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mx3 02-02-2003 07:00 PM

hey, i just installed, and it worked great. i can make that guide to adding more pets to choose from if you want. i'm not good with php, but this is actually pretty simple.

Ember, just pm me if you want me to make the 'add a new pet' guide :D

SRozhon 02-07-2003 01:15 AM

I have been looking for other Pet programs in Flash or whatever that are GPL but no luck so far. :-(

However, for the users who have no pet selected they used to get an empty image box on the postbit, but this is easily fixed by making a small image that says something simple like NO PET and naming it .gif here is mine for now real quickly, but it is nothing pretty.
I didn't know if that would work without a name but it did, in case anyone else wants to do it here you go.

Sc0rp 02-07-2003 09:33 AM

awesome hack! Though not gonna use it untill I figure out how can I can let my members pick their own pet and make their own images for it :p no offence to the one that made the images, they r naais :)

Ember 02-08-2003 11:46 AM

Thanks SR, I should have included that in the first place! :)

@Mx3 - write up that stuff if you want to, I am sure everyone else would appreciate it.

V3 hasnt been in development for a while, been busy with real world stuff, will get back on it ASAP though.

snack 02-08-2003 09:04 PM

for some reason when i edit the postbit my tables is all funky... are you sure the code for the postbit is right?

Ember 02-08-2003 09:36 PM

You need to add another </table> to the end I think.

snack 02-10-2003 05:47 PM

still looks a kinda funkey... can you redo the code for the post bit... and post it? thanks!

Koutaru 02-11-2003 03:57 AM

i installed it :) very nice -- good work! I hope it can be integrated with itemshop (it would be really cool ^_^)

mx3 02-15-2003 09:39 PM

snack, i made a new code for the postbit because i had the same problem. i just took out all the td's and tr's except for the main one so that it was just one small, simple table. i completely took out the graphic bar tables also. i'd post the code but its on my other computer and i'm too lazy to copy it from my acp right now

jjdog2 02-22-2003 03:45 AM

I dont know if I meesed up somewhere in installing but when I update the pet info in my User CP profile and press save it dont save it, no matter how many times I try to set my pet it dosent save so it dont look right in the postbit because of that.

sslight 02-22-2003 04:20 PM

Did you run the quireys?

Dribbles 02-22-2003 05:36 PM

any news on the new version comming out?

Koutaru 03-02-2003 07:04 PM

I can't wait until version 3 comes out :)
Almost every one of members has a pet ;)

mx3 03-04-2003 09:23 PM

a lot of my members don't like this hack, because there is no battle system...i hope it will be included!

SRozhon 03-05-2003 02:13 AM

I added more pets to this for my forum. I hope you don't mind Ember, but I thought some of you might also like to use them too.

There are 12 in here including a Golden Retreiver Puppy, a Poodle, squirrel, catepiller, bird, Teddy Bears, and a snail. I just added the graphics to the pets folder and added references to them in the member and function files. It's all in the zip if you want them. I also put my postbit in there. I use Ravio style so it needed to be changed a little to look right. I included it in case some of you are having the same prob.

I still think this Hack is so cute Ember! Thanks again!

Ember 03-05-2003 01:36 PM

Nice work SR, the future versions of this hack have been delayed until... well, indefinatly. I have no time to work on this hack, I have a lot of coursework, plus a big website to maintain now... I may come back and work on it, if anyone wants to take over, feel free ^_^

Koutaru 03-06-2003 12:34 AM

that's sad ember, I hope someone does continue this hack or that you'll get back to it soon

:) anyway, good luck

mx3 03-07-2003 12:43 AM

i also made a couple more pets...since my boards are based on gaming, one of my members suggested a 'Metool' from the Mega Man series...i also added a snake. i may post them later, or when i have more pets and changes.

lynda 03-09-2003 01:45 PM

Simple hack to make it only show up if you've selected a pet...

For functions.php, in the original code, after:
PHP Code:

//end Pet gender 

PHP Code:

        if ($post[petgender] != "0" or $post[pettype] != "0") {
"\$pethack = \"".gettemplate("postbit_pethack")."\";");

Then make a template called postbit_pethack and put your pethack postbit addition in there. In postbit, put $pethack where you want it to appear.

To allow users to UNselect a pet, in modifyprofile add:
PHP Code:

    <option value="0"$petgender_select[0]>No Pet</option

Above the female selection and:
PHP Code:

    <option value="0"$pettype_select[0]>No Pet</option

Above the first type option (should be Dog, I believe)

Love the hack. :)

midnightz 03-10-2003 12:33 AM

I have a question. I have installed the pet hack 2.0 and I'm getting a bit of table madness. I'm a newbie and i have fiquired out some of the cool hacks here. But I have done the followed the directions three times and still come up with this.

I do have some custom work on my board, but nothing in the templates that are being hacked by the Pet hack.

Here is a shot of what I see:

Thank you,
midnightz & Kitten :)

SRozhon 03-10-2003 10:42 PM

This would be really great combined with this TomBot AI hack by C.Birch Just imagine being able to talk to your pet and have it respond or teach it things and have it remember...a true virtual friend. ;) If only I knew how to do it. :cross-eyed: Maybe one of the experts in here can help us??? PLEASE? lol

midnightz 03-11-2003 01:01 PM

Hi there,

I am designing a rather large set of high res pets and some animated ones and i have a question.

Is there a hack or is it possible to have the pull down menu for pets - have the avatar style action where you can view your pets before you save the settings.

That would be great

midnightz :bunny:

Cyricx 03-12-2003 08:22 PM

Ooo I love that idea Midnightz :)

One of my mods had another idea too,

Maybe a way to have a few pets be admin/mod only? :)

midnightz 03-12-2003 08:39 PM

Thanks Cyricx

I was think about that today or they would need a certain amount of post to upgrade to a pet. I have created a whole bunch of really cool pets about 40 of them. I find it hard to create some of the pets with the gender button.

I know this would be a big hack (well for me) I would like to have it where you can have some pets without the gender selector. For now I'm doing two of the same.


DarkDraco07 03-13-2003 03:52 AM

if this ever gets integrated into the RPG battle that bitsys made, instead of it being called pets it can be called summons. you can summon them to attack and stuff :)

cirisme 03-14-2003 04:16 PM

This is an excellent hack!

My users are loving it! :D

NuclioN 03-15-2003 12:26 AM

I'm trying to make the end-image in flash, so you choose a gif image in the display but the output in your postbit is a flash image with a three day timer. After chosing a pet, the flash is displayed and the timer counts down to zero and if it is zero the pet dies and turns upside down, legs in the air. When a pet-user in those 3 days click on a small button 'feed pet' the timer is reset and is counting again on it's starttime.

Now, so far this is theorie but i can do it if i have a good timerscript. I let you know. ;)

NuclioN 03-17-2003 02:46 PM

I've made flashpets for this mod. It's tested in a different table so maybe you have to adjust some td widths etc. You can feed your pet 3 different kinds of food. :)
Unzip and extract the swf files in the image/pets dir.
The only change in the readme is the replacement of the image with flashcode.

Flashpets: http://www.cyberty.nl/flashpets.zip

Vb-Hispano 03-17-2003 03:46 PM

is lol :D install

cirisme 03-17-2003 04:44 PM

Has anyone been succesfull in allowing people to upload custom pets like they upload custom avatars?

I'm working on it, but it is turning out to be more difficult than I originally tought.

Zachery 03-18-2003 03:34 AM

what are the stats based on?

cirisme 03-18-2003 07:17 PM

Post count, I think.

SRozhon 03-18-2003 08:03 PM

Wow! Geat Job NuclioN! That's adorable. Can we have the fla files too? I have an idea I'd like to try.

Koutaru 03-20-2003 09:33 PM

midnightz idea is cool ^_^ I hope someone can do this, I would try, but I'm too primitive in the PHP area XD

McDohl 04-24-2003 04:01 AM

Hey all,

I'm pretty new at hack installing and ran across a little problem. I've install Bitsys' RPG Hack and came across this little problem.

The code it wants me to edit is:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."',signature='". addslashes($signature)."',customtitle='".intval($c ustomtitle)."',usertitle='".addslashes($customtext )."',email='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email)) ."',parentemail='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($pa rentemail))."',coppauser='$coppauser',homepage='". addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."',icq='". addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addsl ashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."',usergroupid='$bbus erinfo[usergroupid]' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
Code to replace the one above:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."',signature='". addslashes($signature)."',customtitle='".intval($c ustomtitle)."',usertitle='".addslashes($customtext )."',email='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email)) ."',parentemail='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($pa rentemail))."',coppauser='$coppauser',homepage='". addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."',icq='". addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addsl ashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."',usergroupid='$bbus erinfo[usergroupid]',pettype='$pettype',petgender='$petgender',petnam e='".addslashes($petname)."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");

Code i've got:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET element='$element', birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."',signature='". addslashes($signature)."',customtitle='".intval($c ustomtitle)."',usertitle='".addslashes($customtext )."',email='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email)) ."',parentemail='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($pa rentemail))."',coppauser='$coppauser',homepage='". addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."',icq='". addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addsl ashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."',usergroupid='$bbus erinfo[usergroupid]', rpgclass='$rpgclass', rpgrace='$rpgrace', alignment='$alignment', rpgtype='$rpgtypeid', rpggender='$rpggender' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
Which makes for a problem. Does anyone know how I would be able to fix it so that both work okay and don't cause errors?


Koutaru 05-07-2003 11:46 PM


PHP Code:


PHP Code:


I think that should work

look for differences in the code

Ember 05-15-2003 06:31 PM

Hey everyone, its nice to see this hack being worked on by others, and I am very much back now. My PHP skills have increased a whole lot, and I am ready to get back to work on various things... I'll keep your updated :)

Koutaru 05-15-2003 09:02 PM

Yeah! Looking forward to it ;)

dawl 05-30-2003 02:35 PM

I run a pet forum, and my members are LOVING it - We just can't wait for the new version !

Bulleh 05-31-2003 11:00 PM

<a href="http://www.gamers-source.com/forum" target="_blank">www.gamers-source.com/forum</a> i got trouble's i fink its with the SQL database

i get this
SQL-query :

ALTER TABLE user ADD pettype int( 3 ) NOT NULL ALTER TABLE user ADD petname varchar( 25 ) NOT NULL ALTER TABLE user ADD petgender int( 3 ) NOT NULL

MySQL said:

You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ALTER TABLE user ADD petname varchar( 25 ) NOT NULL ALTER TABLE user ADD p' at line 1

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