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Alien 03-11-2004 06:04 PM

Hey thanks a lot for the detailed response.. I'll certainly play around with the settings and see what I can do! :D

So this is more reliant upon how many users are in the chat, then how many are actually talking/lines of text?


er0sion 03-11-2004 09:54 PM

Well, if you look at the ircrefresh.tcl, (the file loaded by the eggdrop used for monitoring the channel and determining stats) you'll notice the line:

bind pubm - * incr_activity

what this line does is call incr_activity in the channel everytime a message is typed in the channel and the bot sees it.

incr_activity is just the way the eggdrop determines activity, incrementing the activity by 1 on each message detected in the channel. So, depending on how active your channel is (how many people are typing at once) this will increase.

proc incr_activity {nick host hand chan {text ""}} {
global activity irc_chan

if {$chan != $irc_chan} {
return 0

incr activity 1

return 0

The thing to note, is that, when the bot decides to update the activity, (by writing the activity to the database every 180seconds (2mins)) it will reset the activity back to 0. So maybe change activity_wait (in ircrefresh.tcl) to something like 3 mins or 3 anda half mins, so that your activity will be greater when it gets written to the database. (note: .save and .refresh your bot after doing this). Again, this will be trial and error as well :)

Alien 03-11-2004 10:00 PM

This is all starting to go past my expertise. ;( hehe...

We actually have a fairly lively chat room, with 10+ people talking regulerly and about 30-40 in there at any given time.. Any recommended settings for the fields specifically? I tried a few things and nothing seemed to change the meter...

Iamtech1 03-11-2004 11:26 PM

I am stumped. I cant get this to work... ;( and I know its user error. grrrrr...

er0sion 03-12-2004 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Alien
This is all starting to go past my expertise. ;( hehe...

We actually have a fairly lively chat room, with 10+ people talking regulerly and about 30-40 in there at any given time.. Any recommended settings for the fields specifically? I tried a few things and nothing seemed to change the meter...

change incr activity 1
to incr activity 2 :)

er0sion 03-12-2004 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Iamtech1
I am stumped. I cant get this to work... ;( and I know its user error. grrrrr...

where are you having problems?

Velocd 03-15-2004 01:58 AM

For your problem Alien, you should set the activity_wait variable in the TCL script from the default 180 (3 minutes), to something such as 360 (6 minutes).

If you haven't already fixed it. ;)

This gives the bot a longer sampling time to gauge activity.

Hazzo 03-22-2004 10:29 PM

Great mod.. Works fine!!

Just a future suggestion--
maybe you can add support for the ! (channel owner) and % (halfops) to this great script..

Velocd 03-23-2004 12:00 AM

Unfortunantly I don't know how to grab the ! or % users with the eggdrop IRC functions. If I have time I'll look around for how to do so.

Alien 03-23-2004 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Velocd
For your problem Alien, you should set the activity_wait variable in the TCL script from the default 180 (3 minutes), to something such as 360 (6 minutes).

If you haven't already fixed it. ;)

This gives the bot a longer sampling time to gauge activity.

Hey been so busy I haven't had time to play with it, I'll give that a try too! Thanks so much!

er0sion 03-23-2004 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Velocd
Unfortunantly I don't know how to grab the ! or % users with the eggdrop IRC functions. If I have time I'll look around for how to do so.

eggdrop has a command called ishalfop $user $chan...
as far as chan owner.. i didnt see anything like that..

Velocd 03-23-2004 10:03 PM

Hmm, I must have overlooked it. I'll put the update in later tonight.

Velocd 03-24-2004 03:58 AM

Version 1.4 now available.

The only addition is support for half-ops (%).

To upgrade:

1. Upload ircadmin.php and irconline.php. Be sure to re-set the config values in irconline.php.

2. Redo the file edits for your forum root index.php.

3. Overwrite ircrefresh.tcl with the new file. Be sure to re-set the config values.

4. Run the following query in PhpMyAdmin


ALTER TABLE `irc_channel` ADD halfops text not null AFTER operators;

Hazzo 03-24-2004 10:43 AM

Cool--- great update! :) Now, if we could just figure out the channel owners :)

Couldnt we do someone sortof compare-- like if there nick has a ! in front then they equal admin? What do I know tho....

Anywayz, thanx for the update!

OK, getting this error while in the partyline with the bot

Tcl error [refresh_users]: invalid command name "ishalfop"
 Tcl error [check_part]: invalid command name "ishalfop"

I've rechecked, I added the sql, i checked all the code.. But that error seems to come up.. The topic on the forum updates fine, but the users dont..

Any clue?

er0sion 03-24-2004 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Hazzo
Cool--- great update! :) Now, if we could just figure out the channel owners :)

Couldnt we do someone sortof compare-- like if there nick has a ! in front then they equal admin? What do I know tho....

Anywayz, thanx for the update!

OK, getting this error while in the partyline with the bot

Tcl error [refresh_users]: invalid command name "ishalfop"
 Tcl error [check_part]: invalid command name "ishalfop"

I've rechecked, I added the sql, i checked all the code.. But that error seems to come up.. The topic on the forum updates fine, but the users dont..

Any clue?

seems like you might be running an older version of eggdrop that doesnt have the ishalfop command implemented. Maybe try upgrading to the latest eggdrop?

Velocd 03-24-2004 08:06 PM

I originally coded this hack under linux with eggdrop, and I never noticed the ishalfop in the TCL documentation.

Although when I did this update, it was under windrop, which I noticed the function in the documentation.

Although, I'm sure I just overlooked, and eggdrop does have support.

Fibe 03-24-2004 11:08 PM

Hmm for some odd reason i won't update mine either. Everything else works perfect though.

Velocd 03-25-2004 04:46 PM

If your eggdrop is giving you errors with the ishalfop command, I suggest upgrading your eggdrop.

If it still fails to work, you'll have to cut out halfop support by removing the following code from ircrefresh.tcl (bringing you back down to v1.3):


                        } elseif {[ishalfop $user $chan]} {
                                lappend halfops "%$user"

will_lean 04-15-2004 10:07 AM

Hi i just installed this hack and im new to vb so maybe someone can help me :rolleyes:

My forum doesnt seem to show the block with the users online,
im familiar with eggdrop and the bot loaded the tcl file ok and both keys are set to same number.
ive never created a template before so maybe thats where im going wrong?
Is there a certain way i need to make the irc_loggedin template?
its shows this template under custom templates but not on the forum home?
if i call the irconline file i get a blank page?

any help would be great

Velocd 04-16-2004 05:42 AM

You get a blank page if you access irconline.php because it is protected. Only $_POST access and the correct key will give you access. But, there is no reason for you to access that file anyway. It's meant only for the bot.

I suggest you review the instructions to make sure all has been done correctly. Make sure the channel is created in your AdminCP irc page.

will_lean 04-16-2004 09:38 PM

hi ive followed the instructions exactly,i tried installing the irc manager hack first,but that didnt work so i upgraded to the eggdrop version.i dont get any errors but there is no info about the channel displayed,
the bot seems to be able to run the tcl script but it should show the footer block with the info?

why wouldnt the footer channel block be showing up?

RCK 04-22-2004 04:04 PM

Hi guys,

I'm trying to setup the EIM1.4 under vB 3.0.1 and Eggdrop 1.6.15, under linux.
I've followed the installation twice and performed correctly all the vB operation.
  • I can create #channel via admincp
  • The template is working well
  • The database access is working well (displaying 0 everywhere in template)
It seems that the eggdrop script can't update the channel status to the mysql via irconline.php ...

On the eggdrop part, I have correctly load up the scripts/_egghttp.tcl and scripts/_ircrefresh.tcl
  • When I'm trying to run manual command, nothings append
  • I got strange error message in log

    Tcl error [check_part]: invalid command name "::http::cleanup"
Any Idea ? maybe my egghttp lib is not the good one ? (egghttp.tcl v1.0.5 - by strikelight)
How can I debug the app ?

Thanks in advance, RCK.

Velocd 04-22-2004 04:13 PM

I don't know what this egghttp lib is, but I have:


http::cleanup is a valid command. Maybe you have disabled something in the configuration, or are not loading the library.

I use Windrop, and not currently on my Linux box, so I can't help too much.

RCK 04-22-2004 04:39 PM

Hi VeloCD !

do you know where I can download this version of http.tcl script ?
(I'm using latest version of Eggdrop, and http.tcl don't seems to be present)

RCK 04-22-2004 05:17 PM

I got all the http.tcl package from windrop, I'll try to make them work under eggdrop :)

RCK 04-23-2004 02:04 PM

Just to told you all that I got the script working correctly under eggdrop !
in fact the http.tcl package is integrated in TCL, but I was running one too much older TCL version (8.0, need 8.2)

daFish 04-30-2004 05:41 AM

Ok i have tried nearly everything but i did not get this to work properly.

The script is in the scripts directory and called by the .conf.
All settings in the files are made but the bot dont refresh the sql table.
Tried the bot commands and nothing happens.

Really strange.

RCK 04-30-2004 07:28 AM

What is your version of eggdrop ? windrop ?
What version of TCL is installed - if you are under linux ?

Question for Velocd :
btw, what is the signification of {} around some nicks ?

daFish 04-30-2004 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by RCK
What is your version of eggdrop ? windrop ?
What version of TCL is installed - if you are under linux ?

Eggdrop v1.6.15
TCL v8.3

RCK 04-30-2004 09:00 AM

I'm also running Eggdrop 1.6.15 & TCL-8.3.3 and got no problem.
You should reinstall Eggdrop IRC Manager, and see if you don't forgot anything.

daFish 04-30-2004 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by RCK
I'm also running Eggdrop 1.6.15 & TCL-8.3.3 and got no problem.
You should reinstall Eggdrop IRC Manager, and see if you don't forgot anything.

I tried this too.
Double checked each setting, re-added the channel in admincp.
Which log could i check to see if theres trouble?

RCK 04-30-2004 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by daFish
I tried this too.
Double checked each setting, re-added the channel in admincp.
Which log could i check to see if theres trouble?

Hum, did you recompile eggdrop since you switched to TCL-8.3 ?

about log, the only error message I get was
- when I was log into the partyline via telnet
- in the ./log/eggdrop.conf

(it was one error about missing TCL http command)

daFish 05-01-2004 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by RCK
Hum, did you recompile eggdrop since you switched to TCL-8.3 ?

about log, the only error message I get was
- when I was log into the partyline via telnet
- in the ./log/eggdrop.conf

(it was one error about missing TCL http command)

TCL was installed before i used the eggdrop.

daFish 05-08-2004 12:26 PM

I did nothing and its working now. :)

RCK 05-10-2004 03:58 PM

Hi !

Eggdrop IRC Manager is working very well here, except for the activity counter.
I tracked the problem and discovered EIM was using the same Time than on other script.
For the moment I have disable the other script, but it's not a final solution :ermm:

How can I make co-operate those both scripts which are using [utimers] ?
Here are the source of symantec.tcl

Velocd 05-10-2004 08:04 PM

RCK, the eggdrop utimer function is as follows (from eggdrop documentation):


utimer <seconds> <tcl-command>
Description: executes the given Tcl command after a certain number of
seconds have passed
Returns: a timerID
Module: core
In my script, I didn't take into account that you might be using other scripts that use timers, sorry.

My script creates a utimer, then when a certain amount of seconds pass deletes all utimers, and creates another utimer.. repeating the process indefinitely.

An easy way to fix this is setting a global variable to the return value of the utimer command, which is the timerID, and then only deleting that utimer.

I don't have the time right now, but I'll try to over the weekend.

RCK 05-11-2004 07:25 AM

Thanks in advance ! :)

lifesourcerec 05-11-2004 11:33 AM

Dunno if this is possible, but a friend runs a channel that already has an eggdrop bot. Is there a way I can pull the info from it? I can give him the .tcl file and then set things up on my end.

Velocd 05-11-2004 12:43 PM

Yes, that is possible.

lifesourcerec 05-15-2004 01:54 AM

Anyone know a way to put this at the top of forumhome in it's own table (separate from what's going on)?

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