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magnus 03-16-2004 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by DrkFusion
Thanks for this hack! Works great on a friends board, I modified it to take quotes from this website which provides RSS feeds of quotes. I developed an importer which takes the feeds and puts them into a database for this hack, I might release it as an addon. Doesn't seem stable as there is no interface for it pure backend.

This hack seems to be working fine, and is an asset since I had this incorporated on the main portal page.

Regards & Nice job!

DrkFusion, I'm glad you like the hack. Thanks! ;)

Also, I've noticed a couple of you have implemented this into your portals. Perhaps a few other people could benefit? If you'd like, you could post the modifications required here as per which portal (vbIndex, vBadvanced, etc..) and I could provide a link to them in the first thread.

Or, you could release them in the Add-On section. I have an upgrade coming out soon, which will include the moderating of posts, list sorting and user options toggle. I've decided to release these now, as their pretty much completed rather than waiting for v2.0.

Instead, v2.0 will have a few more configurations and user/admin-options and from the response so far, categories, lol. ;)

DrkFusion, I like your idea of incorporating RSS feeds. That's a great idea. :D

daFish 03-16-2004 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by magnus
Hrm.. I'll consider categories, we'll see.

As for when to display, do you mean it displays 1 quote per day/week/month rather than randomly changing every refresh?

I mean if day is sunday, show only quotes from category X otherwise show from all categories.

magnus 03-16-2004 05:31 PM


1. Download quoteit1.2.zip from the first post and uncompress it.

2. Upload quotes.php to your forum ROOT directory, overwriting the existing one.

3. Upload quoteadmin.php to your ADMINCP directory.

4. Run the following SQL queries:
INSERT INTO `setting` (`varname` , `grouptitle` , `value` , `defaultvalue` , `optioncode` , `displayorder` , `advanced` , `volatile` ) VALUES ( 'moderatequotes', 'forumhome', '0', '0', 'yesno', '6', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `phrase` ( `phraseid` , `languageid` , `varname` , `text` , `phrasetypeid` ) VALUES ( '', '0', 'setting_moderatequotes_title', 'Disable Quote Moderation?', '5000');
INSERT INTO `phrase` ( `phraseid` , `languageid` , `varname` , `text` , `phrasetypeid` ) VALUES ( '', '0', 'setting_moderatequotes_desc', 'Selecting "No" will require all quotes to be approved before being displayed.', '5000' );
INSERT INTO `phrase` ( `phraseid` , `languageid` , `varname` , `text` , `phrasetypeid` ) VALUES ( '', '0', 'quote_x_has_been_approved', 'Quote ({1}) has been approved.', '9000' );
INSERT INTO `phrase` ( `phraseid` , `languageid` , `varname` , `text` , `phrasetypeid` ) VALUES ( '', '0', 'quote_x_has_been_deleted', 'Quote ({1}) has been deleted.', '9000' );
INSERT INTO `phrase` ( `phraseid` , `languageid` , `varname` , `text` , `phrasetypeid` ) VALUES ( '', '0', 'moderate_quotes', 'Moderate Quotes', '9' );
INSERT INTO `phrase` ( `phraseid` , `languageid` , `varname` , `text` , `phrasetypeid` ) VALUES ( '', '0', 'no_quotes_awaiting_moderation', 'No Quotes awaiting moderation', '2' );

5. Make the following FILE edits:


PHP Code:

    $result_quote $DB_site->query("
        SELECT * FROM quotes ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1

PHP Code:

    $result_quote $DB_site->query("
        SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE approved=1 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1


PHP Code:

        construct_nav_group($vbphrase['moderation'], '<hr />'"$df"); 

PHP Code:

        construct_nav_option($vbphrase['moderate_quotes'], "quoteadmin.php?do=moderate"); 

Done !!

You will now have a new option under the "Moderation" category in the AdminCP, titled "Moderate Quotes". Quote moderating can be toggled via vBulletin Options -> Forums Home Page Options -> Disable Quote Moderation?

Sting 03-16-2004 08:04 PM

hey i get this error while trying to do an install

Parse error: parse error in /home/###/public_html/forum/admincp/install_quoteit.php on line 325

magnus 03-16-2004 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Sting
hey i get this error while trying to do an install

Parse error: parse error in /home/###/public_html/forum/admincp/install_quoteit.php on line 325

Woops, my fault. Re-download the .ZIP in the first post. ;)

Giveit2u43 03-16-2004 09:02 PM

vbindex integration..

in vbindex.php (or whatever you renamed it to) find:

and change it to:


next find:

if (trim($bbuserinfo['ignorelist'])) {
        $ignorelist = 'AND thread.postuserid NOT IN ('.str_replace(' ', ',', $bbuserinfo['ignorelist']).')';

and add BENEATH it:

$result_quote = $DB_site->query("
                        SELECT quotes.*,user.username AS quotename FROM quotes AS quotes
                        LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."user AS user ON (user.userid = quotes.userid)
                        ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1
                while ($quote = $DB_site->fetch_Array($result_quote)) {
                        $randomquote[quoteid] = $quote[quoteid];
                        $randomquote[quote] = $quote[quote];
                        $randomquote[author] = $quote[author];
                        $randomquote[userid] = $quote[userid];
                        $randomquote[username] = $quote[quotename];
                        $randomquote[approved] = $quote[approved];
                eval('$showrandomquote .= "' . fetch_template('randomquote') . '";');

Then edit your VBINDEX template and place:


You can actually place $showrandomquote anywhere you`d like the quotes to show up..

gmarik 03-17-2004 03:17 AM

Nice one, Giveit!
Any ideas about the category option?

magnus 03-17-2004 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by gmarik
Nice one, Giveit!
Any ideas about the category option?

Yup, categories are in the works as we speak. ;)

Acido 03-17-2004 06:34 PM

where i can place the query code in vbadvance homepage ?

I'm not sure iditing adv_index.php, can you help me ?

magnus 03-17-2004 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Acido
where i can place the query code in vbadvance homepage ?

I'm not sure iditing adv_index.php, can you help me ?

I'm not too familiar with vBadvanced, however, you should just be able to place the $result_quote call anywhere near the beginning of the main call, and call it with the $showrandomquote in one of the templates.

You'll need to fiddle with it, because like I said, I don't use vBadvanced.

Acido 03-17-2004 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
I'm not too familiar with vBadvanced, however, you should just be able to place the $result_quote call anywhere near the beginning of the main call, and call it with the $showrandomquote in one of the templates.

You'll need to fiddle with it, because like I said, I don't use vBadvanced.

No problem. I'll find a way, then i'll post it here.

Thanx ;)

djohn 03-18-2004 01:28 PM

Can't stop coming and looking at my forums after that hack was installed, magnus.
Never had any problems with it, works smoothly.

I thought of a suggestion just now. My forum's quote database is basically an archive of irc quotes, and the only two features now I really need are: the ability to search, and the numbering of quotes. It's kind of hard to describe, but if you go to bash.org, you'll se what i mean. Every quote has it's own number, and it would come very usefull in this hack. For example, when refering to some particular quote, you could make it look like that: http://www.forumaddress.com/quotes.php?14 where 14 is the number of the quote. If you follow that link, you'd see the requested quote there. Also, you could add the number display right beside the quote, like bash.org has.

wooh, regards :)

magnus 03-18-2004 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by djohn
Can't stop coming and looking at my forums after that hack was installed, magnus.
Never had any problems with it, works smoothly.

I thought of a suggestion just now. My forum's quote database is basically an archive of irc quotes, and the only two features now I really need are: the ability to search, and the numbering of quotes. It's kind of hard to describe, but if you go to bash.org, you'll se what i mean. Every quote has it's own number, and it would come very usefull in this hack. For example, when refering to some particular quote, you could make it look like that: http://www.forumaddress.com/quotes.php?14 where 14 is the number of the quote. If you follow that link, you'd see the requested quote there. Also, you could add the number display right beside the quote, like bash.org has.

wooh, regards :)

John, I'm glad you like it. Hell, your request is the reason I even made this, lol. ;)

Just so you know, quotes are numbered, have you upgraded to at least v1.1? They can be accessed via http://www.forumaddress.com/quotes.p...view&quoteid=1

As for the search, that's been added to v2.0 as well as sorting. Look for it soon. ;)

djohn 03-19-2004 01:09 PM

The feature of viewing quotes seperately is news to me, but concerning the numbering, i meant the possibility of showing the quote number next to the quote on forumhome.

Format suggestion:
#1 +(63)- [E|X] magnus
Where #1 is the quote number, +(63)- is the rating, + and - are the buttons to rate the quote up or down, ideally it would be that registed users can rate only once, and the information on whether the user has rated or not would be stored in the database, guest rating could be turned on\off, the limitation would be applied to the ip. [X|E] are the quick edit (E) and delete (X) buttons. magnus is the username of the one, who submitted the quote.

magnus 03-19-2004 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by djohn
The feature of viewing quotes seperately is news to me, but concerning the numbering, i meant the possibility of showing the quote number next to the quote on forumhome.

Format suggestion:
#1 +(63)- [E|X] magnus
Where #1 is the quote number, +(63)- is the rating, + and - are the buttons to rate the quote up or down, ideally it would be that registed users can rate only once, and the information on whether the user has rated or not would be stored in the database, guest rating could be turned on\off, the limitation would be applied to the ip. [X|E] are the quick edit (E) and delete (X) buttons. magnus is the username of the one, who submitted the quote.

djohn, all if this is already possible (in v1.1 or v1.2). Since it's all template driven, you just simply need to design the template how you see fit. For instance, see the attached screenshot:

TheComputerGuy 03-20-2004 11:33 AM

I dunno what it is...I can not see the Moderate quotes in my admin panel...nor can I see the options to add or delete quotes on the forumhome :(

Any suggestions?

Great hack!

Giveit2u43 03-20-2004 11:42 AM

Goto Phrases, and just click edit on any phrases and then click save.. you don`t need to actually edit anything but you need to do that to update the phrases cache...

Vb-Hispano 03-20-2004 03:44 PM

in gold no working

magnus 03-20-2004 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Vb-Hispano
in gold no working

That's not very helpful. There's no reason for it not to work, as it doesn't rely on anything other than a SQL DB and the quotes.php file.

So, would you care to elaborate on what specifically isn't working?

Giveit2u43 03-20-2004 04:18 PM

Working fine for me on Gold.. Make sure you've edited, saved and uploaded the changes..

Acido 03-20-2004 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
That's not very helpful. There's no reason for it not to work, as it doesn't rely on anything other than a SQL DB and the quotes.php file.

So, would you care to elaborate on what specifically isn't working?

I cant see the Option "Display Random Quote?" in Admincp >> Forums Home Page Options. It's gone after Upgrade to Gold. Peharps i need run a manual query?

djohn 03-20-2004 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
djohn, all if this is already possible (in v1.1 or v1.2). Since it's all template driven, you just simply need to design the template how you see fit. For instance, see the attached screenshot:

wow :) care to share that template?

pie 03-20-2004 08:34 PM

the language didnt install correctyl

Azhrialilu 03-20-2004 08:46 PM


I cant see the Option "Display Random Quote?" in Admincp >> Forums Home Page Options. It's gone after Upgrade to Gold. Peharps i need run a manual query?
I've got it showing in the vbulletin options but not in the moderation section... and nothing showing on forum home either to show that a quotes system is running.

VAN 03-20-2004 09:58 PM

Ok, here comes my suggestion.

What I would be using this for is to display member quotes....things that the members have posted and are "quote worthy."

I think it would be great to have a small icon in each postbit that allows you to add a member quote to the database.

You would copy the relevent part of a members post, and click an icon. The next screen would only have a textarea to paste in the quote, since the name would be the user who posted the comment you are quoting.

Additionally, in the actual displayed quote, I would like a link to the original post so people can view the quote in context.

Of course people could still add random quotes as well by clicking "add quote" in the quote display area. If they use this link, THEN they are allowed to add a name. If they add a quote via a post, then the name is generated automatically.

I can probably add this myself if needed, but I figured I'd post here in case you wanted to add it to your release. :)

Nice job, magnus.

Edit: Oh, and it would be nice if you re-worded your AdminCP. The current wording seems backwards and confusing:

Disable Quote Moderation? Selecting "No" will require all quotes to be approved before being displayed"

I would suggest using:

Moderate Quotes? Selecting "Yes" will require all quotes to be approved before being displayed"

magnus 03-20-2004 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Acido
I cant see the Option "Display Random Quote?" in Admincp >> Forums Home Page Options. It's gone after Upgrade to Gold. Peharps i need run a manual query?

I haven't upgrade to Gold, yet.. but I couldn't imagine why it wouldn't show. It's not like upgrading will remove entries from the 'settings' DB. Go and edit a phrase, then click save. You don't need to make any actual changes, just open and save. See if that fixes it.

magnus 03-20-2004 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by pie
the language didnt install correctyl

What language? There are no languages to install... please elaborate.

magnus 03-20-2004 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Azhrialilu
I've got it showing in the vbulletin options but not in the moderation section... and nothing showing on forum home either to show that a quotes system is running.

You need to perform the file and template edits again. You don't need to run the installer, but view the README and do the file and template edits.

magnus 03-20-2004 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by djohn
wow :) care to share that template?

Upgrade to v1.2. It's the default templates. There are upgrade instructions in the first post. Be sure that you're going in order. If you're using v1.0, you'll need to upgrade to v1.1 then to v1.2.

magnus 03-20-2004 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by VAN
Ok, here comes my suggestion.

What I would be using this for is to display member quotes....things that the members have posted and are "quote worthy."

I think it would be great to have a small icon in each postbit that allows you to add a member quote to the database.

You would copy the relevent part of a members post, and click an icon. The next screen would only have a textarea to paste in the quote, since the name would be the user who posted the comment you are quoting.

Additionally, in the actual displayed quote, I would like a link to the original post so people can view the quote in context.

Of course people could still add random quotes as well by clicking "add quote" in the quote display area. If they use this link, THEN they are allowed to add a name. If they add a quote via a post, then the name is generated automatically.

I can probably add this myself if needed, but I figured I'd post here in case you wanted to add it to your release. :)

Nice job, magnus.

Edit: Oh, and it would be nice if you re-worded your AdminCP. The current wording seems backwards and confusing:

Disable Quote Moderation? Selecting "No" will require all quotes to be approved before being displayed"

I would suggest using:

Moderate Quotes? Selecting "Yes" will require all quotes to be approved before being displayed"

VAN, that's a whole new level of functionality. It's not something I'll be adding soon, but it's possible for a future release.. I'll keep it in mind, thanks.

Acido 03-20-2004 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
I haven't upgrade to Gold, yet.. but I couldn't imagine why it wouldn't show. It's not like upgrading will remove entries from the 'settings' DB. Go and edit a phrase, then click save. You don't need to make any actual changes, just open and save. See if that fixes it.

Yup. That fix the problem.

Thanx :)

Leah 03-20-2004 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Acido
I cant see the Option "Display Random Quote?" in Admincp >> Forums Home Page Options. It's gone after Upgrade to Gold. Peharps i need run a manual query?

Same problem here.
Clicking on one of the phrases only made the moderation link show up.

magnus 03-20-2004 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by kie
Same problem here.
Clicking on one of the phrases only made the moderation link show up.

You clicked on a phrase, then clicked Save? What is it that you're still missing.. ?

Leah 03-20-2004 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
You clicked on a phrase, then clicked Save? What is it that you're still missing.. ?

I'm missing the "Display random quote?" part.
Now I can only moderate and decide if I'm going to disable moderation.

Leah 03-20-2004 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by kie
I'm missing the "Display random quote?" part.
Now I can only moderate and decide if I'm going to disable moderation.

It looks like I've somehow "lost" one of the "settingvalues".
When I go to phpmyadmin, I can't find showquote anywhere.

Funny, since I had the quoteIt up an running before the ungrade.

Leah 03-20-2004 11:48 PM

That was strange.
I ran the query for showquote from phpmyadmin and the option in admincp reappeared.

Azhrialilu 03-21-2004 04:35 AM


You need to perform the file and template edits again. You don't need to run the installer, but view the README and do the file and template edits.
I have... twice LOL.... I haven't lost it due to upgrading to gold.. I didn't install it until I upgraded to gold, so it was a completely fresh install - on a clean database and on a clean version of gold. I've just gone thru them all again, and still nothing :)

Platinumgamer 03-21-2004 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Azhrialilu
I have... twice LOL.... I haven't lost it due to upgrading to gold.. I didn't install it until I upgraded to gold, so it was a completely fresh install - on a clean database and on a clean version of gold. I've just gone thru them all again, and still nothing :)

I had a similar problem to what you're describing. I found that the install actually did work fine, but that nothing was showing up. To fix this, simply go to AdminCP -> Languages and Phrases -> Phrase Manager -> Edit any phrase you see, but don't change anything, just click 'Save' -> Refresh your browser -> Click 'Moderation' -> Voila...Moderate Quotes shows up and all is working fine.

Don't know why that happens, but it seems to be the common error.

NuclioN 03-21-2004 08:48 AM

It only shows: "Disable Quote Moderation?" in the admincp and not "Display Random Quote?" after upgrading to gold. I've edit and saved a phrase as suggested but no quotes on forumhome. :(

--edit-- whooT..this is wierd. "setting etc.
VALUES ('showquote', 'forumhome whas gone (???)

Re-add it and now it's working

TheComputerGuy 03-21-2004 11:51 AM

You have to go to Phrases and just click save on anything...it will work!

I know!

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