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The Quibbler 01-12-2004 01:41 AM

Installed it :) Works very nice, except for one small thing with the "add a new shout" part. That doesn't look quite right, as you can see in the attached file. Any idea how I can fix that?

Link14716 01-12-2004 07:10 AM


And RC2 is now released. It has some misc. fixes and all remaining English (a few words) are now in the phrase system. Other than that, it's pretty much RC1, but I still recommend an upgrade.

Link14716 01-12-2004 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Quibbler
Installed it :) Works very nice, except for one small thing with the "add a new shout" part. That doesn't look quite right, as you can see in the attached file. Any idea how I can fix that?

I really don't know. All the editors have pissed me off from the begining.

Convergys 01-12-2004 04:38 PM

I was using the BVshoutbox, and tried to install this, when running the install script, it said nothing needed to be changed.. but of course this isn't true because it shoulod have updated probably everything... Did I do something wrong?

Link14716 01-12-2004 06:56 PM

Are you sure you selected a new install (install_shoutbox.php?step=2&version=new) ?

Ryan Ashbrook 01-12-2004 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Make sure you edit the settings and turn on "Show Latest Shouts on Forum Home?" and set "Number of Forum Home Shouts?" to a non-zero positive number.

I have done so, 3 or 4 times.

Still, it does not show up.

Link14716 01-12-2004 07:30 PM

Double check your index.php. The only way that should be happening is if the last edit isn't in there.

Ryan Ashbrook 01-12-2004 07:51 PM

There was a mistake in the code, must've been my computer or something. All fixed. :)

geezzaa 01-12-2004 10:02 PM

I uploaded all the files without a hitch, but im now getting a parse error in admincp/index.php on line 25
Could you give me a hand with this please ?

Link14716 01-12-2004 10:03 PM

That is unrelated to my hack as it doesn't touch admincp/index.php at all.

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 01:56 AM

Hey link, I uploaded all the files and such and ran the installer, however, all I get is that it automatically found my shoutbox version and when I click through, it says it doesn't need to update anything.

Nowhere in the installer does it ask for a new install (and I need a new install obviously).

Where for do I find this option?

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

i.e. when I open the file for the first time I get:


Welcome to the upgrade/install script of the shoutbox hack by squall14716. This script will automatically install the phrases, settings, and database changes for you.

We have automatically detected your shoutbox verion. You may start the upgrade process by clicking the link below.

Click here to continue.
And that's it.

monstergamer 01-13-2004 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
Hey link, I uploaded all the files and such and ran the installer, however, all I get is that it automatically found my shoutbox version and when I click through, it says it doesn't need to update anything.

Nowhere in the installer does it ask for a new install (and I need a new install obviously).

Where for do I find this option?

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

i.e. when I open the file for the first time I get:

And that's it.

what shoutbox did you have before
cause i was about to install this, cause we have been talking and he made an converter for the shoutbox here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=59602and
i just wanted to know if it is working or not

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
what shoutbox did you have before
cause i was about to install this, cause we have been talking and he made an converter for the shoutbox here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=59602and
i just wanted to know if it is working or not

no other shoutbox...clean install...

Darkwolf 01-13-2004 02:47 AM

/me click install

Link14716 01-13-2004 10:20 AM

Well, in other words it sees the a setting that RC1 put in there controlling your shoutbox version. So that means that you have already ran the installer.

Take uninstall out of the Misc folder in the zip and run it in phpMyAdmin, then run these queries as well.
[sql]DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid='716';
ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox;[/sql]

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Well, in other words it sees the a setting that RC1 put in there controlling your shoutbox version. So that means that you have already ran the installer.

Take uninstall out of the Misc folder in the zip and run it in phpMyAdmin, then run these queries as well.
[sql]DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid='716';
ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox;[/sql]

If I run the uninstall from the misc folder I'll end up deleting settings from the phrase table that are inherent within vb3.


None of the other settings, varnames, or tables are present in my database because I have never installed the shoutbox (rc1 or otherwise). This is a clean install attempt on an unhacked board (not live yet (testing server)).

I do, however, have a copy of the RC1. Should I run that first? Or hold off until we figure out why RC2 is not liking a clean install?

please advise.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

Link14716 01-13-2004 10:44 AM

I'll look into it. It seems like an RC2 installer bug. Install it from the RC1 installer insetad for now.

EDIT: Attachment removed.

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
I'll look into it. It seems like an RC2 installer bug. Install it from the RC1 installer insetad for now.

Looking at the install code for RC2, I'm personally thinking that perhaps it lies somewhere around here?

Between line 84 and line 100

        if ($vboptions['shoutbox_version_no_touch'] != SHOUTBOX_VERSION_SH) {
                // Version auto-detected (RC1 and above)
                echo "We have automatically detected your shoutbox verion. You may start the upgrade process by clicking the link below.<br /><br />";
                echo "<a href='".THIS_SCRIPT.".php?step=2&amp;version=".$vboptions['shoutbox_version_no_touch']."'>Click here to continue.</a>";
        } elseif ($vboptions['shoutbox_version_no_touch'] == SHOUTBOX_VERSION_SH) {
                echo "We have automatically detected your current shoutbox version, and it appears to be up-to-date.";
        } else {
                // Version cannot be auto-detected (Gamma 1 and below)
                echo "We cannot detect your shoutbox version. This means that you are running 1.0 Gamma 1 or below, or have not installed the shoutbox yet. You may use this script to continue upgrading <b>but only if you are running 1.0 Gamma 1 or doing a clean install</b>! This script cannot upgrade your shoutbox if you are running Beta 5 or below, so upgrade to Gamma 1 manually first!<br /><br />";
                echo "If you are running 1.0 Gamma 1, ";
                echo "<a href='".THIS_SCRIPT.".php?step=2&amp;version=10g1'>click here to start the upgrade to ".SHOUTBOX_VERSION.".</a> ";
                echo "If you want to do a new install of the shoutbox, ";
                echo "<a href='".THIS_SCRIPT.".php?step=2&amp;version=new'>click here to install ".SHOUTBOX_VERSION.".</a> ";

Since back on line 61 your conditionals look for shoutbox_version_no_touch, and if not found they set $nextversion = "1.0 Release Candidate 1", but in the line 84 code it again looks for the shoutbox_version_no_touch, but has nothing in that conditional about the $nextversion variable?

Perhaps adding a conditional that compares what was set in $nextversion versus what is in SHOUTBOX_VERSION, or SHOUTBOX_VERSION_SH? The reason I say this is that for a clean install the following (from line 84) will always be "true":

$vboptions['shoutbox_version_no_touch'] != SHOUTBOX_VERSION_SH
because $vboptions['shoutbox_version_no_touch'] will be non-existant on a clean install, and therefore will never be = SHOUTBOX_VERSION_SH.

did that even make sense?

Link14716 01-13-2004 06:54 PM

Yes, I saw that right after looking at it now. I don't see why I didn't catch it before.

I have fixed it, just give me a minute to put it in the zip.

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Yes, I saw that right after looking at it now. I don't see why I didn't catch it before.

I have fixed it, just give me a minute to put it in the zip.


Thanks! I'l give it a shot as soon as the zip is up ;)

Link14716 01-13-2004 07:02 PM

Installer fixed.

Maybe when I release the final I won't screw something up...

Link14716 01-13-2004 07:06 PM

Oh, and BTW, the $nextversion variable is just for the cp_header, so it will say "1.0 Release Candidate 1" when upgrading from Gamma to RC1, "1.0 Release Candidate 2" when upgrading from RC1 to RC2, and etc.

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Oh, and BTW, the $nextversion variable is just for the cp_header, so it will say "1.0 Release Candidate 1" when upgrading from Gamma to RC1, "1.0 Release Candidate 2" when upgrading from RC1 to RC2, and etc.

ah. Well it pointed me in the right direction. It was just a quick look through (about 2 minutes) this morning.

and about screwing things up? ROFL We all do that ;)

That's why we beta test before releasing ;)

Keep up the good work.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

Link14716 01-13-2004 07:12 PM

The final is comming up very soon. I've added 2 new options - an iFrame on forumhome (or you can do the standard <div>, it's your choice, but the iframe has an auto-refresh feature) and an option to use a standard textarea instead of the normal vB messagearea (which is really, really needed).

I doubt it'll be any later than tommorow unless someone starts finding bugs. :p

Cloudrunner 01-13-2004 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
The final is comming up very soon. I've added 2 new options - an iFrame on forumhome (or you can do the standard <div>, it's your choice, but the iframe has an auto-refresh feature) and an option to use a standard textarea instead of the normal vB messagearea (which is really, really needed).

I doubt it'll be any later than tommorow unless someone starts finding bugs. :p

Works nicely Thank you!

One thing, hackers, change your timeout for the adminCP if you have it enabled LOL. I timed out and had to go through the setup again, cus if you time out and then login again, the installer ignores the step you were on and tries to upgrade you to RC2 ;)

Thanks again Link!

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

deemon 01-13-2004 08:16 PM

hm.. ok i'm here installing it(fresh aka new install) at the moment and.. after

RC1 new install bug fixed (if it hasn't been already...)

i klick Click here to continue.

No new settings are needed right now.
Click here to continue.

and i get

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 2:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'shoutbox_shoutbit_at', 'at', '716')
mysql error: Duplicate entry 'shoutbox_shoutbit_at-0-716' for key 2

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Wednesday 14th of January 2004 12:16:06 AM
Script: http://www.escalator.ee/test/admincp...&version=10rc1
Referer: http://www.escalator.ee/test/admincp...&version=10rc1

am i doing something wrong? .. oor.. ?

Link14716 01-13-2004 08:18 PM

Did you try to install RC2 before you installed RC1? That error suggests the RC1 -> RC2 upgrade was ran before.

deemon 01-13-2004 08:21 PM

hm no i didnt run upgrade.. i think..

i clicked on the last link..

Link14716 01-13-2004 08:23 PM

Well, either way, the phrase it's trying to add already exists, so manually move to the next step by changing to URL.

deemon 01-13-2004 08:24 PM

heh yes this is one way to upgrade :D

Link14716 01-13-2004 08:27 PM

Wait, are you doing a new install? The URL in your error indicated an upgrade from RC1 to RC2. Did you install RC1 first and then upload RC2 and try to upgrade to it?

deemon 01-13-2004 08:30 PM

no.. it was new install..

If you want to do a new install of the shoutbox, click here to install 1.0 Release Candidate 2.
i clicked on "here to install 1.0 Release Candidate 2"

.. and now looks like i'm done.. tho the "SHOUT! Edit a Shout..." looks like broken.. as it was before here .. i saw in someones post..

but if i now read your last post.. then im confused..

Link14716 01-13-2004 08:42 PM

Well, if you clicked for a new install, then version should = new in the URL, instead, in your error it showed it equaling 10rc1.

techno 01-13-2004 11:16 PM

Just a slight problem here. Everytime someone shouts in the shoutbox, it redirects them to the home page. Is there a way to have it redirect them to the index.php page instead of the index.html page?

Link14716 01-14-2004 09:16 AM

It should redirect them to the page they shouted off of.

deemon 01-14-2004 09:16 AM

can you please write down what was the filenames that needed some hacking and what mysql tables did it create?

because i whant to uninstall it untill your final version is out.

hehe at the moment.. i think this hack F*cked up my admincp new user registring and some more stuff.. but.. it's ok :) because it is beta hack ;) and betas are buggy

ok.. please write what files needed hacking and mysql blaa blaa..

Link14716 01-14-2004 09:26 AM

How could it ++++ up the admincp and new user registering? It never touched register.php and other than usergroup.php and user.php (which those edits work marvelous), it doesn't touch the admincp either.

But if you still want to uninstall, look at upload/admincp/shoutbox_install/new_file.txt and do the edits in reverse, then:[sql]
DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid='716';
DELETE FROM phrase WHERE varname LIKE '%shoutbox%';
DELETE FROM setting WHERE varname LIKE 'shoutbox%';
DELETE FROM settinggroup WHERE grouptitle='shoutbox';
ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox;
ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP shoutboxpermissions, DROP shouthierarchy;
ALTER TABLE user DROP shouts, DROP shoutbanned;
DROP TABLE shoutbox_posts;[/sql]
Still, as I said, this hack couldn't have ++++ed up things like that. Even if not installed properly, it couldn't screw up new registrations. And it is not a beta hack. It has been tested and tested a lot by now and probably could be released as a final already.

deemon 01-14-2004 09:57 AM

well.. maybe not.. but i mos deffenetly will try to uninstall it ..
i let you know if anything gets any better after uninstall

kthnxoh yea.. one thing more.. i got this error on mail if i posted somehing to shoutbox..

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'shoutbox_shoutbit_at', 'at', '716')
mysql error: Duplicate entry 'shoutbox_shoutbit_at-0-716' for key 2

mysql error number: 1062

.. i'm finished with uninstall.. and some minor things got better.. but yea.. sorry i quess it wasnt your hack that screwd up my admincp new user registrations.. sorry about that one ;)

techno 01-14-2004 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
It should redirect them to the page they shouted off of.

No, it doesn't for me...or any of my users.

Any ideas as to why, or how I could force it to redirect to the proper page?

geezzaa 01-14-2004 07:07 PM

I jave uploaded it to a totally fresh vb3 test board.
I keep getting the error Parse error: parse error in /home/geezzaa/public_html/ukctest/includes/init.php on line 821

Possibly something simple, i dont know much about board hacking so please go easy on the answer.

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