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-   -   FREE zz:FlashChat Drop in Flash Animated Chat Integration (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=64907)

007 06-12-2004 08:02 PM

Does this show users location "in chat" on whoslonine? Thanks.

Also, can sounds and animations be added and or removed? That puff animation would get very annoying lol! It lasts for about 60 seconds..

x3n0 06-14-2004 10:31 AM


Ive added the events,pretty cool, but looking at the attached images on first page it shows a events bar

any idea how i get this showing
From within chat - click on the arrow in the upper-left corner for a dropdown menu with event and sound options.


so this whole thing is a query you need to do in sql? (I am still learning lol)
Theres also some error checking, database security, and output formatting in addition to the query itself ($sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$cfg['userdat'].' WHERE status=0';).


Does this show users location "in chat" on whoslonine? Thanks.

Also, can sounds and animations be added and or removed? That puff animation would get very annoying lol! It lasts for about 60 seconds..
I tried to use the recommended method to add the chat to the 'who is online' script but I have not been able to get it to work just yet. Unknown location. :( Probably something to do with my chat being located outside of my vB tree. Perhaps a 'chdir' or maybe putting the chat inside inside your forums directory structure? Amyone? I'm a newb. Please bear with me, I'm learning this stuff as I go and usually smoke my short term memory. On a side note, I found that vB already has a 'Chat" phrase built in. ;)

The puff animation is just a swf I used at my site's chat while experimenting. It's not included with zz:flashchat. Animations, sounds, and smileys can be easily configured from the chats admin page. I've played some crazy flash movies in the chat and also have tried full length mp3 songs as an experiment with no problems.

Please remember I didn't write the chat so I'm not the person to ask questions about it. There's a forum all about zz:flashchat available at: http://download.zehnnet.de


Warning: Unknown(): stream does not support seeking in /home/foo/foo/foo/foo/foo/foo/forum/global.php(388) : eval()'d code on line 8
Anyone with stream or include (global.php) errors,
Please make absolutely sure that the following 2 lines in 'member.php' point to valid paths depending on your system architecture:

chdir("/path/to/your/forums/"); // Change to forum path

chdir("/path/to/your/chat/"); # change back to chat path

If the incorrect path is entered the script will still parse but any cascading included calls to global.php from functions_bigthree.php and other respective includes will error off. SQL queries and connects will also choke. Changing the shell path is essential for scripts external to vB to interface correctly.

Hope I didn't miss any questions. Peace!

007 06-15-2004 05:08 AM

Cool thanks x3no. Now that I think about it I created a totally non vb page and got it to show up in whos online. If I can walk through the steps I took I can probably post how I did it :)

x3n0 06-17-2004 10:24 AM

Please do, 006! ;)

007 06-17-2004 10:56 PM

Has anybody figured out how to make the colors linked to the users selected styles?

Also, it would be cool to be able to include it so it can be displayed in the forum template. Like the chat at vb.org is..

x3n0 06-26-2004 02:49 AM

To add the 'Chat' location to "Who's Online?"

In the /includes folder open functions_online.php using your favorite PHP editor and;


case 'subscriptions':
        $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['viewing_paid_subscriptions'];


case 'chat':
        $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['chat'];


case 'archive':
        $userinfo['activity'] = 'archive';


case 'member.php':
        $userinfo['activity'] = 'chat';

Bounce 06-26-2004 11:18 PM

got the "add events" worked out, brilliant mate :)

canny seem to get the Integration working thou :(

when I call member.php i get all this


Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2)
guessing ive not configured everything properly but what thou? any help ?

CANCEL ALL THAT--LOL doh i never edited in the rite paths :rolleyes:

workin now :)

NOW..... how do I get it to redirect back to the forums when I log out - this i am stuck on..lol :ermm:

and still to work out the "who's online/in chat" bit, otherwise may I say this is a BRILLIANT hack, installed and workin...well apart from the above..lol
ANOTHER EDIT : found it and got it showin for who's in chat but not showing in who's online?? :ermm:

Also how do I put "who's in chat" into "Whats Going On!" Section ?

Brilliant my users love it

Bounce 07-02-2004 07:32 PM

canny get the "who's online" part tae work


To add the 'Chat' location to "Who's Online?"

In the /includes folder open functions_online.php using your favorite PHP editor and;
done all below that ,i'm using the member.php to intregrate users from my forum

does this part needs changed to member.php


case 'main.php':
$userinfo['activity'] = 'chat';
any help welcome :rolleyes:

x3n0 07-03-2004 11:36 AM

Opps, yes! My bad. Sorry! Main.php should be member.php, in any code including "Who's Online?" Me go back and fix. Thats why it's Beta folks!

RichieBoy67 07-07-2004 08:40 PM

Can anyone help me configure my member.php???

I am having a killer time...



Bounce 07-15-2004 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Can anyone help me configure my member.php???

I am having a killer time...




You still havin probs? PM me and i'll try and help

ogetbilo 08-05-2004 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by x3n0
To add the 'Chat' location to "Who's Online?"

In the /includes folder open functions_online.php using your favorite PHP editor and;


case 'subscriptions':
        $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['viewing_paid_subscriptions'];


case 'chat':
        $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['chat'];


case 'archive':
        $userinfo['activity'] = 'archive';


case 'member.php':
        $userinfo['activity'] = 'chat';

I did all of these, and I still can't get the who's online working. Anybody succeeded this?

x3n0 08-06-2004 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by ogetbilo
I did all of these, and I still can't get the who's online working. Anybody succeeded this?

Where in your directory tree does the chat program reside? Are you calling the script 'member.php' to run the chat, or did you rename it to something else?

ogetbilo 08-06-2004 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by x3n0
Where in your directory tree does the chat program reside? Are you calling the script 'member.php' to run the chat, or did you rename it to something else?

chat program resides in ~/public_html/chat
forum resides in ~/public_html/forums
I am using member.php
should I move the chat folder inside the forums folder?

[edit] I tried to put
include (../forums/global.php);
into the chat/member.php . Then the 'who's online' display works properly. but then I can't get into the chat.[/edit[

x3n0 08-07-2004 12:25 AM

Are you changing back to the correct chat path after the include of global.php?

ogetbilo 08-07-2004 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by x3n0
Are you changing back to the correct chat path after the include of global.php?

yes sir

and thenafter when I go to member.php I cannot login to chat. It just leaves me logged out.
But when I am at that very screen, if I check the who's online with another account I can see myself in chat.

x3n0 08-07-2004 01:40 AM

Cookies enabled?

ogetbilo 08-07-2004 05:27 PM

I have this three lines in member.php

I have the cookies enabled (well, both forum and chat cookies, otherwise they wouldn't work, would they?). btw what do cookies have anything to do with who's online?

SIINSI 08-08-2004 12:34 AM

Has anyone fogure out how to get a header, footer navbar etc integrated with this? If so, how?



amykhar 08-13-2004 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Okiewan
For $5 this flash based chat SMOKES the one in this thread and integrates with the member database easily (the author provides the info for vb integration). I've used it for a month or so and my members love it.


I have to agree about this script. I had no problems with the integration of the zz-flashchat. The darn chat just didn't work right.

GoTTi 08-17-2004 03:12 AM

man i installed this, config'd it in the database.php, but i have NO idea how to make it work with vbulletin, is there a more descriptive instruction walk through around explaining what should be done to make this integrated?

x3n0 08-19-2004 08:51 AM

Da_GoTTi, tell me exactly where your having a problem. Links will help. Then I can help you.

The chat works flawlessly on my site - complete with animations. A walkthru of the installation would be impossible because of the many different ways it could be integrated with vB.

Bounce 08-26-2004 06:29 PM

Works brilliantly on my site too, had 20 in chat the other night throwing bombs at each other,funny as :rolleyes:

Couple o things thou that i'm wondering can be done

When logging out either via X in browser window or in chatroom window is it possible to make it redirect back to your forums??

Also added on from point one can i remove the X in the chat window thus making users only being able to log out via window :surprised:



Swanny231 08-30-2004 09:16 AM

How do I get the java script to pop up on the forum home ?

Swanny231 08-30-2004 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Swanny231
How do I get the java script to pop up on the forum home ?

Works great with vb but I don't know where to begin with adding the pop up window and puttn a link on the forum to call the pop up?

http://3rd-565thclan.com/chat/member.php is the chat
http://3rd-565thclan.com/forums is my forum

x3n0 08-30-2004 11:54 AM


Has anyone fogure out how to get a header, footer navbar etc integrated with this? If so, how?
Should be fairly easy. I'll get on it ASAP. I've actually been wanting this myself but have been putting it off due to limited free time.


I have to agree about this script. I had no problems with the integration of the zz-flashchat. The darn chat just didn't work right.
zz:Flashchat really is a superb choice for a chat. The animation and sound abilities are what make it shine. The look is very easily customizable. The MD5 encryption and in house serving are definate security advantages over insecure IRC and expensive externally served chat options. Admin also has complete control of configured chat moderator permissions. 98% of surfers already have the Flash plugin installed and no spooky client side downloads or applets are required. The content of our site is controversial and our members insist on such security precautions.

I've seen quite a few users named "Goner" (referred from this thread) dropping into my chat without ever trying the advanced animation and sound capabilities. Please take the time to give zz:flashchat a complete evaluation before writing off these awesome scripts. Some of my colleagues who have already integrated expensive subscription chat services with vB have switched over to Flashchat after seeing what it can do. Several users dropping loud animated bombs in the chat window to get your attention while you are AFK can be a riot. ;) Don't like it? Users have the choice to disable sound and animations. Not bad for a GPL script IMO. GPL sometimes still seems to be a cuss word even though most of us primarily work with Linux/php/Apache systems.


When logging out either via X in browser window or in chatroom window is it possible to make it redirect back to your forums??

Also added on from point one can i remove the X in the chat window thus making users only being able to log out via window.
Please remember I didn't write the chat and cannot provide support. These modifications require editing of the flash components using the source Macromedia MX code. Source mods should be quite easy to implement but should be taken up with the author at: http://download.zehnet.de/

Installation is bulletproof as long as you get into the PHP code and modify the paths correctly, create the correct SQL permissions for your new database (or your existing database with new tables), CHMOD your paths correctly, and set up the config file to point to the database with the correct host/IP, SQL user, and password. Same scenario as a virgin vB installation, same complexities. The zz:Flashchat installation script (installation.php) will only run if everything is set up correctly beforehand, just like vB... Being that English is not the author's primary language, the install manual can be a bit confusing - especially considering we are not using the default method for initiating the chat engine but instead a modified script that melds with vB's existing variables.

;) I obviously need to elaborate on the install process. That's why it's here in beta folks. :confused:

After zz:Flashchat is installed and working the chat has to be presented to your users in a manner that vBulletin's built in security will accept. This requires including external script calls and Javascript pop-ups from vB's templates. A tricky process for some of us non-guru types - but invaluable for adding new php mods to vB with vB's built in security. A tutorial is sadly lacking from vBulletins existing documentation. While such a tutoorial would be handy I assume Jelsofts concerns about cookie security kept the documentation limited to some commented-out code in the default templates. I'll try my best to make a step by step process to simplify the install. Please be aware that calling an external script (the chat or the "users chatting" scripts) from vBulletin requires a few extra modifications that should be installed on a local development server before running in a production environment. Calling an external php script with an incorrectly defined path will immediately cause a fatal SQL crash, effective locking you out of the template editing capabilities (and the rest of vB). Fixing the broken forum would require writing custom queries to be used with a 3rd party sql admin tool or a template restore from a good dump. Always back up your existing database with an SQL dump before installing any hack.

I'll work on giving a detailed explanation of the entire integration process (as used on my site) and I'll update post #1 of this thread with all the pertinent info as soon as I can. I'll try to have it online within the next 24 hours, if my workload allows. Please bear with me. Thanks!

Peace out,

karlogaga 08-30-2004 06:40 PM


Hi, when i am logged out of vbulletin and i call the member.php it logs me into the chat automatically with the user-name "unregistered".

What do i have to change so the script will only allow registered users of the forum?

Greets Karlo

x3n0 08-30-2004 11:55 PM

Are you sending the username to member.php via the URL?

karlogaga 08-31-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by x3n0
Are you sending the username to member.php via the URL?

no, it fills it in by itself, i just call http://www.xxx.com/xxx/member.php, then it fills in the username "unregistered" amd opens the chat-window...

karlogaga 08-31-2004 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by karlogaga
no, it fills it in by itself, i just call http://www.xxx.com/xxx/member.php, then it fills in the username "unregistered" amd opens the chat-window...

...and if i'm registered in the forum it opens the caht with my username.

jdmuniverse 09-18-2004 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by x3n0
Should be fairly easy. I'll get on it ASAP. I've actually been wanting this myself but have been putting it off due to limited free time.

Sweet!! I look forward to it. I have it running flawlessly on my site and have the users in chat on forumhome and on vbindex page :)

The header, footer, navbar, etc is all it's missing. It's actually the coolest chat I have tried thus far.

Thanks for everything! :)


x3n0 09-22-2004 07:01 PM

Just wanted to let you all know I'm not ignoring this hack, I've decided to completely redo all the code so as to make this a bit easier to configure and give it the ability to use your existing CSS styles. Look for a re-release in the near future.

plateau 05-16-2005 09:03 PM

good job, man, r u still there providing technical supports? i am gonna install it!!!

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