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Erwin 08-13-2003 12:09 AM


Today at 03:02 AM noppid said this in Post #34
99.9% of the code in most hacks are just variations of VB code. Where do people get off with this original code that is copywrited idea?

LOL! The code may look similar because there is only so many ways you can write a query in PHP. You can't lump all hacks together like that.

Erwin 08-13-2003 12:10 AM

Also, can the forums-france.com people stop spamming members with PMs please. Asking for permission once is enough. No answer means the answer is no.

Corbu 08-13-2003 07:03 AM

We can't control others French forums.
I only own vbulletin-fr.com , and I've asked permission only one time.

I'm sorry about that.

Lumina 08-13-2003 09:55 AM


Today at 01:02 AM SmEdD said this in Post #40
I'm not saying for us to be the same by all having the same language. Just saying it would make life a whole lot better. Same physical bodys and cultures would make it alot worse because it would be so boaring.
One language only would be so boaring too. Jargon, slang and SMS would be prohibited. Nobody would be allowed to create a language for elves or klingons. And nobody would know how to say "je vous aime " in five different languages.

Erwin 08-13-2003 10:06 AM


Today at 06:03 PM Corbu said this in Post #43
We can't control others French forums.
I only own vbulletin-fr.com , and I've asked permission only one time.

I'm sorry about that.

Why so many french vB forums? Looks like there are 3 competing ones now.

sabret00the 08-13-2003 10:21 AM

that's what i've been wondering, they should all merge :-|

albibak 08-13-2003 10:55 AM

Vbulletin-france has don't spamming the hackers of vb.orb
We has just send 1 mp to hackers to have their authorisations. If they accept, we translate and diffuse their hacks. If the answer is no, we don't do that.
We respect the decision of hackers. We don't post hacks without authorisation.
You can verify here : www.vbulletin-france.com

Sophocle 08-13-2003 11:05 AM

It's almost impossible to merge the 3 french forums. The leaders don't have the same goals. There were 2 french websites : vbressources.com and vbulletin-fr.com. A third one has been re-opened recently (vbulletin-france.com).
I'm working, like Corbu, Nzo and Lumina, for vbulletin-fr.com. I think it's the best french forum. We offer excellent translations and try to promote the quality of support. I also like vbulletin-fr.com because we respect copyright and I'm in this team firstly to protect authors, secondly to translate style and languages files.

I would be very happy for the french community if there was an official french site. I see many good reasons :
- stop the stupid war between the 3 forums
- increase market share of vbulletin : french people DO NOT speak english fluently. Some programers speak english but are not used to understanting technical phrases. It's very difficult to configure a forum (even if you speak a perfect english). The lack of support is one of the reasons why people prefer other forums.
vbulletin is not very well-known in french countries (Quebec, France, Belgium, Swiss...) and a french web site could attract people.
- reduce warez in France : the unofficial websites can't check if there members have purchased a license.
- help french people with french packs.
- ameliorate vbulletin to comply with multiple languages.

Dean C 08-13-2003 11:08 AM

noppid - this is an official vbulletin site. I don't wish to support people who don't pay for their licenses. Hence why I never give permission for my hacks to be translated in the off-chance that some warez users come across them. If you wish to do so then that's your decision but I stand by mine :)

albibak 08-13-2003 11:09 AM

Sophocle !!!
Stop the stupid war between the 3 forums => what stupid war ??? vbulletin-france is open for all, and we don't do war !!!!

Your argument is not valid. Stop to attack other forums. Give your opinion and your reasons, but don't talk about others forums


grog6 08-13-2003 11:11 AM


Today at 01:05 PM Sophocle said this in Post #48

I'm working, like Corbu, Nzo and Lumina, for vbulletin-fr.com. I think it's the best french forum. We offer excellent translations and try to promote the quality of support. I also like vbulletin-fr.com because we respect copyright and I'm in this team firstly to protect authors, secondly to translate style and languages files.

:cross-eyed: Coz we don't respect it Sophocle ????????????
Thanks for this thread, I had a good opinion of you, it will change ...

Could an admin or modo close this thread pliz ?
It will bring nothing expecting bad things, if you want to speak about it, use MSN or PM

This thread is unusefull :ogre:

Akex 08-13-2003 11:35 AM

lol grog6, sophocle said


we respect copyright
He didn't say vbulletin-fr is the only forum which respects copyrights. Don't try to make sophocle say something he didn't.

I'm working like others for vbulletin-fr.com and I think we do our best to obtain confidence from vbulletin.org hackers.

We think (the french community not only vbulletin-fr.com) that french ppl need french support and by the way an official frech site.

grog6 08-13-2003 11:40 AM

Sophocle said


I think it's the best french forum. We offer excellent translations and try to promote the quality of support. I also like vbulletin-fr.com because we respect copyright
Je ne repond plus a ce post, ca n'apportera rien et vu la mentailit? que vous adoptez ca ne risque pas de s'ameliorer

Sorry for this small part in french, I know vbulletin.org's team don't like it but ... ;)

Sophocle 08-13-2003 12:21 PM

I want to explain my point of view not to have a bad relation with Grog6 and Albibak. When I wrote my message, I defended two ideas :
- the 3 french forums can't merge : the 3 staffs are very suspicious against the others for private reasons. It's why I talk about a "stupid war". I'm not telling who is right.
This cold war can be easily understood when you see reactions to my post.

- vbulletin-fr is, IMHO, the best french web site. I gave two arguments. It's not against other french web sites.
I think we have an excellent translation staff (6 translators for vB3 style / language + many hack translators).
vbressources doesn't translate hacks and have very good self-made hacks. There are only two translators, who made a good job for vb3 style.
I can't speak about vbulletin-france translators because they began recently.

My second argument wasn't well exlained. Of course, none of the 3 french forums encourage cracking and warez. But we made a big effort in our forum to :
- protect authors by a translation agreement.
- ban warez users.
- suppress all "warezian" hacks, like Hide IP.
- delete all links or threads about warez / cracking...
It's one of our main goals.

I'm sorry if Grog6 and Albibak were ashamed of my opinion, it's not so easy to express it in english for me (I prefer translate english to french ;).

PS : Grog6, you've got a PM

p0s3id0n 08-13-2003 01:12 PM


Today at 02:21 PM Sophocle said this in Post #54

My second argument wasn't well exlained. Of course, none of the 3 french forums encourage cracking and warez. But we made a big effort in our forum to :
- protect authors by a translation agreement.
- ban warez users.
- suppress all "warezian" hacks, like Hide IP.
- delete all links or threads about warez / cracking...
It's one of our main goals.

That's where we differ on 'vbr', our main goal is to have fun with
coding and tweeking this piece of soft we have.
What the f**k with being official and all that cr*p...

ok i shouldn't have replyed on this thread since it seems to
go nowhere... but hey, how could i resist, being french also ;)...

anyway have a good day

[high]* p0s3id0n goes out ;)[/high]

Corbu 08-13-2003 01:47 PM

une precision francaise car les malentendus rôdent.

Pour la question des PM en doublons. Je mettait en cause seulement vbulletin-france.com avec qui j'ai encore parlé hier soir car il demandent une deuxieme fois les autorisations que nous avons deja demandées il y a plus de deux mois. Ce qui entraîne à une confusion vis a vis des hackers de vbulletin.org à mon avis.
VBR n'a jamais été mis en cause, tout le monde sait que vous faitent vos hacks de votre coté, et que vous respectez les copyrights aussi. Le calme entre nos deux forums depuis un certain temps est bénéfique pour tous, pour cela excusez si des propos ont mal étés écrits ou trop étés sous entendus.

sabret00the 08-13-2003 02:43 PM

geez wheres all the english gone :cry:

thinking about this, you all seem unable to work with yourselves, so why would anyone in their right mind wanna make you official, you need to prove yourselves in terms of coming together to make one big forum that will serve the whole french community instead of 3 small ones, all this talk of war is just dumb, it's not gonna get anything done nor acheived

Chris M 08-13-2003 07:34 PM

Well I was browsing vBulletin-fr.com, and as a Guest could view some hacks that were posted as code, rather than as an attachment - You need to work on some permission based system there, at all 3 boards and any other site that wants to be "respectful" of the author's copyright and warez issues...

I suggest:

1.) Get people who want access to the Hacks to PM you with their vB.com or .org username
2.) You check it out, and if they have posted in a forum where only licenced members can (vB.org -> Full Releases, vB.com -> Troubleshooting Forum) you give them access
3.) If they haven't, you ask them to, and then if they do not you do not give them access;)


Dean C 08-13-2003 07:49 PM

Then you have the problem of some warez user adding people who ask them to their 3 email addys list just so they can post. Then change it back...

There's no reliable way of doing unless your intigrated with the license system.

Chris M 08-13-2003 07:51 PM

Or you have a vB.org/.com moderator who can verify their licence status;)


Nzo 08-13-2003 08:39 PM


Thanks to the new version of vbulletin vb3.0.0 we can easily check if our french members have a licence.
We just have to use the option "password protection forum".
So the only way for french vbulletin customer to get the password is to go in a special thread on vb.org and download the file attachement (exemple : password vbulletin-fr.txt) where they can find the password. So only licenced could have the password. I know that this is not efficient at 100 % but I thinks is it the better alternative we have in more of being the easiest to manage.

A few months ago, I had already evoked this solution (based on afterburner's hack) and I steal thinking that it is one of most effective. As an unofficial site we couldn?t have the jelsoft license verification systeme, I hope not for a long ;).

Shovel is : Crater Seraph
Take a look on your pm box, it's about the post #65 (now deleted)
In french sorry : Merci d'avoir relancer un aussi vieux sujet ;)
Tu dois t'ennuyer s?v?re en ce moment (tu me diras on le serait a moins ) !! Dans tous les cas je te souhaite un prompt r?tablissement.

nagasadow 08-14-2003 12:06 AM


Yesterday at 04:43 PM sabret00the said this in Post #57
geez wheres all the english gone :cry:

thinking about this, you all seem unable to work with yourselves, so why would anyone in their right mind wanna make you official, you need to prove yourselves in terms of coming together to make one big forum that will serve the whole french community instead of 3 small ones, all this talk of war is just dumb, it's not gonna get anything done nor acheived

Well on one hand you're right sabret00the, but on the other hand, some webmasters may want to keep their community "alive", even if they are not an official site. Imagine one french forum becomes official and not the others, will these webmasters have the hacker's permission for traducing their hacks, like the official site ? And if they ask, will they have these permissions ? We've got this problem now for vBulletin-France.com, we need help...

May be it is one of the reasons wich have created this idiot war, I'm not sure becoming official is so important for everybody, most of teams or webmasters just want to keep on traducing your work, so they only need hacker's permissions... Corbu would like to become official, that's not a problem if we keep on obtaining hacker's permissions with respect of copyrights of cource
It's not so easy to shoot two of the three forums, at least we could expect to work with ourselves, but merging the forums in a big one, difficult it'll be...

sabret00the 08-14-2003 12:15 AM

ok difficult that's granted but you claim to be doing this for the french community, surely putting your own pride and ambitions aside it would help the cause if you could show that there was 5k members all on one site all for the same reason? they wanted french support? i mean even if you can't become official after that surely you'd be recognised as the official unofficial site

nagasadow 08-14-2003 12:27 AM


Today at 02:15 AM sabret00the said this in Post #63
it would help the cause if you could show that there was 5k members all on one site all for the same reason? they wanted french support? i mean even if you can't become official after that surely you'd be recognised as the official unofficial site
Well, my english is not so perfect lol, could you explain a bit more about what you're saying above please, I don't undersstand, thks ;)

SmEdD 08-14-2003 06:00 AM

Ahh . . . this is a english forum please speak ENGLISH!

Corbu 08-14-2003 06:45 AM

Now we have two posibilities to verify if members are licenced or not.


Yesterday at 09:34 PM hellsatan said this in Post #58

I suggest:
1.) Get people who want access to the Hacks to PM you with their vB.com or .org username
2.) You check it out, and if they have posted in a forum where only licenced members can (vB.org -> Full Releases, vB.com -> Troubleshooting Forum) you give them access
3.) If they haven't, you ask them to, and then if they do not you do not give them access;)


By Nzo
We just have to use the option "password protection forum".
So the only way for french vbulletin customer to get the password is to go in a special thread on vb.org and download the file attachement (exemple : password vbulletin-fr.txt) where they can find the password. So only licenced could have the password. I know that this is not efficient at 100 % but I thinks is it the better alternative we have in more of being the easiest to manage.

But this two possibilities aren't very good.
The first one cause a lot of work and as Mist says :


Then you have the problem of some warez user adding people who ask them to their 3 email addys list just so they can post. Then change it back...
The second one is not 100% sure again... On person who have access here can see the password and give it to another person Unlicenced... So he can access to the hacks category.

So as Mist said :

There's no reliable way of doing unless your intigrated with the license system.
We can choose to do one of those two possibilities but we know that they are not sure, or we can choose to stay for license system of Jelsoft...

What is the Best ? I wish people of JelSoft Team give us a response.

Didzi 08-14-2003 08:11 AM

I would please say that the 2 forums vbulletin-Fr and vbulletin-France should unify to create one only community and to prove with jelsoft that the French-speaking community can make main efforts to prove that goodwill

Erwin 08-14-2003 09:10 AM


Today at 05:45 PM Corbu said this in Post #68
What is the Best ? I wish people of JelSoft Team give us a response.
I don't work for Jelsoft, but I can safely tell you that Jelsoft will not be releasing their license integration to any site that asks for it. They will approach you if they believe that they need another official site.

In the meantime, it is impossible to know whether a member on your site has a valid vB license without this system.

Staff here cannot reveal the license status of members for privacy reasons to a third party.

Please do not use any other language other than English on these forums.

Any forums found to be releasing warez or pirated programs, or hacks without the permission of the authors, will be reported and if nothing is done will have their vB license revoked.

Since this thread has really gone off-topic, I am closing it. Feel free to open a new one.

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