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-   -   Quick Edit! -Edit posts directly from within the thread itself (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=54851)

DelFDgfd_gT 07-07-2003 08:15 PM

This ++++ right here doesnt allow me to post repliers using the post reply button. again, another bug with your hack.

PHP Code:

#### In your postbit template find:

<p align="right"><smallfont><a href="report.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$post[postid]">Report this post to a moderator</a> | $post[iplogged]</smallfont></p>

#### Replace with:

<TABLE height=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>$quickedit </td>
TD align=right><smallfont><a href="report.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$post[postid]">Report this post to a moderator</a> | $post[iplogged]</smallfont></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE

Please fix this! And fix your Quick Quote II hack also.

T?Pau 07-07-2003 08:33 PM


Yesterday at 12:07 AM EvilLS1 said this
I just tested your code with Opera 7 and it works fine for me.. Also works with Mozilla now. Good job! With your permission I'd like to update the hack instructions and add your javascript for mozilla. I'll give credit to you for that in the main post of coarse. Let me know. :)

Sure no problem :)

But still Opera loads the newrepy.php not the editpost.php, when I click the Submit button. The form action goes to editpost.php and Mozilla & IE are both working. Any idea why this happenes ?

EvilLS1 07-07-2003 09:02 PM

Thats strange because it should go to editpost.php with any browser as long as the form action says action="editpost.php". Which version of Opera are you using? Its working fine for me with Opera 7.

Ramsy, check my reply to your post in the Quick Quote thread. You did add the javascript to the headinclude template correct?

EvilLS1 07-07-2003 09:28 PM

I went to your forum and viewed the page source in one of your threads.. I found this at the top (above the messages):


<form action="newreply.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="ab85079a3d8c5a772a701d7972966aca">
<input type="hidden" name="threadid" value="1036">

And then the closing tag </form> for this form is at the bottom of the page..

What I can't figure out is why you have a newreply form that starts at the top of the page.. Unless its from another hack that you've installed. I think this is whats causing your problem..

{edit} I think I know why that form is there. I bet you have the Quote multiple posts hack (by xiphoid) installed .. If so, thats whats causing it to go to newreply instead of editpost in Opera. The quote multiple posts hack adds a form around the entire section that contains the messages.. This hack places a hidden form in each postbit.. You can't embed a form inside of another one, so I'm pretty sure thats whats causing it.

To test it, just temporarily remove this bit of code from the showthread template:

<form action="newreply.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
<input type="hidden" name="threadid" value="$threadid">

DelFDgfd_gT 07-09-2003 04:28 AM

removing the multi quote hack worked, thanks, installed.

DelFDgfd_gT 07-09-2003 06:49 AM

Hey dude, How can I make it so that QuickEdit
is under Quick Reply?

EvilLS1 07-10-2003 03:14 AM


Yesterday at 08:49 AM Ramsy de Vos said this in Post #46
Hey dude, How can I make it so that QuickEdit
is under Quick Reply?

I don't think thats possible. The form has to be in the postbit.

PhoenixBB 07-11-2003 11:44 PM

Is it possible that this (or the quote hack I installed before it) could in some way interfere with the Options settings? I can't see how they could, but since installing these 2 I've noticed a few probs on the board getting logged out etc. I checked my Options, and the Browse board with cookies had mysteriously been turned off. I reselected it and saved, but it keeps reverting to No. It's fine in the AdminCp panel btw. I can't see how either of these hacks could have such an effect, but the problem only cropped up after installing so I wondered if there was a connection.

Anyone else had this, and knows how to fix it?


EvilLS1 07-11-2003 11:57 PM


Today at 01:44 AM PhoenixBB said this in Post #48
Is it possible that this (or the quote hack I installed before it) could in some way interfere with the Options settings? I can't see how they could, but since installing these 2 I've noticed a few probs on the board getting logged out etc. I checked my Options, and the Browse board with cookies had mysteriously been turned off. I reselected it and saved, but it keeps reverting to No. It's fine in the AdminCp panel btw. I can't see how either of these hacks could have such an effect, but the problem only cropped up after installing so I wondered if there was a connection.

Anyone else had this, and knows how to fix it?


Hmm.. Thats strange, but I don't think this hack could effect those settings.. I've been using it on my board for a few weeks now and haven't had any problems like that. You could try uninstalling it and see if the problem goes away, but I highly doubt this is causing it.

PhoenixBB 07-12-2003 12:12 AM

Uninstall it?? No chance! ;)

Think this has to be one of my favourite hacks, so not ever uninstalling it, even if everybody kept getting logged out. :D

Didn't think it could be this though, so it's just probably one of those weird things that happen from time to time.

EvilLS1 07-12-2003 12:23 AM

Hehe.. I just meant temporarily uninstall it to see if the settings problem goes away. Glad you like it though. :)

GenSec 07-15-2003 11:26 AM

Very nice. I like it.

Exo 07-15-2003 01:06 PM

thanks very nice hack :bunny:

how can i set it so that the thread starter can not see the quick edit button?

EvilLS1 07-16-2003 05:24 AM



how can i set it so that the thread starter can not see the quick edit button?
Not sure if thats possible without adding a query.

Sn00peh 07-18-2003 01:12 PM

did anyone try this with 2.3?

Parker Clack 07-18-2003 01:46 PM

Great hack! My members already love it.

I changed the input code in the showthread_quickedit template


<input name="r2" type="radio" value="" onClick="toggleT('e$post[postid]','s')"><smallfont>QuickEdit</smallfont>


<input name="r2" type="button" style="font-face:verdana;font-size:12px" value="Quick Edit" onClick="toggleT('e$post[postid]','s')">



<input name="r2" type="radio" checked value="" onClick="toggleT('e$post[postid]','h')"><smallfont>Hide</smallfont>


<input name="r2" type="button" checked value=" Close Box " onClick="toggleT('e$post[postid]','h')">

I like buttons better for some reason. :)

Thanks for the great hack.


EvilLS1 07-18-2003 10:16 PM

Sn00peh, I'm pretty sure this will work fine with 2.3.0 .

Parker, y/w. glad you like it. :)

Robink 07-19-2003 05:32 AM

Im on 2.3.0 and it works beautifully.

Parker Clack 07-19-2003 02:31 PM

I have a Spellcheck script that I use that can be put into any form on a web site. I use it with the regular edit function, the new reply and new thread on the forum.

<form name="spell">
function sendtext() {
var semi = new RegExp("\;","g");
document.send.checkme.value = (document.vbulletinform.edittext.value.replace(sem i,"\;"));
document.send.form.value = "vbulletinform";
document.send.field.value = "edittext";
window.open('','SpellChecker','width=640,height=48 0,scrollbars=1,location=true') ;
<input type="button" name="SpellCheck" value="Spell Check" onclick="sendtext()" class="bginput" tabindex="5" accesskey="c">
<form name="send" action="/cgi-bin/spell.pl" method="POST" target="SpellChecker">
<input type="hidden" name="checkme">
<input type="hidden" name="form">
<input type="hidden" name="field">
<input type="hidden" name="spell" value="check">

Is there anyway to incorporate this into this hack? I have tried but when I use it it doesn't work and just generates an error.


EvilLS1 07-19-2003 10:48 PM

Try this..

In your spell checker form find:

document.send.checkme.value = (document.vbulletinform.edittext.value.replace(semi,"\;"));
Raplace it with:

document.send.checkme.value = (document.vbulletinform.message.value.replace(semi,"\;"));

document.send.field.value = "edittext";
Replace it with:

document.send.field.value = "message";
Or if that doesn't work use this instead:

document.send.field.value = (document.vbulletinform.message.value);

If that doesn't work just post the javascript error message and we'll try to figure it out.

Parker Clack 07-20-2003 07:04 AM

Thanks. I will give this a try. The error message that I have been getting is the one that you see at the bottom of your browser that says "Done. Errors on the page" and the script doesn't run.

I will try your suggestions and let you know.


Parker Clack 07-20-2003 07:19 AM

Well, I tried your suggestions but the script still fails to load and I get the "Error on page" line at the bottom left of my browser.


EvilLS1 07-20-2003 07:26 AM

Hmm.. I don't know much about how the spellchecker works but if you'll open the page with a Mozilla browser then click tools, web development, & javascript console it will tell you the exact error and maybe you can get an idea of how to fix it. I suspect its something to do with the form names or textarea names not matching. Just out of curiousity where are you placing the spell checking form? I'm guessing either in the headinclude template or in the showthread_quickedit template?

Parker Clack 07-21-2003 01:29 AM

I am using the showthread_quickedit template

So it looks like

<input name="r2" type="button" checked value=" Close Box " onClick="toggleT('e$post[postid]','h')" style="font-face:verdana;font-size:13px">
<form name="spell">
function sendtext() {
var semi = new RegExp("\;","g");
document.send.checkme.value = (document.vbulletin.message.value.replace(semi,"\; "));
document.send.form.value = "vbulletin;
document.send.field.value = "message";
window.open('','SpellChecker','width=640,height=48 0,scrollbars=1,location=true') ;
<input type="button" name="SpellCheck" value="Spell Check" onclick="sendtext()" class="bginput" tabindex="5" accesskey="c">
<form name="send" action="/cgi-bin/spell.pl" method="POST" target="SpellChecker">
<input type="hidden" name="checkme">
<input type="hidden" name="form">
<input type="hidden" name="field">
<input type="hidden" name="spell" value="check">

That is the way that I have it incorporated in my newthread, newreply templates and it works great.


Pikok 08-01-2003 05:55 AM

Hello there, I have QuickQuote II installed, all fine. but I cant get the QuickEdit shown up correctly 'cus of my style set. It's the vbulletin exposed. I'll add a pic + my code. If you guys could help me out I'd appreciate it alot :)

PHP Code:

<TABLE height=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>$quickedit </td>
TD align=right><smallfont><a href="report.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$post[postid]">Warn</a></smallfont></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE

EvilLS1 08-01-2003 11:53 PM

Try placing the $quickedit variable somewhere below the signature in the postbit template. I haven't used or even seen that style but its just simple html, so if you'll experiment with it a little I'm sure you can find a good place to put it.

Larry@IOG 08-02-2003 12:36 AM

When I save the changes my page goes to http://www.impulseownersgroup.com/vb/newreply.php and does not reload the changes. Also it does not make any changes


EvilLS1 08-02-2003 12:54 AM

This is most likely due to a conflict with another hack that you've installed. Do you by chance have the "quote multiple posts" hack by xiphoid installed on your board? If so, thats whats causing your problem.

Try this:

At the top of your "showthread_quickedit" template add this:

Still in the showthread_quickedit template, add this at the bottom:

<form action="newreply.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
<input type="hidden" name="threadid" value="$threadid">

That should make this hack compatible with the other one.

Larry@IOG 08-02-2003 03:02 AM

That was the problem thanks a ton


Pikok 08-02-2003 04:38 AM


Today at 01:53 AM EvilLS1 said this in Post #66
Try placing the $quickedit variable somewhere below the signature in the postbit template. I haven't used or even seen that style but its just simple html, so if you'll experiment with it a little I'm sure you can find a good place to put it.

thanks, I added the whole code where the $quickedit was right under the $signature and it works fine :)

EvilLS1 08-02-2003 07:24 PM

n/p. Glad its working for ya.

Larry@IOG 08-03-2003 12:46 AM

Thanks for the help.

But my post reply button is not working


Larry@IOG 08-03-2003 12:47 AM

No thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster

That is the messgage I am getting


EvilLS1 08-04-2003 12:36 AM

Sorry to hear that, but thats also due to a conflict with the quote multiple posts hack. I thought maybe there was a way to make them work together but I guess these two hacks just aren't compatible. The reason is because the quote multiple posts hack puts all messages inside of a form.. and this hack puts a single form in the postbit if the post belongs to the person viewing the thread. You cannot embed a form inside of another form so thats why its not working.

I have another hack that allows you to quote multiple posts instantly in your quick reply box and it doesn't conflict with Quick Edit. If you want to take a look it can be found here.

PurpleCow 08-04-2003 01:58 AM

EvilLS1 - I wanted to install some of your hacks and i did install too.

I wanted quickEdit, QuickQuoteII, QuoteSelected.

I first installed quickedit, then QuickQuoteII, then realised it requires FireFly's Quick Reply ( installed that too. But at last, I tried installing QuoteSelected, but the last one isn't working. That after installing QuoteSelected, even QuickQuoteII gives me Javascript errors ( in my status bar ). Also QuickQuoteII doesn't work now. How do i go about installing all 3 hacks of yours without and get them to work.

I have installed it on vB2.3.0 stable release !


EvilLS1 08-04-2003 02:14 AM

Did you follow the special instructions posted here? If not, replace the entire contents of the quickquote template with the quickquote template html in those instructions.

Then check and make sure that the name of your quick reply form is "post". It should look like this:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="newreply.php" name="post" method="post" onSubmit="return validate(this)">

PurpleCow 08-04-2003 02:27 AM

Okay, the second part, that method=post is correct, i just now checked.

But my problem is that. I installed your 3 hacks using the instructions in the first posts, without noticing the If u have installed, the instructions are different txt files. But even after that, i checked and compared files manually....the instructions in the first posts and the instructions to install a file, if other hack is installed seems to be the same.

That is my problem. kindly tell me, if i should want to install

what is the order in which, i should install and what instructions should i follow. I am just a bit confused.


PurpleCow 08-04-2003 03:02 AM

Okay, i got all the 3 of them working now. I just had to make a minor change.

Thanks a lot for the hacks.


EvilLS1 08-04-2003 10:30 PM

y/w. glad ya got it working.

PurpleCow 08-08-2003 02:01 PM

Instead of radio button, do u have the image version for this quick edit hack ??

Thank you

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