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Crazy Serb 03-05-2005 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by CyberSlash69
Was wondering if there is a hack, or a way that this can be switched around.. In PhpbbFM you post a thread, and in the thread you can edit the date you would like this to go to and it will automatically be added into the calendar.. Pretty much just the opposite of what it is now.. But it was much easier.

yeah, that would be great too...

what i'm currently having a problem is that I've set up my forum in which the threads from the calendar are being posted as a moderated one - meaning, all new threads should be approved by mods, but since this script bypasses that check and directly inserts a new thread into the forum it's making my jump thru the hoops and checking all the threads/removing them manually every time someone posts something that should not have been approved in the first place.

So, is there any way the new threads can be created in that "moderation" queue or whatever the way the moderated threads are stored, and allow me to approve/delete them before they get posted. I can do that with the calendar events, but not the threads too.

And yeah, did anyone figure out how to link the thread # inside the event post as well? or even better, update the event post every time the matching thread is updated (the original post), or vice versa? that'd be great...

scratche 03-09-2005 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by CyberSlash69
Was wondering if there is a hack, or a way that this can be switched around.. In PhpbbFM you post a thread, and in the thread you can edit the date you would like this to go to and it will automatically be added into the calendar.. Pretty much just the opposite of what it is now.. But it was much easier.

im lookin for this same mod... is there anyway to use this one like that??? or is there somthing thats like this

scratche 03-23-2005 03:54 AM


YLP1 03-23-2005 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Colin F
Sure. Just add a checkbox in the template with value=1, and put this at the beginning of the code
PHP Code:

if ($_POST[checkboxname] == 1) { 

and a } at the end of the code.

Where does the above code go?

Thanks in advance.

tnguy3n 03-23-2005 02:49 PM

i think it goes to the beginning and the ending of his hack.

Crazy Serb 04-02-2005 10:06 PM

ok, just a question regarding starting new threads.

if i am inserting a new thread/post (from that calendar.php hack code that needs to be added) and if I want it to be moderated before going public, does that INSERT statement need to be changed to insert the new thread somewhere else, or is it being inserted into the same tables but with a different flag or something. How does the vbulletin know which threads need to be moderated and which don't? Where is that setting or where are those threads stored?

I'm just asking because I can't figure out how to moderate the new threads made with this script first, since it publishes the new thread right away, directly into the tables/database.

Crazy Serb 04-02-2005 11:04 PM


never mind, i got it from another hack...

if you want to have the thread being created from the calendar event to be moderated first, add this line of code:


$DB_site->query("REPLACE INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "moderation (threadid, postid, type) VALUES ($threadid, $firstpostid, 'thread')");
just before the last block of code:

UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum ....

and change the "visible" value for the first two INSERT statements to zero (from "...$iconid, 1" to "...$iconid, 0" to make the threads invisible until approved)

YLP1 04-03-2005 05:30 AM

I broke something but don't know what......I have about 40 events for the Month of April yet it says No events for the next 30 days... any ideas on how to fix this issue?

YLP1 04-14-2005 02:13 PM

Newbie here...... Where would KirbeDEs code go and is his code in addition to Colin's?
The checkbox feature..which template does that get added to.

Sorry for my noobeness. Thanks in advance.

Torqued 04-14-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by obsidian
Is there a way to move the forum jump dropdown into this and use it as a selection box for where to post the thread? Reason I ask is that I now have a couple calendars for different groups. I would like to be for the people to post their events on their private calendar and have this hack post the thread in their private forum.

I would love to see this feature as well!!!!!

scratche 05-04-2005 03:12 PM

hi there i wanted to know if ne one could help.. im using the roll call feature for my calendar... and i want it too post that in my forum aswell for each thread can anyone assist me in doin this

Benj 05-05-2005 09:06 AM

does this hack add calendar custom fields to the post as well ?

Torqued 05-11-2005 12:10 AM

Ok. Here is what I did to enable a check box. This will add a check box to the Miscellaneous Options when you are creating or editing a calendar event.

When creating a new event:
1: Checking the check box will copy the event as a new thread in $forumid (defined in the code).
2: Leaving the check box unchecked will only create the event on the calendar.

When editing an existing event:
1: Checking the check box will copy the event as a new thread in $forumid (defined in the code).
2: Leaving the check box unchecked will only update the calendar entry.

Now... if you already created a thread and go edit the event later and check the check box, it does not update the previous thread - it creates a new thread.

Also, if you want to convert an existing event to a new thread, you do not really have to "edit" anything. Just click on edit event, check the check box, and save. This will create the new thread in your forum.

In calendar.php, find the following code:

PHP Code:

if ($calendarinfo['neweventemail']) 

And add this code above that. Be sure you edit the $forumid to be the forum you want posts to show up in.

PHP Code:

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event
if ($_POST[makepost] == 1) { 
//add check box functionality
$forumid 1// forumid in which to post 

// Get forum info 
$foruminfo fetch_foruminfo($forumidfalse); 
$dateformat "d M, Y"
$threadtitle "[".vbdate($dateformat$dateline_from,false,true,false,true)."] ".$title

// Prepare the thread ... 
$post[title] = $threadtitle;
$post[poststarttime] = TIMENOW
$post[posthash] = md5($post[poststarttime] . $bbuserinfo['userid'] . $bbuserinfo['salt']); 
$post[message] = $message
$post[username] = $bbuserinfo[userid]; 
$post[iconid] = 0
$post[emailupdate] = 9999

// ... and create it 
build_new_post('thread'$foruminfo, array(), 0$post$errors);
//add check box functionality

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event 

Still in calendar.php, find this code:

PHP Code:


And add this code above it. Be sure you edit the $forumid to be the forum you want posts to show up in.

PHP Code:

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event
if ($_POST[makepost] == 1) { 
//add check box functionality
$forumid 1// forumid in which to post 

// Get forum info 
$foruminfo fetch_foruminfo($forumidfalse); 
$dateformat "d M, Y"
$threadtitle "[".vbdate($dateformat$dateline_from,false,true,false,true)."] ".$title

// Prepare the thread ... 
$post[title] = $threadtitle;
$post[poststarttime] = TIMENOW
$post[posthash] = md5($post[poststarttime] . $bbuserinfo['userid'] . $bbuserinfo['salt']); 
$post[message] = $message
$post[username] = $bbuserinfo[userid]; 
$post[iconid] = 0
$post[emailupdate] = 9999

// ... and create it 
build_new_post('thread'$foruminfo, array(), 0$post$errors);
//add check box functionality

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event 

Adding the check box:

Log into your AdminCP and go to the Style Manager.

Open the calendar_edit template and find this code:

And add this below that code:

<div><input type="checkbox" name="makepost" value="1">Copy calendar event to new thread</div>

scratche 05-15-2005 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by scratche
hi there i wanted to know if ne one could help.. im using the roll call feature for my calendar... and i want it too post that in my forum aswell for each thread can anyone assist me in doin this

can anyone help me with this i can seem to get the roll call options to post aswell into the thread that this hack creates... any suggestions?

Cyricx 05-16-2005 12:06 PM

That's awesome Torqued!! I can totally use that code to do exactly what I need with this :)

Thank you so much!!!

scratche 05-16-2005 05:20 PM

how can i have the information from this hack
post with the message in the thread????

Torqued 05-16-2005 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx
That's awesome Torqued!! I can totally use that code to do exactly what I need with this :)

Thank you so much!!!

I'm sort of using it as a blog. You can see the results here: http://www.torqued.org/news

I'm glad someone else found it useful. :)

lionslair 05-21-2005 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Instead of $botuserid and $botusername use $bbuserinfo[userid] and $bbuserinfo[username].

And I wonder why this hack re-invents the wheel instead of just using build_new_post()?

PHP Code:

$forumid 1// forumid in which to post 

// Get forum info
$foruminfo fetch_foruminfo($forumidfalse);

// Prepare the thread ...
$post[title] = "[".date($dateformat$dateline_from)."] ".$title
$post[poststarttime] = TIMENOW;
$post[posthash] = md5($post[poststarttime] . $bbuserinfo['userid'] . $bbuserinfo['salt']);
$post[message] = "This is an automatically generated thread for the event [b]".$title."[/b].
More information on this event is available on [url="
.$vboptions['bburl']."/calendar.php?".$session[sessionurl]."do=getinfo&e=".$eventid."&day=".date("Y-n-j")."&c=".$calendarid."]this page[/url]."
$post[username] = $bbuserinfo[userid];
$post[iconid] = 0;
$post[emailupdate] = 9999;

// ... and create it
build_new_post('thread'$foruminfo, array(), 0$post$errors); 

If you want to be fully flexible, one could make the text as a phrase, forum ID and date format string as a setting :)

I have public and private events and if the event is public I want it to be posted into the public forum. If it is a private event I want it to be posted into the proivate forum. Is this able to be done?

SamirDarji 05-26-2005 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by lionslair
I have public and private events and if the event is public I want it to be posted into the public forum. If it is a private event I want it to be posted into the proivate forum. Is this able to be done?

It is possible to be done, but will add to the complexity of this hack as the destination forum has to vary with the source calendar. So some code will have to be put in that checks what calendar the event is being posted to, to determine the destination forum for the thread. I'm no coder, but it's a bit of work from the current implementation.

HeloHi 05-26-2005 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Viks
hi guys, Colin,
I am getting the follwing error message when i add a new calender event.
Once I go back to my forum i see the thread and the event but the error message occurs each time a new event is added.

Error message==

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE forum
SET replycount = replycount + 1,
threadcount = threadcount + 1,
lastpost = 1104462847,
lastposter = ,
lastthread = '[12-30-04] new event',
lastthreadid = 62,
lasticonid = 0
WHERE forumid = 18

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '
lastthread = '[12-30-04] new event',
lastthreadid = 62,
lasticonid = 0
WHER' at line 6

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Thursday 30th of December 2004 10:14:08 PM
Script: http://www.myforums.com/forums/calendar.php
Referer: http://www.myforums.com/forums/calen...ype=single&c=1
Username: A
IP Address:


please help.



I am getting this error too. Anyone else run into this problem and figured out what is wrong with it?

Torqued 05-27-2005 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by HeloHi
I am getting this error too. Anyone else run into this problem and figured out what is wrong with it?

which version of the code did you install?

There are about 3 different versions in this thread. :cool:

HeloHi 05-28-2005 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Torqued
which version of the code did you install?

There are about 3 different versions in this thread. :cool:

I used Collin's original code, but modified to user usernames etc ect rather than bots. I also used the rolling 24 hour method rather than the midnight-midnight method. I will try KirbyDE's method and report back on how that works. I should have done that in the first place, I just got ahead of myself I guess when the error popped up hehe.

Edit: Tried Kirby's code and it doesn't create a thread. Is it just code to replace Collin's completely, or is it supposed to be added in somewhere? I am sorry for my noobness, but I really don't know alot about this stuff. I don't think I am the only one who had this problem though...


Originally Posted by YLP1
Newbie here...... Where would KirbeDEs code go and is his code in addition to Colin's?

I am going to integrate your checkbox hack as well, Torqued, whenever I can straighten this out. Maybe someone who has this working could just put the hacked code from their calander.php here?

mfarmerhi 05-31-2005 09:35 AM

Beautiful, Colin. And big thanks to Torqued for compiling everything and printing exact instructions for adding the check box option (EXACTLY what I was looking for).


*** Edited additional question***

Been testing it. Question: What does this hack do with re-occurring events? Still only initiate one thread (the very first time you post the event), then never again, despite the fact the event reoccurs?

Because the only one extra thing I'd REALLY want:

the ability to make this only post the new thread on the actual date of the event.

That is, say you have an event on July 4th. I'd like the hack to allow me to enter a calendar event for the 4th, and then *only when it get's to the 4th* post that event.

Re-occurring events would initiate a new thread every time the event reoccurred.

Any easy way to make it do that?

SamirDarji 05-31-2005 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by mfarmerhi
Been testing it. Question: What does this hack do with re-occurring events? Still only initiate one thread (the very first time you post the event), then never again, despite the fact the event reoccurs?

Because the only one extra thing I'd REALLY want:

the ability to make this only post the new thread on the actual date of the event.

That is, say you have an event on July 4th. I'd like the hack to allow me to enter a calendar event for the 4th, and then *only when it get's to the 4th* post that event.

Re-occurring events would initiate a new thread every time the event reoccurred.

Any easy way to make it do that?

It's interesting that you bring up recurring events. A similar suggestion was posted for the Event Attendance hack. The problem is in how vb treats recurring events.

Recurring events seem to be the same as a regular event in the db, but with some sort of flag that allows it to show up multiple times. But with it actually being a single entry, everything associated with that event is stored only once including any hacks applied to the event listing. I don't really see any way to do it without having something to track the various dates of a recurring event or for recurring events to be re-designed so that they actually populate the calendar with multiple event listings that can be changed individually or as a whole.

Torqued 05-31-2005 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
It's interesting that you bring up recurring events. A similar suggestion was posted for the Event Attendance hack. The problem is in how vb treats recurring events.

Recurring events seem to be the same as a regular event in the db, but with some sort of flag that allows it to show up multiple times. But with it actually being a single entry, everything associated with that event is stored only once including any hacks applied to the event listing. I don't really see any way to do it without having something to track the various dates of a recurring event or for recurring events to be re-designed so that they actually populate the calendar with multiple event listings that can be changed individually or as a whole.

One way I can think of around that is to run a daily query/script that looks for events scheduled for that day and then have that process create new threads for those events.

SamirDarji 05-31-2005 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued
One way I can think of around that is to run a daily query/script that looks for events scheduled for that day and then have that process create new threads for those events.

Actually, what would be even better is a cron that looks at the recurring events list and then makes and event entry for a particular day if one isn't present. Then any hacks related to that particular entry would work fine. The only disadvantage is that once an event listing is created this way, changing the recurring event listing won't change the spawned event listing.

mfarmerhi 05-31-2005 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Actually, what would be even better is a cron that looks at the recurring events list and then makes and event entry for a particular day if one isn't present. Then any hacks related to that particular entry would work fine. The only disadvantage is that once an event listing is created this way, changing the recurring event listing won't change the spawned event listing.

I am NOT educated in PHP, but isn't it possible to somehow just attach the date to event listings? I mean, that coding is already in there... can't the variable {event} be distinguished from the variable {event[today's_date]} ?

SamirDarji 05-31-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by mfarmerhi
I am NOT educated in PHP, but isn't it possible to somehow just attach the date to event listings? I mean, that coding is already in there... can't the variable {event} be distinguished from the variable {event[today's_date]} ?

Probably, but then what do you do for recurring events?

mfarmerhi 06-02-2005 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Probably, but then what do you do for recurring events?

Well, store that new variable, so that it's reoccurring event[5.30.05]; next months is event[6.30.05]... you can suddenly treat them (at least each of those variables) as separate events, although, for the sake of the rest of vB, they're treated as a single event.

The cron job actually sounds promising for both of the features I'd need -- actually starting the thread on the day it's scheduled (instead of simply when you enter the data on the calendar. I mean, if you're already typing in the info, why not just copy and paste it yourself into a new thread? As it stands, this hack isn't really saving you much but 2 or 3 extra mouse clicks...).

By treating each of the reoccurring events as a separate event (even if only as a separate data item) and using the cron jobs, it's open up a whole LOT of new possibilities for this hack...

SamirDarji 06-02-2005 04:19 AM

Not a bad idea. I'm sure it would also help those of us that use the Event Attendance hack that are needing something for the recurring events.

Luciolle 06-21-2005 01:40 PM

Ok sorry I bump this old message but I try to install on vbulletin 3.0.7, I know it's for vb 3.0.3 but it'S supposed to work, but I have always the same error as some people before on this subjet:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE forum
SET replycount = replycount + 1,
threadcount = threadcount + 1,
lastpost = 1119364576,
lastposter = FrancoisEVENBOT,
lastthread = '[d-m-y] TEST 2435425252523 !!!',
lastthreadid = 119,
lasticonid = 0
WHERE forumid = 63

mysql error: Unknown column 'FrancoisEVENBOT' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Some body have a solution for that ?

(P.S.: I read all messages and I don't find solution or I'm not looking so great ^^)

Colin F 06-21-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Luciolle
Ok sorry I bump this old message but I try to install on vbulletin 3.0.7, I know it's for vb 3.0.3 but it'S supposed to work, but I have always the same error as some people before on this subjet:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE forum
SET replycount = replycount + 1,
threadcount = threadcount + 1,
lastpost = 1119364576,
lastposter = FrancoisEVENBOT,
lastthread = '[d-m-y] TEST 2435425252523 !!!',
lastthreadid = 119,
lasticonid = 0
WHERE forumid = 63

mysql error: Unknown column 'FrancoisEVENBOT' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Some body have a solution for that ?

(P.S.: I read all messages and I don't find solution or I'm not looking so great ^^)

See this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....27&postcount=7

YLP1 07-18-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued
Ok. Here is what I did to enable a check box. This will add a check box to the Miscellaneous Options when you are creating or editing a calendar event.

When creating a new event:
1: Checking the check box will copy the event as a new thread in $forumid (defined in the code).
2: Leaving the check box unchecked will only create the event on the calendar.

When editing an existing event:
1: Checking the check box will copy the event as a new thread in $forumid (defined in the code).
2: Leaving the check box unchecked will only update the calendar entry.

Now... if you already created a thread and go edit the event later and check the check box, it does not update the previous thread - it creates a new thread.

Also, if you want to convert an existing event to a new thread, you do not really have to "edit" anything. Just click on edit event, check the check box, and save. This will create the new thread in your forum.

In calendar.php, find the following code:

PHP Code:

if ($calendarinfo['neweventemail']) 

And add this code above that. Be sure you edit the $forumid to be the forum you want posts to show up in.

PHP Code:

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event
if ($_POST[makepost] == 1) { 
//add check box functionality
$forumid 1// forumid in which to post 
// Get forum info 
$foruminfo fetch_foruminfo($forumidfalse); 
$dateformat "d M, Y"
$threadtitle "[".vbdate($dateformat$dateline_from,false,true,false,true)."] ".$title
// Prepare the thread ... 
$post[title] = $threadtitle;
$post[poststarttime] = TIMENOW
$post[posthash] = md5($post[poststarttime] . $bbuserinfo['userid'] . $bbuserinfo['salt']); 
$post[message] = $message
$post[username] = $bbuserinfo[userid]; 
$post[iconid] = 0
$post[emailupdate] = 9999
// ... and create it 
build_new_post('thread'$foruminfo, array(), 0$post$errors);
//add check box functionality

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event 

Still in calendar.php, find this code:

PHP Code:


And add this code above it. Be sure you edit the $forumid to be the forum you want posts to show up in.

PHP Code:

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event
if ($_POST[makepost] == 1) { 
//add check box functionality
$forumid 1// forumid in which to post 
// Get forum info 
$foruminfo fetch_foruminfo($forumidfalse); 
$dateformat "d M, Y"
$threadtitle "[".vbdate($dateformat$dateline_from,false,true,false,true)."] ".$title
// Prepare the thread ... 
$post[title] = $threadtitle;
$post[poststarttime] = TIMENOW
$post[posthash] = md5($post[poststarttime] . $bbuserinfo['userid'] . $bbuserinfo['salt']); 
$post[message] = $message
$post[username] = $bbuserinfo[userid]; 
$post[iconid] = 0
$post[emailupdate] = 9999
// ... and create it 
build_new_post('thread'$foruminfo, array(), 0$post$errors);
//add check box functionality

//hack New Thread on Calendar Event 

Adding the check box:

Log into your AdminCP and go to the Style Manager.

Open the calendar_edit template and find this code:

And add this below that code:

<div><input type="checkbox" name="makepost" value="1">Copy calendar event to new thread</div>

I am so confused... I have three instances of this code: require_once('./includes/functions_databuild.php');

which one do I put the last piece of code above?

jugo 07-27-2005 02:41 PM

can someone port this to vb3.5.

djsydeburnz 09-24-2005 04:11 AM

quick question. lets say that i would prefer to have my title list as 'Event, Date, Location' and I have my 'location' listed as a custom field in my database. I know that in the database, the custom id #4 is for location. I can figure out everything but the location in posting it to the title of the forum.

$post[title] = .$title"|".vbdate($dateformat, $dateline_from,false,true,false,true)."|" ?unknown code;

shoud give me:

Event Title | Event Date | Event Location

djsydeburnz 09-24-2005 04:30 AM

oh, and also wanted to repost an earlier request about listing the information from the roll call feature. in case the rollcall feature is unknown, it is another hack where users can 'mark their attendance' to the event. in the calendar, it lists the members who have marked their attendance, and it would be cool to post this info at the bottom of the thread, just like in the calendar.

thanks in advance.

tendo 02-02-2006 04:40 PM

Does this work for 3.5 at all? Seattle Dnb really needs this. I think it's stupid that vBulletin doesnt have this built in.

Thanks for your time.

Ashiro 02-20-2006 05:10 PM

I'm recieving the error:


Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/ashiro/public_html/degenerates/board2/calendar.php on line 1944
Is there any chance you could help me out? I'd like to get this mod working as it'd be very useful. Thank you.

Alphawolf83 12-12-2007 07:18 AM

Is there a product for vb3.6.x? :) I did search, but didnt find anything...

conradk 10-21-2008 01:52 AM

Anybody running this mode with 3.7.3? Checking before I start hacking.

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Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete