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Boofo 03-05-2004 09:59 PM

You don't need to remove the if now. It has been fixed. Get the file from the first post.

ChuanSE 03-07-2004 02:11 PM

what should i do with this then?

| The variables you can use are:
| $query_count - number of queries executed (defined in VB)
| $msdecimal - number of digits for microtime
| $msphp - PHP percent page usage
| $mssql - MySQL percent page usage
| $msdebug - vBulletin DEBUG mode status
| $msgzip - GZIP compression library
| $msserver - average server loads

i kinda dunno what to do with it
{ms} just doesn't do a thing, i modified like i should :/
[high]* ChuanSE is a php n00b :p[/high]

Gary King 03-07-2004 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
what should i do with this then?

| The variables you can use are:
| $query_count - number of queries executed (defined in VB)
| $msdecimal - number of digits for microtime
| $msphp - PHP percent page usage
| $mssql - MySQL percent page usage
| $msdebug - vBulletin DEBUG mode status
| $msgzip - GZIP compression library
| $msserver - average server loads

i kinda dunno what to do with it

[high]* ChuanSE is a php n00b :p[/high]

Don't worry about it.

ChuanSE 03-07-2004 02:22 PM

well ok, but it doesn't work :(

Gary King 03-07-2004 02:25 PM

It doesn't show up?

ChuanSE 03-07-2004 02:36 PM

nope, see here http://puredj.net

Martin64 03-07-2004 03:32 PM

Works great, thanks a lot TECK. :)

Martin64 03-07-2004 04:11 PM

This one does as well, you can only blame yourself for not following the instructions carefully.

Gary King 03-07-2004 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Martin64
This one does as well, you can only blame yourself for not following the instructions carefully.


stan68 03-07-2004 04:54 PM

installed :)
nice one

Boofo 03-08-2004 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Gary W

It's great to know that you and Martin64 have never made a mistake while installing a hack and had anyone criticize you guys for it.

Martin64 03-08-2004 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
It's great to know that you and Martin64 have never made a mistake while installing a hack and had anyone criticize you guys for it.

Hello Boofo, long time. You probably don't remember me, it's been like a year since I was posting here regulary. What a nice welcome back. ;)

My point was just that he shouldn't bash the hack author and hint that the hack isn't working when it's actually an error on his end. Read his post above (#49) and you will see my reasoning for it.

We've all made mistakes when installing hacks, but before claiming something is wrong with a hack, try it once again. I try to help people as often as I can, or well I did back when I was active. Bye.

Boofo 03-08-2004 01:13 AM

Hello, my friend. Sure I rememeber you. It HAS been a while. I've missed you posting. Glad to have you back. ;)

That message was not directed at you mostly. And I understand what you are saying. And I also remember when I first started here, I made mistakes and blamed the author, and I was also wrong in doing that. But when you are first starting out hacking vBulletin, we all have done that, in one way or the other.

All I'm saying is that we need to remember back when we were newbies and give these new guys a break. It's better to say nothing than to criticize, you know what I mean? There's too much newbie-bashing going on here anymore. ;)

TECK 03-08-2004 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
nope, see here http://puredj.net

It's working now. :)
Nice to see that you fix it... however, 14 queries of frontpage? Instead of 8?
Have you added several hacks? Make sure you don't have any uncached templates...

Martin64 03-08-2004 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Hello, my friend. Sure I rememeber you. It HAS been a while. I've missed you posting. Glad to have you back. ;)

That message was not directed at you mostly. And I understand what you are saying. And I also remember when I first started here, I made mistakes and blamed the author, and I was also wrong in doing that. But when you are first starting out hacking vBulletin, we all have done that, in one way or the other.

All I'm saying is that we need to remember back when we were newbies and give these new guys a break. It's better to say nothing than to criticize, you know what I mean? There's too much newbie-bashing going on here anymore. ;)

No worries Boofo, just wanted to point out my intentions of that message. :)

And I'm glad you got the hack working, ChuanSE. :D

Boofo 03-08-2004 03:20 PM

Teck, do the server load averages measure what my site is doing to the server or the overall server load of all accounts on it? Because my server load has jumped up to 1.10 in the last day or two. ;)

TECK 03-09-2004 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Teck, do the server load averages measure what my site is doing to the server or the overall server load of all accounts on it? Because my server load has jumped up to 1.10 in the last day or two. ;)


Boofo 03-09-2004 01:16 AM

I already read that. I was just wondering why it would jump from .08 to 1.10 in just a day. It has never been that high. And also, do those server loads just mean my site or do the server loads represent all the sites that are on the server?

ChuanSE 03-09-2004 05:25 AM

I think it is a overall serverload, not only the board running on it if you installed more...

ChuanSE 03-09-2004 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Martin64
No worries Boofo, just wanted to point out my intentions of that message. :)

And I'm glad you got the hack working, ChuanSE. :D

Thx Teck & Martin, i figured it out in the end, this was the first hack that din't work from the first time :/ So sorry 'bout me naggin' on you guyz... , allthough boofo made a interesting point. I thank him for that reminder to you code guru's :p

But what do you mean with the uncached templates? What can i do about it?
I think there is one on the mainpage, but indeed, several other hacks are installed :)


Page generated in 0.40060806 seconds (54.97% PHP - 45.03% MySQL) with 24 queries
1 Uncached Templates | DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 5) | 0.09 : 0.08 : 0.20
again, thx guyz ;)

TECK 03-09-2004 11:07 PM

Little esthetic change, to display the number of unchached templates...
Change this code part:

                if ($_TEMPLATEQUERIES)
                        $mstemplates = '<b>' . sizeof($_TEMPLATEQUERIES) . '</b> Uncached ';
                        $mstemplates .= iif(sizeof($_TEMPLATEQUERIES) != '1', 'Templates', 'Template') . ' | ';

New file uploaded...

ChuanSE 03-10-2004 05:26 AM

Hey Teck,

I don't really understand what i should change? the code to change is the code that i allready have changed 3 days ago.... Unless i'm not seeing the difference ofcourse

this is what i have:

$mstemplates = 'NO Uncached Templates | ';
                if ($_TEMPLATEQUERIES)
                        $mstemplates = '<b>' . sizeof($_TEMPLATEQUERIES) . '</b> Uncached ';
                        $mstemplates .= iif(sizeof($_TEMPLATEQUERIES) != '1', 'Templates', 'Template') . ' | ';

TECK 03-10-2004 04:14 PM

If you have this already in your functions.php, you are set to go. :)
No need to change anything...

About your site:
1 Uncached Templates | DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 5) | 0.09 : 0.08 : 0.20

You have one template, not cached, that means you perform one query extra because the template name is not part of the cache array.
Also, I would switch the GZIP to level 1, 5 will slow down your server, IMO.
Server load averages gives me the hint you are on a dedicated server, that means you are rich... :D

ChuanSE 03-11-2004 05:14 AM

Ah Teck,

thx for this tip mate... I'm gonna try to find which template isn't in the cache aray allright.
ABout the gzip level. It seems logic indeed that 5 would slow down the server a little, but i was wondering.... it speeds up the page for the users then?
I always wondered what the best setting would be, so i took the middle :)
Gonna try it with level one now and will see if it improves the speed...

And yeah, it is a dedicated server allright :D
I have the forums / gallery / pphlogger / webmail / irc eggdrop and some other small things running there... But me rich? Naaah :p
Good sponsors, yes ;)

TECK 03-12-2004 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
I'm gonna try to find which template isn't in the cache aray allright.

Look at the new hacked code you added, there is your template name. Add it at the top of the file, in the templates array list.

ChuanSE 03-14-2004 06:21 AM

Problem is: i added like 20 hacks in the last week
Which one would it be then :?

Boofo 03-14-2004 03:01 PM

Turn on DEBEG and it will show you which template isn't cached.

TECK 03-18-2004 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
Problem is: i added like 20 hacks in the last week
Which one would it be then :?

Review the index.php file, since only there you get one uncached template, right?

sabret00the 03-24-2004 03:22 PM

sorry to be a pain, but i'm encountering an error on line 1843

        $ms .= '                <td class="tcat"' . iif($vboptions['allowchangestyles'], ' colspan="2"') . '><div class="smallfont">';
the error is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in K:\Network\xampp\htdocs\forums\includes\functions.php on line 1843

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: exec_nocache_headers() in K:\Network\xampp\htdocs\forums\admincp\global.php on line 37

Detomah 03-25-2004 01:31 AM

Excellent. :)

I've been looking for something like this for ages and missed this somehow, found it now though and installed perfectly first time. :D

Oblivion Knight 03-25-2004 11:22 AM

Thanks TECK.. :)
Erwin's version just didn't feel right without the MySQL and PHP percentage.. Heh.

Tarion 03-25-2004 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Thanks TECK.. :)
Erwin's version just didn't feel right without the MySQL and PHP percentage.. Heh.

I get an error division by zero from this two lines in the code, and i can't find out what's wrong.

PHP Code:

$msphp vb_number_format(((($totaltime $querytime) / $totaltime) * 100),2) . '% PHP';
$mssql vb_number_format((($querytime $totaltime) * 100),2) . '% MySQL'

Please help me

TECK 03-25-2004 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
sorry to be a pain, but i'm encountering an error on line 1843

        $ms .= '                <td class="tcat"' . iif($vboptions['allowchangestyles'], ' colspan="2"') . '><div class="smallfont">';
the error is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in K:\Network\xampp\htdocs\forums\includes\functions.php on line 1843

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: exec_nocache_headers() in K:\Network\xampp\htdocs\forums\admincp\global.php on line 37

You made a little mistake while editing the code, please check your steps.

Originally Posted by Tarion
I get an error division by zero from this two lines in the code, and i can't find out what's wrong.

PHP Code:

$msphp vb_number_format(((($totaltime $querytime) / $totaltime) * 100), 2) . '% PHP';
$mssql vb_number_format((($querytime $totaltime) * 100), 2) . '% MySQL'

Please help me

One of your values has to be returned as zero somewhere, or as a value that PHP will convert to a zero when it converts it to an integer.
Something is wrong with the code, you cannot have either the $totaltime or $querytime as zero.

Tarion 03-25-2004 09:43 PM

Ok i got it to work i edit this line

PHP Code:

$totaltime number_format($endtime[0] - $starttime[0] + $endtime[1] - $starttime[1], $msdecimal); 

as i delet the vb_ prefix for the vb_number_format funktion it work, wenn i add this prefix the error returns.

TECK 03-25-2004 11:42 PM

Hmm, really wierd.
The vb_number_format() is the same like number_format(), except with a little cleanup/replace in chars... use it this way if it's working for you. :)

JoergZ 03-28-2004 04:23 PM

I confirm, that I have the same division by 0 error. After changing the code as suggested by Tarion it works.

Anyway: Installed :)

TECK 03-28-2004 05:33 PM

Thanks for the input JoergZ.
Let's see if other people will have the same problem... I will post a link to his fix (link added to first post). :)

Thanks for helping.

Christine 03-28-2004 07:05 PM

Hi Tech, and thanks for porting this. One of my alltime favorites!

Edit: Nevermind -- I got it working. :)

r.cakir 03-30-2004 07:55 AM

Installed and double checked the modifications, but still getting wrong result in PHP and MySQL percentage:


Page generated in 0,24497795 seconds (0,00% PHP - 0,00% MySQL) with 11 queries
4 Uncached Templates | DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 1)

I know, I made a mistake somewhere. Maybe someone can put me in the right direction.



Gary King 04-02-2004 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by r.cakir
Installed and double checked the modifications, but still getting wrong result in PHP and MySQL percentage:


Page generated in 0,24497795 seconds (0,00% PHP - 0,00% MySQL) with 11 queries
4 Uncached Templates | DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 1)

I know, I made a mistake somewhere. Maybe someone can put me in the right direction.



I think it might be a server configuration problem; first question: are you on Windows?

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