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-   -   Current IRC chatters on forumhome via mirc (no eggdrop) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=46949)

PsychoticManiac 01-02-2003 12:34 PM

Really good hack m8 !! Thanks alot!

TheVoidz 01-02-2003 12:39 PM

@sebastien69 :

/ftp.upload -dfl ServerIP ftpUsername ftpPassword public_html/forum/nicks.php(Might look something like that) c:\mirc\nicks.php(assuming you have mirc installed in c:\mirc\)

Huron 01-02-2003 03:30 PM

I wish all hacks were this easy to setup and this useful...many, many thanks! This is just what I was looking for...

/me installs

Huron 01-02-2003 07:48 PM

Well I changed a few things in this hack to make it look like the Active Users Bar (it was easy to do since it was in the same template) and I put it on top instead of the underneath the Active Users Bar (it just seemed to look better to me). I'm trying to come up with an additional mod to display the most chatters similar to the "most users online". Here is what I did:

This is the beginning of my forumhome_loggedinusers
PHP Code:

<tr id="cat">
td bgcolor="#336D95" background="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/catagory_backing.gif" colspan="6"><normalfont color="#000000"><b>Current #acidxtreme chatters: $totalnicks </b></normalfont></td>
td bgcolor="#13486D" colspan="6"><smallfont>
nobr>There are currently  $totalnicks members in chat.</nobr> | <nobr>Most users ever in chat was $recordchatters on $recordchatdate at $recordchattime.</nobr><br>

I then tried to add the following:
PHP Code:

//-----------------------------Max Chatters Online Display-----------------------------------//
$maxchatters=explode(" "gettemplate('maxchattersin',0,0));
  if ((int)
$maxchatters[0] <= $totalnicks) {
$time time();
$maxchattersin "$totalnicks " $time;
$DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$maxchattersin' WHERE title='maxchattersin'");
$maxchatters[0] = $totalnicks;
$maxchatters[1] = $time;
$recordchatters $maxchatters[0];
$recordchatdate vbdate($dateformat,$maxchatters[1]);
$recordchattime vbdate($timeformat,$maxchatters[1]);
"\$loggedinusers = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_loggedinusers')."\";");
//-----------------------------Max Chatters Online Display-----------------------------------// 

After this line in index.php
PHP Code:

eval("\$loggedinusers = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_loggedinusers')."\";");

I then added maxchattersin table to template but after putting everything together it didn't work and errored out on me. I'm a total noob at this and it is probably over my head but I thought I would give it a stab. Hopefully someone can build on this and show me the error of my ways...

sebastien69 01-02-2003 09:20 PM

Thanks TheVoidz work great

Hack installed succeffully

supreemball 01-02-2003 10:27 PM

thanks guys :)

enjoy the new update, added all previously requested features :)

GoTTi 01-03-2003 01:45 AM

okok...what is added into the update...

also, possible to make a TimeStamp on the nicks.php so when it is updated, it will tell when it was last updated.

DaTeX 01-03-2003 07:44 AM

Thx guys but i miss the record time and record date by the record user. Is it posible to add this ?

supreemball 01-03-2003 12:15 PM

da_gotti, i put what was added to the update in the first post.

i'll see about adding the date/time the record was set.. not sure though.

Schorsch 01-03-2003 02:34 PM

thanks for the update supreemball :)

ariaforums 01-03-2003 04:03 PM

Thanks for the hack...works a treat :D

Any chance you can make like the coloured on line hack?

eg bots & ops RED , voice GREEN, normal users BLACK.

TheVoidz 01-03-2003 05:49 PM

;==[irc chatter nicklist vb forum upload script begin]=====================
/getnicks { var %x = 1
write -c nicks.php <? $chr(36) $+ ircnicks = "
while (%x <= $nick(#channel,0)) {
if ($nick(#channel,%x) isop #channel) {
write -a nicks.php <font color="#FF0000">@ $+ $nick(#channel,%x) $+ </font> $+ , }
elseif ($nick(#channel,%x) ishop #channel) {
write -a nicks.php <font color="#FF0000"> $+ $chr(37) $+ $nick(#channel,%x) $+ </font> $+ , }
elseif ($nick(#channel,%x) isvoice #channel) {
write -a nicks.php <font color="#00FF00"> $+ $chr(43) $+ $nick(#channel,%x) $+ </font> $+ , }
else { write -a nicks.php $nick(#channel,%x) $+ , }
inc %x
set %lastnick $read(nicks.php,$lines(nicks.php))
write -d $+ $lines(nicks.php) nicks.php
set %lastnickchars $calc($len(%lastnick) - 1)
set %nocommanick $left(%lastnick,%lastnickchars)
write -a nicks.php %nocommanick
write -a nicks.php " $+ $chr(59)
set %totalnicks $calc($lines(nicks.php) - 2)
if (%record.users == $null) { set %record.users $nick(#channel,0) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.users $nick(#channel,0)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostnicks = $chr(34) $+ %record.users $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>
/ftp.upload -dfl ftp.yourserver.com ftplogin ftppassword /path/to/forum/nicks.php c:\path\to\mirc\nicks.php
;==[irc chatter nicklist vb forum upload script end]=====================

Replace this with your other mIRC Aliases

Will work assuming your forum default text color is black.

ariaforums 01-03-2003 08:30 PM

I'm getting a parse error on line 3 in nicks.php with that :(

Tried moding it to this but I still get a parse error on line 3 of nicks.php :

;==[irc chatter nicklist vb forum upload script begin]=====================
/getnicks { var %x = 1
write -c nicks.php <? $chr(36) $+ ircnicks = "
while (%x <= $nick(#mychan,0)) {
if ($nick(#mychan,%x) isop #mychan) {
write -a nicks.php <font color="#FF0000">@ $+ $nick(#mychan,%x) $+ </font> $+ _ }
elseif ($nick(#mychan,%x) isvoice #mychan) {
write -a nicks.php <font color="#00FF00"> $+ $chr(43) $+ $nick(#mychan,%x) $+ </font> $+ _ }
else { write -a nicks.php $nick(#mychan,%x) $+ _ }
inc %x
write -a nicks.php " $+ $chr(59)
set %totalnicks $calc($lines(nicks.php) - 2)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>
/ftp.upload -dfl ftp.myserver.secretstuff /www/portal/forums/nicks.php c:\ircn\system\nicks.php
;==[irc chatter nicklist vb forum upload script end]=====================

supreemball 01-03-2003 09:22 PM

use ' instead of " on the font color= statements. that should fix it.

ariaforums 01-03-2003 10:02 PM

Could you elaborate :)
Im tired and not thinking straight :)

TheVoidz 01-04-2003 01:50 AM

oh ya that makes sence :p

;==[irc chatter nicklist vb forum upload script begin]=====================
/getnicks { var %x = 1
write -c nicks.php <? $chr(36) $+ ircnicks = "
while (%x <= $nick(#mychan,0)) {
if ($nick(#mychan,%x) isop #mychan) {
write -a nicks.php <font color='#FF0000'>@ $+ $nick(#mychan,%x) $+ </font> $+ _ }
elseif ($nick(#mychan,%x) isvoice #mychan) {
write -a nicks.php <font color='#00FF00'> $+ $chr(43) $+ $nick(#mychan,%x) $+ </font> $+ _ }
else { write -a nicks.php $nick(#mychan,%x) $+ _ }
inc %x
write -a nicks.php " $+ $chr(59)
set %totalnicks $calc($lines(nicks.php) - 2)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>
/ftp.upload -dfl ftp.myserver.secretstuff /www/portal/forums/nicks.php c:\ircn\system\nicks.php
;==[irc chatter nicklist vb forum upload script end]=====================

Huron 01-04-2003 06:40 AM

I hope supreemball doesn't mind but I modded some of the code to display time and date of most chatters. Basically, all I did was do some cutting and pasting of what was there. The following is what I changed...

Beginning at:

if (%record.users == $null) { set %record.users $nick(#channel,0) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.users $nick(#channel,0)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostnicks = $chr(34) $+ %record.users $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>


if (%record.users == $null) { set %record.users $nick(#channel,0) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.users $nick(#channel,0)
if (%record.date == $null) { set %record.date $date(ddd mmm doo yyyy) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.date $date(ddd mmm doo yyyy)
if (%record.time == $null) { set %record.time $time(h:nntt) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.time $time(h:nntt)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostnicks = $chr(34) $+ %record.users $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostdate = $chr(34) $+ %record.date $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mosttime = $chr(34) $+ %record.time $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>

Then in Forumhome_Loggedinusers beggining at:

colspan="6"><normalfont color="#000000"><b>Current #channel chatters: $totalnicks</b></normalfont> <smallfont>(Most chatters ever in #channel: $mostnicks)</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#13486D" colspan="6"><smallfont>


colspan="6"><normalfont color="#000000"><b>Current #channel chatters: $totalnicks</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#13486D" colspan="6"><smallfont>
<nobr>There are currently $totalnicks members in chat.</nobr> | <nobr>Most chatters ever online was $mostnicks on $mostdate at $mosttime.</nobr><br>

I'm new here and I hope I'm not breaking some rules. If so then please delete this post. Many thanks go out to supreemball for providing such a great hack-this has been my fav install thus far. My chatroom went from the occasional 1-2 users who would stay for about 5 minutes and then leave when no one else was there to a busy, vibrant chatroom with around 15-20 users at a time being common.

DaTeX 01-04-2003 09:09 AM

Thx Huron thats great

ariaforums 01-04-2003 09:45 AM

Colours work great :D

Ive added a legend in template forumhome_todaylogged in users:

<tr id="cat">
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" colspan="6"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Currently online @ YOUR IRC NETWORK #mychan: $totalnicks </b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" colspan="6"><smallfont>
<font color="red" size="2">? Bots & Ops</font> *
<font color="green" size="2">? Voiced</font> *
<font color="black" size="2">? Member</font><br>

DaTeX 01-04-2003 02:23 PM

The record date an time doesnt work.
When a new record is set the %record.time and %record.date didnt gets updatet in mirc.

Huron 01-04-2003 08:27 PM

Your right DaTeX...I'm working on it now to see if I can fix it...

supreemball 01-05-2003 12:06 AM

huron, i can probably take a stab at it when i get around to it.. thanks for the mod, and it's nice to hear that the hack is actually making chatrooms fun :)

also an optional thing that could be coded in is # or % of ops in channel/voiced/regular users.. seems kinda like overkill, but just throwing out an idea.

Velocd 01-08-2003 04:10 AM

Excellent, just noticed the update. Thanks once again SupreemBall ;)

Schorsch 01-09-2003 10:32 AM

I'm getting a parse error when I'm not connected to my channel!!! what the heck is that ??


SaM please help 01-11-2003 02:28 AM

i have the same problem, but will work fine if i connected to channel.
I think a part of this hack is, to be connected with mirc.

But is there no other way?

I can?t be online 24h, only that my User can see who is in channel :ogre: .

(sorry for english)

SaM , www.highflyers.de

Velocd 01-12-2003 06:06 PM

I thought of yet another cool add-on for this hack, probably simple to do as well.

How might one go about grabbing the "MoTD" (or topic, whatever it's called) from the channel? Then this could be displayed on the forum home in the IRC online area. It could be of some interesting use ;)

snyx 01-15-2003 06:50 AM

got it working, but do you have to run /getnicks everytime you want it to update the users in the room?

XrayHead 01-16-2003 09:19 PM

Nice hack mate.

w596 01-18-2003 05:53 AM

Haven't been able to get past the servers log in message (errors out). I've tried TheVoidz method but didn't work for me.

Any other suggestions? I'd really like to get this hack working it looks really cool. ;)

TheVoidz 01-18-2003 02:28 PM

hmmm tell me what error you get

supreemball 01-18-2003 06:56 PM


Originally posted by Velocd
I thought of yet another cool add-on for this hack, probably simple to do as well.

How might one go about grabbing the "MoTD" (or topic, whatever it's called) from the channel? Then this could be displayed on the forum home in the IRC online area. It could be of some interesting use ;)

interesting idea, but not sure how it'd be doable.. i'll have to look more into mirc's variables to see if it could be done.

and snyx, you don't have to run /getnicks everytime you want to update it. if you install the hack correctly, it automatically updates the listing every 2 minutes.

about the ftp errors, not sure.. you might have to modify the ftp.mrc file somehow to possibly fix it.. i'm not the author of that script so i can't tell you much.

w596 01-18-2003 07:35 PM


Originally posted by TheVoidz
hmmm tell me what error you get
* /ftp.upload: connecting (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)
* /ftp.upload: connected (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)
* /ftp.upload: error: computer system is for authorized users only. Individuals using this (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)
* /ftp.upload: closing (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)

The line "computer system is for authorized users only. Individuals using this..." is part of the server ftp welcome message.

lifesourcerec 01-19-2003 01:37 AM

I get this error


* /ftp.upload: error: computer system is for authorized users only. Individuals using this
But I know the password and login is right.

lifesourcerec 01-19-2003 01:39 AM


Originally posted by w596

* /ftp.upload: connecting (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)
* /ftp.upload: connected (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)
* /ftp.upload: error: computer system is for authorized users only. Individuals using this (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)
* /ftp.upload: closing (FTPsock1 to ftp.mysite.com file:nicks.php)

The line "computer system is for authorized users only. Individuals using this..." is part of the server ftp welcome message.

oh.. ok

lifesourcerec 01-19-2003 01:48 AM

Is there a command for the script to ignore the welcome message? I bet it tries to do the username when the welcome message is going and password into the username. The Welcome message is long.

w596 01-19-2003 02:06 AM

You can try TheVoidz method

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...852#post335852 (Post 38) in this thread.

But for some reason it didn't work for me, maybe it will work for you though. ;)

lifesourcerec 01-19-2003 02:13 AM


Originally posted by w596
You can try TheVoidz method

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...852#post335852 (Post 38) in this thread.

But for some reason it didn't work for me, maybe it will work for you though. ;)

Didn't work for me. We must be using the same hoster.

lifesourcerec 01-19-2003 02:26 AM

Is there a way to delay the script to login? Maybe wait 3 seconds.

zajako 01-19-2003 08:06 PM

i am having problems with the ftp connecting as well. Is there any way to make the mirc client run a url in the background so that one could make a php script that catches the url and turns it into a db query which lists the users in there?

Prince3 01-21-2003 02:06 PM

i'm sorry.. but this "no eggdrop" thing sux.. and letting mIRC be constantly in the channel is never going to work..

So i'm gonna take up my coding skills again and code you guys a .tcl for this... maybe even a whole new script..

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