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-   -   Invision Power Board 1.1 Importer needs testing (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=48281)

pogo 03-13-2003 07:47 AM


Originally posted by Da`Nacho
Those of you who do get the script should watch out for:
  • usergroups are converted, but instead of putting admin, moderator, super moderator, registered, etc in the existing vBulletin usergroups the script seems to make all new usergroups with similar names, and then imports all the users adding them to these new usergroups. It's not a big deal really, if you are versed in MySQL you can fix this with a few commands.
  • My account was imported to the forum and instead of replacing userid 1 it was given userid 2, which makes me the second user in the database and as such some admin functions in vB are visible to userid 1. Again, this was easily fixed with some MySQL commands meant to search and replace userids.
  • Forum options and permissions are not converted, or are converted poorly.

  • IPB has 4 default usergroups (admin, members, guest, awaiting confirmation). Users out of these groups are imported in the corresponding vB usergroups. Every other IPB usergroup is a custom one and created for vB.
  • The only thing where vBulletin relies on userids exclusivley is the viewing and pruning of the adminlog. You can change the userid in admin/config.php.
  • The systems are very different in saving forum permissions. No I won't try to include it and you learn how to set forum permissions. ;) The importer imports all forum settings that can be imported, I hope.

AlexanderT 03-13-2003 10:52 AM

I want to add that I successfully converted my IB 1.1 board to VB 2.2.9. Not only this - Pogo was *very* responsive to my emails and suggestions and I couldn't think of any better support.

Thanks again, Pogo.

[hhhh] 03-23-2003 08:19 AM

]Pogo , PLease send for me your script to email webnhkv@yahoo.com or nguyenvu@yeuamnhac.com

Sinko 03-23-2003 10:01 PM

Hey, send me a copy over at craigmaloof@cfl.rr.com please.

bspiller82 03-27-2003 05:38 PM

Yes same here. Where do I get this please?

Eyes on me 03-28-2003 08:13 AM

When i covert from IBF 1.1.1 to vBB 2.3.0, the vBB said me input the Admin user.

But when I covert from IBf 1.1 to vBB 2.3.0, the covert successful

Who can help me covert from IBF 1.1.1 to vBB 2.3.0 :(

Soryy for my english bad :(

pogo 03-28-2003 11:16 AM

I just tested an import from IPB 1.1.1 to vB 2.3.0 without any error.

You'll have to be more specific about the error you got.

I will send you the script if you send me an email. The address is in the first post.

Emrys 04-01-2003 11:24 AM

I am getting to the point right after you set the database name and prefix, and then it kicks me out saying I don't have administrator privileges. Anybody else get this? All the information seems correct, and I can log into the board fine and change my password. But when I get to that point where it imports usergroups, it locks me outta the admin panel and I can't get back in.

I am using the right username/password for the databases, and everything seems to be fine as far as configuration is concerned. I just get dumped out. My vbulletin username has the right settings to be an administrator in the database.

What am I missing?


Jagang 04-04-2003 09:16 PM

Hey pogo I have a challenge for ya. I have a Xoops site running IPB 1.1.1 as a module that I need converted to vB 2.3.0 Intergrated with vBPortal 3 Beta. Think your script can manage that? If so please forward a copy over to webmaster@evhallion.com If not, thanks anyways.

Fallout2man 04-07-2003 11:36 PM

Send a copy of your script over to my email, fallout2man@hotmail.com if you can please.

and why haven't you just posted this allready? Wouldn't it be much easier to just have a public beta test? If you want to make it more private that's understandable but why the whole email thing? Why not either public or private only testing, just seems a bit odd to me.

pogo 04-08-2003 02:04 PM

First I didn't say "post your email address and I will send you the script". My instructions of how I want this to go are clear I think.

No I didn't want a public beta test because of all the screaming that could come up if there were bad bugs in the script. I wanted to have the links to the IPBs just to see where the importer is being tested therefor the email. Plus I don't want to copy all the emails out of this thread and paste them into my email program.

So please write me an email if you want to test the script or wait until vB3 is out and an official importer is released.

Lord Man 04-15-2003 01:40 PM

Pogo, plase send it to me :)

Cyclonus 04-16-2003 11:29 AM

Just sent you an e-mail pogo. I need this script badly.

Lord Man 04-17-2003 08:49 PM


04-01-03 at 01:24 PM Emrys said this in Post #48
I am getting to the point right after you set the database name and prefix, and then it kicks me out saying I don't have administrator privileges. Anybody else get this? All the information seems correct, and I can log into the board fine and change my password. But when I get to that point where it imports usergroups, it locks me outta the admin panel and I can't get back in.

I am using the right username/password for the databases, and everything seems to be fine as far as configuration is concerned. I just get dumped out. My vbulletin username has the right settings to be an administrator in the database.

What am I missing?


Me 2 Pogo

i have test the hack on 3 forums
2 work good, and 1 say that to me :

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL: SELECT g_id AS importusergroupid,g_view_board AS canview,g_mem_info AS canviewmembers,
                                g_other_topics AS canviewothers,g_use_search AS cansearch,g_email_friend AS canemail,
                                g_edit_profile AS canmodifyprofile,g_post_new_topics AS canpostnew,
                                g_reply_own_topics AS canreplyown,g_reply_other_topics AS canreplyothers,
                                g_edit_posts AS caneditpost,g_delete_own_posts AS candeleteownpost,
                                g_open_close_posts AS canopenclose,g_delete_own_topics AS candeletethread,
                                g_post_polls AS canpostpoll,g_vote_polls AS canvote,g_use_pm AS canusepm,
                                g_is_supmod AS ismoderator,g_access_cp AS cancontrolpanel,g_title AS title,
                                g_max_mass_pm AS maxbuddypm
                                FROM forum.ibf_groups
                                ORDER BY importusergroupid
                                LIMIT 0,4
mysql error: select command denied to user: '***@localhost' for table 'ibf_groups'

mysql error number: 1142

Date: Thursday 17th of April 2003 03:42:13 PM
Script: http://www.***.net/vb/vb/importers/bbimport_invib.php
Referer: http://www.***.net/vb/importers/bbimport_invib.php

Cyclonus 04-17-2003 09:07 PM

I ran it earlier, and everything imported just fine. Thanks pogo!

pogo 04-18-2003 07:11 AM


Yesterday at 10:49 PM Lord Man said this in Post #54
mysql error: select command denied to user: '***@localhost' for table 'ibf_groups'

mysql error number: 1142

Something is wrong with your mysql user settings. Ask your host about it.

b3nnyboy 04-19-2003 11:28 AM

Great hack, many thanks pogo :)

fred70 04-22-2003 03:24 AM

can someone please send me the file, thanx (email also sent to pogo)

fred70 04-22-2003 11:31 AM



fred70 04-23-2003 03:51 PM

k, the script works great, a few of the user permissions didn't get transferred, but thats not a big problem. imported from IPB 1.1 to vB 2.3.0, recommend this script to all.

anyway, vB doesn't have enough hacks/mods, and after the original programmer left, vB has not made much progress. I'm going back to Invision Board (although some features might have been copied from vB). Since it's FREE and is getting better by the day, there are much more hacks/mods available. Not too many hackers around vB anymore because of the license issue. vB was the best, now competition is over-taking it, vB saw a chance to cash in on its software, now since competition is equally good and most importantly FREE, majority use IPB.

vB should get rid of the license to get more people supporting this software, more people = more hackers = more mods = even more people = then vB can think of cashing in on their software (sell priority support, etc while still allowing free use of vB - do wat IPB is doing !). If there are more people working on the software, then the development time will reduce... whats the point in me saying all this...
all that is left to say is that 'if vB continues like this, it's gonna die a slow death'. i dont mean any offence to anyone.

and for god-sake, improve the default skin - it WILL NO DOUBT improve vB's overall image.

gerlando 04-23-2003 03:59 PM

Pogo, sent you an email last night. Waiting for a reply :)

Emrys 04-24-2003 11:55 AM

Got this script work ( sorta ). Had to change my admin user to a different usergroup and then it went through. There are 2 "Administrator" groups now, and only one is valid. There is a ID 6 and an ID 9. I assume ID 6 is the original vB Administrator Group ID. This is the one that isn't valid.

I don't see that this script takes care of the userbase correctly. A lot of my Invision registered users are marked as unregistered in vB, and most of the unregistered users in Invision are now members in vB.

All my posts came over correctly though. So that is cool. But I can't have a database that is this messed up. I don't think vB3 will be very nice when it comes time to upgrade and the database isn't in the format it expects/wants.

Haven't even gotten to the point where I can check permissions, because all the users are screwed up. So I have no info about that at this point.

Am I doing something wrong? I know Pogo says he's done it a bunch of times, and others say they have as well. Are you guys having these same issues?

I am using Invision 1.1.2 which has the same database structure as 1.1 ( only different is security issues in the code ) and vBulletin 2.2.9.


gerlando 04-24-2003 11:02 PM

I did a test run of the importer on my DB last night and it went very smoothly. I think I saw a couple of registered users get dumped into the COPPA member group during import but that's something I could easily fix manually.

crowfield99 04-25-2003 02:05 PM

Is there anyway you could also send me a copy? My address is david@crowfield99.co.uk and will test it out too.

Many thanks,

FutureXec 05-02-2003 03:49 AM

Does anyone know the current status with this hack?

When was the last time it was sent out?

FutureXec 05-02-2003 04:48 AM

I suppose a couple of preliminary questions before I get the script...maybe someone can help answer these.

My Invision board is located at www.loudrant.com/forum

Do I have to install the vB board at a different url such as www.loudrant.com/forums ?

Because I do need to install vB first, correct? And if they are at the same address that would present a problem, yes?

Thanks for any help...just trying to become familiar with all of this.

gerlando 05-02-2003 05:03 AM


Today at 05:49 AM FutureXec said this in Post #65
Does anyone know the current status with this hack?

When was the last time it was sent out?

It's been posted in the hack DB.


gerlando 05-02-2003 05:06 AM


Today at 06:48 AM FutureXec said this in Post #66
I suppose a couple of preliminary questions before I get the script...maybe someone can help answer these.

My Invision board is located at www.loudrant.com/forum

Do I have to install the vB board at a different url such as www.loudrant.com/forums ?

Because I do need to install vB first, correct? And if they are at the same address that would present a problem, yes?

Thanks for any help...just trying to become familiar with all of this.

How you migrate is entirely up to you. You're probably best off moving your forums to a new folder and forwarding users to your new ones. Otherwise you'd loose any search engine placement and bookmarks for your current board.

The importer is about as solid an importer as I've come across, it had no problem with my board (1200 members | 100,000 posts) so yours should be no prob.

FutureXec 05-02-2003 05:07 AM


Today at 02:03 AM gerlando said this in Post #67
It's been posted in the hack DB.


I suppose you mean this :

Testing is on hold while I do some bugfixing and I won't send the script out until further notice! Thanks to all who helped me a lot so far.
Ya, I was just trying to find out if the author was keeping up with this so I was curious when the last time it was sent out...thanks though.

gerlando 05-02-2003 05:12 AM

Doh! Sorry, I didn't notice the DL link didn't contain a file.

FutureXec 05-02-2003 05:12 AM


Today at 02:06 AM gerlando said this in Post #68
How you migrate is entirely up to you. You're probably best off moving your forums to a new folder and forwarding users to your new ones. Otherwise you'd loose any search engine placement and bookmarks for your current board.

The importer is about as solid an importer as I've come across, it had no problem with my board (1200 members | 100,000 posts) so yours should be no prob.

It's definitely reassuring to hear that such a large board was successfully converted.

So what your suggesting is that I move my current forum to a different folder and install vB in the folder previously used for Invisionboard? You're right...I don't want to lose my bookmarks...

Please bare with me...thanks!

Also, could you check your PM?

kevinnguyen 05-03-2003 01:19 PM

anyone send it to me pliz Thanks be4 hands my email minhtrung@viet-online.org. Thanx

Ryoku 05-03-2003 08:42 PM

i e-mailed you but u never reply my e-mail is - digital5kp@aol.com

FutureXec 05-03-2003 09:42 PM

Read the first post, the script is on hold. It will not be sent out until some bugs are fixed and features are added.

Emrys 05-05-2003 03:29 PM

Got it to work fine. Converted IPB 1.1.2 -> vB2.3.0. My database was a little screwed up from an earlier conversino to IPB. But after that was cleaned up, the conversion went perfect.

Thanks Pogo!

FutureXec 05-05-2003 04:01 PM


Today at 12:29 PM Emrys said this in Post #75
Got it to work fine. Converted IPB 1.1.2 -> vB2.3.0. My database was a little screwed up from an earlier conversino to IPB. But after that was cleaned up, the conversion went perfect.

Thanks Pogo!

When did you get the script?

pogo 05-06-2003 10:22 AM

Emrys got it over a month ago.

CardinS2U 05-15-2003 02:54 AM

nice I want to download this. I hate IBF NOW

jagoar 05-21-2003 01:04 PM

v good

pleas send it to me ...


FutureXec 05-21-2003 04:02 PM

Pogo, could we get a status update? :)

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