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grandeur_69 07-01-2004 03:27 AM

no, the user table can't be altered twice, so once u have done the installation, u will always get that message. I suppose I could add a select to select the fields ... but, i'm not :) At any rate, the only reason that I can think that it's not working is that you don't have a valid email address for your administrator (so sendmail balks when trying to send it out) or ur sendmail just isn't functioning ... or, it's also possible that whatever SPAM setup u have is blocking it as the sending address and reply-to address are different ... funny enough, that server setup is to AVOID SPAM, but when sending out mailings using PHP, it's one of ur only options.

adhari_com 07-01-2004 08:00 PM

Is the article include feature still under development?
as I can see it's just commented out!

Please advice.

trainer 07-02-2004 02:34 AM

strange, must be missing something here because i can't seem to get the /$username or $username to work properly. the "/" show up but nothing else?

any suggestions? am i missing or didn't do something correctly?

konstance 07-03-2004 11:52 AM

I don't know if it matters or not, but I use "\" instead of "/" and it works just fine.

armani1072 07-06-2004 09:25 PM

Great Hack! just a few questions. Is it possible to edit the table size of the email being sent? or is that dependent on the forums settings.

in the extra info box $username and \$username do not output the users name just a blank.

any help would be appreciated thanks :)

TTG 07-07-2004 02:52 PM

Clicks install .. very useful tool .. thanks grandeur_69

Installed nice and easy .. no errors on a well hacked forum. http://www.thetechguy.co.uk/smilie/icon_exclaim.gif

Highlander 07-08-2004 08:52 AM

is tehre a possibility to make an user option for the users, so they can choose between daily newsletter and weekly newsletter or for example every monday, wednesday and friday?

it would be really a great future, cause many users dont want a daily newsletter .. and also many users dont want receive old news with the newsletter..
cause our forums is using it for game news wich should be nearly daily to be almost actual...

anyway user would have a great option for this newsletter :D

Mr. Brian 07-08-2004 10:25 PM

Great piece of work!

*Mr. Brian clicked install*

heynurse 07-09-2004 08:34 AM

wonderful, clicked install!

Holidazed 07-09-2004 09:38 PM

I installed this, but I had to create the "combull" phrase myself. Your install did not do it and your instructions did not mention it.
  1. Question: How do I know who is subscribed?
  2. Question: How does one subscribe to the bulletin?

David_McPherson 07-10-2004 02:14 PM

I 'think' I've read everything.....

Does this work with 3.0.3? I have an unhacked version of 3.0.3.

albamaster 07-11-2004 08:29 AM

as far as i know it works with 3.0.3

Diva 07-11-2004 11:26 PM

Hi! I installed the hack with no problem. My only issue is that the colors dont show in my hotmail account. When I sent it to Outlook it looks great. But since most people use some free sort of service I would like them to be able to see it. Right now it's all white.

grandeur_69 07-12-2004 05:43 AM

1) u would have to do a manual query to see who is subscribed, but by default everyone is
2) if u followed the instructions, there is an option in the usercp that allows them to un/subscribe to the newsletter

... hotmail will remove any css style sheets, but there is no way around this because it's the only way for the bulletin to grab the colors of your forum. I had it done manually, but it was a pain in the derrier for everyone to make the changes manually to match their forum. Sorry.

And, as for as compatibility, considering the internal workings of the hack, it will continue to function with all future vB upgrades unless they do some major changes to their function calls or the DB ... neither of which is likely in the near future.

Pseudomizer 07-15-2004 07:18 PM

Hello Grandeur,

i have a biiiig problem. After having sent many newsletters to my members ( 1400 members ) many of them complained that they never received one. Now we found out why. GMX especially put all Newsletters into the SPAM folder. Also the spamassasin on our own server put the newsletter into the SPAM folder.

After talking to some email gurus they told me that our header is not ok and due to this our newsletter is declared as SPAM. Do you have the same problem ? Do you know how to fix this ? This is a major problem for my domain. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


David_McPherson 07-18-2004 03:07 PM

Seems to be missing something with an install....

Its a fresh unhacked version of 3.0.3 and I am missing the HTML ok or whatever it is.... Note the picture. I believe I followed the instructions exactly.

Mr. Brian 07-18-2004 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Hello Grandeur,

i have a biiiig problem. After having sent many newsletters to my members ( 1400 members ) many of them complained that they never received one. Now we found out why. GMX especially put all Newsletters into the SPAM folder. Also the spamassasin on our own server put the newsletter into the SPAM folder.

After talking to some email gurus they told me that our header is not ok and due to this our newsletter is declared as SPAM. Do you have the same problem ? Do you know how to fix this ? This is a major problem for my domain. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


True. I'm getting the same problem, because of this I've got to disable my spamassasin.

Pseudomizer 07-18-2004 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by David_McPherson
Seems to be missing something with an install....

Its a fresh unhacked version of 3.0.3 and I am missing the HTML ok or whatever it is.... Note the picture. I believe I followed the instructions exactly.

The check for HTML is case sensitive. Please check your changes again. It works for all other people. I doubt that this has something to do with 3.0.3. It works with 3.0.0 and 3.0.1.


Pseudomizer 07-18-2004 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Brian
True. I'm getting the same problem, because of this I've got to disable my spamassasin.

This is not an option. I can not disable Spamassasin otherwise i will have 500 emails more in addition to my existing ones per DAY !!!

Any solution here ?


David_McPherson 07-18-2004 06:52 PM

This is what is in my modifyoptions template....


<td><br />$vbphrase[newsletterformat]<br /><label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" $checked[receivebulletin_type] />$vbphrase[type_email_from_commbull]</label></td>
?? Thoughts?

Pseudomizer 07-18-2004 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by David_McPherson
This is what is in my modifyoptions template....


<td><br />$vbphrase[newsletterformat]<br /><label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" $checked[receivebulletin_type] />$vbphrase[type_email_from_commbull]</label></td>
?? Thoughts?

I have a javascript in my source code to enable or disable HTML. The quoted source code from you is correct.


heynurse 07-19-2004 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by David_McPherson
Seems to be missing something with an install....

Its a fresh unhacked version of 3.0.3 and I am missing the HTML ok or whatever it is.... Note the picture. I believe I followed the instructions exactly.

I'm getting the same thing that David_McPherson (in post 56) is getting, a blank arean in the modify options screen, mine looks exactly as his sceen shot shows. I am also using 3.0.3

Has anyone found a workaround or fix for this?

heynurse 07-19-2004 02:52 AM

For those of you with the spamassasin and getting emails blocked, you may want to read this article to help figure it out: Avoid the Spam Filter http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/3649.asp

grandeur_69 07-19-2004 04:14 AM

usercp: hmm, i just noticed that i'm having the same problem with one of the forums I just upgraded ... i'll look into it.

email problem: this can be fixed if you add the -f option in the header and create a wrapper for sendmail function. However, some hosting companies don't allow you to do this, so I didn't write it directly into the code. Fortunately, I am also the administrator of the servers that most of the forums that I manage are on and I have circumvented it

grandeur_69 07-19-2004 03:36 PM

k, i need some help here. I can't figure it out. I figured out that once you do an upgrade, you must re-install the phrases as the old ones are wiped out. However, I can't figure out why it still doesn't work. 1 of the 2 phrases for the usercp works, but not the other. I printed out some debugging info and the phrase isn't being loaded into the vbphrase array ... but the phrase is exactly the same as the other in the DB, so in theory, it should show up.

Pseudomizer 07-19-2004 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69
k, i need some help here. I can't figure it out. I figured out that once you do an upgrade, you must re-install the phrases as the old ones are wiped out. However, I can't figure out why it still doesn't work. 1 of the 2 phrases for the usercp works, but not the other. I printed out some debugging info and the phrase isn't being loaded into the vbphrase array ... but the phrase is exactly the same as the other in the DB, so in theory, it should show up.

Perhaps a bug in 3.0.3 ?

Sorry but i have to come back to the point of the spamassasin problem. I do not have sendmail. I have qmail installed. What changes do i need to do then please ?


Mr. Brian 07-19-2004 09:39 PM

Been trying hard to figure that out.

RetroDreams 08-25-2004 01:39 PM

Any idea why birthdays and calendar events are not showing up?

LadyBeth 09-01-2004 11:58 AM

I want to use this with v3, latest version. I am sorry but I can't read through 5 pages of thread right now... :(

Will this work with v3?

Beth :)

Pseudomizer 09-01-2004 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by LadyBeth
I want to use this with v3, latest version. I am sorry but I can't read through 5 pages of thread right now... :(

Will this work with v3?

Beth :)

Yes, it will.


Blam Forumz 09-04-2004 06:34 AM

/me installs this uber hack

trackpads 09-08-2004 05:28 PM

I would love to see an option so that we could send this as a Mass PM instead. I prefer that to haggling with the emails.

Then if a user has a PM notfication they can just come online and view it.

Thanks again for all the work,

(clickety instally :-) )

Pseudomizer 09-08-2004 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by trackpads
I would love to see an option so that we could send this as a Mass PM instead. I prefer that to haggling with the emails.

Then if a user has a PM notfication they can just come online and view it.

Thanks again for all the work,

(clickety instally :-) )

There is a hack for Mass PM. Copy and Paste the Preview HTML code into your Mass PM text window. Problem solved. :smoke:


RetroDreams 09-10-2004 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by RetroDreams
Any idea why birthdays and calendar events are not showing up?

Has this been resolved by anybody?

Robert Basil 09-21-2004 07:34 PM

I've used Commbull on VB2 and loved it. But until the spamassasin (with Qmail) problem is resolved I cannot install this hack. :(

Anyone resolve this issue yet?

Pseudomizer 09-21-2004 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sportbikeworld
I've used Commbull on VB2 and loved it. But until the spamassasin (with Qmail) problem is resolved I cannot install this hack. :(

Anyone resolve this issue yet?

Hi Sportbikeworld,

spamassasin problem with qmail? We are running qmail + fprot + clamav + spamassasin and we have no problems with this hack. What problem are you experiencing?


grandeur_69 09-23-2004 07:39 AM

well, if ur already using vb3, then u have no Community bulletin, so you might as well run it and find out if you have problems on your machine. It may be something like setting the proper permissions on your server so that the mailings don't get considered spam (like disabling the warning that gets attached to some mailings about the reply not matching the sender address by adding PHP or Apache or whatever object is used to send out the mailings on your server)

memobug 09-29-2004 02:37 AM

Just a couple notes concerning installation. I had previously installed this vb2.x of this hack.

1. I entirely missed the installation instructions link amongst the credits and so forth. However since I already had a prior version installed, my test newsletter was emailed.

2. When I did catch that little installation instructions link, it made a lot more sense.

3. one of my phrases vbphrase[type_email_from_commbull] got messed up somehow. It wasn't showing in the options template and came up blank even though I could see it in the phrase manager. Finally when I happened to modify vbphrase[receive_email_from_commbull] in the phrase manager, it popped back into view.

Q: Is there supposed to be a combull option in the admincp main, or do we always execute this by browsing admincp/commbull.php

That's it for now,


memobug 09-29-2004 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by RetroDreams
Any idea why birthdays and calendar events are not showing up?

I have the same problem, and perhaps I do have an idea...

1. I ran the calendar query from this hack against my database and didn't have any events show up. I think the reason is that the query has the dates described as 27-Sep-2004 and the database has them in a numeric form:


SELECT * FROM event WHERE dateline_from>='27-Sep-2004' AND dateline_to<='12-Oct-2005' AND visible=1 ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 0,14
Database (just an example)

dateline_from: 1025697600

Anyway, that is my idea.

A Question

1. Does anyone running 3.0.3 have calendar events showing?
2. How does it decide which template CSS to use for the HTML layout?

2. Since 3.0.3 supports multiple calendars, there should really be a way to select which calendars are used.
3. ...And possibly send individuals their own private events, too



TTG 09-29-2004 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
Q: Is there supposed to be a combull option in the admincp main, or do we always execute this by browsing admincp/commbull.php

That's it for now,


admincp>>users>>Send Community Bulletin

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