game" instead of "thread".
I didn't. And it works fine on my board.
Change what to what ? huh !

I agree with you, this is confusing... I couldnt do it either cuz I didnt understand what he was trying to say.....

CampusCrawler 06-10-2005 05:35 AM

so how could i use this with calendar mod?

nymyth 08-17-2005 03:17 PM

So do we have answers on why its not showing up on the arcade, ive followed the instructions to the 't' and still cant get it to show. Has anyone that had this problem fixed it??


nymyth 08-17-2005 04:18 PM

OK I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT: I'm running 3.0.6 and with tweaking, I have it looking perfect. (mind you im using the standard board style)

TEMPLATE: arcade_play (this is to get it to show correct)

PHP Code:

<span class="smallfont"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/arcade.php">Back to the Arcade</a><br><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/arcade.php?do=scores&name=$thisGame[shortname]">View High Scores</a></span></td></tr

PHP Code:

<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="gamerating_menu" align="left" style="display:none">
form action="gamerate.php" method="post">
td class="thead"><span class="smallfont">Rate this game<a name="goto_gamerating"></a></span></td>
td class="alt1" title="choose" align="left">
div><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_5.gif" alt="$vbphrase[excellent]/><label for="vote5"><input type="radio" name="vote" id="vote5" value="5" $votechecked[5] />$vbphrase[excellent]</label></div>
div><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_4.gif" alt="$vbphrase[good]/><label for="vote4"><input type="radio" name="vote" id="vote4" value="4" $votechecked[4] />$vbphrase[good]</label></div>
div><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_3.gif" alt="$vbphrase[average]/><label for="vote3"><input type="radio" name="vote" id="vote3" value="3" $votechecked[3] />$vbphrase[average]</label></div>
div><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_2.gif" alt="$vbphrase[bad]/><label for="vote2"><input type="radio" name="vote" id="vote2" value="2" $votechecked[2] />$vbphrase[bad]</label></div>
div><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_1.gif" alt="$vbphrase[terrible]/><label for="vote1"><input type="radio" name="vote" id="vote1" value="1" $votechecked[1] />$vbphrase[terrible]</label></div>
td class="alt2" title="VOTE" align="center">
input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[dbsessionhash]/>
input type="hidden" name="gameid" value="$gameid/>
input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[vote_now]/>

TEMPLATE: arcade_main (this is to get the tables to look correct)

RIGHT IN BETWEEN: (overwrite anything in there)
PHP Code:

<!-- games  -->  & <!-- games  --> 

PHP Code:

<!-- games  --> 
table cellpadding="$stylevar[outerborderwidth]cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="$stylevar[tablewidth]align="center"
td> <table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%">
tr align="center"
td colspan="4"  class="thead">Total Games$gamecount </td
<!-- /
games --> 

With these 2 fixes, I got the whole thing to align correctly, and work flawlessly.....



Gutspiller 08-18-2005 08:39 PM

How do I get it so that when you mouse over the rating it doesn't say: "Thread Rating"?

nymyth 08-18-2005 08:53 PM

PHP Code:

<td class="alt1" title="choose" align="left"

Where mines says choose, I belive yours read thread rating....I changed it to choose, you can replace it with whatever.

Was that what you were looking for?


Gutspiller 08-19-2005 08:46 PM

No I still want it to say the stats on the frontpage of the arcade when the rating image is rolled over.

Battle_Ring 08-26-2005 06:13 PM

does thsi work with 3.0.7

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