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-   -   Spell Checker: PungoSpell for vBulletin3 Standard and WYSIWYG modes (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=65737)

tamarian 06-04-2004 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by sketch42
ok also i noticed that when i have the quote options set to 1 and try using the spell check i get "this is a test"

It may sound unlikely, but I'm 90% sure it's due to saving the file in a non *nix editor. You may want to try editing it on the server using vi

In the next version, I will make a seperate file for all the configuration options. This should prevent any end of line errors.

sketch42 06-04-2004 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
It may sound unlikely, but I'm 90% sure it's due to saving the file in a non *nix editor. You may want to try editing it on the server using vi

In the next version, I will make a seperate file for all the configuration options. This should prevent any end of line errors.


any text editor u recommend?

tamarian 06-04-2004 08:34 PM


1. Created a new config file (pungo-spell-config.php) to avoid the need to edit checkspelling.php, which is a bit tricky with end of line characters.
2. Added an option to disable the learn feature. This may be needed if your aspell setup does not allow, or not properly setup, for personal wordlists.
3. The language is now defined in the config file as well.

tamarian 06-04-2004 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by sketch42

any text editor u recommend?

vi is a small command line editor, great for editing files on the server, like config files. But it's for old farts, like me. New Linux distors now days use Pico or Nano.

However, check the new update, it will eliminate the need to edit checkspelling.php That file is sensitive to end of line characters.

sketch42 06-04-2004 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian

1. Created a new config file (pungo-spell-config.php) to avoid the need to edit checkspelling.php, which is a bit tricky with end of line characters.
2. Added an option to disable the learn feature. This may be needed if your aspell setup does not allow, or not properly setup, for personal wordlists.
3. The language is now defined in the config file as well.

ok everything's working now except the learn... is there anyway to get the learn feature working???

i take this back ... well not really... just that the values are backwards... apparently 0 checks within the quotes and 1 doesnt

maybe that can help fix the learn feature... can it be something like that?

tamarian 06-04-2004 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by sketch42
ok everything's working now except the learn... is there anyway to get the learn feature working???

i take this back ... well not really... just that the values are backwards... apparently 0 checks within the quotes and 1 doesnt

maybe that can help fix the learn feature... can it be something like that?

Yes, the 0 and 1 in the ignore options is confusing and reversed to what it actually means. I'll update the first post.

As for the learn problem, if it's enabled, and you you belong to a user group allowed to use it (i.e., you see the "Learn" button, then it should work, unless there's a language mismatch between the language you use, and the language listed in the first line of "custom.pws, assuming it's writable.

sketch42 06-04-2004 09:35 PM

is there any possible way to maybe get the learn feature working in future versions?

sketch42 06-04-2004 10:03 PM

even without the learn function im keeping this just for the usergroups...

clickity click click.... Install

anyway to make the pop up box a drop bigger...it doesnt maximize to where you can see the buttons...

also can we manually add words?

tamarian 06-04-2004 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by sketch42
is there any possible way to maybe get the learn feature working in future versions?

It's working correctly right now. As I explained in my earlier post, if it's not working, it's an issue with language and the system's aspell software setup.

tamarian 06-04-2004 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by sketch42
anyway to make the pop up box a drop bigger...it doesnt maximize to where you can see the buttons...

In the spellcheck.js file, the popup is opened with:

openSpellWin(640, 480);

You can fine-tune the size there.

What browser are you using?


also can we manually add words?
I can add an admin interface to add words but it will have to use the same PSPELL PHP code, which means if there's a problem with the server's setup for that language in word lists, it won't work.

sketch42 06-04-2004 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
In the spellcheck.js file, the popup is opened with:

openSpellWin(640, 480);

You can fine-tune the size there.

What browser are you using?



Originally Posted by tamarian
I can add an admin interface to add words but it will have to use the same PSPELL PHP code, which means if there's a problem with the server's setup for that language in word lists, it won't work.

wheres it currently grabbing the wordlist from currently??

teksigns 06-05-2004 02:30 AM

when i type a misspelled word and click the spellcheck button with learn enabled i get


Warning: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: No word lists can be found for the language "en". in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 22

Warning: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 79

Warning: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 82

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 84

however when i disable learn it works fine .....

im on a windows machine

tamarian 06-05-2004 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by sketch42
wheres it currently grabbing the wordlist from currently??

From the wordlist "custom.pws". The problem is when there's a conflict in the config for ASPELL dictionaries and PSPELL. I'm not yet familiar with all the details, but I used it on several setups, and some work great, and some don't like it. Some use softlinks to english.multi, so use en.multi.

I'll try to find out how to properly diagnose it, and maybe setup a diagnosstic script...

tamarian 06-05-2004 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by teksigns
when i type a misspelled word and click the spellcheck button with learn enabled i get


Warning: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: No word lists can be found for the language "en". in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 22
 Warning: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 79
 Warning: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 82
 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\forum\checkspelling.php on line 84

however when i disable learn it works fine .....

im on a windows machine

Yes, this is the same problem I mentioned above posts about dictionary conflicts.

Try this: Change the first line from custom.pws:

personal_ws-1.1 en 0


personal_ws-1.1 english 0

en worked fine for me on Fedora and Gentoo, but I had to change to english on RHE.

Sketch, try that change too, and let me knwo if this solves the problem.

sketch42 06-05-2004 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
Yes, this is the same problem I mentioned above posts about dictionary conflicts.

Try this: Change the first line from custom.pws:

personal_ws-1.1 en 0


personal_ws-1.1 english 0

en worked fine for me on Fedora and Gentoo, but I had to change to english on RHE.

Sketch, try that change too, and let me knwo if this solves the problem.

nope... learn still doesnt work

but honestly... i really dont need learn ... as long as i can add words manually ...

teksigns 06-05-2004 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
Yes, this is the same problem I mentioned above posts about dictionary conflicts.

Try this: Change the first line from custom.pws:

personal_ws-1.1 en 0


personal_ws-1.1 english 0

en worked fine for me on Fedora and Gentoo, but I had to change to english on RHE.

Sketch, try that change too, and let me knwo if this solves the problem.

i still get same exact error .

i notice it still says "en" in the error even though i changed to "english".

SteveK 06-05-2004 06:27 PM

I get this error when attempting to spell check:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/profit/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 26

Line 26 is:

PHP Code:

    $pspell_link pspell_new ("$my_lang"""""""PSPELL_FAST|PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER); 

Tried changing custom.pws from "en" to "english", no luck
I do have pspell installed, but unsure of dictionary location the aspell.conf file. How do I edit the aspell.conf file using SSH so that it points to the right dictionary file?


tamarian 06-05-2004 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by SteveK
I get this error when attempting to spell check:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/profit/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 26

Line 26 is:

PHP Code:

    $pspell_link pspell_new ("$my_lang"""""""PSPELL_FAST|PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER); 

Tried changing custom.pws from "en" to "english", no luck
I do have pspell installed, but unsure of dictionary location the aspell.conf file. How do I edit the aspell.conf file using SSH so that it points to the right dictionary file?


I think this is not a wordlist problem, so let's see if you have and en dictionary installed.

What are the contents of these directories on your server?


You may be missing the en english dictionaries

dbroomjr 06-05-2004 10:53 PM

I too am getting the error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/profit/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 26

At your request, here is the contents of my directories. I would sure like to get this going. :D

Any tips?


[/usr/lib/aspell]# ls
./                  american.multi@    english-med-only  english-variant-2
../                canadian-med.multi  english.multi@
american-med.multi  canadian-med-only  english-variant-0
american-med-only  canadian.multi@    english-variant-1

[/usr/share/aspell]# ls
./                  iso8859-10.map  iso8859-4.dat  iso8859-7.map  koi8-r.dat
../                iso8859-1.dat  iso8859-4.map  iso8859-8.dat  SGML.map
ASCII.dat          iso8859-1.map  iso8859-5.dat  iso8859-8.map  spell*
ASCII.map          iso8859-2.dat  iso8859-5.map  iso8859-9.dat  standard.kbd
english.dat        iso8859-2.map  iso8859-6.dat  iso8859-9.map  unicode.dat
english_phonet.dat  iso8859-3.dat  iso8859-6.map  ispell*        viscii.dat
iso8859-10.dat      iso8859-3.map  iso8859-7.dat  koi8-f.dat    viscii.map



tamarian 06-05-2004 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by dbroomjr
I too am getting the error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/profit/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 26

At your request, here is the contents of my directories. I would sure like to get this going. :D

Any tips?

Here's a tip:

In /usr/share/aspell

copy english.dat to en.dat
copy english_phonet.dat to en_phonet.dat

dbroomjr 06-05-2004 11:20 PM


[/usr/share/aspell]# ls
./                  iso8859-10.dat  iso8859-4.dat  iso8859-8.dat  spell*
../                iso8859-10.map  iso8859-4.map  iso8859-8.map  standard.kbd
ASCII.dat          iso8859-1.dat  iso8859-5.dat  iso8859-9.dat  unicode.dat
ASCII.map          iso8859-1.map  iso8859-5.map  iso8859-9.map  viscii.dat
en.dat              iso8859-2.dat  iso8859-6.dat  ispell*        viscii.map
english.dat        iso8859-2.map  iso8859-6.map  koi8-f.dat
english_phonet.dat  iso8859-3.dat  iso8859-7.dat  koi8-r.dat
en_phonet.dat      iso8859-3.map  iso8859-7.map  SGML.map

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/share/public_html/Forum/checkspelling.php on line 26

Still get the same error. :( As you can see, I now have english and en both in that directory. I have tried changing custom.pws to english and back to en and neither work. Any other idea's?

Also, thanks for the help.


tamarian 06-05-2004 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by dbroomjr
Still get the same error. :( As you can see, I now have english and en both in that directory. I have tried changing custom.pws to english and back to en and neither work. Any other idea's?

I'm out of ideas..... Does it work when you disable the learn function?

dbroomjr 06-05-2004 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
I'm out of ideas..... Does it work when you disable the learn function?

No, Learn is not enabled and never has been. I just tried enabling it and it errors out on it also. So, I guess I will just uninstall this one until someone can come up with the solution to the problem. I have tried everything I know.

I know its not your script, its bound to be something different in versions, OS's, etc. Just can't track down what it is.

Thanks for the help.


tamarian 06-06-2004 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by dbroomjr
No, Learn is not enabled and never has been. I just tried enabling it and it errors out on it also. So, I guess I will just uninstall this one until someone can come up with the solution to the problem. I have tried everything I know.

I know its not your script, its bound to be something different in versions, OS's, etc. Just can't track down what it is.

Thanks for the help.


No problem. I found that there isn't much information out there in the web regarding the combination of aspell and PHP's PSPELL + dictionary and wordlist setup, which indicate it's not used much.

You might want to try the PHPSpell hack.

Brad 06-06-2004 01:57 PM

Very good hack my friend, one of the best I have seen. This will defentaly be installed on my board, I don't try to hack much but you can't pass this one up :)

teksigns 06-06-2004 02:48 PM

mine works fine with learn disabled ......

buts errors with it enabled

wdarton 06-08-2004 04:04 AM

Ok I have a new error that I didn't see anywhere in this thread. When I hit the spellcheck button, the spellcheck window opens with all of the correct information, but another window pops up on top that says Spell Check complete "ok" then it exits out when you hit ok.

I'm kinda confused.... Help?

tamarian 06-08-2004 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by wdarton
Ok I have a new error that I didn't see anywhere in this thread. When I hit the spellcheck button, the spellcheck window opens with all of the correct information, but another window pops up on top that says Spell Check complete "ok" then it exits out when you hit ok.

I'm kinda confused.... Help?

This is the default behaviour for PungoSpell, when the text contains not spelling mistakes.

wdarton 06-08-2004 10:54 AM

Well except that the text does contain spelling errors. But I think I found the problem. Aspell doesn't have a default dictionary assigned to it. When I do a "aspell dump dicts" I get an "invalid dump" specification, so I'm guesssing that aspell isn't configured properly. I started working on it last night, but didn't get it solved. Still hacking away at it. I'll let you ya know

floridaideal 06-09-2004 01:18 PM


I also have the same problem as Wdarton, see attached image. I installed it fine and get no errors but soon as I open Spell Check I get "Spell Checking Complete" pop up , it just won't spell check!

Got Pspell and Aspell installed.

Anyone please help!

Thank you


Chris Blount 06-13-2004 03:29 AM

I got mine installed and it works good so far. Having one problem though.

I setup the config file so all usergroups can access the spell checker (1,2,3,4 etc.) but unregistered users are getting a blank spell check window when they try to use it.

Any ideas? I'm pretty sure the config file is correct.

sketch42 06-13-2004 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Blount
I got mine installed and it works good so far. Having one problem though.

I setup the config file so all usergroups can access the spell checker (1,2,3,4 etc.) but unregistered users are getting a blank spell check window when they try to use it.

Any ideas? I'm pretty sure the config file is correct.

unregistered shouldnt be able to post by default unless you changed that

Chris Blount 06-13-2004 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by sketch42
unregistered shouldnt be able to post by default unless you changed that

Yes, I want unregs to be able to use the spell check which is why I changed the config file to list all usergroups.

pie 06-13-2004 10:41 AM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/colicab/public_html/community/checkspelling.php on line 26

The error i receive.

tamarian 06-13-2004 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Blount
I got mine installed and it works good so far. Having one problem though.

I setup the config file so all usergroups can access the spell checker (1,2,3,4 etc.) but unregistered users are getting a blank spell check window when they try to use it.

Any ideas? I'm pretty sure the config file is correct.

I have not thought about unregistered users, so I might make room for that in a future update.

If you want to enable it now, add 0 to the allowed usergroups (if it's not there) and comment out this line from checkspelling.php (line 14)

Chenge from:

if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0) exit;

To this:

//if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0) exit;

Be caureful that your editor should not add any end of line characters.

tamarian 06-13-2004 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by pie
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/colicab/public_html/community/checkspelling.php on line 26

The error i receive.

You probably don't have pspell compiled into your PHP, and missing the aspell package.

Try PHPSpell instead.

Chris Blount 06-13-2004 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
I have not thought about unregistered users, so I might make room for that in a future update.

If you want to enable it now, add 0 to the allowed usergroups (if it's not there) and comment out this line from checkspelling.php (line 14)

Chenge from:

if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0) exit;

To this:

//if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0) exit;

Be caureful that your editor should not add any end of line characters.

Works great! Thanks so much for your support. We ended up leaving the learning feature off for now because we don't want our users to accidently place certain words in their custom dictionary.

I do have one question though. I run a satellite forum and we have a lot of terms that only pertain to the satellite industry. Is there a place where I can put universally ignored words? I looked in the files but couldn't find a place to put them except for where you have the code to ignore the QUOTE tags.

tamarian 06-13-2004 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Blount
I do have one question though. I run a satellite forum and we have a lot of terms that only pertain to the satellite industry. Is there a place where I can put universally ignored words? I looked in the files but couldn't find a place to put them except for where you have the code to ignore the QUOTE tags.

PHP's pspell functions do not have a real ignore feature. There is an ignore options, but it's only by length, i.e. ignore any word with less than X characters.

I can think of two options, enable learning, but restrict it to admins or a group that can enter those abbriviations.

Or, check out the PHPSpell hack, as it has the ignore feature.

Chris Blount 06-15-2004 11:23 AM

I just found something weird that's happening. When using the spell check in standard mode (not WYSIWYG). All paragraph breaks are getting taken out so when the spell check is done, the post ends up being one long paragraph.

Gary King 06-16-2004 06:21 PM

If aspell is not installed, I'm sure there's a way to define the functions required (just a thought.)

Anyone know the correct function declaration for, say, pspell_new()?

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