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JaNa 04-21-2004 04:20 PM

Ah, it's not working. When i've finished following the instructions, and try to look at it, I get a fatal error for member.php on line 427, which is this one.

$limit = '5'; // Enter the number of maximum threads you want to be displayed.

Ahhhh :ninja:

assassingod 04-21-2004 05:18 PM

Onkel_Tom; Sorry I forgot to update the install file:) As for your request, im not to sure what you mean

JaNa; I sure you you've installed it correctly? Try reinstalling it:)

Onkel_Tom 04-21-2004 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by assassingod
As for your request, im not to sure what you mean

At the moment your hack shows only the threads which were started by this user. I also want to see his latest posts (answers) in his profile not only the threads which were started from this user.

thanks for your answer

JaNa 04-21-2004 07:41 PM

I think I go wrong at this "Add New Phrase"

Is it the "Phrase Manager" in the Languages & Phrases Tab in AdminCp?

EDIT: Erg, I reinstalled it, following the instructions closely, and it still doesn't work :tired:

(same error)

Vivi Ornitier 04-22-2004 07:28 PM

I get

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_noaccess_forumids() (previously declared in /home/squareu/public_html/forums/includes/functions_misc.php:20) in /home/squareu/public_html/forums/includes/functions_user.php on line 503

I tried applyin the require('./includes/functions_misc.php'); above the limit='5' and the require('./global.php'); and it's still not working, arrg wtf.

deaconxgp 04-23-2004 01:35 PM

I had this hack installed when I had vB 2.3 and it somehow mapped over when I upgraded to vB 3 Gold

BUT, even though the admin CP options are there for me to designate how many threads and which threads are excluded, THEY DON'T SHOW UP.

Do I have to re-edit some files since I upgraded to 3.0??? I'm guessing that since the template mods are obviously still in tact , all I have to do is edit some .php files....but which ones do I edit in order for this to show?

Like I said, in the Admin CP I still have options for the Show Thread that somehow carried over from my Vb 2.3 hack I did. Which files do I have to re-edit for it to show up in vb 3.0?

JaNa 04-23-2004 10:42 PM

Erg..i guess it doesn't work for my version...this is a very simple hack, and i've done it all correct!

Oh well :nervous:

Grendel 04-26-2004 04:08 PM

Is it possible to show the forum-title in the thread-list as well?

ludachris 04-26-2004 07:41 PM

I'm using 3.0.1 and I can't find the line "userfield_select_option" in member.php - has this been implemented in 3.0.1?

Possible that another hack is conflicting I guess...

Onkel_Tom 04-26-2004 08:57 PM

This hack works fine with vB3.0.1 !
The "userfield_select_option" is placed in the pre-cached templates.
Just look for the following lines at the beginning of the member.php, line 32

PHP Code:

// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(

pjdaley 04-27-2004 06:50 AM

my question is, what do you exactly edit in the code so it only shows threads started in forums indicated... like how would would i show threads with forumd ids, 1,2,3,4,5 only?

Grendel 04-27-2004 10:55 AM

I did it this way:


WHERE postuserid = '$userinfo[userid]' AND (forumid=1 OR forumid=2 OR forumid=3 OR forumid=4 OR forumid=5) AND visible='1'
"visible='1'" because you don't want to list soft-deleted or invisible threads.

You don't need

$forumids = implode ("', '", get_noaccess_forumids()) ;
then. And you don't need to change includes/functions_misc.php then as well (if you have no restricted forums in the list you want to show).

I'm sure there is a better way, eg put it in $forumids, but this works too.

Now all I need is to list the forum-name too and I'm satisfied :D.

Grendel 04-30-2004 09:59 PM

No idea about the forums?

sketch42 05-29-2004 11:24 AM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_noaccess_forumids() in /home/sketch/public_html/vbtest/member.php on line 395

Onkel_Tom 07-01-2004 09:37 AM


// Coming Soon:
Thread Permissions (No need to manually exclude forums!
What about this line in the installation instruction ?
any updates planed ?
long time since last post in this thread ;)

Delirion 07-02-2004 08:48 PM

Errr.... if you check the file, it's been done already. Someone else supplied the forum permissions code and that code is Step 2 of the instructions.

Installed it, and it's working just fine :)

Polo 07-15-2004 08:21 PM

I got this error in 3.0.3

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_noaccess_forumids() in /home/user/public_html/member.php on line 481

assassingod 07-15-2004 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Polo
I got this error in 3.0.3

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_noaccess_forumids() in /home/user/public_html/member.php on line 481

Did you make the edit to functions_misc.php.

If so, try looking at post #25, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....2&postcount=25 :) Hope that helps

Polo 07-15-2004 08:34 PM

oh no i didnt, but i deleted this line

$forumids = implode ("', '", get_noaccess_forumids()) ;

and it worked...

there is no special forums i want to exclude..

Polo 07-15-2004 08:36 PM

oh forgot to say thanks ;)

and you should update the file in the first post... it may help some people...


turbidblue 07-21-2004 08:57 PM

in regards to this,

$forumids = implode ("', '", get_noaccess_forumids()) ;

will that automatically detect forums that some users are not allowed to view? ot do i need to add the forum ids?

if i need to add them, where in that code??

It works fine on my forum, 3.0.3, until i click on my name and view profile from a thread...then i get an error...

any help??

Logikos 07-24-2004 09:20 PM

/me clicks install!

Logikos 07-31-2004 11:51 AM

is there a way to make it in only certain fourmids? seprate with commas?

assassingod 07-31-2004 12:19 PM

Yep, delete
PHP Code:

$forumids implode ("', '"get_noaccess_forumids()) ; 

and replace
PHP Code:

    WHERE postuserid '$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid NOT IN ('$forumids'


PHP Code:

    WHERE postuserid '$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid IN ('x,y,z'

Then use the forumids you wish to use there, in replacement of x,y,z :)

Logikos 07-31-2004 12:21 PM

you rock man!!! If i could click the install button twice i would :p

assassingod 07-31-2004 12:26 PM


Logikos 08-03-2004 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by assassingod

Theres a slight bug it seems. When i place this code.

PHP Code:

$getthreads $DB_site->query("
        SELECT threadid,title,dateline
        FROM " 
        WHERE postuserid = '
$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid IN ('27,28,29,30,31,32,11,5')
        ORDER BY dateline DESC

It only shows the threads in ID 27. Which is the first on the list. It doesn't grab the rest. Any reason why?

Logikos 08-06-2004 06:27 AM

Any way to do this so just the threads a user starts show up in the profile?

LizerisCHN 08-10-2004 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Live Wire
Theres a slight bug it seems. When i place this code.

PHP Code:

$getthreads $DB_site->query("
        SELECT threadid,title,dateline
        FROM " 
        WHERE postuserid = '
$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid IN ('27,28,29,30,31,32,11,5')
        ORDER BY dateline DESC

It only shows the threads in ID 27. Which is the first on the list. It doesn't grab the rest. Any reason why?

Your code would need to look like this:

PHP Code:

$getthreads $DB_site->query("
        SELECT threadid,title,dateline
        FROM " 
        WHERE postuserid = '
$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid IN ('27','28','29','30','31','32','11','5')
        ORDER BY dateline DESC

It needs to define each forumid separately.

Lee Wilde 11-17-2004 03:51 PM

Very cool. Installed in minutes, thanks!

MajorFm.com 01-15-2005 01:24 PM

Great hack... however

Step 2:
Open includes/functions_misc.php and find (1 change)

// ###################### Start microtime_diff #######################
Above, add:


// ###################### Start no_access_forumids #######################
// This was originally coded by g-force2k1 - Thanks very much buddy!:)
// gets which forumids users dont have access too
function get_noaccess_forumids (  )
    global $forumcache, $bbuserinfo ;

    $_naforumids = array (  ) ;
    $_naforumids[] = 0 ;
    foreach ( $forumcache AS $forumid => $farray ) :
        if ( ! ( $farray['permissions']["$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]"] & CANVIEW ) ) :
            $_naforumids[] = $forumid ;
        endif ;
    endforeach ;

    return $_naforumids ;

I get the following error


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_noaccess_forumids() (previously declared in /usr/local/apache/www/crazyapes/majorfmforum.com/htdocs/forum/includes/functions_user.php:517) in /usr/local/apache/www/crazyapes/majorfmforum.com/htdocs/forum/includes/functions_misc.php on line 18

Ghostsuit 02-11-2005 12:42 AM

Looks like you have the same function installed twice. Once in function_user.php and once in function_misc.php

Try removing the misc one and see what happens.

iceytdot 05-10-2005 06:55 AM

works after i took out that line causing everyone trouble! clicks install thanks for tha hack!

Thug 07-09-2005 09:02 AM

anyone help me

i was installing user threads in (vb3) hack

but i installed user threads(vb3) hack and well i have this error
^^not there its just example of where it was error below

PHP Code:

Fatal errorCall to undefined function: get_noaccess_forumids() in /home/ohtwadi/public_html/upload/member.php on line 421 

it told me to add this

PHP Code:

// By assassingod
// Dont forget to change the variables on line 394

$limit '5'// Enter the number of maximum threads you want to be displayed
$forumids implode ("', '"get_noaccess_forumids()) ; 

last line = error line 421

Thug 07-09-2005 09:03 AM

also i dont get this

PHP Code:

// Dont forget to change the variables on line 394 


yoyoyoyo 07-09-2005 12:32 PM

installed flawlessly in 3.0.7 - thanks!

**clicks install**

Thug 07-10-2005 03:12 PM

i have various errors can someone help me

1st error
while creating new thread

PHP Code:

Fatal errorCannot redeclare get_noaccess_forumids() (previously declared in /home/ohtwadi/public_html/forum/includes/functions_misc.php:19in /home/ohtwadi/public_html/forum/includes/functions_misc.php on line 34 

2nd error
while veiwing a profile
PHP Code:

Fatal errorCall to undefined function: get_noaccess_forumids() in /home/ohtwadi/public_html/forum/member.php on line 422 

can you help me at all

yoyoyoyo 07-10-2005 05:20 PM

I worked this out with Thug, and got it working for him. If anyone else wants to get this working simply follow the attached instructions instead.

Thug 09-22-2005 07:17 PM

still got a problem now
my members profile shows all threads,even though the limit is at 1
heres my codings

PHP Code:

// By assassingod
// functionality fixed by yoyoyoyo
$limit '1';    // Enter the number of maximum threads you want to be displayed

$getthreads $DB_site->query("
        SELECT threadid,title,dateline
        FROM " 
        WHERE postuserid = '
$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid IN ('1','2','')
        ORDER BY dateline DESC
); // enter the forums you wish to exclude in the above array  where the numbers represent the forum ID's

while($threads $DB_site->fetch_array($getthreads))
$threads['date'] = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'],$threads['dateline']);
$threads['time'] = vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'],$threads['dateline']);

'$usersthreads .= "' fetch_template('memberinfo_usersthreads') . '";');

Scribbller 09-27-2005 08:05 AM

Is it possible that threads from a particular forum be displayed like it happens on VB.org threads in hack forums are displayed in profile.

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