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Sebastian 03-30-2003 10:07 PM

do you guys/gals want a template system? I could put all the code into templates but it would require you to make about 10 templates since there are quite a few conditionals.

plus its really not much things to change, since its really only three tiny table colors that have to be changed.

Template or no template?

i just find it less trouble then having to make 10 templates :|

and also the idea is to keep vB Assistant easy to read and easy on the eyes, so even if you have 3 different styles just give vB Assistant generic colors (blueish for example), instead of having all these crazy forum colors :p

Yo. 03-30-2003 10:10 PM


I could put all the code into templates but it would require you to make about 10 templates since there are quite a few conditionals.
Personally I don't really mind not having templates, but I can see why they'd be useful with multiple styles. If people install Logician's Conditional Templates hack, there wouldn't be a need for so many templates.

dirtymerc 03-30-2003 10:12 PM

Sebastian any ideas on the right click feature?

Yo. 03-30-2003 10:19 PM

I don't think this will work on all browsers, dirtymerc, but try adding this to your headinclude after installing:


<script language=JavaScript>
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("assistant();return false")

// -->

amykhar 03-30-2003 10:43 PM


Today at 06:36 PM djr said this in Post #39

I understand about that, but I need to know what parts need to be rewritten to make it compliant with a Windows toolbar. What Javascript parts need to be replaced with 'normal' urls? I was in the process of doing this, as I typed before, but couldn't get it to work properly.

I have it working as an Explorer Bar. I simply got rid of all the javascript redirect calls and made them regular links. It works quite nicely.


Sebastian 03-31-2003 12:04 AM

<font size="5">Updates:</font>
March 30th: New version 1.1 Released.

- Added: a PM Meter, shows percentage of how full inBox is
- Added: a preview of the private message, will show 75 characters of the message.,
- Added: 5 new images, for Meter.
- Fixed: PM Meter disappears when you have 1 new message to make space for the PM preview, Meter returns once the PM is read.

To upgrade simply re-upload assistant.php and overwrite. Edit new configuration settings.

Screenshot of PM meter:

Sebastian 03-31-2003 12:05 AM

Preview of private message, shows 75 characters of it:

msimplay 03-31-2003 01:26 AM


Today at 12:07 AM Sebastian said this in Post #42
do you guys/gals want a template system? I could put all the code into templates but it would require you to make about 10 templates since there are quite a few conditionals.

plus its really not much things to change, since its really only three tiny table colors that have to be changed.

Template or no template?

i just find it less trouble then having to make 10 templates :|

and also the idea is to keep vB Assistant easy to read and easy on the eyes, so even if you have 3 different styles just give vB Assistant generic colors (blueish for example), instead of having all these crazy forum colors :p

Me too i prefer it this way

amykhar 03-31-2003 01:27 AM

I prefer it without the templates as well.


dirtymerc 03-31-2003 02:46 AM


Today at 12:19 AM Yo. said this in Post #44
I don't think this will work on all browsers, dirtymerc, but try adding this to your headinclude after installing:


<script language=JavaScript>
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("assistant();return false")

// -->

thank you so much, it worked flawless!

dirtymerc 03-31-2003 02:54 AM

I believe the new zip file is still the previous one. No 5 new images or updated assistant file.

Sebastian 03-31-2003 02:59 AM


Today at 11:54 PM dirtymerc said this in Post #51
I believe the new zip file is still the previous one. No 5 new images or updated assistant file.

its browser cache, clear your cache and try again.

Zelda-King 03-31-2003 05:48 AM

I got red 'X's when I used "forums/images" as the $images directory path. The path came out as domainname.net/forums/forums/images. It was OK when I changed it to just "images".

VeoMorphine 03-31-2003 02:18 PM

Wow, i really like this.

If you have actrive desktop turned on, you can actauly have this window always open on your desk top. I find it really useful.

Bison 03-31-2003 02:19 PM

Getting a "divide by zero" error in line 49 in assistant.php when there's nothing in the inbox.

djr 03-31-2003 05:48 PM

Let me start by saying the following observation is not Sebastian's fault, but part of the deal: when you have the vbAssistant as a Windows toolbar or as an Active Desktop element... you (or your users) always show up as online!

Is there's a fix for this? Probably a automatic logout after xx seconds (to be defined by the admin)?

- djr

Pollo 03-31-2003 08:04 PM

If you have the forum installed in the root directory of the site (ie: not in a directory called 'forums'), what exactly should this line be in assistant.php:

$forumdir = "???"; // name of your forum directory

When I put nothing or a / only, the links inside the popup would go to the file, as in http://search.php (without the URL) and would obviously be blank and not resolve.

Edit: (Version 2.2.9)

Sebastian 03-31-2003 08:29 PM


Today at 11:19 AM Rolodex said this in Post #55
Getting a "divide by zero" error in line 49 in assistant.php when there's nothing in the inbox.
I cannot seem to produce this error, I emptied my inBox and i don't see this.

@Pollo: you still have to put the name of the forum directory in $forumdir. If your forums directory is called "forums" then leave it as default, cause it's for linking to private messages, cpanel, etc..

I do suggest you use vB Assistant in you forum directory though.

Pollo 03-31-2003 09:00 PM

Sebastian, well my question was that my forum isn't in a directory (per se, of course it is in a directory, just the web site's home one). In other words, my forum is the site, the site the forum ie: http://domain.com

I solved it by removing:
$forumdir = "???"; // name of your forum directory

-and removing any mention of $forumdir anywhere.

Everything works now, and I'm sure members will really groove on it, DANKE! :D

+Fares+ 03-31-2003 10:16 PM

Thanks for the great hack ..
i have a Question Please...

after everything i click on the link ...

and i go this ( check the pic )

so me why do u think i get an error .. where the problem do u think is ?

Sebastian 03-31-2003 11:37 PM

@+Fares+ : the path for $forumdir isn't correct, if your forum directory is called "forums" then change it to $forumdir = "forums";

Otherwise change that setting to the name of your forum directory.

Bison 04-01-2003 01:00 AM


Today at 05:29 PM Sebastian said this in Post #58

I cannot seem to produce this error, I emptied my inBox and i don't see this.

@Pollo: you still have to put the name of the forum directory in $forumdir. If your forums directory is called "forums" then leave it as default, cause it's for linking to private messages, cpanel, etc..

I do suggest you use vB Assistant in you forum directory though.

This byte of code is causint the error:


if ($allpm[messages] <= 1) {
        $amount = "1";
} else {
        $amount = round(($allpm[messages]/$pmquota) * 100,2);

amykhar 04-01-2003 01:11 AM

Not everybody has a PM quota set. You should check to make sure it's not zero before you enter that code block.


Sebastian 04-01-2003 01:22 AM

@ Rolodex: what is your PM quota set at in the admin cpanel?

Bison 04-01-2003 02:29 AM

My quota is set to 100 ... my mods are 50, and members are 40.

Edit: My BAD ... I had this set to Zero (Unlimited) ... after placing the members amount into the box, the error went away.

Thanks for the heads up guys! :)

D|ver 04-01-2003 08:31 AM

hey really cool hack :)
but is it possible to show about 10 latest posts on the very top of the window?

that would be very cool :D

Lethal 04-01-2003 10:40 AM

I would like to have a template version.

also, its says my pm box is 1% full but yet I have no messages either in my inbox or sent box. ?? shouldn't it say 0% full?

also, how would I get this to work with multiple styles? I tried to use { imagesfolder } and { firstaltcolor } and { secondaltcolor } but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

bandersen 04-01-2003 10:54 AM

Thank you for a nice hack!

I am sorry, but I am fiddling with the $forumdir too! can you plz help... My forumdir is /forums/upload
Here is the line in assistant.php:

$forumdir = "forums/upload"; // name of your forum directory

If I type ../forums/upload/assistant.php in the browser, I get the vb assistant up on that page.

EDIT: OK... I found it... also changed the path in the code to insert in headinclude so that the line with the path looks like:

window.open('/forums/upload /assistant.php?s=$session[sessionhash]','vbassistant','width=235,height=500,resizable=ye s,scrollbars=yes');

SgtSling 04-01-2003 11:15 AM

Question.. and yes I am using version 1.1 of the zip

In my vbassistant it has under private messages
You have 2 new messages.
9 are old messages.

There isn't a meter or a preview of the message>
I did not upgrade from the old zip this is a new install

What do I have to do to make the pm images and preview show?
It isn't a broken image problem.. the code just simply isn't there..

bandersen 04-01-2003 01:36 PM

I am not able to get the search function to work when I hit "submit".
Also, the image problem like SgtSling describes.

EDIT: :nervous: I know..... search worked ok after restart.

Sebastian 04-01-2003 06:47 PM


Today at 08:15 AM SgtSling said this in Post #69
Question.. and yes I am using version 1.1 of the zip

In my vbassistant it has under private messages
You have 2 new messages.
9 are old messages.

There isn't a meter or a preview of the message>
I did not upgrade from the old zip this is a new install

What do I have to do to make the pm images and preview show?
It isn't a broken image problem.. the code just simply isn't there..

It will only show the newest PM that you haven't read, it disappears once you read it. Did you already read them?

See image, it shows preview, Does everyone else get a preview of the IM?

Sebastian 04-01-2003 07:09 PM

@Lethal :

- Fixed bug: PM would show 1% full inBox when you had no PM's, now shows 0% when you have no messages in inBox

FFArmageddon 04-01-2003 07:47 PM

I am curious, will this work for 2.2.x?

Sebastian 04-01-2003 07:49 PM


Today at 04:47 PM FFArmageddon said this in Post #73
I am curious, will this work for 2.2.x?
yes it should.

bandersen 04-01-2003 07:50 PM

Just some of the gifs show (expand gif is OK, but not collaps, level1, new_msg etc). I have them all in the same place.

Sebastian 04-01-2003 10:39 PM

@bandersen, check you set the right path to the images, seems the path isn't right, if one image shows then all the rest have to if you put them all in the same directory.

D|ver 04-02-2003 01:45 PM

i have a small question:
is it possible to "remeber" the minimize settings?
when i minimize the "Go To ... " Panel for example, after the refresh it is maximised again

i hope you know what i wanted to say ;)
sry for my bad english ;(

Sebastian 04-02-2003 07:59 PM


Today at 10:45 AM D|ver said this in Post #77
i have a small question:
is it possible to "remeber" the minimize settings?
when i minimize the "Go To ... " Panel for example, after the refresh it is maximised again

i hope you know what i wanted to say ;)
sry for my bad english ;(

yes, i know what you mean, It has been mentioned before in this thread. It can be done, but it would require me to add a cookie for each section, which would be a total of 5 cookies. It will require a lot of extra code so i have to look into it a bit more.

Lethal 04-02-2003 11:35 PM

is it hard to make this template based?

Sebastian 04-03-2003 03:32 AM

next version will be template based, I'll just make it so people can choose template or no template.

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