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Velocd 12-07-2002 04:20 AM

Looks great bitsys, I might consider an installation on my localhost forum just for fun :p The design looks great, and I can tell you're an experienced coder. From most other battle-hack designs I've seen, this is so far the best. ;)

By the way, how query efficient is this hack?

geniuscrew 12-07-2002 04:37 AM

Sorry to bother you again Bitsys, I don't know if it's a bug, but it looks like one.

I cannot "wager" anything, not even 0

Bitsys 12-07-2002 05:57 AM

I have optomised the queries as best I can, including re-doing parts of the itemshop to make it more query efficient. For example, if you look at the picture title "itemshop_generic.jpg", you will notice that there is only one item category displayed. For each item category, there is one query that must be made. In order to save queries, I made it so that you have to click the "expand" link next to the Category name (in the picture, the link is yellow). When you click the link, the page refreshes with the selected category appearing in an "expanded" view at the top of the other categories, and the category that was expanded before becomes "compressed". The reason I did this is because the Generic Item Type page is the default page whenever someone visits itemshop.php. Some people were noticing that itemshop.php eats up quite a few queries. My solution was to have the Generic Items get contracted and all other item types (see itemshop_warrior.jpg) to be automatically all-expanded.

Also, the files that I made (the battle hack files) have been optimised as compared to earlier version. I believe I eventually got battlefight.php down to 18 and battle.php to 7 or 8. Battle browse is 9 I think. I don't know about battleupdate.php though, since there are so many combinations of things that it could do based on how a user attacks. Also, whenever you view the bank, there are now around 8 queries, whereas before there were 21, I think. Overall, there may be some more places for improvement and I will be looking into that a little more.

Could you post the exact error message you are getting?

Goldknight 12-07-2002 07:18 AM


So far your .53 verison work great. Several members and I test your hack and will let you know more. Anyway There are three things that I d like to bring up about..

First of all..

What is Ma, PP, and AP? I always like old classic rpg stats anyway I need to know what are these so I can change to old classic rpg stats. Thanks

Second, Check Stats and Donate link (javascript) it s bit annoy me whenever I click these link and bump me to top of the thread. I wonder is there any way for me to stay where I am when I click the link? Thanks

Third, One member want me to ask you, will it affect the queries if I add text and graphic stats both in postbit? Again, it is old classic rpg looks. I like it but I m not sure if it ll increase more queries or not. Pls lemme know.

Many thanks! I ll come again if I have some QQ or suggestions.

Bitsys 12-07-2002 07:51 AM


Originally posted by Goldknight

So far your .53 verison work great. Several members and I test your hack and will let you know more. Anyway There are three things that I d like to bring up about..

First of all..

What is Ma, PP, and AP? I always like old classic rpg stats anyway I need to know what are these so I can change to old classic rpg stats. Thanks

MA = Magic Aura. This is similar to mana in traditional RPGs. MA is used up when you use spells.

PP = Power Percentage/Points. Currently, this does not affet the battle, because I have not implemented any kind of special moves for characters. However, in the future, this will act like a sort of "special attack" pool from which the character can draw upon for special attacks. This is subject to change.

AP = Anger Percentage. This is how mad your character is. When it reaches 100, your character does 10%-X% extra damage, based on your level. Your character gets mad when he/she misses the opponent in battle, or when the opponent dodges, or when he/she fails to do any damage to the opponent.


Originally posted by Goldknight

Second, Check Stats and Donate link (javascript) it s bit annoy me whenever I click these link and bump me to top of the thread. I wonder is there any way for me to stay where I am when I click the link? Thanks

I think I can make a fix for this. I am not sure though. i understand your frustration. If anyone out there knows any easy fix, then please let us know!


Originally posted by Goldknight

Third, One member want me to ask you, will it affect the queries if I add text and graphic stats both in postbit? Again, it is old classic rpg looks. I like it but I m not sure if it ll increase more queries or not. Pls lemme know.

Many thanks! I ll come again if I have some QQ or suggestions.

Whether or not you add text and graphical stats to the postbit will in no way affect the queries. The number of queries is determined by which installation option you choose during the install. If you choose to edit showthread.php, then all of the variables will be available, at the expense of ONE additional query that takes about .001 seconds to execute (it is a SELECT COUNT(*) query). If you choose not to edit showthread.php, then you cannot use any of the variables, and there will be no additional query. Remember this is one additional query for showthread.php, NOT the getpostbit function (which is a looping function inside of showthread.php).

Let me know if you have any more questions. :)

Goldknight 12-07-2002 08:03 AM

Many thanks for answer these questions =)

About Javascript, I ll check it out tmw to find a solution to see if I can solve and will let you know.

Anyway I wonder is there any way for me to edit php or whatever to change the percent of increase hp, ma, pp, and ap? To slow these down I guess =D I just want to play with these a bit more.

In any way, it is great hack and excellent work! Thanks!

Bitsys 12-07-2002 02:20 PM


Originally posted by Goldknight
Anyway I wonder is there any way for me to edit php or whatever to change the percent of increase hp, ma, pp, and ap? To slow these down I guess =D I just want to play with these a bit more.

In any way, it is great hack and excellent work! Thanks!

If you are looking to slow them down, then I assume that you want to make them go up less every time someone updates their stats, correct? There is any easy way to adjust how high they go up:

In update.php find:
PHP Code:

$maxhpupdate = ( $level 75 $hpmulti) + $hpmodifier;
$maxhpupdatefloor ($maxhpupdate);

$maxmaupdate $mamodifier + ($jointime $level) / 5;
$maxmaupdate floor ($maxmaupdate);

$maxppupdate $ppmodifier + ($jointime $level) / 3;
$maxppupdate floor ($maxppupdate); 

Those formulas determine the maximum about of hp, ma, and pp that a person has. AP is determined strictly by their element (see the "+ to ap" field of elements in the admin control panel).

To adjust the amount that HP goes up, change the "75" to a number of your choice (a smaller number will make it go up less, since you are multiplying).

To adjust the amount that MA goes up, change the "5" to a number of your choice (a greater number will make it go up less, since you are dividing).

To adjust the amount that PP goes up, change the "3" to a number of your choice (once again, a greater number equals less PP).

This change should apply retroactively once a user update's their stats. So, you shouldn't have to make a new character to test your changes; just keep updating your stats and notice the difference each time.

Is that what you wanted to do?

Mijae 12-07-2002 03:31 PM

Excellent, finally a working battle script, even if its beta. Ill get a test board up later tonight and test this ;)

Link14716 12-07-2002 03:43 PM

I'll probably install it, but I better be sure and change MA to MP :) MP just looks better and more FFish lol

EDIT: And yes, I am crazy enough to install this on a production board. :D

Goldknight 12-07-2002 03:57 PM

Bitsys , yes thats what I want =D Sorry for not clear. I post these by appox 3 am.

Many thanks!

Mijae 12-07-2002 04:22 PM

This would be one hell of an X-mas gift for my members if this hack goes out of beta before 12/23 :P

Altho not very probably due to the size of the hack and possible bugs it might have ;)

Goldknight 12-07-2002 04:25 PM

Seem that I miss one thing, is there possible for me to tweak fast or slow increase percent of exp? Thanks in advance

corsacrazy 12-07-2002 05:39 PM

:ogre: im always getting

Your opponent is ineligible for battle at this time.
You are ineligible for battle at this time. Please try updating your stats in the User Control Panel.

pls help

Vivi Ornitier 12-07-2002 08:24 PM

does this ONLY work on 2.2.7+?

2.2.6 work at all?

Bitsys 12-07-2002 11:03 PM

I will include that feature in the next release. It will be editable in the admin cp.

Did you read this post? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...672#post328672

Vivi Ornitier:
I have not tested this on 2.2.6 because I do not have a copy. Feel free to set up a test board of v2.2.6 and give it a shot. If it does work, let me know and I will update the thread accordingly. If not, let me know what went wrong and I might make a separate version for 2.2.6.

The next version (v0.55) will hopefully be released tonight. It will include many bug fixes and some new features. I am currently testing it on my test board.

jags2ooo 12-07-2002 11:08 PM

Ok, I have many questions for Bitsy, 1 how do you make a link so people kno where to go for these battles. Also I want to kno why for instance my stats like attack and speed are all at zero. DO i need to battle for them to go up? An example of my forum is here http://forums.ani-pro.com/vb/index.php

Brad 12-07-2002 11:40 PM

jags, why are you running a new install of 2.2.6?

kmfdm_kid2000 12-08-2002 12:13 AM

Nice work, it'll be great if the full release works ok w/ Zaj's...His is one I've been anticipating...

I got a chance to test out Zajako's new Battle Hack, and let me tell you people, IT'S PURELY AMAZING...

It still needs work, but for what he has so far, it's like nothing you've ever seen before...Like a FULL RPG...

This looks pretty cool too, so when both are final releases, I'll probably install them both...

geniuscrew 12-08-2002 12:56 AM

When I wage anything it says

Processing battle

You do not have 2 gil to wager

But I have 20 gil!

Bitsys 12-08-2002 01:06 AM

When you create a battle, you should receive a PM giving you a link to the battle. If the link does not work, then please re-read the install file (step #1). You can also find a list of battles on the Battle Browse screen (link from battle.php).

I have tested his hack. We have also traded template names and database tables. So far, the two hacks are compatible with one another.

You must have money in the bank in order to wager. The money is taken directly from the bank. I did this to prevent cheating. I will see if it is OK to pull money from your pocket and I will update it accordingly.

geniuscrew 12-08-2002 01:09 AM

Thanks a lot for your help! That explains it then :: goes off to test battle system ::

geniuscrew 12-08-2002 01:14 AM

I have put 10 gil in the bank, but

- it says Bank Deposit:, then nothing after the colon - is there meant to be something there?

- it says Total Bank Property: 0 and Total Bank Clients: 0 too even though I've put some money in the bank.

Also, it's still not letting me fight [You do not have 3 gil to wager]

Edited: Now I can't take any money out [The amount of money you entered is invalid!]

i'm using a fresh 2.2.9 install btw

Bitsys 12-08-2002 01:28 AM

Yes, it is supposed to look like the screenshot "itemshop_generic". Make sure that you are logged in. Also, can you create a battle by specifying $0 as the wager?

Goldknight 12-08-2002 02:47 AM

Problem fixed

Bitsys 12-08-2002 03:04 AM

To give users gil in the admin CP, go to "Find Users". Click on "List All Users". Find the user you want and click the "Edit" link. At the bottom, you will see a field called "Points". Put as much gil as you want in that field and click "update".

To solve your "I can't use items in battle" problem, do the following:

In admin cp, go to "Edit Items". Look at a category name. Click on the edit link next to that category. Make sure that there is a battle type associated with that item category.

Make sure that the amor and accessories have a check mark next to them under the Generic item type (in the "Edit Item Type" menu in the admin CP). If they do, and you still can't see them in the itemshop, then let me know. The next version will fix this by assigning everything to generic as the default.

Glenn379 12-08-2002 03:33 AM

Hey Bitsys freat hack.. I'm installing it now. May I please talk to you on AOL Instant Messenger? My screename is glennelmo. Please, I'd like to ask you something on there. Thanks for the hack :)

Goldknight 12-08-2002 03:37 AM

Thanks for answer

About gil, oops you re right. I miss that one. Again sorry to waste your time.. I know how annoy I am right now =\

As for Itemshop, I still cannot see Armor or Item at all, my member still can see it or buy it. Yes I did mark all of checkboxes in Generic and still not work for me.

As for battle, I cannot do anything since my member is gone for while. I ll let you know more right after test the battle for Weapons to attack.

Many thanks

DarkDraco07 12-08-2002 03:48 AM

did you click expand next to Armor or Accessories? and u need to set items to generic or whatever to see them

DarkDraco07 12-08-2002 04:05 AM

thats not the problem, i had 2 members register befor i installed it and 1 after. they all bought 1 of each item without a problem. well all fought without problems

DarkDraco07 12-08-2002 04:09 AM

go on your msn messenger or whatever. i added Goldiknight@hotmail.com to my list

Goldknight 12-08-2002 04:33 AM

Thanks to DarkDraco to clear everything else. It s work perfect now. Thanks to him/her and Bitsys =)

DarkDraco07 12-08-2002 04:36 AM

im a him!!

Goldknight 12-08-2002 04:43 AM

Okkk sorry =( you re HIM

DarkDraco07 12-08-2002 01:08 PM

hey bibsys, a question. was the "pm when its your turn" gonna be in v55?

Mijae 12-08-2002 02:13 PM

Edit again:

My alignment changes back to Unknown for no reason.

Running on a test board v229

jags2ooo 12-08-2002 03:03 PM

No I am not using 2.2.6, I am using 2.2.8, it only says 2.2.6, i have to update the image. Well you did not answer my question, why are all the stats empty. Speed, Magic, etc are all set to 0, why is that? and when everyone punches it never hits!

Bitsys 12-08-2002 04:05 PM

What other options did you select in the user cp? What race? What class? What gender? etc.

Stats are empty until you select a gender, alignment, class, race, etc. in the user control panel. Punches don't do any damage right now because they would be unbalanced if they did. Right now, they should be used as an "I skip this turn" type of move. I am working on a balanced amount of damage for using your fists. One idea I had was to make it so that if you attack your opponent with your fists, and he is not wearing armor, then you have a chance of doing damage. If you try to punch your opponent and he is wearing armor, then you have a high chance of injuring yourself.

v0.55 is almost done with testing and should be ready for release soon. It will not include the "PM when it is your turn in battle" feature, yet.

Goldknight 12-08-2002 05:58 PM

Bitsys or Darco

Right after good sleep, I rechecked everything else and rpg battle work perfect. But one thing I still cannot figure (Darco, I tried!) the spells. How can I get it to work? Is there any way for me to add new spells? Thur Add Item category/ items or ? In battle, I choose Black mage and still cannot access "spells" attack since its grey out.

That is my very last QQ...

jjdog2 12-08-2002 06:13 PM

for those of you wanting to see a test board with this working on it check

oh, if your not loggedin you cant view the battles...

GoldKinght: To do spells you have to make one in the Itemshop and sell it. You can only have one spell at a time right now though.. maybe he will fix that in a future version.

Mijae 12-08-2002 06:38 PM

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