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Shane 04-18-2004 12:48 AM

ixian, even though the CVS isn't propergrated yet, I want to add you to the list once it is done monday. I just got the word from SF.

tilight 04-18-2004 01:17 AM

Thanks, now the Bugs AdminCP works, but the bugs.php doesnt. I attached a screenshot of the error, since it isnt text. BTW I didnt modify anything, this is a fresh install with the instructions followed.

ixian 04-18-2004 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Shane
ixian, even though the CVS isn't propergrated yet, I want to add you to the list once it is done monday. I just got the word from SF.

My sourceforge username is Ixian too, add away:)

Shane 04-18-2004 02:52 PM

@tillight: Very stange. Did you import the phrases XML file?

@Ixian: rgr

tilight 04-18-2004 06:26 PM

Yes also I just re uploaded the phrases and its still doing it.

Shane 04-18-2004 06:51 PM

What is the link to your forums?

tilight 04-18-2004 08:33 PM

Sorry it is a private forum so I can't give it to you. Here is a new error I received when trying to add a bug via admincp:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: SELECT typeid,typename FROM types ORDER BY sortorder
mysql error: Table 'forums.types' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Sunday 18th of April 2004 04:29:45 PM
Script: http://localhost/forums/admincp/bugsadmin.php?do=add
Referer: http://localhost/forums/admincp/index.php?

Shane 04-19-2004 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by tilight
Sorry it is a private forum so I can't give it to you. Here is a new error I received when trying to add a bug via admincp:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: SELECT typeid,typename FROM types ORDER BY sortorder
mysql error: Table 'forums.types' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Sunday 18th of April 2004 04:29:45 PM
Script: http://localhost/forums/admincp/bugsadmin.php?do=add
Referer: http://localhost/forums/admincp/index.php?

Will look into when I get back to school. I get there tommorow at 7pm. That will be the first time I will be able to check and make corrections.

tilight 04-19-2004 07:22 PM

Thanks a lot!
Also I want to suggest adding usergroup permissions to Bug Tracker Types. Because if there is a bug type for a private beta testing game, then they would probably want to only allow beta testers to access it. Just a suggestion.

ixian 04-19-2004 08:57 PM

If I'm not mistaken the bugs_admin got messed up in the last download, there's a parse error on line 75 when you try to administer the script. I've had no luck finding the exact issue yet (naturally, it's not actually on line 75).

Link14716 04-19-2004 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by ixian
I was thinking more like "x new bugs since your last visit" but this is along the same lines, and yes it'd be easy to do.

Right now, on my side of things, I am working on the hide/show closed bugs, color-coding bugs by state (i.e. critical bugs red, moderate blue, etc - this is a feature found in just about every other ticket system out there and it makes a huge difference when you are trying to prioritize a lot of bugs) and the big one, email notification, which IMHO is the one major feature this hack has always lacked.

If you want to do a simple mod to do the above then by all means please do, especially if you've already done it. We're not credit hogs here; we just want a good hack to get even better and if you have something useful to add don't let us hold ya back:)

Well, I did it a long while ago with vB-Bugs. I didn't really document anything though. I might give it a whirl with this version. ;)

Reimer 04-19-2004 11:06 PM

Hi Everbody,

I have got the some errer which has been already mentioned here. I tried the fix, but well - [i]of cource[/b] - this was not the solution for my problem.

I tried to remove the changing of the language-files to get the board going again, still there is some kind of problem. Maybe someone can give me a hint how to deal with the error in the language selection.

Shane 04-20-2004 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Reimer
Hi Everbody,

I have got the some errer which has been already mentioned here. I tried the fix, but well - [i]of cource[/b] - this was not the solution for my problem.

I tried to remove the changing of the language-files to get the board going again, still there is some kind of problem. Maybe someone can give me a hint how to deal with the error in the language selection.

That doesn't make sence. Is there an error? You might have to go in and delete.

Shane 04-20-2004 04:20 AM

link: You want in on the CVS code.. once it is in?

Boofo 04-20-2004 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Reimer
Hi Everbody,

I have got the some errer which has been already mentioned here. I tried the fix, but well - [i]of cource[/b] - this was not the solution for my problem.

I tried to remove the changing of the language-files to get the board going again, still there is some kind of problem. Maybe someone can give me a hint how to deal with the error in the language selection.

Try running these 2 queries and let me know if that fixes it.

[sql]ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_vBugs;
DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE fieldname='vBugs';[/sql]

Shane 04-20-2004 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Try running these 2 queries and let me know if that fixes it.

ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_vbBugs;
DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE fieldname='vbBugs';


Shane 04-20-2004 04:37 AM

why won't it be changed to vbbugs..

Shane 04-20-2004 04:39 AM

vb bugs (all one word)

ixian 04-20-2004 01:30 PM

Pending the CVS dump and all that, here's the fixed bugsadmin.php. Takes care of the parse error and a few other minor things.

Shane 04-20-2004 04:59 PM

Might have already done that in the new zip file in post one :)

tilight 04-20-2004 07:20 PM

I found a bug: In AdminCP when you add a bug and select the Type, Severity, Status, and Assigned to it creates duplicate choices, e.g.:

Minor Middle Critical Minor Middle Critical

ixian 04-20-2004 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by tilight
I found a bug: In AdminCP when you add a bug and select the Type, Severity, Status, and Assigned to it creates duplicate choices, e.g.:

Minor Middle Critical Minor Middle Critical

Are you using the new version of bugsadmin.php I attached two posts back?

tilight 04-20-2004 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by ixian
Are you using the new version of bugsadmin.php I attached two posts back?

Yes I am.

Shane 04-21-2004 02:05 PM

I will take a look at it also. :) I been updating the CVS server on SF manually since 8am.

tilight 04-21-2004 06:31 PM

Is there a way to only allow registered users to view bugs?

Shane 04-21-2004 09:33 PM

Would have to create a toggle for that. But right now only guests can view the listing and not the acuall report.

kmike 04-22-2004 03:50 AM

Seems like vbulletin.com guys already fixed most issues with old vb-bugs in their own install:
Also I see numerous new features added. Maybe we can persuade them to open their fixes and enhancements to public?

Oops, I was wrong about the precedence, just found that vbulletin's own bug tracker appeared first and vb-bugs is just an attempt to re-implement it. Anyway, the proposal to release their bug tracker code is still valid :)

ixian 04-22-2004 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by kmike
Seems like vbulletin.com guys already fixed most issues with old vb-bugs in their own install:
Also I see numerous new features added. Maybe we can persuade them to open their fixes and enhancements to public?

Oops, I was wrong about the precedence, just found that vbulletin's own bug tracker appeared first and vb-bugs is just an attempt to re-implement it. Anyway, the proposal to release their bug tracker code is still valid :)

It is, and I wish they would, but they aren't, or at least they aren't replying to requests to do so:)

It's ok, I've added in most of their functionality (such as view bugs you started/posted in) plus added some (such as a toggle to hide closed bugs and color coding by state). Working on the email subscription now. Ha! By the time we are done they will install our hack. Well maybe not, but it's fun to think about :rolleyes:

That said, they would save me a whole lot of time if they would share their email subscription code....:)

ixian 04-22-2004 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by tilight
Is there a way to only allow registered users to view bugs?

Simple eval at the top of the file. Might add a whole usergroup/permission option in the admin later, like vbArcade has.

kmike 04-22-2004 08:09 AM


That said, they would save me a whole lot of time if they would share their email subscription code....
Indeed, it's a pity to see such a waste of time spent in reinventing the wheel... :(

tilight 04-23-2004 10:33 AM

One thing we need is a new installation guide im sure people are making bugs trying to install it. Instead of saying, make a phrasegroup thing called this, tell us the MySQL code for it to make sure there arent any screw ups. :D

Shane 04-24-2004 06:22 PM

Fully finshed updating the CVS. Now I can go ahead and we can add new stuff :)

Lurk 04-25-2004 03:51 PM

is there a way i can rename the name in the navbar?

Zachariah 04-25-2004 03:54 PM

@ Shane

admincp It would keep all the menus in 1 dropdown.


if (is_member_of($bbuserinfo, $vboptions['bugadmingroup'])) {
                  if ($printhr == true)
                  construct_nav_group("Request/Bugs Tracker");
                if ($printhr == true)
// VB-BUGS end

Can't wait till its finished :D

Aso included a phrases.txt that might help

tilight 04-26-2004 12:49 AM

Found my problem. I need to add stuff into 'language.phrasegroup_vbbugs', what do I add in here? This will fix my problem. Even anyone who has vbbugs working can just go into phpmyadmin and tell me whats in that table, thanks.

HellRazor 04-26-2004 05:22 AM

Ok, a few bugs:

1. As someone reported earlier, in the admincp all of the dropdown boxes list the fieldnames twice.

2. In the admincp, the "Assigned To" dropdown always displays "Nobody" and there is no one else in the list.

(Both 1 and 2 work properly from bugs.php, the bugs are in the bugsadmin.php version).

3. Not sure if this behavior is correct or not (it doesn't seem to make sense) - but when a bug is tagged online status "yes", it doesn't show up in the list when using admincp "Moderate" command. Conversely, when it is tagged online status "no", it doesn't show up in the "Modify" command. Shouldn't it show up in both of these admin options regardless of whether or not it is "online" for users?


jluerken 04-26-2004 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Shane
Request/Bugs Tracker
Version: 1.0.0
vB-version: 3.0.0
Developer: ^BuGs^ (Shane on vB.org), ixian, and Kirby (Original)
Install difficulty: Easy
File edits: 1
Template edits: 0

Description of the Hack:
This is a basic vBulletin-powered Request/Bugs Tracker like the one on vBulletin.com

New files for this Hack:

Files modified for this Hack:

New templates for this Hack:

New DB tables for this Hack:

Read the readme.txt file if you are updating from vB-Bugs!!!!

As of 4/17/04, 9:21am EST
Fixed: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/bear/public_html/forums/includes/sessions.php on line 262 - vvbugs_settings.xml (new exported data from the HTL generator)
Fixed: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....4&postcount=22 (add the function inside bugs.php to help it cashe the bugs types everytime you load the page if a new one is not in the list.
Updated: readme.txt (a few grammer issues that I overlooked.)

As of 4/17/04, 9:47am EST
Fixed: bugs.php where if you edited a bug report and left the assigment to "unassigned" it owuld stop. This is now fixed where it will stay at unassiigned.

As of 4/20/04, 1:38am EST
Fixed: bugsadmin.php had had a program with the "add" and "edit" fuctions.

Sourceforge.net - New home for this hack under the direction of the group "vBulletin Modification Packages". Visit us at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vbmodificatiopk/ . (Best place to post bug reports. Ironic isn't it?)

Nice script but how can I create the tables that they're using my board table prefixes.
For sure I can make the changes manually but it would be nice if you could modify your script in that way that it uses the same table prefixes like vb3.

Can you change this?

tilight 04-27-2004 01:29 AM

You should definatly add a default setting for type, so that if they submit it without picking a type it will say "Please choose a type". If there are multiple types one might just rush by and pick the wrong one. This should be easy to add too.

HellRazor 04-27-2004 05:05 AM

The latest version of bugsadmin.php in the CVS fixes the bug with the dropdown lists.

There are still problems with the "Modify" and "Moderate" functions and the "Online" selection.

Now, when Online Status is "No", you can moderate, but not modify (as before).

When Online Status is "Yes", you can't moderate OR modify now. Under "modify" it lists the number of bugs but doesn't display them in the list.

What exactly is the difference between the "Modify" function and the "Moderate" function? They both seem to do the same thing.

HellRazor 04-27-2004 05:11 AM

Oh, also the problem with admins not appearing in the "assigned to" box in bugsadmin.php has also been fixed in the latest version.

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