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John 06-07-2004 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by tmhall
Article column, subcat index.

Try overwriting the article_level2_post template with this:


<tr align="center">
        <td class="alt2" width="1%">
<if condition="!empty($category['statusicon'])">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$category[statusicon].gif" alt="" border="0" />
        <td class="alt1Active" align="$stylevar[left]" id="f$category[categoryid]">
                        <a href="article.php?$session[sessionurl]c=$category[categoryid]"><strong>$category[title]</strong></a>
                <div class="smallfont">$category[description]</div>
<if condition="$category[subforums]"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: $category[subforums]</div></if>
        <td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap">$category[articlecount]</td>
        <td class="alt1" nowrap>$lastcommentby</td>
        <td class="alt2" nowrap>$lastarticleby</td>

DaveLogic 06-07-2004 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Breaker
fixed permissions problems (overriding of permissions appeared in wrong groups)

but now i get a database error when trying to view a category

I have the same permission problem...How exactly did you remedy this as I can find no permission options in AdminCP??

John 06-07-2004 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by DaveLogic
I have the same permission problem...How exactly did you remedy this as I can find no permission options in AdminCP??

I presume you've followed the instructions, and saved usergroup settings and vBulletin options?

DaveLogic 06-07-2004 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by John
I presume you've followed the instructions, and saved usergroup settings and vBulletin options?

My apologies ...I hadn't but like the person before me, after completing that part I now receive this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
WHERE categoryid=2 AND (articleuserid=1 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

zetetic 06-07-2004 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by John
Try overwriting the article_level2_post template with this:

Oops, I think it was my fault. I'm not using the default names for the post icons. :(


John 06-07-2004 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by DaveLogic
My apologies ...I hadn't but like the person before me, after completing that part I now receive this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
WHERE categoryid=2 AND (articleuserid=1 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Which file is the error coming from? (I.e. the name of the file mentioned in the query error.)

DaveLogic 06-07-2004 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by John
Which file is the error coming from? (I.e. the name of the file mentioned in the query error.)

Date: Monday 07th of June 2004 01:57:31 PM
Script: http://localhost/forums/article.php?c=2
Referer: http://localhost/forums/article.php
Username: Dave_Logic
IP Address:

John 06-07-2004 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by DaveLogic
Date: Monday 07th of June 2004 01:57:31 PM
Script: http://localhost/forums/article.php?c=2
Referer: http://localhost/forums/article.php
Username: Dave_Logic
IP Address:

I actually had the exact same error during testing, and then found that I had to save vBulletin Options to fix the problem.

But of course that can't be it, because you followed the instructions - right?

DaveLogic 06-07-2004 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by John
I actually had the exact same error during testing, and then found that I had to save vBulletin Options to fix the problem.

But of course that can't be it, because you followed the instructions - right?

Ok...I admit..missed that bit out aswell..Everything seems to be working fine now..thanks for your time...the install button has been clicked..

Okiewan 06-07-2004 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by John
vBulletin version?


John 06-07-2004 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Okiewan

Hmm, I don't think so. On your forums, in the footer -

Powered by: vBulletin Version 4.0.2
Copyright ?2000 - 2004, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd

4.0.2 doesn't exist. From the fact that you don't have a build_datastore function, it shows that you're not running 3.0.1 or anything like it - in fact, I'd say you're running an RC build. Someone has changed your vBulletin version manually through your Admin CP in debug mode.

So, there are a couple of options here.

1. If you're paying someone to upgrade your forums, they're just ripping you off and changing the vBulletin version number. (Whilst leaving the code untouched.)
2. You're not upgrading your forums properly.

Who does your upgrades?

trekwarfare 06-07-2004 05:31 PM

Awesome! I will give this a try later today, this will be of great use on my RPG forum.


ConqSoft 06-07-2004 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by John
Hmm, I don't think so. On your forums, in the footer -

Powered by: vBulletin Version 4.0.2
Copyright ?2000 - 2004, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd

4.0.2 doesn't exist. From the fact that you don't have a build_datastore function, it shows that you're not running 3.0.1 or anything like it - in fact, I'd say you're running an RC build. Someone has changed your vBulletin version manually through your Admin CP in debug mode.

So, there are a couple of options here.

1. If you're paying someone to upgrade your forums, they're just ripping you off and changing the vBulletin version number. (Whilst leaving the code untouched.)
2. You're not upgrading your forums properly.

Who does your upgrades?

He does that to throw off would-be hackers. :) It is actually 3.0.1 he is running.

John 06-07-2004 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
He does that to throw off would-be hackers. :) It is actually 3.0.1 he is running.

He doesn't have the build_datastore function, so it can't be 3.0.1. vBulletin didn't use that function in the RC days, it was added in Gold.

If he doesn't have it, he must be running something older than Gold.

Phrost 06-07-2004 05:41 PM

Does anyone have this up and running on a site so I can see it live? Thanks much.

trackpads 06-07-2004 05:47 PM

John, you rock!!!

Breaker 06-07-2004 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by John
I actually had the exact same error during testing, and then found that I had to save vBulletin Options to fix the problem.

But of course that can't be it, because you followed the instructions - right?

guilty as charged :|

13th_Disciple 06-07-2004 06:07 PM

rofl.. it's funny to see John actually catching people who didn't follow directions.. :p

congrats on another fine hack, John.. I would imagine that this will be installed shortly on my site as well.. very nice work.. and sure fire support.. even for those who didn't finish the instructions.. :D

Zachariah 06-07-2004 06:15 PM

works great john. Is there an option to make the attachments files system vs. in the sql db ?

nexialys 06-07-2004 06:47 PM

some clients asked me if it would be possible to have a script that take all the topics in a forum and push them in a Articles category ?!...

i suppose it's a request, but maybe someone here can start the work, not forced to be John, as he is already really occupied to debug people that can't read the instructions well... ;)

Tim Wheatley 06-07-2004 06:54 PM

You might want to make the re-saving your vb options BIGGER, I missed it too. ;)

ShutDown23 06-07-2004 07:17 PM

Don't know if anyones had this problem, but i did all the steps, but I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: can_administer() in /home/afceyri/public_html/forums/article.php on line 17

When i go to it. Any ideas?

John 06-07-2004 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by ShutDown23
Don't know if anyones had this problem, but i did all the steps, but I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: can_administer() in /home/afceyri/public_html/forums/article.php on line 17

When i go to it. Any ideas?

Line 17 is:

What version of vBulletin are you running? What modifications have you made to it?

monstergamer 06-07-2004 07:34 PM

there is a image that is not showing up on this page right beside the article http://www.monstergamer.net/vb/article.php?c=2

when i right click it show www.monstergamer.net/vb/

other then that i have customized mine real nice :D
thanx John for another great hack :)
* monstergamer clicks install

zetetic 06-07-2004 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
there is a image that is not showing up on this page right beside the article http://www.monstergamer.net/vb/article.php?c=2

That's the same problem I'm having. I thought it was a post icon issue but I don't think it is.

Logikos 06-07-2004 08:29 PM

NICE! Will be installing and customizing to my newest site :)

And can we say HOTM? :p

[high]* Logikos clicks install[/high]

Zachariah 06-07-2004 08:49 PM


I created 1 article w/ image attachment. (all is good)

I Deled the article:
Article count still says there is one article.

Looking @ the DB via phpmyadmin:

article table is empty
articleattachment table still has entry
articlepost table still has entry

Default posticon missing if none is selected. (red X)

If you [ Feature This Article ] you can not undo.

dndog 06-07-2004 09:00 PM

Definitely HOTM.

John, you are awesome.

corsacrazy 06-07-2004 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by HarryButt

I created 1 article w/ image attachment. (all is good)

I Deled the article:
Article count still says there is one article.

Looking @ the DB via phpmyadmin:

article table is empty
articleattachment table still has entry
articlepost table still has entry

Default posticon missing if none is selected. (red X)

If you [ Feature This Article ] you can not undo.

i just manually edited count value via phpmyadmin

Randall Rath 06-07-2004 09:44 PM

I use the table prefix option with my vBulletin installation.
I mention that because while the admincp's article.php file uses TABLE_PREFIX for the new table queries, the installer doesn't, and the forum's article.php file uses a mix of both.
You can imagine what the end result is.

John 06-07-2004 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Randall Rath
I use the table prefix option with my vBulletin installation.
I mention that because while the admincp's article.php file uses TABLE_PREFIX for the new table queries, the installer doesn't, and the forum's article.php file uses a mix of both.
You can imagine what the end result is.

Expect a full bug fix tomorrow.

Randall Rath 06-07-2004 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by John
Expect a full bug fix tomorrow.

No rush for me, I'm fixing it as I go, I just thought it might save you some headaches if I told you about it early on.

corsacrazy 06-07-2004 10:05 PM

one small bug found, when in the edit article page the links to the already attached images point to attachment.php rather than article one there fore it results in an invalid attachment id message error, also how do i edit captions for pics ? or is that in next version?

Synicide 06-07-2004 10:19 PM

Awesome! This will be a great compliment my forum's new magazine. :D

undrgrndgam3r 06-07-2004 10:42 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
WHERE categoryid=12 AND (articleuserid=141 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 07th of June 2004 07:41:55 PM
Script: http://govgaming.com/article.php?c=12
Username: Gamer4Life
IP Address:

???? how i fix this

WebMasterAJ 06-07-2004 11:18 PM

First and foremost, thank you for releasing this AWESOME hack!

Anyway, just curious, is it possible to have a different style for the article hack? That would be awesome! Please let me know...

Thank you for your time and energy...

Andrew Tatum

Randall Rath 06-07-2004 11:20 PM

Hey John, on line 767,

SELECT article.*, articlepost.postbody AS content, article.articlehash FROM article
*ignoring the table prefix thing*
Did you mean,

SELECT article.*, articlepost.postbody AS content, article.articlehash FROM article AS article

Mone' 06-07-2004 11:35 PM

Great hack john !

zetetic 06-07-2004 11:50 PM

Thanks again for all your hard work on this great hack, John. A couple other things:

My custom BBcode for float doesn't seem to work and images don't show up in preview.

John 06-07-2004 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by undrgrndgam3r
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
WHERE categoryid=12 AND (articleuserid=141 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 07th of June 2004 07:41:55 PM
Script: http://govgaming.com/article.php?c=12
Username: Gamer4Life
IP Address:

???? how i fix this

Try following the instructions properly.

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